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Posted: 7/1/2021 11:00:24 AM EDT

Traditionalist and conservative America once was the U.S. military’s greatest defender.  

Bipartisan conservatives in Congress ensured generous Pentagon budgets. Statistics of those killed in action, in both Afghanistan and Iraq, reveal that white males, especially those of the rural and middle classes, were demographically “overrepresented” in offering the ultimate sacrifice to their country.  

When generals, active and retired, have become controversial, usually conservative America could be counted on to stick with them.  

Flyover country supported marquee officers such as Gen. Michael Hayden, Gen. James Mattis, Gen. Barry McCaffrey, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Gen. David Petraeus, and a host of others, whether on active duty or in retirement, when the media went after them for alleged unethical conduct, or financial improprieties, or spats with the Obama Administration that prompted resignations, or left-wing accusations of using undue force or even hiding “torture.”  

When the Left railed in Congress about the “revolving door” of generals and admirals leaving the Pentagon to use their past expertise to land lucrative board memberships with corporate defense contractors, Middle America, rightly or wrongly, mostly yawned.  

Yet traditional America also assumed their military leaders were largely apolitical and stayed out of hardball politics. Brilliant World War II commanders—Curtis LeMay, Douglas MacArthur, and George S. Patton—did not fare well when they clumsily waded through the minefields of partisan national politics.  

No longer. The Pentagon’s current and past top echelon is seen as politically weaponized—and both careerist and opportunist. Currently, generals and admirals are scanning enlistments for mythical white supremacists, in terror of left-wing pressures following the January 6 Capitol riot. They have no commensurate concern whether there are Antifa and BLM personnel with records of past violence in the military.

We are learning that much of what was reported about that unfortunate Capitol riot was untrue. There were no “armed” insurrectionists with firearms led by conspiracist kingpins.  

Capitol Officer Brian Sicknick was not “murdered.” He died of natural causes—as did three other Trump supporters. The only violent death was that of an unarmed, female military veteran, shot while entering through a window in the Capitol by a mysteriously unnamed law enforcement officer.

The current tenure of highly decorated General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has proved a veritable train wreck. Under pressure from the Left, last summer he renounced a photo appearance with then-President Donald Trump as unduly politicizing his service.  

OK—but every recent chairman of the Joint Chiefs has appeared routinely with their presidents in photo ops, if sometimes reluctantly.

Milley was timidly reacting to the media hoax that Trump had sicced federal law enforcement on disruptive protesters with tear gas to ensure calm for his photo op. The inspector general of the U.S. Department of the Interior recently exposed that media fable as a complete lie.  

Equally untrue were complaints from Milley and a host of retired top-ranking officers about Trump tyrannically using federal troops in extremis to maintain civic order. Such action has happened repeatedly in our history. Former head of the Joints Chiefs, General Colin Powell, for example, in 1992 was eager to send in the Marines to Los Angeles at the bequest of George H. W. Bush.  

Stranger still, neither Milley nor many of the previously vocal retired top brass objected to the Biden Administration’s militarization of Washington, D.C. after January 6: not a word about miles of barbed wire and fencing; utter silence about the omnipresence of thousands of armed U.S. troops throughout the city. Such mobilization was the very scenario they had earlier claimed posed existential threats to democracy.  

Critical race theory training—the idea that to discriminate on the basis of race is excusable, and indeed necessary, to combat past, present, and future racism—is now becoming institutionalized in the military.

Milley proved again incoherent and paradoxical when pressed about critical race theory in congressional testimony. He bragged that he had read insurrectionary texts such as those of Karl Marx and Mao Zedong to acquaint his open mind with supposed enemies—as if his own inquisitive approach to these subversive authors was analogous to the Pentagon’s favorable recommendations of inflammatory books on critical race theory.

Our top officers, active and retired, reveal inconsistent views on recommended readings, ideological indoctrination, and the use of federal troops during domestic crises. They are similarly selective and partisan in shrill criticism of particular presidents. Some blast political opponents with inflammatory comparisons to the Nazis and fascists.

