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Link Posted: 1/24/2024 8:49:50 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#1]
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Originally Posted By gtsteve03:
I hope this shit stays out of Mechwarrior. I've been enjoying it's very lack of wokeness.
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Thankfully the older versions are floating around and there are still a few players.  I guess there is an upside to pgi's MW5 being single player / coop.



CGL blocked pardoe.

CGL is now going fully ugly fighting fundamentalist / westboro baptist style:
Secondary separation takes things a step further: not only does one separate from an individual or group due to sin or heresy, but one also separates from anyone who does not likewise separate from those individuals or groups.

Secondary separation works like this:
a) Mr. False is a heretic, teaching a false gospel.
b) We refuse to associate with Mr. False (and rightly so).
c) Mr. True, who is a sound, biblical teacher, speaks at a conference where Mr. False is also speaking.
d) We now refuse to associate with Mr. True, because of his association with Mr. False.

Practicing secondary separation is difficult because it is hard to stop at the secondary level. Using the names in the above example, what about other people who do not separate from Mr. True? If associating with Mr. True is wrong because of his tacit approval of Mr. False, then it would seem that someone who associates with Mr. True is living in sin, and we should separate from him as well. So, if Mr. Right (who does not support Mr. False) does not separate from Mr. True, do we need to also separate from Mr. Right? Now we have three levels of separation, but it does not stop there. What if Mr. Proper continues to associate with Mr. Right? Do we now need to dissociate from Mr. Proper? And what about all the people who still associate with Mr. Proper? Do we need to dissociate from them, too? It goes on and on. It would never stop.

And we are not seeing them do this to the loudmouth lgbtqetc'ists who brought sexual anarchy politics into CGL's spaces. I find it odd that the fella that makes your seat at the table missed this. CGL is not just protecting it's online spaces from people who ruin the game for others (or post content about 3dprinted assets). CGL chose instead to protect one group and let them ruin it for everyone else by constantly shoving the rainbow agenda in everyone's faces when they've been told people don't like that.

Link Posted: 1/25/2024 7:59:46 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By gtsteve03:
I hope this shit stays out of Mechwarrior. I've been enjoying it's very lack of wokeness.
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Its a shame whats going on with some IPs (to include Btech).  I would assume that therre is no safe IP, which is why I cringe anymore every time I see mention of a 'remake', sequal or move to a different medium for any IP I like.
Link Posted: 1/26/2024 9:22:08 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#3]
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Originally Posted By darkpaladin1:

Its a shame whats going on with some IPs (to include Btech).  I would assume that therre is no safe IP, which is why I cringe anymore every time I see mention of a 'remake', sequal or move to a different medium for any IP I like.
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Originally Posted By darkpaladin1:
Originally Posted By gtsteve03:
I hope this shit stays out of Mechwarrior. I've been enjoying it's very lack of wokeness.

Its a shame whats going on with some IPs (to include Btech).  I would assume that therre is no safe IP, which is why I cringe anymore every time I see mention of a 'remake', sequal or move to a different medium for any IP I like.

Thankfully with BT, you don't need to give the current group a thin red cent to play.

Not one penny from me until they deserve it.

I don't think they are adult enough to learn their lesson, but I'd like for them to make me wrong.
Link Posted: 1/28/2024 4:12:50 AM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#4]
Catalyst Game Labs - Battletech and a Culture of Violence

TL:DW = CGL is content to have a loudmouth stalker who posts violent rehtoric and talk about his guns and possibly having to kill people in tabletop gaming stores.

In fact, they brought the dude back inot the CDT after he got booted previously.

Icing on the cake, the people on side for the purges ... well, they talk exactly like those who would purge people for no good reason. It's a shocker, I know.

Anyways, Fanatics, the owner of topps (topps owns the BT IP as far as I know) ought to be informed about this stuff.  First CGL sides with a rehtorically violent stalker of one of their authors, hires the guy to publish, and fires the author he stalked that's been a writer on BT since almost the start ... and now this.

Seems like a pattern is emerging.

ETA: Oh it just figures.

Who owns Fanatics stock?

Fanatics has attracted several well-known investors by raising capital privately. In March 2022, the company raised $1.5 billion from Fidelity, BlackRock (NYSE: BLK), and Michael Dell's MSD Partners. Earlier investors also included Major League Baseball, the NFL Players Association, and the National Hockey League.
Link Posted: 1/29/2024 8:29:26 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

Thankfully with BT, you don't need to give the current group a thin red cent to play.

Not one penny from me until they deserve it.

I don't think they are adult enough to learn their lesson, but I'd like for them to make me wrong.
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Im glad i got hard copies (and PDFs where I could) of their stuff before they went completely bonkers.  I just wish it were easier to get a hold of a lot of their older novels.
Link Posted: 1/30/2024 9:51:32 PM EDT
A lot of the older novels were available in ebook format.

I can't remember where I bought them.

Let me search my emails

Oh, it was through humble bundle. ebooks from catalyst last may. $18
can't remember how many books.  let me check my tablet.

Link Posted: 1/30/2024 10:54:12 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By darkpaladin1:

Im glad i got hard copies (and PDFs where I could) of their stuff before they went completely bonkers.  I just wish it were easier to get a hold of a lot of their older novels.
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Originally Posted By darkpaladin1:
Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

Thankfully with BT, you don't need to give the current group a thin red cent to play.

Not one penny from me until they deserve it.

I don't think they are adult enough to learn their lesson, but I'd like for them to make me wrong.

Im glad i got hard copies (and PDFs where I could) of their stuff before they went completely bonkers.  I just wish it were easier to get a hold of a lot of their older novels.

Chamblin's bookmine in jax fl used to and I presume still does have a LOT of them. I haven't been anywhere near the place in ages though.

If you want to find them online:

Use this to find the titles and authors (and isbns) https://www.sarna.net/wiki/List_of_BattleTech_Print_Novels_and_Anthologies

Go here: https://www.bookfinder.com/

And you can probably find a copy of all of them.

For instance:


And you can get them second hand.
Link Posted: 1/30/2024 10:58:58 PM EDT
Been playing Battletech since 2nd edition.

IMO Catalyst ruined it.
Doesn't matter to me since I don't really count anything of theirs cannon.

I just made my own Battletech and Mechwarrior world based off of the FASA years.

It belongs to me now. It can belong to anyone. Make your own stories within that rich universe.

I have every single FASA Battletech and Mechwarrior rulebook, sourcebook, tech readout, scenario pack, and novel.

Plenty of maps, miniatures, and an overabundance of imagination.

Link Posted: 1/30/2024 11:13:31 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Ranman223] [#9]
Oh Hell ya . Me n my buds had a group .

We called ourselves the Gentlemens society .
We played all manor of games . Risk , The fantasy trip aka Melee. ( like d n d
But way better and yes  Battletech . Alot of Battletech .

My nick name was " the Heat Miser " cause I would shoot a bunch of
Weapons and take a chance.on Overheating my Mech .
We each had a division or unit of Mechs . Light , scout , medium and
Heavy . I still have mine but haven't played in years .
My buddy had a 3d hex  map set that worked Great  for a lot of
Those games . Good times.

Ps there was a.pretty good game on Super Nintendo called
/ about Battle tech .
Link Posted: 1/30/2024 11:21:02 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#10]
Classy, just so classy.


