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Tacked Alaskans: Check in (Page 3 of 9)
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Link Posted: 5/17/2005 11:10:43 PM EDT
Welcome Remtac870
Link Posted: 6/11/2005 10:23:43 PM EDT
Thought I'd update-

I'm James (Jay). I'm 18, live in North Pole right now. I'll be moving soon in to town (Fairbanks)

Link Posted: 6/12/2005 2:40:20 AM EDT
Glad I got to meet you 20iner, you are pretty learned when it came to guns for 18, it made talking about guns with you a treat as I didn't have to explain anything, you already knew!
Link Posted: 6/12/2005 2:54:18 AM EDT

Originally Posted By AK_Mike:
Glad I got to meet you 20iner, you are pretty learned when it came to guns for 18, it made talking about guns with you a treat as I didn't have to explain anything, you already knew!

Thanks a lot, I have ARFCOM to thank for that.
Link Posted: 6/13/2005 12:18:08 AM EDT
Howdy, Chris here in Juneau -
Link Posted: 7/6/2005 5:01:01 PM EDT
Howdy All!  
I'm new to the forum, I live on the Arctic Sea Coast in a little village called Point Lay.  
I worked for many years as a gunsmith in colorado, and I am now employed as a police officer.
I am having a blast here in Alaska, and plan to be here for a long time.  
Link Posted: 7/15/2005 12:42:46 PM EDT
New to this and Alaska. Relocated last summer from Texas to Ft Rich and was promptly sent to the desert complements of uncle sam. Like to shoot military type stuff and just bought a Rock River before I left. Also will be taking R and R here shortly and need any info on camping/fishing on the Keni peninsula. No combat stuff, just want to relax with the family for a few days. Any info will help.
Link Posted: 7/16/2005 1:47:37 PM EDT

Originally Posted By arcticninja:
New to this and Alaska. Relocated last summer from Texas to Ft Rich and was promptly sent to the desert complements of uncle sam. Like to shoot military type stuff and just bought a Rock River before I left. Also will be taking R and R here shortly and need any info on camping/fishing on the Keni peninsula. No combat stuff, just want to relax with the family for a few days. Any info will help.

Feel free to e-mail me.  I live on the peninsula.  

Welcome back.

Link Posted: 7/24/2005 10:58:54 PM EDT
Just checking in, I'm in Fairbanks Alaska.
My first post, let's see if I can figure it out!
Link Posted: 7/25/2005 12:19:21 AM EDT
Don't forget to check in on the Northern AR15.com Members Directory.

Let's get with the Tannerite!!!  
Link Posted: 7/31/2005 11:45:29 AM EDT

I hope all is going well and that it has not turned cold up there yet.  I might be going back to Barrow for a trial in Aug.  Has the ice moved back in yet, are there any bears about?
Link Posted: 7/31/2005 2:48:01 PM EDT
The name is Tim and live in Juneau. Recently became an AR-15 owner, Anyone that wants to go shooting let me know.
Link Posted: 7/31/2005 5:48:32 PM EDT
I do, but you are 855 miles away, and my guns are 376 miles away.  I'm in Kaktovik and my guns are in Fairbanks.

I always want to go shooting.  Could you meet me halfway?
Link Posted: 9/2/2005 7:03:28 PM EDT
Hiya, Roger in Fairbanks. Old man at 33. h
Interested in WWI/II era guns. Have a Springfield 1903A3.
Link Posted: 9/3/2005 3:45:23 AM EDT
Hi Roger!  Welcome abord.
Link Posted: 9/4/2005 2:47:11 AM EDT

Make sure to list your info in the Northern Section so when we get our poop together we can invite you to shoots