Deliberately alienating Middle America could not arrive at a worse time. China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea watch in glee at our self-created discord that now threatens to tear apart the most lethal military in the world.  

The military is not yet a revolutionary people’s army overseen by commissars. But it is getting there with politicized agendas that split the country in half—and abandon its traditional role of healing and unity in common purpose to defend America.
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Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:09:48 AM EDT
The millitary is only preparing for a future domestics battle like Nazi brown shits did in 1943.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:15:27 AM EDT
I like VDH.  He puts a lot of thought into his words.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:17:03 AM EDT
The military and law enforcement, both.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:18:15 AM EDT
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The millitary is only preparing for a future domestics battle like Nazi brown shits did in 1943.
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I can tell you have a lot of insight into military affairs.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:18:35 AM EDT
I've never trusted the civilian leadership to use the military responsibly, and that trickles directly down to the GOFOs. Regardless of party.

The overt politics now infesting the military simply adds another facet to this belief.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:19:12 AM EDT
The military leadership is as fucked up as the political leadership in Washington. They're all part of the same club.

Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:20:23 AM EDT
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I like VDH.  He puts a lot of thought into his words.
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Yes I agree & Alan Doshewits (probable misspelled his name)
Thats why you will never see him on CNN/MSNBC
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:23:29 AM EDT
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I like VDH.  He puts a lot of thought into his words.
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He's a nice guy and intelligent yet he believes in the proposition nation bullshit, that we are not a country like others based on shared language, history but on the idea of equality.  Unfortunately, not only is that a unattainable utopia, the road to it is paved in blood.  He's also been one to say that ripping down monuments is a-ok in his book.

Otherwise, I do think he's a likable guy but he's off base on a lot (but not this article)
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:25:21 AM EDT
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The military and law enforcement, both.
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This yes, along with all forms of government at the local,state and federal level.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:25:24 AM EDT
It's more like the other way around. Middle America has lost the military. With the military focusing on being woke, and lgbtqrstuv rights, defending illegitimate office holders, enforcing foreign policy that is not based on the good of the nation. Where is "middle America" on that list? Stay in line or you'll find out, that's where.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:28:27 AM EDT
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I like VDH.  He puts a lot of thought into his words.
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Yes. And he has the source and footnote accuracy of the world class historian that he is.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:32:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:32:37 AM EDT
The progressive left hasn't seen a need for the Military for decades and constantly tried to cut funding and neuter the DOD. Now they've taken a different track and that's use it against the non-believers which will work in their favor but the military will get bitch slapped by the next country or organization that strikes against us. China & Russia knows we're circling the drain and groups like the Taliban are already rebuilding. It will take several years but every one of our enemies knows we're on the edge and eventually someone will step up and give us that final push.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:34:16 AM EDT
Suburban and rural America already know that the military is no longer a “shaper of men” and instead a meat grinder or indoctrination camp.

The only question is what the implications of a military that no longer has the credibility to ask our people to offer the countries most valuable resource (it’s people) to an institution that few trust.

Will the military swing more leftward? Will it reverse course when no one enlists? Will China and other rivals use this opportunity to act?

One thing is for sure, the sons and younger brothers of the people that signed up after 9/11 aren’t falling for the patriotic gimic this time. No one will answer that call, and for good reason.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:34:48 AM EDT
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I can tell you have a lot of insight into military affairs.
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The millitary is only preparing for a future domestics battle like Nazi brown shits did in 1943.

I can tell you have a lot of insight into military affairs.

By all means, enlighten us with your insight into the situation
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:39:02 AM EDT
I don't trust anyone Lt. Col. or above.

They're either leftists or playing their game to get promoted.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:43:51 AM EDT
The military is just a reflection of the country as a whole.

As society crumbles, so will the military.

As society turns its back on traditional American values, so will the military.

There is no turning back. The decline of all great civilizations is inevitable.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 11:46:40 AM EDT
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The military leadership is as fucked up as the political leadership in Washington. They're all part of the same club.

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This. Don’t trust anyone above Lt Col.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 12:34:01 PM EDT
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The millitary is only preparing for a future domestics battle like Nazi brown shits did in 1943.
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The Brown shirts were taken out by the SS at Hitler's orders in 1934; and given all the blame for the Nazi violence up to that point against other German political parties. While their organization technically still existed in 1943, they had lost all power and most of their membership back in 1934.

