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Link Posted: 2/3/2009 11:40:31 AM EDT



If it got uncomfortable, a swift quiet kick to the balls may be all that's needed.

A number of you have mentioned that you would use hand-to-hand (or foot-to-nuts!) force like this.

I don't mean this to be offensive, so don't read anything into it . . . but I find it interesting that you are so confident in your ability to win in a situation like this, especially with the possible consequences given that you are carrying a loaded sidearm.  If you get into a fistfight, and lose, the bad guy will have your gun.

I personally don't have much experience with fighting, so I think I'd have two choices if he kept approaching:

1) Get the hell out of there; or

2) Use the gun, whether to intimidate or to shoot (yeah, lots of legal tidbits to consider).

Getting into a fistfight with a whackjob, with a loaded weapon that he might take from me, doesn't seem like it should ever be an option.

My martial arts sensei (Aikido) had the most profound logic for this.

1.  Watch

2.  Make ready

3.  If possible to safely disengage (meaning, get away), do it.

4.  Be Aware.

5.  If all else fails, don't get stabbed.

Now, that may seem like I'm kidding, but think about each step, what they mean and what they mean to you.

Now, I'm fairly confident that I don't know what I'd do, because if you have to think about what you're doing in a hand-to-hand fight, you've already lost.

That being said, having been jumped on the street and putting the guy down before he finished his first punch, I do feel ok with myself to at least defend myself long enough to disengage, withdraw or create another option.

Link Posted: 2/3/2009 11:56:28 AM EDT
I wait for him to come within arms reach and then hit him with a morote gari or floor his ass with an osoto gar.  If he draws a knife he's getting a wristlock then thrown on his can.

"Grab my wrist. My other wrist! With your other wrist!!"

The 45degree blade "Disengage! Disengage" comment had me laughing.
Link Posted: 2/3/2009 6:46:29 PM EDT
This happened to me.  

I told this story in GD once upon a time, but the short version is, I was CCWing and with 3 friends, all of us college seniors.

We were in Atlanta about 9pm at a BP and this really shady looking redneck guy kept eying us while he looked at the knives in a cabinet nearby.

As we were getting into the car to leave, he approached us, which meant he was also going toward the door of the gas station.  He had his elbow bent at a 90 degree angle and holding something in his hand about waist height.  We hurried to get into the car before he really closed the distance, but as we got in, he made eye contact with one of the guys and said "If I ever see you again I'll show you how it works."

Pretty sure he had a knife in his hand that he bought while we were doing other stuff in the gas station.

As we were leaving, the other guy in the group asked, "Dude, did he just threaten your life?"  The girl, who was driving, looked over her shoulder at them and said, "Don't worry, Greenfeet would have protected you."  She was the only one who knew I was carrying.

So in answer to your question, no probably not.  Gun doesn't come out until it's time to use it, and that's not until someone is in serious danger.
Link Posted: 2/4/2009 2:25:37 PM EDT
Just ask them as I have done in the past " Do you believe in Jesus?"  No matter his reply, which has been yes twice to me, you answer "Is today the day you want to meet him?"  They get the hint real quick.  Used both times in the ghetto of Miami, both literally ran as I put my hand behind my back.
Link Posted: 2/5/2009 2:53:41 PM EDT
Anybody approaching me alone at night (when they are obviously heading towards ME, not just walking by on the sidewalk) is going to get verbally challenged at the furthest distance I think they can hear me. The sooner I can determine their intentions the better. And agreed, move offline to pick up partners approaching from the rear.

I verbally challenged a guy who approached me in a parking lot after I had observed him hassling other patrons who had left the store. As soon as he noticed me coming out and took one step my way I gave him the fence + "Can't help you" with intensity that made him actually retreat a step and yes he was still about 20 yards away. Both of us knew what he was up to, I just let him know it wasn't going to fly with me. If he had continued his advance I would have had ample time to verbally escalate and prepare. If you wait to verbally challenge someone until they are 15, 10 yards away you don't leave yourself much room.

Only thing I did wrong was not checking 6. I was between two parked cars. I'm a pretty big guy and he was a pretty small guy, that probably helped.

Link Posted: 2/8/2009 4:40:45 AM EDT
I actually had a very similar situation at 3:00 am, in June of 2007, in a gas station parking lot in Tyler, Texas. ...

