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Diablo IV (Page 30 of 31)
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Link Posted: 2/7/2024 7:49:11 AM EDT
Completed the entire Lunar Event in what seemed like minutes by simply doing a couple NM Vaults with the new shrine affix
Link Posted: 2/7/2024 11:54:58 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By temetnoscesax:
lvl 34 Barb. using a HOTA build with Charge. found an amulet with a power to have 4 ancients appear and Charge with you when you use Charge. helped out greatly at my low level.
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Originally Posted By temetnoscesax:
lvl 34 Barb. using a HOTA build with Charge. found an amulet with a power to have 4 ancients appear and Charge with you when you use Charge. helped out greatly at my low level.

Lucky!!  I did not get mine until around level 50ish.  It is a build defining aspect.  It was all struggle bus before I got that aspect.

Originally Posted By RayFromJersey:
Completed the entire Lunar Event in what seemed like minutes by simply doing a couple NM Vaults with the new shrine affix

Yea they surely are bugged.  But it is fun.  Do some Malphas fights with a shrine nearby and then spend five minutes allocating all those juicy paragon points!  I also swapped my ashes into shrine buff extension.  So the buff last like 45 seconds now.
Link Posted: 2/7/2024 8:28:01 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By svt40:

Lucky!!  I did not get mine until around level 50ish.  It is a build defining aspect.  It was all struggle bus before I got that aspect.
Yea they surely are bugged.  But it is fun.  Do some Malphas fights with a shrine nearby and then spend five minutes allocating all those juicy paragon points!  I also swapped my ashes into shrine buff extension.  So the buff last like 45 seconds now.
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the rng gods were with me. usually i'm the last to get anything of the sort. lol
Link Posted: 2/8/2024 10:04:22 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By RayFromJersey:
Completed the entire Lunar Event in what seemed like minutes by simply doing a couple NM Vaults with the new shrine affix
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Yeah that was a stupid event,  got a new horse for participation.
Link Posted: 2/8/2024 11:23:03 AM EDT
Got "stuck" in a Malphas loop last night.  Two hours of nothing but Malphas fights.  Soon as one was cleared someone would start another.  I stopped even picking up sacred items to avoid having to go to town.  Finished half a paragon board and 1/4 into the next and went from 73 to 77.

Got three new uniques for the bank but only four upgrades otherwise.  However, the stones were getting ranked up like a champ.
Link Posted: 2/8/2024 2:02:12 PM EDT
I plan to be on around 1730 Eastern tomorrow - going to do some dureil runs, along with anything anyone else needs.

Capstones, Varsh, etc.  Don't worry if you can't solo a boss yet - I can melt them all quickly :)

Link Posted: 2/8/2024 2:51:09 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ParityError:
I plan to be on around 1730 Eastern tomorrow - going to do some dureil runs, along with anything anyone else needs.

Capstones, Varsh, etc.  Don't worry if you can't solo a boss yet - I can melt them all quickly :)

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Oooh I'm down.  I've not done any of the bosses this season.
Link Posted: 2/8/2024 4:03:17 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ParityError:
I plan to be on around 1730 Eastern tomorrow - going to do some dureil runs, along with anything anyone else needs.

Capstones, Varsh, etc.  Don't worry if you can't solo a boss yet - I can melt them all quickly :)

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i might would ask for a carry on the first capstone, i'm level 42 and will probably be 45 by then. although if i hit level 45 i might try to solo it.
Link Posted: 2/8/2024 4:33:24 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ParityError:
I plan to be on around 1730 Eastern tomorrow - going to do some dureil runs, along with anything anyone else needs.

Capstones, Varsh, etc.  Don't worry if you can't solo a boss yet - I can melt them all quickly :)

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I'm going to try to get in on that I could use some goodies for sure.  

I've got the bolder build working fairly well now that I had a tempest roar drop but man is it just clunky.
Link Posted: 2/9/2024 9:12:32 AM EDT
I've got the following for this evening:

2 Varshan runs
1 Zir run
1 Beast in the Ice run
1 Uber Malphas sun
10 Duriel runs

Let's see if we can get some decent gear for folks :)
Link Posted: 2/9/2024 11:07:29 AM EDT
[Last Edit: svt40] [#11]
I've got some Varsh, Grigoire and Malphas mats I can contribute to the cause.