Here today in America the progressives are setting up the Blacks for the same treatment.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 12:37:40 PM EDT
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The military leadership is as fucked up as the political leadership in Washington. They're all part of the same club.

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That is intentional.

The problem is the promotion of senior officers is not statutory, there is no objective criteria.

It's a totally nepotistic system.
And that trickles all the way down the Officer corps and results in nepotistic billet assignments at the JO level.
You have A, B and C players, and they are identified and the A players groomed very early on.

You can make rank, but not get the right job, making you ineligible for a future job or higher rank.

It's a good ole boys network.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 12:39:20 PM EDT
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I don't trust anyone Lt. Col. or above.

They're either leftists or playing their game to get promoted.
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Except the O-5s who've reached their terminal rank.

There was no more liberating experience than failing to screen for O-6, and remain serving for another 6 years.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 12:48:59 PM EDT
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The Brown shirts antifa were taken out by the SS communists at Hitler's orders President Ocasio-Cortez's orders in 2034; and given all the blame for the Nazi violence up to that point against other German American political parties. While their organization technically still existed in 2023, they had lost all power and most of their membership back in 2034.

Here today in America the progressives are setting up the Blacks conservatives for the same treatment.
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The millitary is only preparing for a future domestics battle like Nazi brown shits did in 1943.

The Brown shirts antifa were taken out by the SS communists at Hitler's orders President Ocasio-Cortez's orders in 2034; and given all the blame for the Nazi violence up to that point against other German American political parties. While their organization technically still existed in 2023, they had lost all power and most of their membership back in 2034.

Here today in America the progressives are setting up the Blacks conservatives for the same treatment.

Played with it a little
The brown shirts were the useful idiots of their time and many of their leaders were jailed or executed once their usefulness ran out. I just can't find any plausible similarities with current events tho...
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 1:06:40 PM EDT
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That is intentional.

The problem is the promotion of senior officers is not statutory, there is no objective criteria.

It's a totally nepotistic system.
And that trickles all the way down the Officer corps and results in nepotistic billet assignments at the JO level.
You have A, B and C players, and they are identified and the A players groomed very early on.

You can make rank, but not get the right job, making you ineligible for a future job or higher rank.

It's a good ole boys network.
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The WPPA strikes again!
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 1:12:51 PM EDT
Well, being an old fart, I have a new understanding of what the top men mean when they say, military deaths are needed to defend our country. More like defending their personal interests imho.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 1:15:31 PM EDT
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The military and law enforcement, both.
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Exactly this.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 1:15:46 PM EDT
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That is intentional.

The problem is the promotion of senior officers is not statutory, there is no objective criteria.

It's a totally nepotistic system.
And that trickles all the way down the Officer corps and results in nepotistic billet assignments at the JO level.
You have A, B and C players, and they are identified and the A players groomed very early on.

You can make rank, but not get the right job, making you ineligible for a future job or higher rank.

It's a good ole boys network.
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The military leadership is as fucked up as the political leadership in Washington. They're all part of the same club.

That is intentional.

The problem is the promotion of senior officers is not statutory, there is no objective criteria.

It's a totally nepotistic system.
And that trickles all the way down the Officer corps and results in nepotistic billet assignments at the JO level.
You have A, B and C players, and they are identified and the A players groomed very early on.

You can make rank, but not get the right job, making you ineligible for a future job or higher rank.

It's a good ole boys network.

Number one indicator if someone will be a GOFO is if their father was a GOFO and the number two is if they were a GOFO’s aide.   I am sure the other services are similar but the Marine Corps unofficially keeps something called the “beautiful people book” in which it has IDd the people they think will be GOFOs  and the top two ways to get in there is way number one and two.  
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 1:23:49 PM EDT
All institutions are lost.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 1:24:10 PM EDT
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He's a nice guy and intelligent yet he believes in the proposition nation bullshit, that we are not a country like others based on shared language, history but on the idea of equality.  Unfortunately, not only is that a unattainable utopia, the road to it is paved in blood.  He's also been one to say that ripping down monuments is a-ok in his book.

