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Posted: 7/18/2017 6:20:15 PM EDT
ARFCOM clan v2.0
7/25/17 New Arfcom clan is half prepped.  Bungie delayed the migration until tomorrow though, so it's not active yet.  
8/24/17 New Arfcom clan finalized and updated with address

List of gamertags will be in OP here as well.  Please post your GT in a similar format, that way people can cut and paste it easier if they are adding people on phones or xbox site.

NorthPolar --- Fallen003
lcoates33 - CLUTCH 33
Berettastarlight - Shadow Katt 13 
Notrega - Notrega XBOX
Mlr052869  -  raitters 
A1_2A - x559s Finest 
Mariner82 - GiftedCoast30
Outrider - OU7RID3R
Ajek - Keja
guy that gets all the loot - cam2ty
supernoma- AussieGoat
TheJeanyus - TheJeanyus83
Maverick91 - Maverick812 
Quintin - QuintinAR15
PancakeOfDoom - ChorizoWaffle 
sgthoskins - dhoskins
ws450r - ws450r 
Supra_MK3 - Supra_MK3
drok556 - drok556
Drugmanrx - drugmanrx
Blacktide - lightfighter501
bblake00 - bblake00 
Thevibe- Get0fftheX 
SilentDrifterGT - SilentDrifterGT
Link Posted: 7/18/2017 10:29:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/18/2017 10:38:50 PM EDT
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You like seriously shit all over a dude that started a thread for D2 with gamer tag/Battlenet listings, and now you're posting the same thing he tried to start?
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At the start, I was under the thought that we were continuing the D1 thread.  Then we had a conversation in that thread and (at least to me) it seemed that we wanted to do different threads for systems/games (D1 and D2).  I tagged the OP in it asking him not to have the thread nuked because it seemed like a better plan after we talked about it.  

Then the thread still got nuked.  At least last I read, I thought seperate PC/PS4/XBN threads were the idea we were talking.  If the OP let the mods nuke his thread, someone would have to do it.  I was content to just use that one after you guys pointed out that a Destiny 2 thread would be better than a magical single thread for different systems and games.    

OP's thread went away even after I retracted my statements and asked it to stay.  So despite changing my mind and saying that the OP's thread should stay, it got nuked anyhow.  Hell, I left a note to the mods not to delete the thread as I was going to try to get OP to keep it, since you guys had a point.
Link Posted: 7/18/2017 11:59:53 PM EDT
And we're off to a good start..


lcoates33 - CLUTCH 33 (xbox)
Link Posted: 7/19/2017 2:17:51 AM EDT
Notrega - Notrega XBOX
Link Posted: 7/19/2017 2:29:37 AM EDT
Mariner82 - GiftedCoast30 (xbox)
Link Posted: 7/19/2017 2:30:48 AM EDT
Mlr052869- raitters

Can't wait at work now. Missing betas first few hours.
Link Posted: 7/19/2017 3:04:48 AM EDT
A1_2A - x559s Finest

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Mlr052869- raitters

Can't wait at work now. Missing betas first few hours.
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I'm at work right now too, Don't worry, Xbox beta doesn't open until 10am PST
Link Posted: 7/19/2017 6:49:11 AM EDT
Outrider - OU7RID3R
Link Posted: 7/19/2017 9:50:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/19/2017 9:58:02 AM EDT
Do we not have a PS4 group??????

I got this on PS4 for the exclusives

That said, the new void titan......sweet Jesus is it bad ass.
Link Posted: 7/19/2017 10:18:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/19/2017 11:38:44 AM EDT
I'm in.

XBL: AussieGoat
Link Posted: 7/19/2017 2:33:30 PM EDT
I'll be in on the hot beta action as soon as I get home.  TheJeanyus83
Link Posted: 7/19/2017 3:38:37 PM EDT
XBL - Maverick812

I'm back, boys.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 12:49:49 AM EDT
So much for the Beta.  Wish there was more to it.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 7:07:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 7:53:50 AM EDT
I thought the story mission was done much better than anything from Destiny 1.  I didn't get to play very long, just the story mission and 1 game of crucible.  In the Crucible I felt like 1) the increased time to kill is going to punish me hard until I get better at aiming, and 2) that Nightshade pulse rifle or whatever it's called is filthy.  Even when I landed my shots I was consistently getting outgunned by the people in the lobby who were using that.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 8:13:31 AM EDT
I enjoyed the game play last night.  My only complaint is the Shoulder Charge is pretty much useless now.   I don't use it much but tried to use it last night since the Supers and Nades take so long to charge.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 8:43:19 AM EDT
Campaign looks like it will be outstanding if the first mission sets the tone. My biggest complaint is that it seems PVP changes have dictated everything across the board. It's still awkward running 2 primaries. I still feel like I just stick with one 99% of the time. In the Crucible if you come around a corner and run into multiple opponents you better bail. With high TTK in this game you will be punished for choosing poor engagements. I notice that recovery times seem to be long so I guess this was designed with the ability to tracked a wounded enemy down and take them out. Ability recharge times are painfully slow. We had Arfcommers last night ripping off 10+ kill streaks and still not have a super. If some games were lopsided then there were no supers used. Teamshots are for real and any of the objective based games are going to be hard to solo queue and expect to do well. I don't care for the Control changes where only one person caps and there is no neutralizing. You also get no super energy for capping a flag which is stupid IMO. Game felt "clunkier" than it's predecessor.