Link Posted: 9/4/2005 12:53:08 PM EDT
Nice to meet you Roger, if you ever end up lost in Juneau let me know and we'll shoot something.
Link Posted: 9/12/2005 4:33:25 AM EDT
Hi, Josh in Sitka. Wish I had strolled into this site before now, been in the AR15 pages mostly but will be back to this site over and over.  Hope it would stops raining so I can enjoy the weather.
Link Posted: 9/14/2005 9:58:03 AM EDT
Hi Josh, hows Sitka doing? Just curious, it's my home town.
Link Posted: 9/23/2005 1:39:02 PM EDT
Hi Timinem
Sitka is wet, no tropical storms and Mt. Edgecumbe is still aleep.
Deer season started with a mad rush on top Verstovia and there are a couple of young bears hanging around Stargavin.
Do you remember how all the streams smelled when the fish started spawning?
Thats what it has been smelling like here, real nice!
Link Posted: 9/25/2005 10:00:12 PM EDT
Dan here from Fairbanks. Mostly interested in WWI/WWII bolt action C&Rs but have recently started getting some semis. Have a AK kit coming in and wouldn't mind hearing from someone local who has any ideas. I've read all the posts about building but never having done one I would not like to have to go through two or three kits before I get it right! Not like we can run the Harbor Freight to get the right tools!
Link Posted: 9/25/2005 11:21:19 PM EDT
The AR kits are surprisingly simple.  Most ordered kits come with the upper already built.  Only a few tools are needed.  The hardest thing is assembling the sights if they are not already done.
Link Posted: 9/26/2005 2:54:24 AM EDT
Looked at some AR kits but don't think I'll be building one anytime soon.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 4:23:19 PM EDT
I've been hanging around for awhile, but haven't checked in here, that I recall. 51 years old, happily married for going on 29 years, been in Alaska since 1958, attending kindergarten and 1st grade in Fairbanks, and the rest of my tenure in Juneau.

Never had any interest in AR-15 rifles 'til my son sent back a picture of himself from "somewhere in the mountains of NE Afghanistan" holding his M16. I decided I wanted one, or at least as close as I could get. Bought my first one, a Bushmaster V-Match 20". I was hooked. I eventually sold that one, and started assembling my own. ARGH! It's a disease. And, since I have the tools now (I'm somewhat a tool junkie), I want to get the most use of them. So, I've taught a couple of AR-15 assembly classes. Just taught one last weekend. Of course, AR15.com gets top billing as a source for information and where to find parts and tools.

Getting cheap ammo here is difficult, so I reload. Got a bucket of .223 brass ready for those long winter nights of reloading.

Link Posted: 10/21/2005 2:29:36 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Alaskanmoosehunter] [#25]
Hi all,

My name is Ben and I've been visiting the AR-15 forum for about a month now.  Seen some sweet rifles!

I'm from Fairbanks and building a Kick-Ass AR is this years winter project.  I have plenty of hunting rifles for moose (AKA: Swamp Donkey).  I decided to make one hell of a lead sled!

Why?  Because it's Alaska and I can!hen.
Link Posted: 10/23/2005 12:00:55 PM EDT
[Last Edit: backblast] [#26]
Hey guys,

Stopping by to say hello.  Been frequenting this area for quite awhile.  At present I am VP of the Alaska Machine Gun Association and have been enjoying the shooting scene since the 70's when I got my first Red Ryder BB gun!

I stop in occasionally to see what is going on but I don't post very much.  (Get tired of putting foot in mouth!)

cya :)

EDIT - BTW I'm Mark
Link Posted: 10/25/2005 2:19:31 AM EDT
I'm from Fairbanks.  Mostly into handguns, or would be if I had money, but I can see getting an AR sometime.  Maybe after I get my full-auto Mac10.

Speakin of which, AKMike, what does getting an NFA and/or Class 3 (not sure how it works, whatever I need for full-auto weapons) entail?  I.e., how long does it take, how much does it cost, etc?

I've already seen some of the prices at impactguns and gunbroker, and christ, those autos gets expensive.
Link Posted: 10/25/2005 11:11:18 PM EDT
Those questions are best answered on the full auto board and reading the NFA primer.  Basically you have to get a tax stamp for each piece of NFA.