Who is this?

This is someone who catalyst game labs let back onto the catalyst demo team and who catalyst game labs published.


ETA: It gets better ... it always gets better ...


Except of course, no freedom for anyone that wants any public places free of sexual anarchy, woke politics, or any place where you can just have a game that is about the game.

That is, until he and others who are in lockstep with him finally manage to take over the IP and *make the game* about sexual anarchy and woke politics. Than the game can be about the game only, because the game is just today's left of center news.

Permabanhammers for everyone who is not like him is perfectly OK with him now.


And yet the exact same attitude underlies "TAKE THEIR SPACES AND GAMES AWAY FROM THEM." ... and given his twitter feed, I bet he hasn't gone a day in years without saying conservatives / social conservatives / christians are fascists.


What good are convictions if you don't apply them everywhere they apply? Or you can toss them away for no good reason?

Except this is exactly what CGL is doing right now to satisfy yourself and others who want to run out people who don't think like you.


CGL is redflagging people out of bt.

Hello, the list of problematics in the CDT server?

People getting banned from r/battletech for asking why creepy politics and stuff are suddenly a part of *tabletop rgp spaces?*
Link Posted: 1/30/2024 11:53:17 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Ranman223:
Oh Hell ya . Me n my buds had a group .

We called ourselves the Gentlemens society .
We played all manor of games . Risk , The fantasy trip aka Melee. ( like d n d
But way better and yes  Battletech . Alot of Battletech .

My nick name was " the Heat Miser " cause I would shoot a bunch of
Weapons and take a chance.on Overheating my Mech .
We each had a division or unit of Mechs . Light , scout , medium and
Heavy . I still have mine but haven't played in years .
My buddy had a 3d hex  map set that worked Great  for a lot of
Those games . Good times.

Ps there was a.pretty good game on Super Nintendo called
/ about Battle tech .
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Speaking of pretty good bt games ... besides mechwarrior and the commander games ...

https://github.com/MegaMek/ Or https://megamek.org/

Pretty full and faithful implementation and you can play people online. It's also free.
Link Posted: 1/31/2024 12:18:49 AM EDT
Lol, do you even Roguetech, bro?
Link Posted: 1/31/2024 12:43:32 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By chibajoe:
Lol, do you even Roguetech, bro?
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I haven't tried it yet.

Recently reloaded HBS "bt"and ran through the content of it, on a burnout cycle.

The mission where you fight over the star league cache of ...
Click To View Spoiler

BTW if you don't care for unity messing with you and you're willing to fuss around with a hosts file and your firewall ... you can take control of the software you bought with info like this:





Link Posted: 1/31/2024 10:20:49 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

I haven't tried it yet.

Recently reloaded HBS "bt"and ran through the content of it, on a burnout cycle.

The mission where you fight over the star league cache of ...
Click To View Spoiler

BTW if you don't care for unity messing with you and you're willing to fuss around with a hosts file and your firewall ... you can take control of the software you bought with info like this:





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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:
Originally Posted By chibajoe:
Lol, do you even Roguetech, bro?

I haven't tried it yet.

Recently reloaded HBS "bt"and ran through the content of it, on a burnout cycle.

The mission where you fight over the star league cache of ...
Click To View Spoiler

BTW if you don't care for unity messing with you and you're willing to fuss around with a hosts file and your firewall ... you can take control of the software you bought with info like this:






Roguetech vastly expands the universe and allows (limited) online play.  The AI is straight up evil, especially if you enable optional rules (like nukes).  

I have no idea what you're talking about with unity, but then again, I don't do Steam or DRM.
Link Posted: 1/31/2024 1:25:35 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#15]
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Originally Posted By chibajoe:

Roguetech vastly expands the universe and allows (limited) online play.  The AI is straight up evil, especially if you enable optional rules (like nukes).  

I have no idea what you're talking about with unity, but then again, I don't do Steam or DRM.
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Unity is just the name for the game's engine in HBSBT.

Unity games "call home" with stuff that's simply not necessary.

I use GOG too. Offline installs for the win. If you use any of their games that require galaxy, you can cut down on what it sends too, without nuking core functionality.  We're at the point now where device drivers squawk across the net .... like, say, nvidia drivers: https://www.techpowerup.com/nvcleanstall/

Every time your computer does a adress look up for a internet name it checks a file on your hard drive called the hosts file.  You can manually edit that file like a text file and tell it "when you look for (anything, say, google.com or such) go to this IP address" and you can have it go to - which is your own computer ... in otherwords, send the request into the trash, never out the door.
Link Posted: 2/1/2024 5:03:23 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#16]
Stackpole, showing he doesn't know up from down and is willing to say there are five lights:



Do yourself a favor, don't click onto that account's page. He's an extremely delsuional dude and very perverted and self destructive. Eyebleach warning x1000. Guy needs major help (and yes, he's a part of the new internal cgl community in some way, IIRC).

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Four Lights

I don't think he'd read it because this is outside his bubble, but ...

Stackpole, the things that are said to be rights by those who are attempting to destroy male and female are not rights.

They are telling others how they have to think and act. They are not saying tolerate me. They are saying "there are five lights."  The things they want from you are destructive to them and destructive to others and society.

Beyond that - perhaps at some point you've realized that you can never get an ought from an is.

You cannot get rights based on the "is" of what you are. Oughts - which rights are - can only come from a person, and in order to not be based on mere thuggery and force, that person has to exhuastively know all of reality, as it really is, and be able to make that known to you.

No human can do that.

If you can't offer a sane basis for what you are claiming, you can't give anyone a reason to believe you.


Also, sarna has gone full bigot: https://www.sarna.net/news/

It's probably a good time to use the https://www.httrack.com/ website copier on the wiki before they start destroying it.


ETA: in the more interesting and happier vein:

Why Do We Love The Patton Main Battle Tank? #BattleTech Lore / History

Battletech Tactics: Targeting Computer
Link Posted: 2/2/2024 11:51:32 PM EDT
Finally got around to making myself a Steiner Scout Lance.

Link Posted: 2/6/2024 4:28:10 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Chowser:
Finally got around to making myself a Steiner Scout Lance.

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Needs more 135 ton tripods!
Link Posted: 2/6/2024 4:45:32 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#19]
Sarcastic humor for the day:

This is one of the people involved in the reddit takeover, the demo team purge and takever - the one involved in the discussion of how the mods are defining "respect" and "safe spaces" that are used to ban people. No, it's not "be nice, why could you be mad at that?"   That is what is known as "cover."  You know it's cover because you can see people posting about how and why they got banned. It is also ignorant to expect people to go against their thinking and culture.

@Ravenclaw74   4 days ago
Ironically I was permanently banned from the CGL Twitter page for questioning the necessity of the announcement. Battletech is already for everyone.


Yes, she is an OEM female.

Chuck asking the same question almost everyone else is:

The answer:

Yep. That's CGL's new community manager. (IMO comm mgr  = head inquisitor)

As far as I can tell, this is one of the people if not the person being used by CGL to purge the community of people who don't want BT to be crammed full of sexual anarchy and democrat social politics.