Otherwise, I do think he's a likable guy but he's off base on a lot (but not this article)
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If you ignore or marginalize every person that doesn't 100% align with your worldview you will be alone and defeated in short order.   Look at this place, we all don't agree on everything.

Give me some cites to the VDH stuff you disagree with. I'm curious to see where he comes down on those idea you mentioned.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 1:26:06 PM EDT
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The military leadership is as fucked up as the political leadership in Washington. They're all part of the same club.

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Link Posted: 7/1/2021 1:27:14 PM EDT
When the next Gibbon writes the Decline and Fall of the American Empire a few centuries from now, the radicalization of the military will be pointed out as a key reason for the collapse.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 1:37:43 PM EDT
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I don't trust anyone Lt. Col. or above.

They're either leftists or playing their game to get promoted.
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That's already too much trust IMO. I got out after twelve years of service in 2016 and shit is changing quicker than we could ever believe. These days your own Joe's will Judas you to get out of PT. The entire system is corrupt less the few good men & women still holding it down. I feel soon it will fall.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 1:51:23 PM EDT
The Guard being sent into DC did it for me....Not so much the Guardsmen themselves but the dumb-shit governors (both gop and dem) that allowed it to happen.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 1:53:56 PM EDT
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If you ignore or marginalize every person that doesn't 100% align with your worldview you will be alone and defeated in short order.   Look at this place, we all don't agree on everything.

Give me some cites to the VDH stuff you disagree with. I'm curious to see where he comes down on those idea you mentioned.
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Exactly.  I read a LOT of VDH and I can't recall his support for tearing down statues.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 1:56:55 PM EDT
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The military and law enforcement, both.
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I hate to say it, but this is very right...
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 1:57:10 PM EDT
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The millitary is only preparing for a future domestics battle like Nazi brown shits did in 1943.
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This is what it's looking like to me. The coming purge of anyone who isn't a card carrying communist/burn, loot and murder terrorist will be surprising to some.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 2:00:51 PM EDT
The hilarity of it all is that the military sacrificed middle America in a bid to win rich, liberal America when there was never any chance in hell of ever winning the latter crowd over.  That's like NASCAR trying to ditch gasoline for electric for the same length and duration of race, neverminded it takes seconds to refuel an ICE vehicle and more than 30 minutes to recharge an electric one.  People would be falling asleep in the stands.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 2:03:44 PM EDT
Oh look, glowie plants on arfcom trying to turn people against our military,

or... trying to make military personnel that no one supports them.

Just like glowie fucks did on police officers.

Just ban all 2020 and later accounts already, then watch for more doing the same.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 2:03:57 PM EDT
I remember when Ben Shapiro first got some notoriety. He interviewed I believe someone from the New York Times or some other place. The guy assumed Ben was a leftist because he was Jewish and had gone to Harvard. However, he was very candid with Ben and the one thing from that interview that stuck with me was how he commented on the fact that the left didn’t have control of the military and then said something along the lines of they were working on that, or that would be taken care of soon. I wish I could find the interview.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 2:07:06 PM EDT
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Oh look, glowie plants on arfcom trying to turn people against our military,

or... trying to make military personnel that no one supports them.

Just like glowie fucks did on police officers.

Just ban all 2020 and later accounts already, then watch for more doing the same.
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I don’t think most of us want it this way. We are just observing reality. VDH certainly isn’t some kind of leftist troll.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 2:09:42 PM EDT
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Oh look, glowie plants on arfcom trying to turn people against our military,

or... trying to make military personnel that no one supports them.

Just like glowie fucks did on police officers.

Just ban all 2020 and later accounts already, then watch for more doing the same.
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2020ers RULE !!!....................
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 2:13:12 PM EDT
They are so good at dividing us, it's impressive.

They've got us so easily believing with some blown up news stories that the entire military has gone gay and woke.

They make the PC trainings mandatory and put up news articles about it; and it'll just make soldiers angrier about it all.