I just hope D2 isn't based solely around a competitive Esport atmosphere.

As a Hunter only player I'm extremely underwhelmed. Arcstrider is fun in PVE but it is awful in PVP. Gunslinger is much better in the Crucible but GG last only a few seconds. The dodge ability is useful but Titans and Warlocks still have more utility.

Crucible meta:
-Nightshade pulse rifle is outstanding.
-Minuet hand cannon for your 2nd primary or whatever is quite good as well.
-Retrofuturist shotgun and Main Ingredient fusion rifle are amazing heavies.


20 Kill Streak (skip to 1 min mark)
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 9:07:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 9:49:41 AM EDT
After playing a few games I love PvP at the moment. All about gunskill and not abilities and supers. Power ammo is done right where only one person gets it. Played 2 games with persinger last night and we each had 20+ kill games. I love the dual primary play. Hand Canon and either a smg or the Titan exotic auto rifle. After playing Titan last night I'm in love with it. As it stands right now I think bungo is nailing it.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 10:04:34 AM EDT
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After playing a few games I love PvP at the moment. All about gunskill and not abilities and supers. Power ammo is done right where only one person gets it. Played 2 games with persinger last night and we each had 20+ kill games. I love the dual primary play. Hand Canon and either a smg or the Titan exotic auto rifle. After playing Titan last night I'm in love with it. As it stands right now I think bungo is nailing it.
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Crucible definitely took a step in the right direction but I think abilities were hit a bit too hard. I don't want a sticky/Icebreaker meta but this is a fantasy "space magic" game where supernatural abilities are part of the allure.

PVP is looking good but I think it may be at the expense of PVE. I'm still all in on the game but I'm cautiously optimistic.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 10:04:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 10:17:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 10:27:07 AM EDT
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I played hunter last night and agree with Outrider's overall assessment of the class and the crucible in general. 

Team shots are super real. There's no getting in a 2v1 and at least killing one guy and getting away like you can in D1. 2v1s or more are almost guaranteed instant death. 

Ability and super charge is sloooooooooooow. Which is a good thing and a bad thing I guess. It's good not to get pummeled by wombo combos, lightning grenades or stickies (sticks do not one shot anymore either, that alone nominates D2 beta for game of the year). But yeah, I went on a 12 or 13 kill streak and was like two thirds of the way to a super when I finally got killed. You get little to no progress towards your super for capping flags and arming/disarming bomb sites either. 

Arc strider is a weird class. It's like a bladedancer with even worse maneuverability, if you can believe that. It's like a fat drunk guy dancing at a party before he slips, falls and hits his head on the corner of the bar.  It is pretty good at clearing packs in PVE, but the hit detection for the staff for PVP feels really weird and floaty. Like at times you gotta hit someone directly for it to register and kill someone, and other times you can kinda wave it in their general direction and get a kill. Probably a beta thing, at least I hope it is. 

Golden gun is still golden gun. I wish the other talent tree was unlocked so I could slow the timer of the super, even if I had to give up the other three shots. Crucible is 4v4, I don't really need six fast shots, three shots that I can run around with for a bit while I'm looking for someone to blast would be better. 

Tonight is gonna be Titan Thursday. I'm looking forward to trying out Captain America. I was on the receiving end of it last night and it seems pretty monsterous. 
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The roaming Titan slam is so nice though. I haven't tried captian America yet.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 10:35:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 10:41:09 AM EDT
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I haven't played with it yet, but from watching videos I'm not crazy about the super slow nova bomb.  They were easy enough to whiff in Destiny 1.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 10:43:49 AM EDT
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I haven't played with it yet, but from watching videos I'm not crazy about the super slow nova bomb.  They were easy enough to whiff in Destiny 1.
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Apparently you can shoot it to detonate it early.


Nova Bomb travels slowly and seeks enemies. Detonations shatter into smaller seeker projectiles. Fire your weapon at the Nova Bomb to detonate it early.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 10:47:56 AM EDT
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I played hunter last night and agree with Outrider's overall assessment of the class and the crucible in general. 

