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Link Posted: 4/8/2020 5:42:07 PM EDT
Holy fuck, this place is filled with idiots.

Link Posted: 4/8/2020 5:46:17 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By scdigger:

Northern Dynasty Minerals

Do your DD....don't take this as official financial advice...but, if you've got a few dollars to throw around, it's a steal right now with the potential for a big payout....or lose everything.

ETA: Green today, up 17%.
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Pebble Mine? Oh shit...

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 4/14/2020 2:13:42 PM EDT
Automatic alert on my phone, MVIS up 20%
Link Posted: 4/14/2020 3:27:26 PM EDT
MVIS up over 30%
Link Posted: 4/14/2020 3:35:59 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By NunyaBidness:
MVIS up over 30%
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Microsoft just issued their shipping guidance for Hololens II. There are two MVIS LBS projectors in each headset...and MVIS is no longer responsible for manufacturing them, but they are collecting a royalty for each engine roughly equivalent to what they making as the supplier.

"Since we started shipping HoloLens 2 in November 2019, we have delivered tens of thousands of devices to hundreds of enterprise customers. We are now selling to those who have expressed interest on HoloLens.com."

There are varied estimates on perspective commercial sales, but the best estimate is a metric-fuckton.

Critical component supplier to Microsoft
Link Posted: 4/14/2020 3:43:52 PM EDT
Up 50 percent today. OP was a pretty cool guy
Link Posted: 4/14/2020 3:45:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By burnka871:
Up 50 percent today. OP was a pretty cool guy
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Yep, my $100 was well spent..........................................................for now.
Link Posted: 4/14/2020 3:48:29 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Osprey61:

Microsoft just issued their shipping guidance for Hololens II. There are two MVIS LBS projectors in each headset...and MVIS is no longer responsible for manufacturing them, but they are collecting a royalty for each engine roughly equivalent to what they making as the supplier.

"Since we started shipping HoloLens 2 in November 2019, we have delivered tens of thousands of devices to hundreds of enterprise customers. We are now selling to those who have expressed interest on HoloLens.com."

There are varied estimates on perspective commercial sales, but the best estimate is a metric-fuckton.

Critical component supplier to Microsoft
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Was MVIS' ability to produce the component the constraint on production of the device?
Link Posted: 4/14/2020 4:00:25 PM EDT
I figured what the hell, and threw in 100$ the other day too. OP has currently given me the only green line in my positions. Well done sir. Just pennies, but still fun.
Link Posted: 4/14/2020 4:08:31 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Hopscotch:
I figured what the hell, and threw in 100$
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Link Posted: 4/14/2020 4:24:24 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By NunyaBidness:
Was MVIS' ability to produce the component the constraint on production of the device?
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Nope, they aren't built in-house, sub'd out to Taiwan I believe. MVIS has been on shaky financial ground almost forever, they've just never been able to bring a successful product to market, and have diluted repeatedly to stay afloat (and did a reverse split several years ago that cost me a significant amount of money). On the upside, MVIS has zero debt...and an extremely valuable IP portfolio.

Microsoft has struck gold with Hololens II, and needs to lock the projectors and wave guide supply down hard. From my reading, it's the wave guides that have proved problematic to manufacture to tolerance. Microsoft is sitting on $136B in cash, hence the speculation they'll gobble up MVIS, which only has 150M shares outstanding. Somebody bought 50M of those shares two weeks ago in one day of trading without budging the share price. Magic, huh?

There are hundreds of billions of dollars riding on IR/AR, and various contenders for the optical display system. It's been a fierce fight (and there are some very disingenuous posters on the internet fighting it...be particularly cautious of an individual named Karl Guttag, who is widely believed to shill for companies pushing LED engines. Seeking Alpha is a platform for the antagonists as well), and has gone on for a while. Microsoft finally concluded MEMs LBS retinal projection was the only source that overcame all the (many) challenges and offered the best solution, but locked MVIS down under a net of NDAs that did nothing to help their financial position.

