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Posted: 2/5/2024 8:56:50 PM EDT
leaks are suggesting that Microsoft is going to start putting most, if not all, of their first party games on PlayStation and/or Nintendo.

apparently next week there will be a discussion with Phil Spencer about the future of Xbox.
Link Posted: 2/5/2024 9:03:15 PM EDT
Wonder what the angle is? Consoles were always a loss and the games made money. No more console wars next gen?
Link Posted: 2/5/2024 9:06:48 PM EDT
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Wonder what the angle is? Consoles were always a loss and the games made money. No more console wars next gen?
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to me it's MS first step into stopping the selling of hardware. i mean you would have to be pretty dumb to pay a $500 premium to NOT play Sony games. the leaks say they are still going to make a next gen xbox, but if they put their games on Sony, i sure as shit won't buy it.

now i'm just waiting for the PS5 Pro to drop so i can switch. basically at this point MS is Sega.
Link Posted: 2/5/2024 9:15:40 PM EDT
Well that would be nice as a PS  user considering Xbox has an exclusive I'd like to play.

Microsoft can't fuck with God of War, Bloodborne, The Last of Us, Horizon Zero Dawn, Demons Souls Remake, FF7 Remake, Ratchet and Clank, MGS4, Spiderman, Ghost of Tsushima, Uncharted, etc.

If this is true, all the games I just listed played a part.  Xbox has....Halo.
Link Posted: 2/5/2024 10:43:30 PM EDT
MS is in it to make $$.  so they'll make money selling on other platforms.
I'm invested in the xbox stuff because my son and I play the same games on xbox.  I'm not sure if it can be done on Playstation, but I buy a game digitally on my account.  The xbox x he has at his mom's house is set up as my home console, so he can play all the games i buy without me logging in.  At my house i have my xbox x and I log in to my account and play the games at the same time he does.

I had a PS4 but my daughter "borrowed" it when her's died.  So far, other than minecraft, all games are still bought on disc.  I played an hour of FF7 and still haven't opened Last of Us 2 yet.  I've had two PS5s since release but have never opened them so I sold them for profit.
I might get a PS5 Slim when it releases so I can play LoU2 on it.
Link Posted: 2/5/2024 11:19:55 PM EDT
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MS is in it to make $$.  so they'll make money selling on other platforms.
I'm invested in the xbox stuff because my son and I play the same games on xbox.  I'm not sure if it can be done on Playstation, but I buy a game digitally on my account.  The xbox x he has at his mom's house is set up as my home console, so he can play all the games i buy without me logging in.  At my house i have my xbox x and I log in to my account and play the games at the same time he does.

I had a PS4 but my daughter "borrowed" it when her's died.  So far, other than minecraft, all games are still bought on disc.  I played an hour of FF7 and still haven't opened Last of Us 2 yet.  I've had two PS5s since release but have never opened them so I sold them for profit.
I might get a PS5 Slim when it releases so I can play LoU2 on it.
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Game sharing works on PlayStation too.
Link Posted: 2/5/2024 11:27:59 PM EDT
Only thing on Xbox I have interest in is Forza but that died with Xbone and the J. J Abrams lense flare on every track.

If Nintendo would open up their library now that would be something.
Link Posted: 2/6/2024 12:02:09 AM EDT
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Game sharing works on PlayStation too.
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That's great.  My daughter and I play some of the same games.  I'll start buying digitally now for PlayStation.
Link Posted: 2/6/2024 12:28:32 AM EDT
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Game sharing works on PlayStation too.
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MS is in it to make $$.  so they'll make money selling on other platforms.
I'm invested in the xbox stuff because my son and I play the same games on xbox.  I'm not sure if it can be done on Playstation, but I buy a game digitally on my account.  The xbox x he has at his mom's house is set up as my home console, so he can play all the games i buy without me logging in.  At my house i have my xbox x and I log in to my account and play the games at the same time he does.

I had a PS4 but my daughter "borrowed" it when her's died.  So far, other than minecraft, all games are still bought on disc.  I played an hour of FF7 and still haven't opened Last of Us 2 yet.  I've had two PS5s since release but have never opened them so I sold them for profit.
I might get a PS5 Slim when it releases so I can play LoU2 on it.

Game sharing works on PlayStation too.