Youtuber critical rocket did something he apparently never hd before - an interview - with this "rem alternis" ... for what it's worth he did a decent job, but you can tell he's not used to handling these sorts of situations, because when she told him the bans and stuff were being handed out because of "respect" and etc., he didn't immediately ask her what those words meant - how they were defining them.

My takeaway: "respect" in their rules means "agree with and celebrate" or "don't say anything that will hurt a democrat or independent's feelings" (the latter meaning that the most sensitive bully's feelings define things, a goalpost that flys at mach 10).

... And we've seen the posts from people saying "I asked what's up with anything other than the game being in the game" and "please keep the politics out, what's up?" and being banned for it, and the pre-emptive bans of people for similar.

We aren't dumb rem. We know what you're doing.

She even had the gall to trot out "but I have a token 'friend' who is a conservative..." ETA: And we have some idea how bad the TTRPG/TT wargaming community can be: https://archive.is/0Nv3c)

Also the laughably bad "but we aren't taking over anything" ... than admitting the mods from the official CGL bt reddit took over in r/battletech, and that CGL's rules were being used ... very bad tradecraft rem. You are bad at propaganda.

... and from what I hear, shadowrun has had worse done to it already.
Link Posted: 2/6/2024 7:01:14 PM EDT



Link Posted: 2/6/2024 8:46:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/7/2024 8:11:11 AM EDT
I miss the days when I could do precision mini painting all day.
Link Posted: 2/8/2024 12:11:34 AM EDT
This is some REALLY neat terrain:

NEW Rugged Hills Modular Terrain by Terrainify | BATTLETECH Terrain:
Link Posted: 2/14/2024 12:14:41 AM EDT
House Kurita...That's Snake Dragon Right?

Link Posted: 2/23/2024 9:40:59 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Chowser] [#25]
George Ledoux, the renowned video game voice actor, is reprising his role as the original voice of Duncan Fisher from MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries for the next DLC coming next month.

Link Posted: 2/23/2024 10:27:03 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Chowser:
George Ledoux, the renowned video game voice actor, is reprising his role as the original voice of Duncan Fisher from MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries for the next DLC coming next month.

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Not gonna lie, as much as I wanted MW5 to be awesome, I was not impressed and was unable to even come close to finishing it.  Has it significantly improved in any way (other than through mods) since about 3 months after launch?
Link Posted: 3/18/2024 12:42:50 AM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#27]
Well we have a bit more info now on why the reddit got taken over (pinkie swear, wink nod, totally not, even though it follows cgl's rules and has cgl's moderators and team running it now and follows the hitlist for banning that was running around in the cgl circles) ...

Rem alternis - who admits in this linked article that she didn't know her head from her tail regarding BT before being brought in to work with CGL - got a post taken down on the r/battletech reddit for trying to post about sexual anarchy "pride" anthology.



Let’s start with how the community guidelines developed, and who might have been consulted in their development.
Rem: Sure. It was a long process. So in June, there was the whole Reddit thing that happened. There was an issue with a fan Pride Anthology where someone had reached out to me and asked me to post about it, and I was like sure, so I did. And then they posted it to Reddit and it got deleted as being real-world politics. So there was a big uproar on the subreddit saying, “Well, why is Catalyst okay with this but not Reddit?”

Oh no. We can't post sexual anarchy content in this NOT sexual anarchy online space...

There was kind of an uproar that happened and I had a bunch of people reach out to me and tell me about it. And I was like, well, one of my initiatives Loren wanted was more communities for Catalyst to participate in and make into official spaces. So I decided; if the people want an official subreddit, we can do that. Since I was away moving that weekend, I assigned someone to just go ahead and find mods and make it happen.
He was like, “Cool, can I have your moderators?” And I was like, sure, you can reach out to them. So he did, and they all migrated over.

Oh look.

Admitting it was a takeover. Intentional. Earlier they swore it wasn't. ALL the mods from the CGL official reddit moved over.

The problem was the new Reddit moderators wanted community guidelines that didn’t exist. So, we kind of looked at a couple of online communities that were pretty positive places and cobbled together something quickly for the time being, but I realized that we needed something that’s gone through the process.
The thing is each of these communities is also different, so we wanted something all-encompassing that can be applied everywhere. But if we need more specific rules for the demo team, or more specific rules for the forums, or wherever else, then we can still do that. Then we had them reviewed by all of the directors, by Loren, we got some feedback, and finally, they were ready to post. We got that out in January.

Totally not control freak. Nope, not at all. Offically taking over online spaces that aren't yours, saying it's not official, and banhammering people for doing things like merely asking "why do we even need this stuff? I don't understand."

What is also the defining factor for the team that built these community guidelines is that—and I think if it says this in the community guidelines—identity is not political. Anyone identifying themselves as transgender or any of the LGBTQ+ options that are out there: they exist. They exist, it is not political.

Now the bait and switch.

Yes, the identities are political. They are just as political as republican or democrat. Don't play us for ignorant fools rem. They were crafted quite carefully and have been controlled in public spaces and elsewhere quite carefully for multiple decades now. We can read and watch the news, you know: https://web.archive.org/web/20081201094824/http://library.gayhomeland.org/0018/EN/EN_Overhauling_Straight.htm  For instance, "cisgender" is *specifically* a social "term of art" meant to try and closet non-sexual anarchists into their nice little spot on the spectrum of sexual anarchism and try to get people to start seeing the world that way and talk about it that way, to normalize this stuff.  People can see that just by how it's used.

No, this will not fly. You're allowing only one side of that poltical spectrum to shove it's ideology in people's faces by *not allowing any meaningful disagreement with them* in your control freak spaces and allowing them to push their ideology.

Yes, "but this is normal, it's what I am" can be and is a political and social movement thing. People are put off by that stuff being where it shouldn't.

The example I’ve been using is, if you don’t believe in gay marriage, I’m not mad at you about that. That is your right to believe in what you want to believe, but we’re just not going to talk about it in the BattleTech spaces.

But you are allowed to *positively* and approvingly discuss gay "marriage" in catalyst spaces (You can't run all battletech spaces you control freak). See how this is one-sided and how you're enforcing your taboos?

Plus, I don't believe you wouldn't be mad about that. Yes, I think you're lying. I could be wrong, but I doubt it. I won't bother to ask someone like you to be honest, you're functionally a public facing PR hack.

Rem: Sarna is absolutely a partner. I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had with the developers or the freelancers where I asked a question and they’re like, “Oh, let’s check Sarna.” I think there is a close relationship there, and I am looking forward to ways that we can utilize the experience and the knowledge that’s within Sarna.

I will be shocked if they don't take over the sarna wiki.

For the love of natasha kerensky, someone back the whole thing up before they screw it up.
Link Posted: 3/18/2024 9:49:26 PM EDT
Catalyst is the Star League committing the Reunification War on people who just want to be left alone.

They even rewrote the periphery history to fabricate some fake transhouse Arreola where the Taurian/Magistracy colonies were expanding.
Link Posted: 3/31/2024 7:34:24 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By darkpaladin1:

Not gonna lie, as much as I wanted MW5 to be awesome, I was not impressed and was unable to even come close to finishing it.  Has it significantly improved in any way (other than through mods) since about 3 months after launch?
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Originally Posted By darkpaladin1:
Originally Posted By Chowser:
George Ledoux, the renowned video game voice actor, is reprising his role as the original voice of Duncan Fisher from MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries for the next DLC coming next month.