Gonna say this one more time, to people looking at today and deciding to risk money - this could just as easily go reverse split - again - as buy out. A reverse split is on the ASM proxy vote right now, to be decided in about 30 days. It will kill what's left of shareholder value if approved. Fun money is fine here, but this is a hugely complex situation...I would not risk hard money on a whim.
Link Posted: 4/14/2020 4:33:25 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Osprey61:

Nope, they aren't built in-house, sub'd out to Taiwan I believe. MVIS has been on shaky financial ground almost forever, they've just never been able to bring a successful product to market, and have diluted repeatedly to stay afloat (and did a reverse split several years ago that cost me a significant amount of money). On the upside, MVIS has zero debt...and an extremely valuable IP portfolio.

Microsoft has struck gold with Hololens II, and needs to lock the projectors and wave guide supply down hard. From my reading, it's the wave guides that have proved problematic to manufacture to tolerance. Microsoft is sitting on $136B in cash, hence the speculation they'll gobble up MVIS, which only has 150M shares outstanding. Somebody bought 50M of those shares two weeks ago in one day of trading without budging the share price. Magic, huh?

There are hundreds of billions of dollars riding on IR/AR, and various contenders for the optical display system. It's been a fierce fight (and there are some very disingenuous posters on the internet fighting it...be particularly cautious of an individual named Karl Guttag, who is widely believed to shill for companies pushing LED engines. Seeking Alpha is a platform for the antagonists as well), and has gone on for a while. Microsoft finally concluded MEMs LBS retinal projection was the only source that overcame all the (many) challenges and offered the best solution, but locked MVIS down under a net of NDAs that did nothing to help their financial position.

Gonna say this one more time, to people looking at today and deciding to risk money - this could just as easily go reverse split - again - as buy out. A reverse split is on the ASM proxy vote right now, to be decided in about 30 days. It will kill what's left of shareholder value if approved. Fun money is fine here, but this is a hugely complex situation...I would not risk hard money on a whim.
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Interesting, I learned a few things. Glad I'm in for a hundo and that's it.
Link Posted: 4/14/2020 4:37:32 PM EDT
Pretty good jump. I could cash out and buy dinner for 2 at one of the fast food take out places from today's gains.
Link Posted: 4/14/2020 4:39:01 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Redarts:
LOL, an arfcom funded pump n dump.
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OP is dumping...lol
Link Posted: 4/14/2020 5:19:03 PM EDT
I put in a limit order for 87 shares.  It may be the right thing to do.
Link Posted: 4/14/2020 6:45:04 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Osprey61] [#16]
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Originally Posted By UmbertoFoster:

OP is dumping...lol
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OP is holding 30K shares at an ASP of .84.

OP would prefer not to lock in a $15.6K loss by dumping, if at all possible, thank you. I've been in Microvision for 14 years now...it's well outside our primary holdings, we treat it like an expensive lottery ticket. It's money we're well aware will probably be lost...if it hits, I'll buy a Porsche...more likely, we'll write it off on our taxes for the next several years.

I wasn't kidding, the stakes are huge and there are multiple highly unscrupulous players involved. The MMs, shorts and hedge funds will kill today's gain in the first hour of trading tomorrow. Been watching them do it for years. Caveat emptor
Link Posted: 4/14/2020 6:51:41 PM EDT
MVIS looks like it has been losing value steadily for more than 5 years.  Long before the beer flu ever came along.
Link Posted: 4/14/2020 7:25:37 PM EDT
My wife started the wire process for 401k account a week ago, when Disney was $85.  Its now $104 I think.  I told her about MVIS when the OP first posted, but it took forever for the banks to work out the wire process.  She bought $100 of MVIS today and made $48 before day's end.  Now she's trying to decide what to do.  The reverse split doesn't sound promising...  I have not yet advised her of my investment adviser fee
Link Posted: 4/14/2020 8:53:37 PM EDT
I owe Osprey61 a beer or two...  today.  Tomorrow, who knows.
Link Posted: 4/14/2020 9:04:40 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Osprey61] [#20]
Not kidding, read my post above. MVIS, more properly the people trading in it, has been reported to the SEC over and over...

Today's gain will evaporate tomorrow. I read the "Starting to think the stock market is gambling" thread to my wife. She literally LOL'd. It's not gambling, it's organized crime.