Does PS have something like Game Pass, and how much content is on it?
Link Posted: 2/6/2024 9:47:52 AM EDT
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Does PS have something like Game Pass, and how much content is on it?
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yes PlayStation does, not as much content as Game Pass but not bad either. it also doesn't offer day 1 first party games on their service like Game Pass does. but now rumors are suggesting that Microsoft might also axe day 1 games on Game Pass too.
Link Posted: 2/6/2024 11:43:28 PM EDT
april fools coming early!?!?!
Link Posted: 2/8/2024 12:45:34 PM EDT
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april fools coming early!?!?!
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No. We will know something next week as Microsoft is having a “business event” to discuss the “future” of Xbox. Social media has been on fire.
Link Posted: 2/8/2024 9:36:29 PM EDT
It makes sense for xbox. It's funny watching all of the xbox people freak out about it.
Link Posted: 2/9/2024 3:36:15 PM EDT
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It makes sense for xbox. It's funny watching all of the xbox people freak out about it.
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as an xbox gamer i don't think it is funny.

i have 356 games in my Xbox Digital Library. i'm guessing in 10 years i won't be able to buy a new console to play them.
Link Posted: 2/9/2024 7:56:09 PM EDT
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as an xbox gamer i don't think it is funny.

i have 356 games in my Xbox Digital Library. i'm guessing in 10 years i won't be able to buy a new console to play them.
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I doubt it. I think it's an easy prediction that Microsoft is going to maintain xbox, or at least the service, for a very very long time.
Link Posted: 2/10/2024 2:48:11 PM EDT
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I doubt it. I think it's an easy prediction that Microsoft is going to maintain xbox, or at least the service, for a very very long time.
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without a box and backwards compatibility all my games are toast. i very seriously doubt they could go back and relicense the games i have bought to be available on a streaming service for me to be able to play. but i guess they could. i just don't think they would spend all that money for new licenses on old games.
Link Posted: 2/10/2024 9:55:58 PM EDT
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without a box and backwards compatibility all my games are toast. i very seriously doubt they could go back and relicense the games i have bought to be available on a streaming service for me to be able to play. but i guess they could. i just don't think they would spend all that money for new licenses on old games.
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Microsoft has deep pockets. Trust me. I follow this shit more than most. Unless an actual bombshell drops I wouldn't worry about xbox. In fact the current rumor is we're getting a multi sku console in 2026.
Link Posted: 2/10/2024 10:02:18 PM EDT
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Wonder what the angle is? Consoles were always a loss and the games made money. No more console wars next gen?
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License fees.
Link Posted: 2/10/2024 10:03:45 PM EDT
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as an xbox gamer i don't think it is funny.

i have 356 games in my Xbox Digital Library. i'm guessing in 10 years i won't be able to buy a new console to play them.
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It makes sense for xbox. It's funny watching all of the xbox people freak out about it.

as an xbox gamer i don't think it is funny.

i have 356 games in my Xbox Digital Library. i'm guessing in 10 years i won't be able to buy a new console to play them.

In ten years your console is likely to have no storage space to speak of and be nothing more than a terminal for cloud gaming access and data collection on you, and you won't be able to backup any of the games you play but don't own.
Link Posted: 2/10/2024 10:39:26 PM EDT
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In ten years your console is likely to have no storage space to spoeak of and be nothing more than a terminal for cloud gaming access and data collection on you, and you won't be able to backup any of the games you play but don't own.
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It makes sense for xbox. It's funny watching all of the xbox people freak out about it.

as an xbox gamer i don't think it is funny.

i have 356 games in my Xbox Digital Library. i'm guessing in 10 years i won't be able to buy a new console to play them.

In ten years your console is likely to have no storage space to spoeak of and be nothing more than a terminal for cloud gaming access and data collection on you, and you won't be able to backup any of the games you play but don't own.

In all fairness, in ten years playing video games will be the least of our concerns.

OP, Chnch McGav's here, maybe stock up on some cheap used discs since they themselves provide the license rights.
Link Posted: 2/10/2024 10:47:08 PM EDT
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Wonder what the angle is? Consoles were always a loss and the games made money. No more console wars next gen?
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Microsoft can't continue to milk it's cash cows forever. They're going the cheap and faster route since they no longer have soul. What's sad is even "veteran" actors from the pre-woke period have made similar analogies with Hollywood executives. It's all money to these corpo clowns now.

Link Posted: 2/10/2024 10:52:42 PM EDT
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Microsoft can't continue to milk it's cash cows forever. They're going the cheap and faster route since they no longer have soul. What's sad is even "veteran" actors from the pre-woke period have made similar analogies with Hollywood executives. It's all money to these corpo clowns now.

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They have just as much "soul" as Nintendo shitting out another Pokemon or Sony shitting out a Remake of Until Dawn. Which is zero.
Link Posted: 2/10/2024 10:55:48 PM EDT
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In all fairness, in ten years playing video games will be the least of our concerns.

OP, Chnch McGav's here, maybe stock up on some cheap used discs since they themselves provide the license rights.
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It makes sense for xbox. It's funny watching all of the xbox people freak out about it.

as an xbox gamer i don't think it is funny.

i have 356 games in my Xbox Digital Library. i'm guessing in 10 years i won't be able to buy a new console to play them.

In ten years your console is likely to have no storage space to spoeak of and be nothing more than a terminal for cloud gaming access and data collection on you, and you won't be able to backup any of the games you play but don't own.