Link Posted: 2/9/2024 4:13:54 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By svt40:
I've got some Varsh, Grigoire and Malphas mats I can contribute to the cause.

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I do too,  may have to explain how I give them to you guys to use.
Link Posted: 2/9/2024 5:11:15 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By PinePig:

I do too,  may have to explain how I give them to you guys to use.
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They are tradable, but all you have to do is bring them along and click the summon thingy.
Link Posted: 2/10/2024 7:32:32 AM EDT
Sorry for the drop off last night - lost connection.
Link Posted: 2/10/2024 10:33:08 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By ParityError:
Sorry for the drop off last night - lost connection.
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Don't feel bad,  I did the time backwards in my head and was several hours late.

I did get the lightning gloves from the ice beast yesterday,  that build works really well.  I'm going to try a couple of different versions and see which one works best for me,  still don't have the Tibalts pants though.
Link Posted: 2/11/2024 10:09:10 AM EDT
Well fuck that lightning build.   I had the spear of Lycander and flickerstep drop so the tornado/grizzly build is up next, a quick slap together build last night and this thing rocks.  I'll min/max a little today and see how it goes but it melts Varshon in about two seconds now.  

I need to get the thing moving a bit better to crank out all the glyphs now I only have one leveled to 15 and a bunch at 5.
Link Posted: 3/5/2024 1:21:49 PM EDT
Did the clan get disbanded, or is D4 glitching?  I am no longer in the clan, it seems.
Link Posted: 3/5/2024 5:27:50 PM EDT
[Last Edit: PinePig] [#18]
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Originally Posted By ParityError:
Did the clan get disbanded, or is D4 glitching?  I am no longer in the clan, it seems.
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I haven't really looked at the clan board for a while,  I'll check it and edit this post.

Not related, I played a level in the new gauntlet,  there is absolutely no point in doing it at all.  Way to go Blizzard.

ETA Newsfeed didn't show anybody leaving except a weird name of letters and numbers.

What's your player name again just to be sure.
Link Posted: 3/6/2024 12:54:06 PM EDT
It was just a D4 glitch - I am back in the clan now :)
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 4:46:52 PM EDT

May I borrow your back w/ Uber Lilith, sir?
Link Posted: 3/14/2024 5:26:03 PM EDT
Sure. I will likely be on tomorrow evening. I’m out tonight.
Link Posted: 4/30/2024 4:37:40 PM EDT
Apparently Season 4 doesn't have a seasonal theme or gimmick it's just a major overhaul to the loot and crafting system, with some new Iron Wolves faction that will be available to eternal as well.

Link Posted: 5/2/2024 5:39:32 PM EDT
S4 patch notes are up.


You can equip Sacred gear at level 35, and Ancestral gear at level 55.
Link Posted: 5/2/2024 8:03:48 PM EDT
Wow, that is a huge change.
Link Posted: 5/9/2024 1:49:27 PM EDT
I'll be there for season 4. Setting it up for casuals like me
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 4:32:41 PM EDT
Patch is live. Minion necromancer is easy mode now.
Link Posted: 5/14/2024 5:42:06 PM EDT
Playing Sorc this season. Only got to level 20 so far.

The Helltide changes are great. Very fun playing the Helltide in WT2 to level.

New codex system is awesome. Should have been like this at release.

I haven't tried the new upgrading systems yet besides completing the quest.
Link Posted: 5/15/2024 6:30:42 AM EDT
Stupid me was leveling so fast I forgot to do the capstone lol. The new farmable public event in the Helltides (the one that's like the seasonal one from the last season with the motes) is excellent!
Link Posted: 5/17/2024 9:12:54 PM EDT
Game is much more enjoyable now,  tons of changes that make sense.
Link Posted: 5/19/2024 1:11:44 PM EDT
I’m enjoying this season so far, lots of bugs for me. The most annoying is when I’m stopped from getting somewhere like a world boss and I have to restart for it to let me through.
Link Posted: 5/20/2024 7:25:48 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By RAIDERBOB:
I’m enjoying this season so far, lots of bugs for me. The most annoying is when I’m stopped from getting somewhere like a world boss and I have to restart for it to let me through.
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Yes, this has been frustrating. I've never had to restart, though. Usually evade or backtracking has removed the invisible wall for me
Link Posted: 5/20/2024 11:41:14 AM EDT
Came back for season 4.

