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Posted: 11/6/2023 9:04:21 PM EDT
Got a possum a couple of months ago and decided I wanted to do a euro mount with it. Put the carcass in a low spot on the property and came back a week later to nothing but bones and some hair…like it was CLEAN. I get the skull, do a little rinse off with the water hose and put it in the shed to dry. So today I finally decide to finish trying the euro mount. My idea is to boil the skull in a Dawn dish soap/water mix to break up some of the left over grease, let it dry out and then either boil it in a peroxide/water mix or just brush on a few layers of peroxide like I’ve done in the past to whiten the bone. Any tips from guys that have done it before?

AND is is normal for possums to not have the small teeth in the very front of the mouth on the top and bottom? I looked today, and while the canines are definitely still there, the tiny teeth in the very front of the mouth are missing on top and bottom.
Link Posted: 11/7/2023 9:28:37 PM EDT
DO NOT  Boil it . Have done quit a few Deer / Elk / Bears . You want to slowly simmer the meat . Boiling cooks it and loosens up everything.  Best way I found is a fish tank heater and a 5 gallon bucket with water  for a couple days . When all the meats gone then i throw it in the same bucket with water and  dawn and the heater for a few days to degrease , then mix up a hydrogen peroxide ( 40% is available at hair and beauty supply stores ) paste and apply and let sit for a day , rinse it off and your done . Or find someone with beatles.
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