I unholstered my CCW piece, pointed it downward in front of me, and repeated my request for him to "fuck off".  This time he did what I said.

Maybe I should have handled it differently...  hindsight is 20/20.

- AG

I would have done the same thing.  A bad situation where you could be killed so it is a draw down for me, too.  I would be scared for my life under those conditions.

Link Posted: 2/9/2009 1:50:09 PM EDT
as some of the responders here have mentioned ... size matters. so does awareness. i have passed up gas stations when it looked like i might be in the minority - have money, a working car, a job, and not have 20 of my closest friends around with me.

i have noticed several potential attackers eye me up and kind of decide they would wait for a smaller, less muscular looking individual. that being said, i'm also pretty fast and conditioned ... i doubt they could out run me after 200 yards.

if i was in the OP position, retreat would have been my first option, "it washes itself with the hose" would be a close second. that shit hurts, especially in the eyes, and have you seen how far a gas pump can spray ? try a $1 spray sometime when no one is looking.
Link Posted: 2/10/2009 5:43:57 AM EDT
I had a similar situation at a 7/11 late at night in my neighborhood. My Town is pretty low crime and obedient, but we have a near by ghetto apartment complex that rings in the BG's. About 2:30am I walk out of the 7/11 and am greeted by two Latino heritage men. One was a very small guy, probably 5' 5" 120lb and his buddy was pretty built, I'd say about 6'2" 280lb. Both were extremely hopped up on something. Judging by their clothing and cleanliness I'd probably assume a cheap drug, more than likely Meth. As I walk out of the store the little one greets me and asks me for some spare money. I politely informed him I didn't have any cash and resume walking to my vehicle. He then states that he saw me use a credit card and asked if I could pull money for him from the ATM.....The red flag went off. Since he stated he saw me use a credit card, he was obviously watching me closely, most likely with ill-intent. I proceed to my car and keep a close eye on the little guy following me, his larger buddy was still standing by the 7/11 door. As I open my car door and begin to get in the little guy proceeds to approach my car and grabs the door, not allowing me to close it. I get back out of my car, keeping the door between us and I tell him to step back and remove his hands from my vehicle in a very stern voice. At this point his larger buddy started walking towards us and was circling around the opposite side of the car and that is when I felt it necessary and  brushed my jacket back and placed my hand on my CCW piece and reiterated my commands to step back and stand in front of my car. I believe the motion of brushing my jacket back and reaching to my side was well noted by both the guys and they obeyed. I got in my vehicle and drove around to the opposite side of the parking lot and waited for them to get in their car and I recorded their Plate Number.

A very adrenaline pumping situation. These guy's did not show any weapons but being two of them, their demeanor, proximity, invasion of my personal space and restriction of my will to get into my vehicle was enough to make me in fear of my life and/or severe bodily harm and I felt justified to use appropriate force if they did not obey my commands (which thank God they did).

Each situation is different. I have been approached by many people in the middle of the night in my lifetime. Some are completely harmless bums looking for some spare change/the time/a ride etc, and some are not so harmless. The best practice is to be aware of your surroundings, and try at all times to separate yourself from the situation and/or put a barrier between you and the suspect, I find that a barrier is the best way to go because it reveals how persistent/dangerous the suspect is or may get, if they remove the barrier or follow you around it or simply resist your barrier (such as not allowing me to close my car door) you pretty much know right then and there that the person is not a friendly one and necessary action should be planned and ready.
Link Posted: 2/10/2009 5:48:32 PM EDT
stop pumping gas and drive away, while keeping my hand on my CCW just in case

or is that not the answer you were looking for?

+1  If he is 50 yards away and walks to 25 yards and I'm that uncomfortable, I'm putting a hand on my CCW as I hang up the hose, get in my car and drive away (scanning and being aware of what is going on around me is a given). He would have to rush me or show a weapon for me to draw.
Link Posted: 2/11/2009 6:04:52 AM EDT
as some of the responders here have mentioned ... size matters. so does awareness. i have passed up gas stations when it looked like i might be in the minority - have money, a working car, a job, and not have 20 of my closest friends around with me.

i have noticed several potential attackers eye me up and kind of decide they would wait for a smaller, less muscular looking individual. that being said, i'm also pretty fast and conditioned ... i doubt they could out run me after 200 yards.

if i was in the OP position, retreat would have been my first option, "it washes itself with the hose" would be a close second. that shit hurts, especially in the eyes, and have you seen how far a gas pump can spray ? try a $1 spray sometime when no one is looking.