Playing a minion Necro again.  First off playing a minion necro prior to S4 was terrible.  Minions were dang near useless and you had to make yourself tanky to survive anything.  AoE was terrible and bosses were even worse.  Now in S4 it feels like this is how a minion necro should have been all along.  The minions are doing the work as you debuff and buff as needed.  Now they are useful and powerful as they should have been.

Now S4 made a ton of changes.  Helltides in T1 and T2 are pretty cool and a great way to level up.  I do think unbuffed levelling is a touch too fast now and could be scaled back a bit.  I also had a bug with the ashes not being able to be used after earning them for the season.  The seasonal elixers are great and fun to use.

Now the meat of the season is the loot changes.  These have been great.  Much fewer affixes to sort through.  Crafting is also much better with a LOT less RNG applied to it.  With the old crafting there was nothing worse than finding a piece of great gear and it getting ruined with some random ass affix that does not even apply to your class.  Now you can pick your affixes (for the most part).

The affixes in your book now also get upgraded when you salvage better ones.  It should have been this way from the start.

Gems are mildly worse.  While adding a socket to your gear is now something you really REALLY need to want to do as the component for that is very very rare now.

Overall, however it's a great season so far.
Link Posted: 5/20/2024 11:59:15 AM EDT
Minion necro has gone from shit-tier to S-tier, and it is pretty great.  A bit slow for farming, but it crushes everything nicely.

Wolfnado druid is pretty impressive as well.
Link Posted: 5/21/2024 3:31:52 PM EDT
Jumped into WT4 last night at 62.  The dungeon was cake.  WT4 Helltide was a touch tougher but doable.  Got into a Maiden loop where five level 100 wolfnado druids were ripping her a new one.  She would spawn and be dead instantly.  Of course, she still had to complete the first fire jump before dropping dead but it was near instant.  Ended up "killing" her about 14 times.  I was calling it a loot-nado. Completely re-geared me in that time from sacred to ancestral.  Including 5 uniques, 2 of which I am using.  That was absolutely awesome.

I will say when those 5 wolfnado folks left, you could tell.  It went from instant death of the maiden to a 10 minute fight.

I will also say that this season is much closer to Last Epoch in the fact that it feels like just about any spec you do can be viable.  But I'll know for sure once (if) I hit 100.
Link Posted: 5/26/2024 8:41:54 PM EDT
Had a Tyrael's Might drop for my necro,  putting that thing on all by itself gained me 10 NM levels.  Really cool it recaps all your resistances to 75%.

I guess that is going to be my only uber this season.
Link Posted: 6/4/2024 6:50:48 PM EDT
Next time anyone is on and wants to do Duriel let me know.  Takes me forever to kill him as a pulverize druid and I need the helm off him to change over to wolfnado.
Link Posted: 6/7/2024 10:01:29 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By svt40:
Next time anyone is on and wants to do Duriel let me know.  Takes me forever to kill him as a pulverize druid and I need the helm off him to change over to wolfnado.
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Belay my last.  Got lucky and got the helm I needed to swap specs off a world boss.

Pulverize druid is amazing against trash and garbage against bosses with great survivability. (A+/C-/A-). 39k attack, 15k armor, 26k health

Tornado druid is great at trash, great on single targets and good at survivability. (A-/A/B). 22k attack, 15k armor, 21k health.

Yes, I know I am over the armor cap but that is just 925 gear and one armor aspect.  None of the gear has +armor. If I take the aspect off then my armor drops to 5k and I would need to lose a lot of the +spirit and +health affixes.
Link Posted: 6/7/2024 10:47:41 AM EDT
Are you in eternal or seasonal?