Not gonna lie, as much as I wanted MW5 to be awesome, I was not impressed and was unable to even come close to finishing it.  Has it significantly improved in any way (other than through mods) since about 3 months after launch?

I hated it when it first came out.  I recently bought all the DLCs during the most recent Steam sale and installed about 30 mods and now I can't stop playing it. I've got almost 50 hours in it and I haven't even hit the first DLC w/ the Kestrel Lancers being part of Galahad invading the Capellans, much less any of the clan stuff the modders have released. If you haven't played it since it first released, download it and give some of the major mods a try. It really does change the game for the better.
Link Posted: 3/31/2024 7:36:05 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Sirveaux:
Catalyst is the Star League committing the Reunification War on people who just want to be left alone.

They even rewrote the periphery history to fabricate some fake transhouse Arreola where the Taurian/Magistracy colonies were expanding.
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CGL is having a major row right now w/ the shipping costs on their Mercernaries Kick Starter from over a year ago. My $60 pledge has a shipping cost of $30.  Some guys w/ thousands in pledges have shipping charges of over $1000. It's insane and extremely amusing at the same time. I love Battletech. It will always be my first love amongst sci-fi universes, but CGL is dead to me.
Link Posted: 4/1/2024 1:43:38 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#31]
Originally Posted By Paulie771:

I hated it when it first came out.  I recently bought all the DLCs during the most recent Steam sale and installed about 30 mods and now I can't stop playing it. I've got almost 50 hours in it and I haven't even hit the first DLC w/ the Kestrel Lancers being part of Galahad invading the Capellans, much less any of the clan stuff the modders have released. If you haven't played it since it first released, download it and give some of the major mods a try. It really does change the game for the better.
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What mods are you using?

I have it and have played the camps and coop with friends and I really like the genere and the setting but it just fell flat for me - to the point that I'm apathetic about it.

Much interest in anything that could spice it up.

Originally Posted By Paulie771:
CGL is having a major row right now w/ the shipping costs on their Mercernaries Kick Starter from over a year ago. My $60 pledge has a shipping cost of $30.  Some guys w/ thousands in pledges have shipping charges of over $1000. It's insane and extremely amusing at the same time. I love Battletech. It will always be my first love amongst sci-fi universes, but CGL is dead to me.
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Yes they are. I have seen some people with $1000+ dollar shipping bills on orders under $5k. It is absolutely and utterly insane.

Apparently some people are getting charged up to 50% of their pledge.

Battletech Mercenaries, INSANE fees for shipping! Catalyst in hot water!

The comments section on the kickstarter are exactly what you'd expect.


And they are trying to shift the blame onto the shipper.


Comment from the YT video:

1 day ago
Great recap but should have gone into Update 81 where they admitted that QML was calculating these shipping costs all the way back in December and CGL had them in-hand by a week ago at the absolute latest.  CGL says that they themselves handed the cost data over to Backerkit to enter (on Monday the 25th of March, a full business week ago).
The Many Voices
1 day ago
Oh dear. Confirming my theory that at the very least they didn't care until people flipped out about the pricing... Ill make a follow up video when they make an official announcement next week. Thanks for the heads up!
Link Posted: 4/1/2024 1:45:41 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#32]
... and it seems rageholic dropped another rant video on CGL ~10 days ago.

The Battle for Battletech - A Rant


Playing Battletech ... WITHOUT cgl.

Quite easily possible.
Link Posted: 4/1/2024 2:53:01 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Paulie771] [#33]
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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

What mods are you using?

I have it and have played the camps and coop with friends and I really like the genere and the setting but it just fell flat for me - to the point that I'm apathetic about it.

Much interest in anything that could spice it up.
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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

What mods are you using?

I have it and have played the camps and coop with friends and I really like the genere and the setting but it just fell flat for me - to the point that I'm apathetic about it.

Much interest in anything that could spice it up.
Let me get home and I'll get a list.  The big ones are "Yet Another Mech Lab" and that whole series (mechs are much more customizeable w/ full internals such as gyros and engines, adds more mechs, variants, equipment, weapons, etc), "Pilot Overhaul" (completely redoes pilot skills, traits, training) "Coyote Contracts,"  (adds many new contract types that are actually quite good and fun) and "VonBiomes" (much fancier and varied maps).

Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:
... and it seems rageholic dropped another rant video on CGL ~10 days ago.



Playing Battletech ... WITHOUT cgl.

Quite easily possible.
Oh yea, playing BT w/o CGL is easily doable. Total Warfare rulebook has been out almost half of the game's existance and there are still people that insist on playing w/ the BMR:R or even BMR. With all the defined eras and fiction, one could easily spend the rest of his days playing entire campaigns and never leave 3rd Succession War, 4th, Clan Invasion, Bulldog, Civil War, Jihad, etc. Especially w/ 3d printing and all those files being available for so long, what does anyone REALLY need CGL for it you're not interested in the new fiction?
Link Posted: 4/1/2024 4:11:01 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Paulie771:

Let me get home and I'll get a list.  The big ones are "Yet Another Mech Lab" and that whole series (mechs are much more customizeable w/ full internals such as gyros and engines, adds more mechs, variants, equipment, weapons, etc), "Pilot Overhaul" (completely redoes pilot skills, traits, training) "Coyote Contracts,"  (adds many new contract types that are actually quite good and fun) and "VonBiomes" (much fancier and varied maps).
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Originally Posted By Paulie771:
Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

What mods are you using?

I have it and have played the camps and coop with friends and I really like the genere and the setting but it just fell flat for me - to the point that I'm apathetic about it.

Much interest in anything that could spice it up.

Let me get home and I'll get a list.  The big ones are "Yet Another Mech Lab" and that whole series (mechs are much more customizeable w/ full internals such as gyros and engines, adds more mechs, variants, equipment, weapons, etc), "Pilot Overhaul" (completely redoes pilot skills, traits, training) "Coyote Contracts,"  (adds many new contract types that are actually quite good and fun) and "VonBiomes" (much fancier and varied maps).

I think Ihad YAML, not the pilot overhall, nor the contracts or biomes.

What put me off is the software generated tone of all the contracts. BT has always been thick on story and interconnection, for those who like that and get more out of it than cool giant robots.

Originally Posted By Paulie771:
Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:
... and it seems rageholic dropped another rant video on CGL ~10 days ago.



Playing Battletech ... WITHOUT cgl.

Quite easily possible.

Oh yea, playing BT w/o CGL is easily doable. Total Warfare rulebook has been out almost half of the game's existance and there are still people that insist on playing w/ the BMR:R or even BMR. With all the defined eras and fiction, one could easily spend the rest of his days playing entire campaigns and never leave 3rd Succession War, 4th, Clan Invasion, Bulldog, Civil War, Jihad, etc. Especially w/ 3d printing and all those files being available for so long, what does anyone REALLY need CGL for it you're not interested in the new fiction?

Plus I suspect everyone just houserules stuff to their liking.

The first time I saw maxtech I thought to myself "this looks like a collection of houserules."