But then we clowns somehow believe they've been immediately converted.

You really think a woke/faker political appointee yes-man will be the one they allow to lead them if shit gets crazy? Hell no.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 2:13:12 PM EDT
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The Brown shirts were taken out by the SS at Hitler's orders in 1934; and given all the blame for the Nazi violence up to that point against other German political parties. While their organization technically still existed in 1943, they had lost all power and most of their membership back in 1934.

Here today in America the progressives are setting up the Blacks for the same treatment.
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Blacks or conservatives?
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 2:15:22 PM EDT
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Blacks or conservatives?
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Antifa and other radical leftist street thugs are the "Brown Shirts" of the present era.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 2:16:36 PM EDT
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I don’t think most of us want it this way. We are just observing reality. VDH certainly isn’t some kind of leftist troll.
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Oh look, glowie plants on arfcom trying to turn people against our military,

or... trying to make military personnel that no one supports them.

Just like glowie fucks did on police officers.

Just ban all 2020 and later accounts already, then watch for more doing the same.

I don’t think most of us want it this way. We are just observing reality. VDH certainly isn’t some kind of leftist troll.

It's not reality.

You think Franco was among the military officers the socialist infiltrators in the Spanish government wanted? No, they purged and exiled him off to a far away command.

The Army sided with the nationalists. The Navy initially sided with the communists, until they figured out what was going on.

The elites and swamp don't want the military to side with the nationalists this time, but we're currently on track to repeat the Spanish 'civil war' (communist insurrection/revolution getting put down).
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 2:19:44 PM EDT
Fmr Gen Flynn, or his brother who is currently in control of the Pacific command I believe; are more likely to be in charge if/when the fighting starts.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 2:20:59 PM EDT
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All institutions are lost.
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That is literally the Marxist strategy. Collapse society by tearing down the institutions that prop it up.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 2:21:12 PM EDT
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They are so good at dividing us, it's impressive.

They've got us so easily believing with some blown up news stories that the entire military has gone gay and woke.

They make the PC trainings mandatory and put up news articles about it; and it'll just make soldiers angrier about it all.

But then we clowns somehow believe they've been immediately converted.

You really think a woke/faker political appointee yes-man will be the one they allow to lead them if shit gets crazy? Hell no.
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After the way the police stood down during the riots I don’t know what to think if the military gets unconstitutional orders.

That said, I am less concerned about them screwing up our country than I am with preparedness. I suspect things will get worse and not better in that area.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 2:21:24 PM EDT
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The military and law enforcement, both.
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All according to the dems' sick plan.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 2:23:05 PM EDT
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Oh look, glowie plants on arfcom trying to turn people against our military,

or... trying to make military personnel that no one supports them.

Just like glowie fucks did on police officers.

Just ban all 2020 and later accounts already, then watch for more doing the same.
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The cops and military are not our friends. We may have friends in both, but that is far different that the institutions themselves supporting our right to exist.
Link Posted: 7/1/2021 2:23:09 PM EDT
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It's not reality.

You think Franco was among the military officers the socialist infiltrators in the Spanish government wanted? No, they purged and exiled him off to a far away command.

The Army sided with the nationalists. The Navy initially sided with the communists, until they figured out what was going on.

The elites and swamp don't want the military to side with the nationalists this time, but we're currently on track to repeat the Spanish 'civil war' (communist insurrection/revolution getting put down).
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Oh look, glowie plants on arfcom trying to turn people against our military,

or... trying to make military personnel that no one supports them.

Just like glowie fucks did on police officers.

Just ban all 2020 and later accounts already, then watch for more doing the same.

I don’t think most of us want it this way. We are just observing reality. VDH certainly isn’t some kind of leftist troll.

It's not reality.

You think Franco was among the military officers the socialist infiltrators in the Spanish government wanted? No, they purged and exiled him off to a far away command.

The Army sided with the nationalists. The Navy initially sided with the communists, until they figured out what was going on.

The elites and swamp don't want the military to side with the nationalists this time, but we're currently on track to repeat the Spanish 'civil war' (communist insurrection/revolution getting put down).

I don’t think it will get to that point.
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