Team shots are super real. There's no getting in a 2v1 and at least killing one guy and getting away like you can in D1. 2v1s or more are almost guaranteed instant death. 

Ability and super charge is sloooooooooooow. Which is a good thing and a bad thing I guess. It's good not to get pummeled by wombo combos, lightning grenades or stickies (sticks do not one shot anymore either, that alone nominates D2 beta for game of the year). But yeah, I went on a 12 or 13 kill streak and was like two thirds of the way to a super when I finally got killed. You get little to no progress towards your super for capping flags and arming/disarming bomb sites either. 

Arc strider is a weird class. It's like a bladedancer with even worse maneuverability, if you can believe that. It's like a fat drunk guy dancing at a party before he slips, falls and hits his head on the corner of the bar.  It is pretty good at clearing packs in PVE, but the hit detection for the staff for PVP feels really weird and floaty. Like at times you gotta hit someone directly for it to register and kill someone, and other times you can kinda wave it in their general direction and get a kill. Probably a beta thing, at least I hope it is. 

Golden gun is still golden gun. I wish the other talent tree was unlocked so I could slow the timer of the super, even if I had to give up the other three shots. Crucible is 4v4, I don't really need six fast shots, three shots that I can run around with for a bit while I'm looking for someone to blast would be better. 

Tonight is gonna be Titan Thursday. I'm looking forward to trying out Captain America. I was on the receiving end of it last night and it seems pretty monsterous. 
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I agree with all of the above.  My .02:

I don't like 4v4.  One bad teammate can sink you where 6v6 might be able to cover for it.

Hunter is the worst class by far right now.  Arcstrider is lackluster (maybe getting better with the combos will help?) and 6-shot Golden Gun is a PVE ability.  Dodge is the most useless ability; the reload is a joke next to Titan's barrier reload.

Warlock is in the middle.  Dawnblade is meh, but Voidwalker is pretty cool.  Dropping a healing pool is amazing.

Titan is a beast.  Both Striker and Captain America are awesome.  Both small and large barrier are great.

I played all 3 classes in D1, but considered Hunter my "main", so I'm disappointed with what I'm seeing in the beta.  I may end up primarily as a Warlock because a couple of my real-life friends want to play Titan and Hunter.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 11:06:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 11:22:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 11:23:17 AM EDT
Nice vids outrider.

We had some great games last night as well. One of which ended in a mercy rule.

That strike though.... what a bullet sponge.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 11:26:04 AM EDT
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It's a very strange feeling. In my limited time, the hunter mobility is just complete and total shit. 

This is supposed to be a class based around being speedy and maneuverable, and it just feels like anything but. Especially with arc strider. I had a moment last night where there were like three guys in front of me, I jumped up in the air towards them, popped my super and starting swinging the staff thinking it would kinda lunge or blade towards them and close the distance where I could actually do some work, but instead I did some little pirouettes or twirls or something in the air without any real forward movement as I got team shot down. 

Hell, a few times, I just ran away from arc striders in their super, just turn the other way and run and there was nothing they could do to close the gap and get me. It was far harder to escape Captain America titans or dawnblade warlocks. 

Also I don't have any other armor sets with different perks, but the movement trait or perk doesn't seem to do shit either. Hunters have 10 in this stat by default and maybe it's because I don't have anything else to compare it to, but I don't really notice any difference. 
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I noticed all of the above when i was on the Hunter last night. Kinda sucked to be honest. Everything just feels.. slow.

I did get several pieces of armor for the titan. Much better so far.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 11:29:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 11:39:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 12:05:44 PM EDT
Play the competitive game mode if you want a bigger challenge.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 12:17:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 12:42:10 PM EDT
Something to point out though.  This is a technical beta that they wanted to test gunplay in, so abilities and the like were shorted.  Mostly it was to see what weapons were used more and generally make sure backend stuff worked under system stress.  Not a gameplay beta. 
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 1:09:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 1:22:55 PM EDT
Keep in mind we're also used to Destiny 1 skill based match making.  Normally you guys wouldn't encounter many noobs because you're pretty solid PvPers.

I only got to play one game, but I was on the receiving end of a mercy.  When it ended I had 4 "defeats" and was #1 on the team. :-/
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 1:25:42 PM EDT
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I understand their reasoning behind it, but I really wish patrol mode for at least one planet was open. Just so I could wander around and look at stuff. 
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I hear that.  Although I think D1 opening all of earth wasn't the best plan  I'd love to get a group together to explore Nessus on the strike though.  Reddit is finding a ton of stuff and you can apparently explore a lot on there.  Just need a group of 3 to do it, because if someone is running the strike and dies, you all get sucked to where they kicked the bucket.