Given what I've heard they are creeping into the story apparently last year / year before's shrapnel mag had some character whining about how hard it was to be black in the lyran commonwealth etc in what is said to have been a clear modern politics insert (I haven't read it, don't have the heart to, that stuff is NOT necessary at all, bt has more than enough of that fodder to work with without having modern day identity politics inserts).
Link Posted: 4/1/2024 4:23:18 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

I think Ihad YAML, not the pilot overhall, nor the contracts or biomes.

What put me off is the software generated tone of all the contracts. BT has always been thick on story and interconnection, for those who like that and get more out of it than cool giant robots.
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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

I think Ihad YAML, not the pilot overhall, nor the contracts or biomes.

What put me off is the software generated tone of all the contracts. BT has always been thick on story and interconnection, for those who like that and get more out of it than cool giant robots.

Here's my full list of mods:

I get it. It's not for everyone.  I was a Founder-level backer of MWO and absolutely hated it.  I really, really disliked 5 when it came out, but after giving it a chance w/ these mods, it's not nearly as bad as MWO when it was at it's best. Still might not be for you.  I do enjoy smashing a map full of lights, mediums, and a heavy or two w/ my assault lance or barely being able to run down a convoy because I didn't bring a fast medium or, God forbid, a light mech.

Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

Plus I suspect everyone just houserules stuff to their liking.

The first time I saw maxtech I thought to myself "this looks like a collection of houserules."

Given what I've heard they are creeping into the story apparently last year / year before's shrapnel mag had some character whining about how hard it was to be black in the lyran commonwealth etc in what is said to have been a clear modern politics insert (I haven't read it, don't have the heart to, that stuff is NOT necessary at all, bt has more than enough of that fodder to work with without having modern day identity politics inserts).

Man, we house-ruled the hell out of the BMR when it first came out when I was in college. We wore out my photo copied rules when I was overseas playing with rocks from the motor pool.

I hadn't heard about that story, but after their trans/gay centric fan fic collection, it wouldn't surprise me.  It's unfortunate, too. They brought back the Gray Death Legion using Grayson's great-great grandson and the story isn't horrible so far, but it's been released as short stories.  "Decision at Thunder Rift" is what got me into BT in the first place and led to me being a table top gamer of all flavors now.
Link Posted: 4/1/2024 4:30:13 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Paulie771:

Here's my full list of mods:

I get it. It's not for everyone.  I was a Founder-level backer of MWO and absolutely hated it.  I really, really disliked 5 when it came out, but after giving it a chance w/ these mods, it's not nearly as bad as MWO when it was at it's best. Still might not be for you.  I do enjoy smashing a map full of lights, mediums, and a heavy or two w/ my assault lance or barely being able to run down a convoy because I didn't bring a fast medium or, God forbid, a light mech.

Man, we house-ruled the hell out of the BMR when it first came out when I was in college. We wore out my photo copied rules when I was overseas playing with rocks from the motor pool.

I hadn't heard about that story, but after their trans/gay centric fan fic collection, it wouldn't surprise me.  It's unfortunate, too. They brought back the Gray Death Legion using Grayson's great-great grandson and the story isn't horrible so far, but it's been released as short stories.  "Decision at Thunder Rift" is what got me into BT in the first place and led to me being a table top gamer of all flavors now.
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Originally Posted By Paulie771:
Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

I think Ihad YAML, not the pilot overhall, nor the contracts or biomes.

What put me off is the software generated tone of all the contracts. BT has always been thick on story and interconnection, for those who like that and get more out of it than cool giant robots.

Here's my full list of mods:

I get it. It's not for everyone.  I was a Founder-level backer of MWO and absolutely hated it.  I really, really disliked 5 when it came out, but after giving it a chance w/ these mods, it's not nearly as bad as MWO when it was at it's best. Still might not be for you.  I do enjoy smashing a map full of lights, mediums, and a heavy or two w/ my assault lance or barely being able to run down a convoy because I didn't bring a fast medium or, God forbid, a light mech.

Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

Plus I suspect everyone just houserules stuff to their liking.

The first time I saw maxtech I thought to myself "this looks like a collection of houserules."

Given what I've heard they are creeping into the story apparently last year / year before's shrapnel mag had some character whining about how hard it was to be black in the lyran commonwealth etc in what is said to have been a clear modern politics insert (I haven't read it, don't have the heart to, that stuff is NOT necessary at all, bt has more than enough of that fodder to work with without having modern day identity politics inserts).

Man, we house-ruled the hell out of the BMR when it first came out when I was in college. We wore out my photo copied rules when I was overseas playing with rocks from the motor pool.

I hadn't heard about that story, but after their trans/gay centric fan fic collection, it wouldn't surprise me.  It's unfortunate, too. They brought back the Gray Death Legion using Grayson's great-great grandson and the story isn't horrible so far, but it's been released as short stories.  "Decision at Thunder Rift" is what got me into BT in the first place and led to me being a table top gamer of all flavors now.

I tried to like MWL.

I really did try.

I've always been a joystick guy for mechwarrior games, the experience using an accurate stick that has x axis twist to control torso twist is much better and cleaner. MWO set the controls up such that the non-linear movement inputs from a joystick jerked around quite viciously.

I am aware people have gotten it sort of working but the amount of misery required to do it is just not worth the reward, and pgi's flippant attitude about adding joystick non-linear movement support is disgusting.

Thanks for the full list.


Stackpole using the false definiton of woke ("be nice") and his bending the knee to the raging bullies brigade is annoying ... annoying even though apparently his leanings have been known for a long time. He has the brains to sort this current moral panic out, but instead he's using them to go *with* it, instead of against it.
Link Posted: 4/2/2024 2:09:46 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Paulie771] [#37]
MW5: Clans GDC trailer.
MechWarrior 5: Clans - Official Gameplay Trailer

No Guts, No Galaxy break down:
First Look & Impressions - MechWarrior 5 Clans

Cautiously optimistic.
Link Posted: 4/3/2024 12:48:49 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

Plus I suspect everyone just houserules stuff to their liking.

The first time I saw maxtech I thought to myself "this looks like a collection of houserules."

Given what I've heard they are creeping into the story apparently last year / year before's shrapnel mag had some character whining about how hard it was to be black in the lyran commonwealth etc in what is said to have been a clear modern politics insert (I haven't read it, don't have the heart to, that stuff is NOT necessary at all, bt has more than enough of that fodder to work with without having modern day identity politics inserts).
View Quote

Houserules are where it's at.  They're my toys, I'll play with them how I like now.  Haven't bought minis in a couple years, but I may need to get a 3D printer out of spite.

Black in the Lyran Commonwealth?  Head of Defiance in 3025 (1986) was black.  Most powerful businessman in the galaxy.

Also, no one cared.  When Somethingawful did their "Battletech loves the 80s" even the pre-woke PC guys there said "there's a lot of different color people in BT".  But that's because in BT, it's just a representation of the world, not a woke contest.

That was also before CGL idiot writers who didn't understand their own source material started shitting everything up.
Link Posted: 4/3/2024 1:07:07 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#39]
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Originally Posted By Sirveaux:

Houserules are where it's at.  They're my toys, I'll play with them how I like now.  Haven't bought minis in a couple years, but I may need to get a 3D printer out of spite.

Black in the Lyran Commonwealth?  Head of Defiance in 3025 (1986) was black.  Most powerful businessman in the galaxy.