1. Find what you want and pay your dealer.  If it is not part of his inventory he will have to get it transfered to him first, then to you.  Some dealers will only charge one or two bills over the price of the item which keeps them in business.  The price on NFA is pretty much set, there won't be much difference between sources unless there is something peculiar about the dealer or item.
2. Once it's in the C3 dealers possession you can start your paperwork which he will provide.  You will need to fill out
 a.  Citizenship form
 b.  Form 4 which must be signed by the local CLEO
    with it you will need to provide
 c.  2 sets of fingerprint cards
 d. Your photograph
 e. A check for $200 to the ATFE

Your local PD will do the signing or if rural then it's the troopers.  Anchorage PD will require you to have a valid CCH permit before they will sign.

Then you send that all in and wait for forever and a day which will usually be a minimum of 90 days on the average, more or less but usually MORE, MUCH MORE these days.

When the paperwork comes back you can go pick up your new toy then drop by my house to impress me by letting me play with it.

As a civilian you may not purchase any MG made after May of 1986 but anything else goes.  You may also file a Form 1 with the rest of the paperwork and build your own Suppressor.  Most NFA including Short Barreled Rifles, Short Barreled Shotguns, suppressors, and MG's are $200 but AOW's (Any other weapons like a shotgun without a stock, pen gun, etc...) are only $5 but it can never have in it's past, present, or future life a stock attached to it.

Once the NFA is registered to you, it must stay in your possession/control but you only have to pay once.  If transfered to another then they will have to pay the tax stamp like you did.

Anchorage, North Pole, Fairbanks, and the troopers are all signing as far as I know as well as most other places.  Be prepared to wait 3-9 months depending, less if you are lucky.  It only costs the price of the item, $200, and whatever the C3 dealer is going to charge to handle the transfer.

Get it NOW.  If you think prices have gone insane and it's stupid to buy at these prices, what a couple or few years and you will think how stupid you were not to get it now because the prices will continue to soar for MG's.  Problem is civilians/non-dealers can only have what is already in country made before May '86 so the supply is fixed and limited for the most part.  Email me if you want to discuss it further or consider becoming a C3 or C2 (I used to be a C3).  There are advantages to being one.  If the CLEO won't sign off then you can form a corporation and get by.
Link Posted: 10/26/2005 3:54:15 AM EDT
Damn, thanks for all the info.  That clears things up quite a bit.

Only real problem for me is money, really.  The cheapest thing one could get (a Mac10 or 11) is still about $3500, so it'd probably cost me about $4000 to land one.  Which is about $4000 more than I have.  Ah well.
Link Posted: 10/27/2005 12:33:10 AM EDT
The names... Rodney

I live in North Pole, and work on Ft Wainwright.

I'm building a AR base on a Ameetec upper and lower.
I'm buying my parts from Bill, down @ Pro Tec on Van Horn.
Best place to buy.henIt's going to be the "shit"  h
The punks that show up at the cushman range from time-to-time...
Needs a good kick in the ass.  hing"We have more fire power" here
C-ya all later.
"take care and love your guns"

Link Posted: 11/9/2005 11:34:53 PM EDT
just arrived in fairbanks.  live by the college.  looking for local shootin spots and hi power info.  weapons: hk tactical, sa micro, rem 870p, dpms 308, dpms 223 carbine, soon to be acquiring 50 beowulf and sako trg 42.  [email protected].
Link Posted: 11/10/2005 12:11:20 AM EDT
I'll be moving to North Pole in December if all goes well.  *At last* I will have some time at home.

Is the Cushman range really as bad as all that?  All I am looking for is a quiet spot at a 200 yard range and sometimes at a 25 yard pistol range.

What ranges is Cushman set up for?
Link Posted: 11/10/2005 4:00:05 AM EDT

Originally Posted By pogo:
I'll be moving to North Pole in December if all goes well.  *At last* I will have some time at home.

Is the Cushman range really as bad as all that?  All I am looking for is a quiet spot at a 200 yard range and sometimes at a 25 yard pistol range.

What ranges is Cushman set up for?

I may be off a little but the rifle range is about 300yards and the pistol 25 yards.  It's pretty cowboy there as there are no rangemasters of enforced rules.  Watch your ass.  Nice thing is you can pretty much do what you want there, and it's free.  It's fairly well maintained.  It gets populated after work hours, filled during weekends, especially just before hunting season.