In all fairness, in ten years playing video games will be the least of our concerns.

OP, Chnch McGav's here, maybe stock up on some cheap used discs since they themselves provide the license rights.

Well yes.

Keep the religious text quotes out of this forum, thanks. -Admin

I just mean, if things continue on and we don't fall into the canyon... I think that's where "consoles" will be at.
Link Posted: 2/11/2024 5:46:32 PM EDT
OP, I found a video that appears to confirm your suspicions

Xbox Console War is DEAD! Xbox Games going to PS5 Playstation | Starfield Indiana Jones & Tons More
Link Posted: 2/11/2024 5:53:39 PM EDT
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They have just as much "soul" as Nintendo shitting out another Pokemon or Sony shitting out a Remake of Until Dawn. Which is zero.
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Microsoft can't continue to milk it's cash cows forever. They're going the cheap and faster route since they no longer have soul. What's sad is even "veteran" actors from the pre-woke period have made similar analogies with Hollywood executives. It's all money to these corpo clowns now.

They have just as much "soul" as Nintendo shitting out another Pokemon or Sony shitting out a Remake of Until Dawn. Which is zero.

It's not Nintendo nor Playstation that essentially has a void of next-gen (and past gen) console exclusives.
Link Posted: 2/11/2024 6:10:39 PM EDT
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It's not Nintendo nor Playstation that essentially has a void of next-gen (and past gen) console exclusives.
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Link Posted: 2/12/2024 11:41:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 11:42:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 12:27:31 PM EDT
So theyre going to be able to get games in hands of PS people that wouldnt have bought an XBox before to play exclusive games,  but can now buy XBox games to play on the PS?

Sounds like a smart idea to me.
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 8:54:23 PM EDT
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Phil Spencer was quoted as saying Microsoft is still going to be making and selling consoles.

Of course a lot of other CEOs promised shit then changed it up later on, so who knows.
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I don't see how they would sell any consoles unless they are significantly cheaper than the Playstation.

Why would anyone buy the console that can only play half of the games over the one that plays them all?
Link Posted: 2/12/2024 10:30:51 PM EDT
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I don't see how they would sell any consoles unless they are significantly cheaper than the Playstation.

Why would anyone buy the console that can only play half of the games over the one that plays them all?
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The rumors of everything going to ps are likely false.

Link Posted: 2/12/2024 11:22:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/13/2024 10:45:33 AM EDT
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I don't see how they would sell any consoles unless they are significantly cheaper than the Playstation.

Why would anyone buy the console that can only play half of the games over the one that plays them all?
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I personally prefer the ergonomics of the Xbox controller, but the PS controller has better features.

The XBX also loads and transitions faster than the PS5.

I got both per Arf, so Im good either way
Link Posted: 2/13/2024 5:32:35 PM EDT
I think the Xbox controller, UI, and online functionality is better.
Link Posted: 2/13/2024 7:52:45 PM EDT
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I think the Xbox controller, UI, and online functionality is better.
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I agree, but only on the ergonomics of the controller. The PS5 controller has it beat with all the stuff it does.

If XBox came out with similar, Id buy in a heart beat.
Link Posted: 2/13/2024 7:58:56 PM EDT
Exclusivity is such blight on gaming

I wish all games would just be released on any consoles with adequate hardware

Wish Stellar Blade was coming to Steam but I think it's PS exclusive
Link Posted: 2/14/2024 5:49:09 PM EDT
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Exclusivity is such blight on gaming

I wish all games would just be released on any consoles with adequate hardware

Wish Stellar Blade was coming to Steam but I think it's PS exclusive
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Sony said today they are going to port more games to PC.
Link Posted: 2/14/2024 5:50:23 PM EDT
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I personally prefer the ergonomics of the Xbox controller, but the PS controller has better features.

The XBX also loads and transitions faster than the PS5.

I got both per Arf, so Im good either way
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i had a PS5 a year ago but sold it to a friend because i didn't play it as much. i will be getting a PS5 Pro when it drops.

i also agree about liking Xbox Controller, UI, and online better.
Link Posted: 2/14/2024 7:51:46 PM EDT
i haven't bought a new console in 7 or 8 years. Xbox gamepass on PC is great, and I don't really care for the playstation exclusives... i don't do much single player gaming.
Link Posted: 2/16/2024 10:36:35 PM EDT
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i haven't bought a new console in 7 or 8 years. Xbox gamepass on PC is great, and I don't really care for the playstation exclusives... i don't do much single player gaming.
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Sony said they are going to have a more aggressive strategy with putting their games on PC. PC is the best way to go. I just personally prefer consoles and loathe PC gaming.
Link Posted: 2/23/2024 7:29:43 AM EDT
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Sony said they are going to have a more aggressive strategy with putting their games on PC. PC is the best way to go. I just personally prefer consoles and loathe PC gaming.
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Ghosts of Tsushima
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