This is Russian Roulette with five loaded cylinders. It's almost totally killed my belief in the market and the individual investor.
Link Posted: 4/15/2020 8:46:22 AM EDT
Up to .30 now.
Link Posted: 4/15/2020 8:54:55 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Osprey61:
Not kidding, read my post above. MVIS, more properly the people trading in it, has been reported to the SEC over and over...

Today's gain will evaporate tomorrow. I read the "Starting to think the stock market is gambling" thread to my wife. She literally LOL'd. It's not gambling, it's organized crime.

This is Russian Roulette with five loaded cylinders. It's almost totally killed my belief in the market and the individual investor.
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Link Posted: 4/16/2020 5:50:55 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Sirveaux] [#23]
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Originally Posted By Osprey61:

Microsoft just issued their shipping guidance for Hololens II. There are two MVIS LBS projectors in each headset...and MVIS is no longer responsible for manufacturing them, but they are collecting a royalty for each engine roughly equivalent to what they making as the supplier.

"Since we started shipping HoloLens 2 in November 2019, we have delivered tens of thousands of devices to hundreds of enterprise customers. We are now selling to those who have expressed interest on HoloLens.com."

There are varied estimates on perspective commercial sales, but the best estimate is a metric-fuckton.

Critical component supplier to Microsoft
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Originally Posted By Osprey61:
Originally Posted By NunyaBidness:
MVIS up over 30%

Microsoft just issued their shipping guidance for Hololens II. There are two MVIS LBS projectors in each headset...and MVIS is no longer responsible for manufacturing them, but they are collecting a royalty for each engine roughly equivalent to what they making as the supplier.

"Since we started shipping HoloLens 2 in November 2019, we have delivered tens of thousands of devices to hundreds of enterprise customers. We are now selling to those who have expressed interest on HoloLens.com."

There are varied estimates on perspective commercial sales, but the best estimate is a metric-fuckton.

Critical component supplier to Microsoft

Apparently Microsoft just stepped in it with the ad for their Hololens.

Marina Abramovic the spirit cooking witch creep who hangs out with a bunch of other weirdos was apparently a big part of their advertising, because Microsoft.

Instant Regret! Microsoft Ad PULLED After INSANE Backlash! Hololens FAIL

Link Posted: 4/16/2020 2:45:53 PM EDT

What is the latest rumor mongering around the water cooler?

What is the consensus as to who might ultimately acquire the company?
Link Posted: 4/16/2020 3:13:08 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By IceStationZebra:

What is the latest rumor mongering around the water cooler?

What is the consensus as to who might ultimately acquire the company?
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The people you're talking to on Reddit are pretty tuned in, and any number are much more savvy than I am. Many of them are also day traders, btw, and have spent years washing MVIS back and forth. Some of them are carrying 200K+ shares, and watch this like a hawk.

Speaking of which, you're a grown man...I know you got in cheap but your position is making me regret this thread. Please be careful, I lost close to $30K on the first reverse split. Don't believe for a second it can't happen. That board is heavily weighted towards longs, and much of the risk is ignored because the long time investors know how badly you can get burned, and can absorb the loss.

Watch that proxy voting date. If there's no buyout/merger announcement prior to the ASM, you may want to substantially lighten your position.
Link Posted: 4/16/2020 9:28:45 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Osprey61:

The people you're talking to on Reddit are pretty tuned in, and any number are much more savvy than I am. Many of them are also day traders, btw, and have spent years washing MVIS back and forth. Some of them are carrying 200K+ shares, and watch this like a hawk.

Speaking of which, you're a grown man...I know you got in cheap but your position is making me regret this thread. Please be careful, I lost close to $30K on the first reverse split. Don't believe for a second it can't happen. That board is heavily weighted towards longs, and much of the risk is ignored because the long time investors know how badly you can get burned, and can absorb the loss.

Watch that proxy voting date. If there's no buyout/merger announcement prior to the ASM, you may want to substantially lighten your position.
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Thanks for the information....I'm hoping the RS gets voted down.

Tonight on reddit someone posted an informative article about CO's buying up the shares and artificially deflating the price.  

No regrets if it goes south, it goes south.  I believe the CO theory based on watching the volume.  Small ticks up in volume tanks the stock and then huge volumes of trading has no impact on stock price.  Someone in the know is buying.