Join me this next summer and will use some machine guns to detonate gallon jugs of Tannerite.  When I'm "home" in Fairbanks, I'll be at the range pretty much every single day.  If I'm there, it won't be so quiet...
Link Posted: 11/10/2005 4:49:18 PM EDT

Originally Posted By AK_Mike:

Originally Posted By pogo:
I'll be moving to North Pole in December if all goes well.  *At last* I will have some time at home.

Is the Cushman range really as bad as all that?  All I am looking for is a quiet spot at a 200 yard range and sometimes at a 25 yard pistol range.

What ranges is Cushman set up for?

I may be off a little but the rifle range is about 300yards and the pistol 25 yards.  It's pretty cowboy there as there are no rangemasters of enforced rules.  Watch your ass.  Nice thing is you can pretty much do what you want there, and it's free.  It's fairly well maintained.  It gets populated after work hours, filled during weekends, especially just before hunting season.

Join me this next summer and will use some machine guns to detonate gallon jugs of Tannerite.  When I'm "home" in Fairbanks, I'll be at the range pretty much every single day.  If I'm there, it won't be so quiet...

I like going earlier in the mornings....Before all the meth-heads get up.   But ya it can be pretty cowboy there.  You can do, and shoot anything you want there.  Hell, last year there was this guy shooting a fuckin' bowling ball cannon there.  It had to be on of the coolest and craziest things I've ever seen.  BOOOOOM and a 16lbs ball was flying over way, way, way past the 300 yard burm.   Bring a friend though!
Link Posted: 11/15/2005 9:31:43 AM EDT
I am in Anchorage hi all. New to Anchorage not Alaska. I grew up in Fairnanks and worked the last 6 years in Bethel.
Link Posted: 11/20/2005 10:25:46 PM EDT
Hello everyone.  Just moved up from California and I now live in Eagle River.  Nice change of pace up here.  I have picked up a few new pieces since moving and frequent Birchwood about once a week.  I own all handguns right now(h&k usp .40, sig pro 2340, and walther p22), but my buddy in MO is building an ak47 for me right now.  Looking to pick up a patrol bolt .308 if anyone has one they are looking to sell.

Look forward to seeing you guys out at the range.

Link Posted: 12/1/2005 2:10:39 PM EDT

Originally Posted By sh1fty:
I own all handguns right now(h&k usp .40, sig pro 2340, and walther p22), ~Nate

What! No AR?  
Link Posted: 12/4/2005 3:06:48 AM EDT
[Last Edit: sh1fty] [#38]
It is on the list (want to get the pbr first).  Trying to educate myself on them right now....

Link Posted: 12/12/2005 6:20:19 PM EDT
Hey to all: I live in north pole, retired law enforcement,Just piched my 2nd AR its a bushmaster 14.5 2nd one is just as good as the 1st, Working as a bull now. I shoot 3 to 4 times a week always out at cushman or airport ranges. let me know if ya want to go out
Link Posted: 12/15/2005 6:36:15 PM EDT
Hello all. I live on the Kenai Peninsula. In the medical field, I love guns, and shooting them.
Link Posted: 12/15/2005 8:34:49 PM EDT

Originally Posted By sh1fty:
Hello everyone.  Just moved up from California and I now live in Eagle River.  Nice change of pace up here.  I have picked up a few new pieces since moving and frequent Birchwood about once a week.  I own all handguns right now(h&k usp .40, sig pro 2340, and walther p22), but my buddy in MO is building an ak47 for me right now.  Looking to pick up a patrol bolt .308 if anyone has one they are looking to sell.

Look forward to seeing you guys out at the range.