I was fighting a vex/fallen/cabal war near the spawn zone about 10 minutes after the strike started, although they were orange bar and killed the crap out of me pretty easily.  
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 2:06:24 PM EDT
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Keep in mind we're also used to Destiny 1 skill based match making.  Normally you guys wouldn't encounter many noobs because you're pretty solid PvPers.

I only got to play one game, but I was on the receiving end of a mercy.  When it ended I had 4 "defeats" and was #1 on the team. :-/
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When I was solo queuing I got wrecked a few games in a row, some of them via mercy. When we assembled an ARFCOM squad we started wrecking. No doubt we were playing some real potatoes who probably never played Destiny before.

Towards the end of our run I was seeing ARFCOMMER 1 is on a 5x streak, ARFCOMMER 2 is on a 10x streak etc. We had a game where our team averaged a 7.0+ efficiency.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 2:38:22 PM EDT
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That's what I was going to comment on today.  Nova bomb is now completely useless!  Even slow-assed Cabal can sidestep it with ease.  Maybe they just don't want people playing as a Voidwalker in the Beta and will fix that in the release.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 2:40:41 PM EDT
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That's what I was going to comment on today.  Nova bomb is now completely useless!  Even slow-assed Cabal can sidestep it with ease.  Maybe they just don't want people playing as a Voidwalker in the Beta and will fix that in the release.
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That's what I was going to comment on today.  Nova bomb is now completely useless!  Even slow-assed Cabal can sidestep it with ease.  Maybe they just don't want people playing as a Voidwalker in the Beta and will fix that in the release.
I found that by jumping and launching the bomb downward, it works much better.  It's my favorite non-Captain America super.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 2:52:18 PM EDT
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I found that by jumping and launching the bomb downward, it works much better.  It's my favorite non-Captain America super.
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That's what I was going to comment on today.  Nova bomb is now completely useless!  Even slow-assed Cabal can sidestep it with ease.  Maybe they just don't want people playing as a Voidwalker in the Beta and will fix that in the release.
I found that by jumping and launching the bomb downward, it works much better.  It's my favorite non-Captain America super.
And the other Nova Bomb options aren't available right now.  I can see the slow and steady that shoots axion bolts great in PVP though.  Got 3/4 of a team in one shot last night, with a combo of the bolts and shooting fishing the last off.  

I will say I miss lobbing my big boom out there though.   Completely wrecked a shot in the strike trying to lob it.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 3:37:31 PM EDT
GT: ChorizoWaffle

Quick question since I only really use the xbox for 4k streaming/blurays and rocket league with the wife... If I have a 3.5mm headphone/mic splitter and run a separate mic/headphone combo can I just plug that into the xbox controller and go? It's one of the newer-ish controllers with the 3.5mm jack. I know I could do this on my ps4 without a hassle. I don't have a splitter anymore since I lost it in a move otherwise I'd just go and try. If not, what is the absolute dirt cheapest method to get voice going?

I mean, worst case I have a bluetooth headset and I could just fire up the xbox app on my pc and join a party that way right? Seems convoluted but could work I guess. Can't check that method either because no bluetooth on my pc until tomorrow when I get my new motherboard running.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 3:50:12 PM EDT
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GT: ChorizoWaffle

Quick question since I only really use the xbox for 4k streaming/blurays and rocket league with the wife... If I have a 3.5mm headphone/mic splitter and run a separate mic/headphone combo can I just plug that into the xbox controller and go? It's one of the newer-ish controllers with the 3.5mm jack. I know I could do this on my ps4 without a hassle. I don't have a splitter anymore since I lost it in a move otherwise I'd just go and try. If not, what is the absolute dirt cheapest method to get voice going?

I mean, worst case I have a bluetooth headset and I could just fire up the xbox app on my pc and join a party that way right? Seems convoluted but could work I guess. Can't check that method either because no bluetooth on my pc until tomorrow when I get my new motherboard running.
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The new Xbox controllers should have a 3.5mm jack on them, but can't confirm if it'll work or not.  I'm just not sure if the pins inside line up right, but I'd think they should.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 8:19:44 PM EDT
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The new Xbox controllers should have a 3.5mm jack on them, but can't confirm if it'll work or not.  I'm just not sure if the pins inside line up right, but I'd think they should.
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Ya, I noticed the jack and I know people used to have to buy adapters. I'll find out tomorrow and post so anybody else wondering will know.
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 8:28:41 PM EDT
xb1 GT = dhoskins
Link Posted: 7/20/2017 10:36:26 PM EDT
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