We really need to discuss your self esteem issues.
Link Posted: 2/12/2009 10:38:27 AM EDT
a few things, one, everyone will react diff.––both on the internet and in real life

first off, i would descretely draw and keep my firearm in a covert carry method  by the time he started walking towards me; if not possible, my hand would already be descretely positioned for a draw

where are his hands?

2nd, i would not shoot or present a weapon UNTIL there is a presence of some intention, ability, and opportunity of him using deadly force/having harmful intent...so far, in your senario, you have a retard, who may be deaf, that has no weapons present, no threating motions or verbal (threat) intentions walking in your direction––hell, you really cant justify that he IS heading towards you (for all you know, after you told him you dont have the time, he might just be walking past you to the gas station/etc)

retreating in a cautious (gun at covert ready) and decisive and aggressive way would be my goal––put the car, the pump, car door, etc physically between me and his path, but still keep my eyes on him and his hands....it doesnt matter if the state you are in, or if you "have no duty to retreat"
there is nothing wrong with retreating in this situation (yet)––no need to escalate a situation that may be nothing, no reason to show your hand before otherwise

you can "stand your ground" if you want, but its stupid to do so if you can walk/drive away; some things are worth killing/going to prison for...DRTing some dude on a stroll at a gas station looking for the time probably isnt one of em

that said, if the BG is already the distance to your vehicle and making no intentions of going anywhere but towards you...full verbal challenges (STOP!)
where are his hands? where is your gun?

if he makes a CLEAR intention of bodily harm towards you, such as closing withing the premese of your vehicle (hands in pocket or weapons in hand, etc) and does not respond to the verbal challenges...FIGHT and DRT

PS: mace/non-lethal methods might be a better call to have in your other hand if he still does not have any weapons, present any other intentions, etc, but still is walking within your personal space


What alphaghost said except:

Don't tunnel vision though, threat scan for his buddies.   If they are around it may very well be go time.
Link Posted: 2/18/2009 10:00:55 AM EDT
as some of the responders here have mentioned ... size matters. so does awareness. i have passed up gas stations when it looked like i might be in the minority - have money, a working car, a job, and not have 20 of my closest friends around with me.

i have noticed several potential attackers eye me up and kind of decide they would wait for a smaller, less muscular looking individual. that being said, i'm also pretty fast and conditioned ... i doubt they could out run me after 200 yards.

if i was in the OP position, retreat would have been my first option, "it washes itself with the hose" would be a close second. that shit hurts, especially in the eyes, and have you seen how far a gas pump can spray ? try a $1 spray sometime when no one is looking.

I think I just might try that.
Link Posted: 2/18/2009 11:32:19 AM EDT
You are all wrong.

You have demonstrated 'tunnel vision' throughout this situation. In this case, IF he means harm, he's likely being the DECOY while his pals discretely circle behind you.

I had a similar situation once. I just re-holstered the gas nozzle, got in my car and drove away. I passed one of his buds giving me the open-handed "WTF" look. I hadn't even seen him!*

Having a gun doesn't make you omnipotent... in fact, it causes you to behave with FAR MORE restraint that you would otherwise. YOU must take the moral 'high ground.'

*This happened before I moved to a gun-friendly state.


+10 ^ this
Be aware of your suroundings.

Link Posted: 2/21/2009 9:19:34 AM EDT

Spray gas on his bitch ass.

I've observed people feel uncomfortable with the prospect of being set on fire.
I'm not really sure you'd be justified shooting someone for walking toward you, no matter how many times you warn them.