Also, no one cared.  When Somethingawful did their "Battletech loves the 80s" even the pre-woke PC guys there said "there's a lot of different color people in BT".  But that's because in BT, it's just a representation of the world, not a woke contest.

That was also before CGL idiot writers who didn't understand their own source material started shitting everything up.
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Originally Posted By Sirveaux:
Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

Plus I suspect everyone just houserules stuff to their liking.

The first time I saw maxtech I thought to myself "this looks like a collection of houserules."

Given what I've heard they are creeping into the story apparently last year / year before's shrapnel mag had some character whining about how hard it was to be black in the lyran commonwealth etc in what is said to have been a clear modern politics insert (I haven't read it, don't have the heart to, that stuff is NOT necessary at all, bt has more than enough of that fodder to work with without having modern day identity politics inserts).

Houserules are where it's at.  They're my toys, I'll play with them how I like now.  Haven't bought minis in a couple years, but I may need to get a 3D printer out of spite.

Black in the Lyran Commonwealth?  Head of Defiance in 3025 (1986) was black.  Most powerful businessman in the galaxy.

Also, no one cared.  When Somethingawful did their "Battletech loves the 80s" even the pre-woke PC guys there said "there's a lot of different color people in BT".  But that's because in BT, it's just a representation of the world, not a woke contest.

That was also before CGL idiot writers who didn't understand their own source material started shitting everything up.

As pretty much everyone can see... it's not counted as "inclusive" by the entryists if the characters don't think and act exactly as the entryists want them to, and the staff at the company aren't "inclusive" if they don't do exactly what the entryists want so they can get power over the product.

It's just a power struggle engaged in by control freaks who masquerade as self righteous good people who totally pinkie swear are fans of the setting.

ETA: what was fall of rome into the dark ages + neo-feudal politics space opera with cool big robot combat is being made by the leftists into racist-sexist-struggle session opera, with a big heaping helping of that in RL (ask about the rules, get banned for asking, etc.) - and they wonder why people who aren't exactly like them don't enjoy it.

It's a very good thing the older content is well established on the second hand market.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 4:10:35 AM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#40]
Well apparently CGL saw GW and the female custodes "oops nobody noticed for 10,000 years, they've always been here" thing and said "Hold my beer."

A new web of silliness. Grab a timbiqui dark or maybe a shot of PPC as I try and unwind this latest mess. I'll try and sort it and give all the info too.

So, valk/"robin"

(dude who now says he's a chick who was in the gun community, see some of his tweets upthread, apparently again now a *former* catalyst demo team member, published in shrapnel, bt's offical magazine)

... online behavior has put people off.

Example: (these are from grummz's public twitter post, see in spoiler if you want the links)
Click To View Spoiler

And someone was talking about that and valk's other stuff to catalyst customer service and ... some part or all of convo that got leaked.

Again, from grummz's twitter post (you can find it publicly elsewhere too):

Which of course got a response from the community manager of cgl (community manager: the person who decides what the people in their company get to see and don't) ... Yeah, you guessed it, rem alternis, she of the "but I have a conservative friend, really!" tokenism who sees fit to ban us all.

Pretty standard, besides the CSR email leaking. Who cares, right?

Well except apparently, as best anyone can figure out, this was followed by another round of pre-emptive social media bannings based on people talking about the leaks.  And not just "the usual suspects"  - it does indeed seem they banned not only the usual suspects, but anyone that had interacted with them as well. Literal ugly fighting fundy borderline church cult stuff.  

And this happened previously with the recent mafia style takeovers and drama too (see up thread).

But this ugly fighting fundy round of purges also included a content creator for battletech who had been promoting CGL for years, with 100+ podcasts and who knows what else, known as "otter pops," ( https://twitter.com/The_OtterPops ) a content creator on drive through RPG (a name that should be familiar to any bt fan). Who, as far as I can see, is a pretty mild guy as far as what he posts who says he's intentionally avoided flamewars and politics.

And also said that he'd basically not said anything bad about CGL for months (read, before all the drama upthread started). Yep, that's right, innocent of this latest mess with the leaked email. Not that that mattered beforehand to cgl or rem enough to make sure it didn't happen in the first place.

Razorfist commenting on the situation:

RazörFist@RAZ0RFIST          Apr 17
It's a block list. And I was told by people within and without the company that it was put together just ahead of their cringy social media statement late last year.

Which is why I was preemptively blocked by Catalyst, despite almost never interacting with their account.

The timing and behavior lines up:

4/16/24 5:36pm customer email sent about valk's violent threats and how CGL is handling him

4/17/24 3:25pm rem notification about customer email leaking

4/1724 9:52 pm otter pops posts about being blocked

Otterpops (for what seems to be pretty darn good reasons) pulled back and dropped all his BT content, sold all his minis, etc. I gather someone or several people talked with him, and convinced him to stick it out, and just avoid cgl, by using the pre-cgl stuff.  

Otter seems like a decent dude, you all might drop him a word of support.  Here's his post on the topic:

Here's his links:  https://linktr.ee/the_otterpops

I guess we can expect to see more of this as cgl flails and rages in their induced fit of insanity and exclusionary nonsense where they kick out everyone that doesn't agree with their entire belief system.

This is very much like watching an nasty and backstabby little fundamentalist country "church" tear itself to shreds over things it very much should not.


Watching them destroy themselves in real time is really something else:

For those who do not have twitter, you can use these to see some of the thread:


They've lost whatever they had left of their minds.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 4:21:10 AM EDT
And some offsetting good news, because man cannot live on redpill alone - for anyone who missed it:


29 Mar 2024

Hi Everyone,

We are thrilled to announce the special Beta launch of Story Arcs - A feature we’ve envisioned and talked about for years!

In the beginning, MekHQ was primarily for managing tabletop campaigns and creating missions in MegaMek. Then back in 2014, when MekHQ was five years old we implemented the “Against the Bot” (AtB) spreadsheet into MekHQ. This, followed by Stratcon, has led to countless Merc units being born, destroyed, and born again. But early on, there was a clear demand for a branching narrative tool in MekHQ, which would enable users to craft Starterbooks-style campaigns or their own Mech-based adventures they could play and share.

This concept languished as an idea for years, sporadically receiving attention but lacking solid development. Then, in 2021, Taharqa, the creator of MekHQ, took significant steps by starting to code this feature, leading to the creation of the “Young Wolves” campaign, which delves into the Refusal War of 3057.

This beta aims to test its functionalities and gather user feedback.

IMPORTANT!!! This is NOT a development release and is NOT eligible for MILESTONE status.

So what does this mean? Simply, it has code from the still in development 0.49.19-DEV which is NOT the 0.49.19 release (notice the missing -DEV). This means this is bleeding edge code very similar to our nightly releases. It does have a lot of bug fixes and improvements over the 0.49.18 release, including fixes for the aerospace issues in MegaMekLab. But this release should ONLY be used for playing and testing Story Arcs.

The link at the bottom can be used to download the Beta. Unix and Mac users should use the non-Windows release. From the first splash screen, select “Load Story Arc” and choose the “Young Wolves” story arc.

Please play through the story arc and identify issues, bugs, grammatical errors, etc. Feel free to play through multiple times and make different choices. We recommend making multiple saves throughout so you can go back and make different choices to explore all the possible outcomes.