We will see how it works out or doesn't.
Link Posted: 4/17/2020 12:13:23 PM EDT
[Last Edit: rlltd42] [#27]
I'm having fun with ZOM today, I'm up 60% (on $100 lol)

I could really get into this penny stock stuff but the potential tax headache keeps me from jumping in with both feet.
Link Posted: 4/17/2020 12:35:04 PM EDT
Got 400 shares worth.
Link Posted: 4/21/2020 2:20:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/21/2020 2:41:56 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By NunyaBidness:
Was MVIS' ability to produce the component the constraint on production of the device?
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Microvision made great demos but has never been able to productize their tech. I know one of their original inventors and he told me their stuff always worked great...in a lab.

I wouldn't be holding my breath for Microsoft to buy anything. All indications are Microsoft has already blown their wad on AR and Hololens 2 was probably their last shot.

Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 has become the AR industry’s dullest thud

I doubt a patent fire sale would exceed their $29m market cap. Most of the MEMS patents are from the 90's and are approaching their 25 year life anyway.

Magic Leap has a bunch of similar patents that are already held by a bank for a minimal value. After they burned through $2.6b....

Magic Leap rattles money tin, assigns patents to a megabank
Link Posted: 4/21/2020 4:07:46 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Boatswain:

Microvision made great demos but has never been able to productize their tech. I know one of their original inventors and he told me their stuff always worked great...in a lab.

I wouldn't be holding my breath for Microsoft to buy anything. All indications are Microsoft has already blown their wad on AR and Hololens 2 was probably their last shot.

Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 has become the AR industry’s dullest thud

I doubt a patent fire sale would exceed their $29m market cap. Most of the MEMS patents are from the 90's and are approaching their 25 year life anyway.

Magic Leap has a bunch of similar patents that are already held by a bank for a minimal value. After they burned through $2.6b....

Magic Leap rattles money tin, assigns patents to a megabank
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lol...might want to reread what I wrote earlier in this thread about the billions of dollars at stake, the lengths the competing corporations are going to to gain advantage, and the heavily compensated SMEs weighing in. You did notice that venturebeat.com article was labeled "opinion", right? You might just as well be publishing links to SeekingAlpha for "unbiased research".

Did you miss the article a week ago where Microsoft says they've shipped "tens of thousands of Hololens II to enterprise customers", and all indications point to shortages because they can't make them fast enough?

Hololens II sales expanding availability

On the other hand, you have the US Army pushing ahead hard with IVAS, the .mil spec'd Hololens. This isn't disinformation, they've already let a $960M contract, and it expands significantly in 2021.

"Feedback has been largely positive throughout the second Soldier Touchpoint. The integration of the low light sensors is one of many engineering feats. Other upgrades include the unprecedented overlay of thermal and night vision technology. The impact of the hundreds of adjustments made from STP 1 to STP 2 increased the squad's ability to successfully run a standard five-point land navigation course that would customarily take three hours was completed in just one hour. Soldiers no longer have to stop to reassess antiquated maps or compass points, it is all easily accessible on each Soldier's Heads Up Display (HUD). The increased efficiency has the potential to save time and lives.

Huh, navigate a three hour land nav course in one hour? Low light sensor, thermal and NV in one overlay? Thud, indeed.

Army.mil. Soldier feedback shaping new technologies...
Link Posted: 4/21/2020 4:43:23 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Boatswain] [#32]
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Originally Posted By Osprey61:
might want to reread what I wrote earlier in this thread about the billions of dollars at stake, the lengths the competing corporations are going to to gain advantage, and the heavily compensated SMEs weighing in
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Do you have any actual experience in the XR space? Because I do, and everything you are writing comes straight out of the optimistic press releases from a few years ago.

VC investment in the space declined 35% from 2018 to 2019, and it's shrunk even further since then. All of the XR companies are in a complete slump. Microsoft is continuing with Project B (what you know as Hololens) but at a dramatically reduced burn rate. You don't see Alex keynoted on Microsoft events anymore, wonder why that is?

Have you used Hololens for more than a few minutes? The idea of taking one into battle is pretty absurd. You are correct about one thing though - that huge .mil contract is the only thing that prevented Microsoft from putting a bullet in the entire initiative.