Link Posted: 12/16/2005 1:10:26 AM EDT
Welcome both first time posters and fellow Alaskans.  If you like guns, you are in the right state. sh1fty, you are now free, no more restrictions like you had in Kali.  wcollins, I'm not home yet but I will be in the summer, I'll be interesting in going shooting, EVERY SINGLE DAY - let's hook up.  If you drop by the Cushman range in the afternoon when I am home, chances are I'll be there.
Link Posted: 12/23/2005 2:32:05 AM EDT
i have not been to this site in a long time ;hello,
my name is lars and im 50 in jan; live in juneau alaska,born and raised alaskan. i finally got me a .50 beowulf and its a nice package; gonna need more ammo soon ah winters almost here.im into hunting and fishing,casual like not going anywhere in a hurry.my favorite hunting area is on admiralty at young bay ;some time i get to go to dotties cove.At this time im caring for my two grand kids 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 b/g--still with the same wife 29 yrs coming up and working on more .
well see if this is of any use ,heres to hearing from ya.

[email protected]
Link Posted: 12/23/2005 3:44:56 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Alaskanmoosehunter:
Hi all,

My name is Ben and I've been visiting the AR-15 forum for about a month now.  Seen some sweet rifles!

I'm from Fairbanks and building a Kick-Ass AR is this years winter project.  I have plenty of hunting rifles for moose (AKA: Swamp Donkey).  I decided to make one hell of a lead sled!

Why?  Because it's Alaska and I can! Plus I need some back-up when every once and awhile when stupid punks show up to Cushman Range acting stupid.

Simple fix

1 30 cal or bigger rifle loaded with very very slow burning powder and the most obnixous muzzle brake possible.  In my case the Armalite AR30 brake

Simply park next to them, smile rip one off.  
Look at them and smile.  Say something to the effect of "I love this brake, no kick at all, how's the muzzle blast?"
Link Posted: 12/24/2005 6:27:56 AM EDT

Originally Posted By uafgrad:

Originally Posted By Alaskanmoosehunter:
Hi all,

My name is Ben and I've been visiting the AR-15 forum for about a month now.  Seen some sweet rifles!

I'm from Fairbanks and building a Kick-Ass AR is this years winter project.  I have plenty of hunting rifles for moose (AKA: Swamp Donkey).  I decided to make one hell of a lead sled!

Why?  Because it's Alaska and I can! Plus I need some back-up when every once and awhile when stupid punks show up to Cushman Range acting stupid.

Simple fix

1 30 cal or bigger rifle loaded with very very slow burning powder and the most obnixous muzzle brake possible.  In my case the Armalite AR30 brake

Simply park next to them, smile rip one off.  
Look at them and smile.  Say something to the effect of "I love this brake, no kick at all, how's the muzzle blast?

I can't wait to try out the AR50 for just that reason. I think im setting a record...i've had it for 2 months and still haven't shot it! It makes me sick thinking about it
Link Posted: 12/28/2005 3:22:59 AM EDT
Hey dudes, I'm here on Eielson. Been going to cushman range for three years and I'm still alive! I been checking AR15.com for two and finally joined. Hopefully I will run into some of you guys at cushman.
Link Posted: 12/29/2005 8:29:47 AM EDT

Originally Posted By mopeman440:
Hey dudes, I'm here on Eielson. Been going to cushman range for three years and I'm still alive! I been checking AR15.com for two and finally joined. Hopefully I will run into some of you guys at cushman.

Where do you work? I work down at F-16 phase. Been here for 4 years in June.
Link Posted: 12/31/2005 7:38:30 AM EDT

Originally Posted By sledhead907:
I can't wait to try out the AR50 for just that reason. I think im setting a record...i've had it for 2 months and still haven't shot it! It makes me sick thinking about it

I've got that beat, new Barrett M82A1 for 5+ years, unfired.  Actually, 85% of my guns unfired out of about 180 now.  Sold some, never even fired those though I got to fire some via the new owners.
Link Posted: 1/6/2006 7:00:05 PM EDT
Hello all, I'm Kev down in Ketchikan. Looks like I'm the only guy down here in ketchikan.
I frequent the survival forum mostly trying to keep abreast of wilderness survival techniques ( as opposed to alien, UN,  BATF, Chinese, or etc. invasion )

Link Posted: 1/7/2006 11:08:27 PM EDT
Welcome Kev,

The survival forum is very appropriate for us Alaskans as this is a state where it's not just an option, it may very well be required for your lifestyle.  It's also an awesome forum.
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