If you don't know what megamek is:

   Play out BattleTech games online against human opponents, or against the built-in AI. MegaMek is packed full of customizable options that allow you to play the game your way.
   Generate your own personal force (e.g. mercenary unit, line regiment, pirates, etc.) with a full TO&E, experience and skill upgrades for personnel, a repair system, and much more, all within the canon factions and worlds of the BattleTech Universe.
   Customize and build your own units, including 'Mechs™, tanks, and WarShips, using the official rules. You can then use these units in MegaMek and MekHQ, or print out record sheets for use in tabletop play.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 4:46:39 PM EDT
Thanks for summing up the latest shitstorm.  I had seen bits and pieces, mostly about otterpops getting banned, but hadn't seen what Valk had said.  It figures that the loons took what he said the way they did.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 4:49:11 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By hoosierhick:
Thanks for summing up the latest shitstorm.  I had seen bits and pieces, mostly about otterpops getting banned, but hadn't seen what Valk had said.  It figures that the loons took what he said the way they did.
View Quote

Now one of the authors (Bryan somebody) is going at it with fans.  Shit is a disgrace.

Luckily, stuff like Megamek (which I've played since the earliest betas) and MekHQ (I can't tell you the amount of merc companies I've made with it) are there to not have to worry about CGL anymore. I can play for an hour and then go do what I need to do. Unfortunately I don't have time to play a lance on lance classic or company on company Alpha Strike game anymore.  Super pumped for the story lines in MM. Will definitely be checking that out.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 5:35:12 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#44]
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Originally Posted By hoosierhick:
Thanks for summing up the latest shitstorm.  I had seen bits and pieces, mostly about otterpops getting banned, but hadn't seen what Valk had said.  It figures that the loons took what he said the way they did.
View Quote


So, as far as what valk has said, that bit from the grummz post is merely the tiniest little tip of the iceberg.

I won't make the direct accusation without the evidence on hand, I'd have to go find it, but valk has done really nasty stuff of the exact kind that any company would fire you for pretty much on the spot.  It's just that he says he is a she and therefore he gets protected and gets to get away with doing things that are grossly wrong.

I would have to go face first back into the septic tank to sort out exactly who did what to whom but this stuff is minimally at the level where the self righteous side had people doxxing the dirty evil deplorables and rummaging through discord servers looking for info to backstab with and brigade.

As ugly as the stuff is that I've put in the thread, I've left a good bit of the more nasty things out.

ETA: plus it is absolutely as stupid as a box of dull hammers to tell people you are carrying in a flipping tabletop and RPG game store. Any person with an ounce of sense knows that a huge part of that clientele are on the extreme end of the spectrum of "guns = evil they terrify me get it away."

Even when you're doing proper "concealed is concealed."


Here's one of the reciepts:


Valk attempting to dox someone for wrongthink while valk was a catalyst demo team member (read, explicit brand ambassador).  More in the vid.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 5:37:56 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#45]
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Originally Posted By Paulie771:

Now one of the authors (Bryan somebody) is going at it with fans.  Shit is a disgrace.

Luckily, stuff like Megamek (which I've played since the earliest betas) and MekHQ (I can't tell you the amount of merc companies I've made with it) are there to not have to worry about CGL anymore. I can play for an hour and then go do what I need to do. Unfortunately I don't have time to play a lance on lance classic or company on company Alpha Strike game anymore.  Super pumped for the story lines in MM. Will definitely be checking that out.
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Originally Posted By Paulie771:
Originally Posted By hoosierhick:
Thanks for summing up the latest shitstorm.  I had seen bits and pieces, mostly about otterpops getting banned, but hadn't seen what Valk had said.  It figures that the loons took what he said the way they did.

Now one of the authors (Bryan somebody) is going at it with fans.  Shit is a disgrace.

Luckily, stuff like Megamek (which I've played since the earliest betas) and MekHQ (I can't tell you the amount of merc companies I've made with it) are there to not have to worry about CGL anymore. I can play for an hour and then go do what I need to do. Unfortunately I don't have time to play a lance on lance classic or company on company Alpha Strike game anymore.  Super pumped for the story lines in MM. Will definitely be checking that out.

Make sure you keep local copies of all that stuff.

No need to wake up to a nasty surprise.

I've not really been joking when I've said someone or several someones need to back the sarna wiki up. The news part of that site are at a bare minimum on the self righteous censoring side and in the tank with CGL for the abuse of the community.



HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser utility.

It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. HTTrack is fully configurable, and has an integrated help system.

WinHTTrack is the Windows (from Windows 2000 to Windows 10 and above) release of HTTrack, and WebHTTrack the Linux/Unix/BSD release. See the download page.

Don't set it up rude and to grab stuff illegally.(I just mean to say that it can do that, not that yall will) But it is our friend in these inquisitional times.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 5:59:54 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#46]
CGL are now in "WE NEED OUR SAFE SPACCEEE" mode.

Grummz@Grummz    1:26 PM · Apr 19, 2024
Battletech makers, @catalystgamelab
is now restricting replies to their tweets since my pinned post dropped, exposing how they defend violent doxers.

Roaches run every time.

Part 2 of my thread on them arrives today. Follow for updates!

Who can reply?
"Accounts @catalystgamelab mentioned can reply.

If Rem alternis is filtering and the people that run cgl can only see what she presents them (and that is my guess as to how community managers work) - well.

How does the saying go?  "Don't just see what they say. Watch what they do."

Under rem's filtering influence, CGL is now banning anyone that doesn't openly signal that they beleive everything rem and cgl do. And anyone who does believe the same, but accidentally talked to the wrong perso once in the past.

ETA: not that CGL besides rem is sane.  There's been problems with the BT publishers for a long while now - numerous reports of freelancers -artists and authors- not getting paid as they should, when they should, or how much they should, including and up to six figures worth of company funds being wrongfully used to do work on one of the employee's houses that wound up as a "oopsie, we're sorry, we accidentally mixed work and private funds!" ... I would also like to know why ben rome left, etc.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 7:58:15 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#47]
Well grummz dropped part two of his thread.

I'll try and suss it out and make any corrections on errors that I find and clarify on it.

(for those unaware, a tiny snippet on who grummz is:  Blizzard Entertainment Kern joined Blizzard Entertainment in 1997, initially serving as an Associate Producer for Starcraft. His roles expanded to include Producer of Diablo II[3] and Team Lead for World of Warcraft.[4][5] Kern departed Blizzard in 2005.)

Buckle up, our Capitan is jumping into a pirate point behind the target planet's moon and kicking us out of our collars immediately, than jumping away. It will be a 2G burn from there; we expect opfor to have planetary CAP up and satellite coverage, there may be a warship (our assault droppers and aero screen will deal with these variables as needed). Please transition to your cockpits now; when our droppers hit atmo your umbilicals will be popped and you will be kicked out in your eggs for hot drop when you get to the right altitude. We expect to fall right into the thick of of a bunch of woke blakist terrorists from r/sigmarxism.

It's gonna get ugly boys and gals.

Because this is a hot drop and we'll have to be fighting our way in past their planetary cap and a few warships, I'm going to be condensing it a bit.

For those of you who have kept up on the elint reports in the thread, some of this will be redundant, but it's interesting to see how those outside the unit assess our situation.

