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Posted: 1/10/2024 1:35:11 PM EDT
Do we have any active players here?

Never in my life have I exclusively played just one game for so long but I've logged way too much time on this game over the past three years or so and have nearly 300 ships now.

What are your favorite ships? I have my most reliable games in the Benham, Nelson and Georgia.
Link Posted: 1/10/2024 3:58:01 PM EDT
I play it every now and then when I cant sleep (and I don't mean that in a negative way).

It's a really fun game.

I have almost made it to the Iowa / Bismark class of ships..
Link Posted: 1/10/2024 4:09:43 PM EDT
Like playing it because you have to use some tactics against some other players. Love playing the small boats and getting a good ambush attack going. Usually ends up with me being sunk but wth.....back to port.
Link Posted: 1/14/2024 9:40:27 AM EDT
I love playing the tier 3 destroyers.
V170 I have the most time played.

I mostly run destroyers and cruisers. But have a wide mix of battle ships as well.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 4:45:06 PM EDT
I play the PC version if anyone here does would love to div up…

Have 300 ships maybe 45ish tier 10’s

Link Posted: 1/23/2024 9:27:08 PM EDT
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I love playing the tier 3 destroyers.
V170 I have the most time played.
I mostly run destroyers and cruisers. But have a wide mix of battle ships as well.
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What's the difference between WOWS Legends and regular WOWS?

I love the V170 in regular WOWS. So much fun to trick it out and charge a BB head on and splatter it with torps head on.
Link Posted: 1/23/2024 11:48:59 PM EDT
I've never played. Played world of tanks for a long time. Got sick of the pay to win .  Is WOW the same?
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 8:53:37 AM EDT
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What's the difference between WOWS Legends and regular WOWS?

I love the V170 in regular WOWS. So much fun to trick it out and charge a BB head on and splatter it with torps head on.
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Lot of the low tier destroyers with lots of torps....the tier 2 or 3 premium Russian one for example is fun as hell.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 8:56:24 AM EDT
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I've never played. Played world of tanks for a long time. Got sick of the pay to win .  Is WOW the same?
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I've never paid for anything really. I did buy 2 premium BBs only because they came with premium days and other goodies.  I think one was 9$ .

WOT got bad...if you didn't drop 50$ on some made up tier 8...you didn't do shit.
Link Posted: 1/24/2024 5:20:52 PM EDT
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I've never played. Played world of tanks for a long time. Got sick of the pay to win .  Is WOW the same?
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I played WOT and it's fun, more thereaputic to just shoot stuff and smash trees, some of the players take it a little too seriously. WOWS is nice because you can play just against bots, with other players on your side, and you don't get flamed as much. In the regular matches, pvp, there's not nearly as much flaming. It's also easier to grind up to tier X.

They recently introduced submarines which is ruining a good game, but overall it's still a good, fun game. And this game isn't nearly as much pay to win. There are some OP ships out there, but you find a ship that matches your playstyle and you can do well. I'm more of a destroyer guy rather than a battleship guy, and I don't care much for cruisers much at all, and I don't care for carriers at all, and I hate Subs. But then you get some hybrid-type ships, like a half-carrier-half-battleship, even a few cruisers or destroyers have aircraft, some large destroyers are very much like a cruiser, and some cruisers (like the German Graf Spee) have battleship guns on them, etc.

Overall a great game!
Link Posted: 2/4/2024 10:32:55 AM EDT
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