The only other thing keeping XR alive outside of Microsoft .mil contacts and Zuckerbergs lab is the hope for a potential Apple XR device in 2022 or thereabouts. And that's a long shot.

Link Posted: 4/22/2020 2:37:49 PM EDT
If you are wondering why MVIS slipped today - Magic Leap, the only other large AR HMD vendor apart from Microsoft just laid off 50% of their employees.

Magic Leap reportedly slashes 1,000 jobs and steps away from consumer plans
Link Posted: 4/22/2020 2:47:57 PM EDT
Can't be any worse than Chesapeake energy
Link Posted: 4/22/2020 2:56:44 PM EDT
[Last Edit: ugagrad06] [#35]
Originally Posted By Osprey61:
Bored, and want to live dangerously?

Company I've been in for 14 years is in it's death throes...got pounded by the 'Rona. They own a wall of patents on MEMS laser projection and LIDAR, and just signed an agreement with MSFT last week to transfer manufacture of the light engine in Hololens II to a royalty agreement. The next day 50M shares traded...and there are only 150M shares total for the company. Looks now like they were cleaning up for a sale/merger because...

..."MVIS-Today announced it has retained investment banking firm Craig-Hallum Capital Group LLC to serve as its financial advisor as it explores various licensing and other strategic alternatives, including a potential sale or merger of the company."

Selling this morning at .22 to .23 a share. Speculation is rampant about what a sale would bring, because potential suitors include MSFT, Apple, STM, Sony and others. Read this thread carefully to see what's going on!...and don't gamble money you can't afford to lose. A reverse-split is also still  on the table, and those almost always destroy shareholder value*.

ETA: *"destroy shareholder value" is a euphemism for "individual investor loses his shirt".

MVIS retains Craig Hallum

Full disclosure: I hold 30K shares at an .84 ASP. If they sell for a buck a share I make beer money. If it goes for $5 I make Porsche money. Point is, at .23 right now a buck sale will be a three bagger...
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sweet sweet muffy.

what a petulant bitch.

I own WAY TOO MUCH and at too high of an ACB.  Would love to see a buyout before r/s and dilution.  Interesting seeing them pick up CH to represent them for potential buyers.  

Anything over 1$ makes me super happy.  5$ means i'm going on a LONG vacation

eta: .84 ACB
Link Posted: 4/22/2020 3:39:01 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Osprey61] [#36]
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Originally Posted By Boatswain:
If you are wondering why MVIS slipped today - Magic Leap, the only other large AR HMD vendor apart from Microsoft just laid off 50% of their employees.

Magic Leap reportedly slashes 1,000 jobs and steps away from consumer plans
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@Boatswain, sorry so long replying. I don't disagree with you on the industry outlook as a whole, there is significant retrenchment taking place, but then again, how many industries aren't pulling back into survival mode right now?

ML got themselves into trouble writing checks they were nowhere near being able to cash. Remember the whale floating in the high school gym? It all looked incredibly fantastical and just within reach, when the truth was they were selling an ill-defined prospectus with no good grasp of the tech hurdles it entailed. Microvision set the tone for that fiasco themselves when they got into trouble for several years promising diode green lasers were just around the corner, too.

Just out of curiosity, are you affiliated with Apple? No offense intended, but this " Zuckerbergs lab is the hope for a potential Apple XR device in 2022 or thereabouts. And that's a long shot" from you, and this "HoloLens 2 seems to be on the same autopilot-guided course as so many prior Microsoft hardware products — destined to be modestly adopted and then forgotten once Apple and others show up with more thoughtfully designed solutions." from the Dull Thud article you linked to are subtle, but unmistakable pointers. I've been in this too long not to recognize the partisans.

Two other events/factors go into this mix...the NASDAQ (and DOW) are working de-listing extensions for a number of companies hanging on by their fingertips. That could very conceivably take the R/S off that table for several months, giving MVIS the time it needs to finalize a couple of deals. Summit, the new MVIS CEO, believes they may have both a contract extension from Microsoft and a possible LIDAR customer lined up early 2Q20. And that's actually the second factor...Microvision lists five verticals (interactive display, AR/VR, consumer LIDAR, automotive LIDAR and display only - believe that's accurate, quoting off the top of my head), not simply XR. The smart speaker interactive display contract (believed to be) with Amazon was postponed, not cancelled. Not shilling...I've stopped being optimistic, at this point it's something closer to morbid curiosity for me.