Link Posted: 2/21/2009 1:31:08 PM EDT
now that i am getting older ,old,aged. i make sure i keep my gas tank at least 1/4 full and only fill during day .also dont shop at night .having said that having a keep your head out of your ass attitude is in order 24/7 and if you bother to get a carry permit ,,carry it .it dont do any good home in the drawer. i tried tried to carry 15 diferent  wepons till i found one i allways carry.
Link Posted: 2/21/2009 7:28:22 PM EDT
I’ve experienced this scenario on 2 occasions. I quickly checked my 6, advanced two steps towards the dirtbag, motioned with my hand for him to stop, and forcefully suggested it would not be a good idea to come any closer. Didn’t even come close to clearing Kydex. End of story.
Link Posted: 2/22/2009 10:08:01 AM EDT
A similar situation happened to me no long ago.
Gas Station, 2am I was just gettign off work. While I was pumping gas, this guy was checking me out, circled my truck a couple of times, met up with his Homie, they both eyeballed me.
By this time, I kept my six covered with the back of the truck at the cab so I couldn't be ambushed from behind, the second guy broke off as if he was going in the quicky mart, while his buddy was closing in on me, I noticed in my periferal vision the second guy was making his was back to flank me.
I was carring, I didn't whip out my gun, they didn't appear to have a gun or weapon on them, but they did out number me, and out sized me.
I kept my back to my truck, and I went from Concealed Carry to open carry in a mere moment, I wasn't menacing, I wasn't muzzle flashing, I simply exposed my holstered gun (HK USP 45), and the only thing said to them was Wassup?
He looked at me, then my gun, and back at me...I gave him a smile...and he signaled to his friend to leave.
I think it is reasonable to stay on your A game 24/7, always have a plan , and a back up, and a back up to the back up.
I didn't pull my gun, I didn't threaten them in anyway, I actually tried to be friendly in saying Wassup. I was pretty confident they were not going to call the LEO's on me, no one else was around from what I can tell. So I wouldn't have frightened them.
But In Colorado, you can Open Carry pretty much everywhere...It is not suggested...But legally I can open carry. So going from concealed carry to Open Carry let them know that any Mal Intention would result in me drawing on them. I stayed friendly because until their intent is reasonably clear I didn't want to be charged.
Link Posted: 2/23/2009 11:09:02 AM EDT
Move to place your vehicle between you. Circle all night to stay away from him unless he escelates the situation with a weapon. You might look silly or feel stupid "running" from this clown but it sure as hell beats going to jail

Link Posted: 2/24/2009 9:13:35 AM EDT
Reach inside my car and pull the mace. If he gets within 10 yards, blind him with my flashlight. if he keeps coming at 5 yards mace him. if no visible weapon, no shot. I can mace him, but im not shooting without a weapon or a group of thugs coming at me in an aggressive manner.

+1 on flashlight

Having grown up in an area with punk kids that harrass you at all times of the night;  i've had my fair share of confrontations.  one night  a subject got out of his vehicle and started towards me (10yds).  verbal commands and a flash light to the eyes and weapon holstered but ready to draw.  This was quite effective.
Link Posted: 3/30/2009 12:37:18 AM EDT
I actually had a very similar situation at 3:00 am, in June of 2007, in a gas station parking lot in Tyler, Texas.  I was leaving the convenience store, walking toward my car at the pump...

A stranger from across the parking lot yelled at me for a ride, and that he would pay me.  I said "no thanks" and kept walking toward my car.

He kept approaching, still asking for a ride.  I at this point stopped (still 20+ feet from my car) and said, "I said NO, now fuck off..."

He replied that I needn't be like that, and what about I just give him $20... (a second ago he was gonna pay me ).  At this point, he was about 15 feet away.

I unholstered my CCW piece, pointed it downward in front of me, and repeated my request for him to "fuck off".  This time he did what I said.

Maybe I should have handled it differently...  hindsight is 20/20.

- AG

After he said give me $20 I would have said " Oh you want 20 dollars from me?? Suuuure... (quickly pulls out Glock 30) Do you accept LEAD MotherF*cker!"
and if he said yes I'm thinking a mag and a half of Winchester supreme elite 230gr JHP would amount to about that

Link Posted: 3/30/2009 2:18:30 AM EDT
1. Replace gas nozzle

2. Get in car

3. Lock Doors

4. Start Car

5. Drive Away

Side Note: Step 1 is not required, just ask my mom who has started driving away without replacing the nozzle.
Link Posted: 3/30/2009 2:37:50 AM EDT
ooooh creativity. I like it. like I have said in the past, it's a bad idea to take a gun to a fist fight. but this is good
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