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Posted: 5/14/2024 4:35:01 PM EDT

The following lots (79-128) are consigned directly by General William Tecumseh Sherman’s descendants, who have decided to sell their inherited collection after generations of careful preservation. The collection has never been offered before and represents a rare opportunity to acquire significant historical artifacts linked to one of the most important figures in American history.

Notable items in the collection include: General Sherman’s wartime sword, his personal copy of Ulysses S. Grant’s memoirs (featuring Sherman’s own annotations), his uniform’s rank insignia worn during the Civil War, the Sherman family bible with meticulous records written by General Sherman himself, and Sherman’s copy of the definitive photographic record of his “March to the Sea:” George Barnard’s Photographic Views of Sherman’s Campaign.
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Some of the more interesting to me and/or expensive items and their sale prices are below.  See the link above for all Sherman items (lots 79 - 128)



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Link Posted: 5/14/2024 4:35:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 4:36:30 PM EDT
Who the hell is Sherman Tecumseh Sherman?
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 4:38:05 PM EDT
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Who the hell is Sherman Tecumseh Sherman?
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Bill's brother.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 4:39:07 PM EDT
I wish the collector guy would buy that then burn it all on national television.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 4:40:32 PM EDT
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Who the hell is Sherman Tecumseh Sherman?
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He’s the one that marched to Michigan, the other one went to Atlanta.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 4:42:36 PM EDT
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I wish the collector guy would buy that then burn it all on national television.
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It belongs in a museum. To honor the greatest American to have ever lived.

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Link Posted: 5/14/2024 4:42:41 PM EDT
Yeah, we still hurting from that sum-bitch.

Good blueprint for how to fuck shit up though.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 4:47:57 PM EDT
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I wish the collector guy would buy that then burn it all on national television.
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Worst. Cav. Scout. Ever.

Do you even Indian Wars bro?
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 4:51:07 PM EDT
I like the "asian daggers".

I wonder if those were like the civil war version of Chinese stars.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 4:52:29 PM EDT
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Who the hell is Sherman Tecumseh Sherman?
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Who the hell is Sherman Tecumseh Sherman?

Corrected.  Happy now?

Oh look, a southerner that doesn't like General Sherman.  Boo hoo.


"There are such things as Abstract Right and Abstract Wrong, and when History is written, human actions must take their place in one or the other category. We claim that, in the great Civil War, we of the National Union Army were right, and our adversaries wrong; and no special pleading, no excuses, no personal motives, however pure and specious, can change this verdict of the war." He continues with a call for historical understanding: "I would not for the world revive the angry passions of that period of time, nor do I question the personal motives of our then antagonist; but I do and ever will contest the proposition, that we should tear form the history of our country the pages which record the great events from 1860 to 1865; for they should stand there forever as a warning to those who come after us - who, from passion, self-interest, or any human cause or pretext whatever, may undertake to destroy this Government by violence."

Link Posted: 5/14/2024 4:59:21 PM EDT
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Who the hell is Sherman Tecumseh Sherman?
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He fought under Colonel Angus at the Battle of Big Beaver.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:01:00 PM EDT
There were some big money bidders, bumping up a bid by $1000 in seconds like it was nothing.  I was tempted on some of the less expensive items but I'm saving up for an LMT .308 ight now so I just lurked.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:04:13 PM EDT
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I wish the collector guy would buy that then burn it all on national television.
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If I won the lottery, I would make this dream come true. Fuck him and Lincoln.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:05:46 PM EDT
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I wish the collector guy would buy that then burn it all on national television.
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How Islamic of you.  Anyone willing to destroy history, be it good bad or indifferent, is scum of the earth.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:07:38 PM EDT
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If I won the lottery, I would make this dream come true. Fuck him and Lincoln.
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I wish the collector guy would buy that then burn it all on national television.

If I won the lottery, I would make this dream come true. Fuck him and Lincoln.

I knew this thread would bring out the Confederates.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:07:38 PM EDT
Best general ever at exploiting his numerical and logistical superiority. However, put him on equal footing with his enemy and he would have had his ass handed to him.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:10:00 PM EDT
That's my home town General!

To hell with the haters.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:10:40 PM EDT
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I wish the collector guy would buy that then burn it all on national television.
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Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:12:59 PM EDT
In before I buy it and light it on fire
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:14:12 PM EDT
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If I won the lottery, I would make this dream come true. Fuck him and Lincoln.
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Mind right!
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:14:53 PM EDT
Too bad no flashlight.  I coulda used a flashlight.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:17:20 PM EDT
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I wish the collector guy would buy that then burn it all on national television.
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Seems appropriate.  Sherman was a guy who even burned black people's homes and churches... claiming he was helping them:

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Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:18:11 PM EDT
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Is Willem Defoe related to him
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:25:17 PM EDT
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Is Willem Defoe related to him
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Is Willem Defoe related to him

Sure looks like it!!!
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:25:51 PM EDT
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I knew this thread would bring out the Confederates.
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Bring out?