Again, and for the last time, I wasn't encouraging anyone to invest in MVIS. They had just announced hiring an intermediary to explore a sale or merger. That's often a precursor to a deal waiting a signature. This was meant to be a COVID-boredom flutter for anyone that wanted to risk some beer money on that outcome...nothing more.
Link Posted: 4/22/2020 3:47:37 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By smullen:
Its all good, I took it at just that and bought a few shares to see where it would go.

Good luck.  
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I can add it to a TC2000 list for free.
Link Posted: 4/22/2020 4:12:41 PM EDT
MicroVision Inc (MVIS:NASDAQ)

Revenue 8.9M    
P/E -0.94          
EBITDA -26.68    
Gross Margin 3.62%
ROE -37,832.86%
Net Margin -298.03%
Debt To Equity 1.31%

Link Posted: 4/22/2020 5:33:21 PM EDT
MVIS just announced they got a two-year, $1.5M PPP loan at .98% from Uncle Sugar. No payment for the first six months, though interest accrues.

They did a 60% workforce reduction a few weeks ago, this will keep the lights on. Life in the old girl yet...
Link Posted: 4/22/2020 7:22:55 PM EDT
That explains the 6 cent bump at close.
Link Posted: 4/22/2020 9:22:12 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Osprey61:

@Boatswain, sorry so long replying. I don't disagree with you on the industry outlook as a whole, there is significant retrenchment taking place, but then again, how many industries aren't pulling back into survival mode right now?

ML got themselves into trouble writing checks they were nowhere near being able to cash. Remember the whale floating in the high school gym? It all looked incredibly fantastical and just within reach, when the truth was they were selling an ill-defined prospectus with no good grasp of the tech hurdles it entailed. Microvision set the tone for that fiasco themselves when they got into trouble for several years promising diode green lasers were just around the corner, too.

Just out of curiosity, are you affiliated with Apple? No offense intended, but this " Zuckerbergs lab is the hope for a potential Apple XR device in 2022 or thereabouts. And that's a long shot" from you, and this "HoloLens 2 seems to be on the same autopilot-guided course as so many prior Microsoft hardware products — destined to be modestly adopted and then forgotten once Apple and others show up with more thoughtfully designed solutions." from the Dull Thud article you linked to are subtle, but unmistakable pointers. I've been in this too long not to recognize the partisans.

Again, and for the last time, I wasn't encouraging anyone to invest in MVIS. They had just announced hiring an intermediary to explore a sale or merger. That's often a precursor to a deal waiting a signature. This was meant to be a COVID-boredom flutter for anyone that wanted to risk some beer money on that outcome...nothing more.
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Fair enough, you did say it was a throw of the dice. I just have too much experience with the industry and also penny stocks to ignore a post like this.

Agree 100% that ML was destined to fail. They made a lot of big marketing and technical claims and then delivered a barely Hololens level device. That damn whale was exhibit 101 of their arrogance.

I don't work for Apple but several of my former colleagues went there and I think an XR product from Apple is years away at best. And Apple are known to cancel products on a whim if it doesn't push the envelope.

The Craig-Hallum banker appointment doesn't mean much, it's probably on contingency. They aren't a tech banker AFAIK - wrong location and look at their past deals and there isn't a single big tech logo in there. Realistically most of the smaller FANG patent deals happen without bankers in my experience.

This is what a real tech banker tombstone page looks like: http://www.qatalyst.com/index.php/q-deals2
Link Posted: 4/22/2020 9:34:48 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Osprey61:
MVIS just announced they got a two-year, $1.5M PPP loan at .98% from Uncle Sugar. No payment for the first six months, though interest accrues.

They did a 60% workforce reduction a few weeks ago, this will keep the lights on. Life in the old girl yet...
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I think 70% can be forgiven if used for payroll and other approved uses.

The nasdaq delisting extension also helps.  I just simply do not see how a buyout or significant licensing agreement isn't in the works.