Wolfnado is impressive once geared.  I've gotten through a lvl 70 pit with it.
Link Posted: 6/7/2024 11:36:05 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By ParityError:
Are you in eternal or seasonal?

Wolfnado is impressive once geared.  I've gotten through a lvl 70 pit with it.
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Seasonal.  I've been saving 925 pieces for the build.  Still need some better stuff and still learning to play this build.  I did learn pretty quick that I cannot just stand there and take a beating like my pulverize build let me do.

As for the pit I did do a couple of lvl 25 pits just fine so long as I took my time.  NM50's are good as well.  I also went back and did Duriel solo again.  Was much MUCH faster to kill.  10 minute fight as the bear turned into a 30sec fight as the wolf.

May have to bust the necro back out and farm some pit runs to upgrade the gear on the wolfie. Still need to finish the last seasonal tier as well.
Link Posted: 6/7/2024 12:16:19 PM EDT
Minion Necro is, pardon the pun, unholy now.  A bit slow in farming, but strong AF.
Link Posted: 6/7/2024 4:35:55 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ParityError:
Minion Necro is, pardon the pun, unholy now.  A bit slow in farming, but strong AF.
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I gave up on my main character this season (sorc) to try a shadow minion necro. Took me a fraction of the time to get to the same Pit tiers as my sorc, lol!
Link Posted: 6/9/2024 1:51:48 PM EDT
[Last Edit: RayFromJersey] [#42]
First expansion got a release date and they uploaded the intro cinematic for it: October 8th! Sooner than expected. No other info tho sadly.

Diablo IV | Vessel of Hatred | Official Release Date Trailer

edit: the video description gives only some info but confirms all the leaks:

Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 6/9/2024 2:16:54 PM EDT
Ok the devs uploaded a new video too with some more info. apparently there's an in-game pet now but no one can find it yet lol

Diablo IV | Expansion Date Revealed, Pets Are Here, and More!

Link Posted: 6/9/2024 3:45:27 PM EDT
Oh man, I'm so happy pets are here. I just farmed the blood maiden with a pet and it makes such a huge difference not having to run around at all to collect cinders, gold, and materials.
Link Posted: 6/10/2024 12:32:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/10/2024 3:06:57 PM EDT
Anyone doing the super bosses?  Only thing I need to finish the season is at least one super boss.

100 Minion/blight/corpse explosion Necro.  Lots of upgraded gear.

100 Tornado Druid.  Some upgraded gear.
Link Posted: 6/19/2024 9:12:42 AM EDT
I would not say I can carry ubers but I finally killed one and a Grandfather dropped!!

I nearly fell out of my chair. Went from a 9 minion build to the 0 minion build... We'll see if I keep it on my necro or swap it to my barb.
Link Posted: 6/19/2024 5:53:05 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Thieded:
I would not say I can carry ubers but I finally killed one and a Grandfather dropped!!

I nearly fell out of my chair. Went from a 9 minion build to the 0 minion build... We'll see if I keep it on my necro or swap it to my barb.
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Congrats on the grandfather.

I keep making alts,   latest is a barb.   Whirlwind with dust devils really moves along.
Link Posted: 6/20/2024 6:18:56 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By svt40:
Anyone doing the super bosses?  Only thing I need to finish the season is at least one super boss.

100 Minion/blight/corpse explosion Necro.  Lots of upgraded gear.

100 Tornado Druid.  Some upgraded gear.
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Tormented bosses are pretty easy. If you need a push past one I can get you through it. Uber equipped Heartseaker rogue with max master worked gear.

Lilith is still easier to do solo. You just need to have at least 160% movement speed.
Link Posted: 6/24/2024 1:52:57 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Xerith:

Tormented bosses are pretty easy. If you need a push past one I can get you through it. Uber equipped Heartseaker rogue with max master worked gear.

Lilith is still easier to do solo. You just need to have at least 160% movement speed.
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Only way I've been able to take down Uber Lilith was when the BL sorcerer was way overpowered.  Burned her down before she could spawn stuff I had to avoid.
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