We’ve been here all along. Just call me ‘unreconstructed’.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:26:00 PM EDT
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If I won the lottery, I would make this dream come true. Fuck him and Lincoln.
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Bless your heart.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:28:51 PM EDT
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Who the hell is Sherman Tecumseh Sherman?
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Legendary drunkard and murderer of noncombatants, no matter how you say his name.

Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:29:07 PM EDT
Ah the "glorious lost cause" myth.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:31:44 PM EDT
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Ah the "glorious lost cause" myth.
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Tell that to the souls of those civilians his men murdered and raped in Georgia, with his tacit approval.

Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:36:30 PM EDT
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That's my home town General!

To hell with the haters.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:39:50 PM EDT
Threads like this are why so many people make fun of the South.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:39:57 PM EDT
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Legendary drunkard and murderer of noncombatants, no matter how you say his name.

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Who the hell is Sherman Tecumseh Sherman?

Legendary drunkard and murderer of noncombatants, no matter how you say his name.

I'd be a drunkard too if I had to kill the fuck out of non-combatants via starvation to break a nation's will to fight as well, but Sherman was a rote amateur at killing civilians compared to the average WW2 bomber wing commander.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:43:31 PM EDT
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I wish the collector guy would buy that then burn it all on national television.
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Great minds think alike.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:45:04 PM EDT
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Best general ever at exploiting his numerical and logistical superiority. However, put him on equal footing with his enemy and he would have had his ass handed to him.
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Did you even think about how stupid that sounded before you typed it? Great military leaders win despite the odds. A numerical advantage on the part of an attacker, fighting on the defenders home turf isn’t quite the advantage. You seem to think it is. But I’ll give you the chance to correct me. What great confederate general ever defeated Sherman?
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:46:08 PM EDT
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I knew this thread would bring out the Confederates.
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Several of my relatives fought for the Union, and I have zero southern ancestry. Sherman was still a dickhead.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:49:48 PM EDT
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Several of my relatives fought for the Union, and I have zero southern ancestry. Sherman was still a dickhead.
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Tell everyone how much you hate general Curtis LeMay.  I bet you can’t stand George Patton?
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:50:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:51:12 PM EDT
Some people need to reflect on the nature of fucking around and finding out.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:52:40 PM EDT
Your glorious President just removed the reunification monument so Its back on!
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:53:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:53:36 PM EDT
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Several of my relatives fought for the Union, and I have zero southern ancestry. Sherman was still a dickhead.
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I knew this thread would bring out the Confederates.

Several of my relatives fought for the Union, and I have zero southern ancestry. Sherman was still a dickhead.

Confederate monuments shouldn’t be toppled, and artifacts from one of the more important generals of the war should be preserved regardless of contemporary biases.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:55:31 PM EDT
Say what you will about WTS, but the man was effective.
Both natives and the Old South are subdued, contained, culturally and even physically occupied, with once prominent facets of their cultures drastically altered or outright obliterated as a result of his warfighting.

   I guess the lesson learned is that to win a war, you have to crush not just opposing armies, but the peoples and cultures who formed them against you.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:56:11 PM EDT
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Willem Dafoe?
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:56:27 PM EDT
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I knew this thread would bring out the Confederates.
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I wonder how many of them served as Federal Soldiers, are Republicans and took part in invading and occupying Soverign nations?
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 6:06:37 PM EDT
GD: Sherman was scum, fuck him etc...

GD: LeMay was a national treasure, we need men like him today etc...
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 6:09:35 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By KC-130 FLT ENG:
GD: Sherman was scum, fuck him etc...

GD: LeMay was a national treasure, we need men like him today etc...
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Tis the queer duality of GD.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 6:10:32 PM EDT
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Who the hell is Sherman Tecumseh Sherman?
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I think that that SOB that came down here tried to impose his order!!!
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 6:11:47 PM EDT
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I wish the collector guy would buy that then burn it all on national television.
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This.  Fuck that guy.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 6:21:19 PM EDT
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Some people need to reflect on the nature of fucking around and finding out.
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That's a very salient point. We could have used WTS in Afghanistan. The Taliban would be a memory now. He knew the meaning of "What is best in life".

BTW, Sam Houston wanted nothing to do with the Confederacy.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 6:31:13 PM EDT
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Worst. Cav. Scout. Ever.

Do you even Indian Wars bro?
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I wish the collector guy would buy that then burn it all on national television.

Worst. Cav. Scout. Ever.

Do you even Indian Wars bro?

I did not become a Cav Scout to kill Indians, my job is to protect them. Sherman shelled my Capitol building and he can continue burning in hell.

Oh and to the wise man who posted “How very Islamic of me…” to paraphrase his comment, yeah very Islamic of me to crush some memorabilia from that SOB. Not like I tore down any statues, ever. We all know who is doing that. If I am running around burning down villages and killing everyone in them, then perhaps that comment would make some sense lol.
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