I had some money to tinker with.  I will probably pull the amounts in my post tax brokerage account if it reaches 50 and leave the rest in my IRA for the home run.  

Acb: .234

We will see what this pony does.  One of these days I will be in the right place at the right time.
Link Posted: 4/22/2020 10:17:10 PM EDT
OK, I just signed up for an account to play with. Never really into anything like investing. I think we have a sub-forum...
Link Posted: 4/22/2020 10:40:31 PM EDT
Is this a Verge crypto thread 😜
Link Posted: 4/22/2020 10:43:41 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By dropbass:
Is this a Verge crypto thread 😜
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Pfft. We only hodl doge coin round these parts.
Link Posted: 4/22/2020 10:44:59 PM EDT
[Last Edit: raven] [#46]
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Originally Posted By Osprey61:

Pebble Mine? Oh shit...

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Originally Posted By Osprey61:
Originally Posted By scdigger:

Northern Dynasty Minerals

Do your DD....don't take this as official financial advice...but, if you've got a few dollars to throw around, it's a steal right now with the potential for a big payout....or lose everything.

ETA: Green today, up 17%.

Pebble Mine? Oh shit...

That gold isn't going to mine itself. Especially for Alaska when oil is literally worthless and gold's price triples or quadruples in value.
Link Posted: 4/22/2020 11:12:35 PM EDT
Alright. So the CARE loan gets us through to September with on hand cash and reduced cash burn.

This loan is the equivalent (according to ben as referenced earlier) to issuing 6.7MM shares at current prices. (Shamelessly steaming from our Reddit board).

Guys. This is a company I believe in. Incredible tech. But I lost 17,000 in less than 2 minutes in after hours trading due to the interactive speaker cancelation.

Do NOT put money in you are not ok with losing.

R/S authorization is still on the docket for ASM.

Incredible opportunity but ungodly risk.
Link Posted: 4/22/2020 11:35:27 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ugagrad06:
Alright. So the CARE loan gets us through to September with on hand cash and reduced cash burn.

This loan is the equivalent (according to ben as referenced earlier) to issuing 6.7MM shares at current prices. (Shamelessly steaming from our Reddit board).

Guys. This is a company I believe in. Incredible tech. But I lost 17,000 in less than 2 minutes in after hours trading due to the interactive speaker cancelation.

Do NOT put money in you are not ok with losing.

R/S authorization is still on the docket for ASM.

Incredible opportunity but ungodly risk.
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What is ASM?
Link Posted: 4/23/2020 12:11:01 AM EDT
[Last Edit: ugagrad06] [#49]
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Originally Posted By IceStationZebra:

What is ASM?
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Sorry. Look at my post count and join date. I lurk here but am very active in investor boards. you fall in to the lingo and acronyms.

ASM is the Annual Share holders Meeting.

We are voting on authorizing a potential reverse split for the stock to regain NASDAQ compliance.
Link Posted: 4/23/2020 9:09:38 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By ugagrad06:

Sorry. Look at my post count and join date. I lurk here but am very active in investor boards. you fall in to the lingo and acronyms.

ASM is the Annual Share holders Meeting.

We are voting on authorizing a potential reverse split for the stock to regain NASDAQ compliance.
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Originally Posted By ugagrad06:
Originally Posted By IceStationZebra:

What is ASM?

Sorry. Look at my post count and join date. I lurk here but am very active in investor boards. you fall in to the lingo and acronyms.

ASM is the Annual Share holders Meeting.

We are voting on authorizing a potential reverse split for the stock to regain NASDAQ compliance.

I'm generally good at figuring those out and should have been able to figure that one out.

Osprey is hedging his bets after his initial post --I think after having his intentions questioned as a pump and dump.  I figure I'm a big boy and no one held a gun to my head, right?  So good or bad, no blame for him.

But what is your take on this company.  What I fear is that they will end up using the Nasdaq extension and bailout loan just to get to the ASM, loot the company more and keep churning hoping that something good comes out of it so they can keep playing C suite.

The tech is good they just need to have C suite leadership that went to the second day (and beyond) of their MBA program .

I don't think this is a pump and dump.

I wonder if management retained Craig just to keep from getting a class action against them for not taking due diligence to evaluate offers that no doubt would result in their ouster.

So what says you?
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