The datalinks in your cockpit huds are sequential.
For those who do not have the key for the archive in it's native format, there will be links to a unclassified version.


The unclassified open data links:


Report follows:

They turned Mechwarrior gay!

Yesterday Battletech publisher @catalystgamelab community managers FREAK OUT and MASS BLOCK many Battletech fans, including @DriveThruRPGcreator @The_OtterPops in blind rage.

This is the sad tale of Battletech’s descent into madness:

- Firing conservative authors
- Defending violent “woke” contributors
- Defending doxing contractors
- Hostile takeover of the Battletech subreddit
- Takeover of the Demo Team Discord
- Woke Community manager running Amok!

Thanks to @Mage_Leader and @RAZ0RFIST for their insights and permission to post screencaps of their videos as we dive into this DUMPSTER FIRE in the Battletech community.

A thread 🧵

The controversies in Battletech were re-ignited when emails with Catalyst Labs customer support team leaked.

I spoke to community members who said that former Battletech author and Demo Team member Robin (who also goes by Valk), had been threatening people for the past year including gun violence, and by doxing a community member by posting a google map of their home.

The email was sent by someone concerned with this behavior. Catalyst Community Managers responded by immediately Mass Blocking anyone who talked about it and anyone remotely related to them in a guilt by association PURGE.

No one has any idea why Catalyst initiated a purge, but it wasn't their first, and it hit many innocent non-participants like OtterPops.

OtterPops immediately withdrew all his support for Battletech, including over 160 podcasts and game design material.

Catalyst seems to be actively trying to hide any involvement with this former contractor and is silencing anyone talking about it.

But the story goes back much further, as the community has been on fire with complaints about Catalyst's extreme left leaning politics for the past year.

Catalyst is the current licensor of the Battletech tabletop game owned by Topps, which they licensed in 2007.

Original team members from Battletech, such as authors Mike Stackpole @MikeStackpole and Blaine Pardoe @bpardoe870 generated excitement as they joined Catalyst to continue the legacy. But the authors were at odds as Mike is left-leaning while Blaine is a conservative, both active in politics on social media.

In 2022, Blaine had a well known issue with a Battletech fan named (at the time), Faith McClosky, a extreme leftist pretending to be a lesbian single mother of three children. Faith repeatedly tried cancel Blaine from Battletech, and stalked and harassed him, even threatening violence.

The issue was severe enough that Blaine had to seek a restraining order against Faith.

But when Catalyst decided to publish a short story by Faith, the community exploded, angry that they would publish someone who had gone after Blaine.

Topps ordered Catalyst to "handle it" and they did.

In July 2022, they fired Blaine Pardoe.

But they kept his leftist stalker, Faith, as a published author...

This obvious injustice further inflamed the Battletech community, a smoldering fire that would burst into flames 6 months later.

How one Community Manager stole all of Battletech.

Meet Rem Alternis, the new Community Manager and Marketing Director of @catalystgamelab and owner of diverse and inclusive content consulting company @RemAlternis

Over the past year, she engineered a literal Marxist takeover of every fan community for Battletech and made it her own.

According to an interview with Sarna, she has played a sum total of two games of Battletech.


(Thanks to @mage_leader and @RAZ0RFIST for details)

A thread.🧵

There were 2 main fan community hubs for Battletech, subreddit, and the Demo Team. She went after the subreddit first.

The fan owned and run subreddit r/Battletech used to be very active. They had a Helldiver's like "no politics" rule.

When the fanfic "Battletech Pride Anthology" was posted, mods took it down, similar to how Helldivers took down posts about pride capes in their own game. The rule was fair, it cut both ways.

But this didn't sit well with Rem, the pride authors, or with r/sigmarxism, a well known extreme left hive that pushes politics into Warhammer and other tabletop games. They complained, loudly.

Rem, with Catalyst, started a new "official" subreddit and started to officially promote the Pride Anthology.

What happened next, happened fast. According to allegations by the community, including some ex moderators, Rem began to threaten the long dormant Battletech subreddit owner.

She said Catalyst would pull all support and followers unless he fired all the "problematic" mods and allowed her to install her own moderators.

The owner did just that, firing every moderator on the subreddit.

A new fleet of left-leaning mods were brought in (all members of r/sigmarxism and r/socialism), and Cataylst official rules were imposed on the the fan made community.

No politics was enforced only in ONE direction, favoring the left. Anything on the right was removed.

Rem closed the official subreddit and Catalyst took over running the former fan based endeavor. Leftist posts began flooding in.

Soon after, the traffic plummeted. The new socialist run Battletech subreddit became a ghost of it's former self.

Rem now controlled the Battletech fandom on reddit, what was left of it.

But there was one more group she needed to control, the prolific fan group called the Demo Team.

And things got even crazier...

The Demo Team is a very important part of the Battletech community. Formerly fan-run, it consisted of a group of hard core fans that promoted the game on cons and coordinated through their Discord server.

If Rem controlled the Demo Team and the Battletech subreddit, she would have all of Battletech fandom under her thumb.

Mary, a Catalyst employee, served as liaison and a moderator of the Discord Demo Team server, but was very hands off and neutral, letting the fans run their community.

She started to work with a troubled trans Demo Team member, Robin (aka Valk) to compile a "dossier" of "problematic" Demo Team members.

Robin was sure that the Demo Team was full of "nazis" and made a social media post about carrying guns at cons to put these nazis in "bodybags" if they came after him/her. He was compiling a list of these members, including personal information, which he shared with Rem as she encouraged him and others to "report" them.

Rem is the red Alternis logo, Valk is the purple haired pfp in these screenshots.

Rem was apparently seeking leverage and the dox dossier would eventually allow her to take over the Demo Team.

After Robin (Valk) posted the weapons threat, Mary removed him from the Demo Team.

This was when Rem stepped in. She had Mary fired from Catalyst, and using the dossier, did a purge of the Demo Team.

Not just the Demo Team. Just prior, as Mage Leader was posting his video about this situation, Rem and her community team did a mass block of @mage_leader , @RAZ0RFIST and any associated followers or anyone who complained about the demo team situation.

Mage: "It almost seemed like they had a list prepared in advance."

Rem soon moved in her own Demo Team members, and Catalyst formally took over running the former fan-based Discord.

She had Robin (Valk) reinstated. (he was later removed for unknown reasons).

Strict rules came in: no critique of Catalyst or Battletech. Mary's husband was also banned.

Her takeover was complete. She now ran the two main hubs of Battletech fandom.

This, you see, is the power that Community Managers wield.

This is a cautionary tale about why gate keeping is important. If you don't gate-keep, people like Rem will use it to invade your hobby and kick you out.

They seek power, and the spread of their marxist doctrine, under the pretense of virtue. They don't actually play or enjoy the games they invade.

This is why we fight.

Thanks for reading to this thread. It took me weeks to digest the story and put it together (as I am, like Rem, a Battletech outsider). Much thanks to Mage!

If you enjoy these exposes, please subscribe to me on Twitter.
View Quote

As you can see, those outside of the various active units continue to confuse "mechwarrior" and "battletech."  I don't think I'd even want to try and explain the various of the role playing wargames naming conventions, but that can be forgiven for outsiders.

He also either does not mention or is unaware that fanatics is now in posession of topps, and by that proxy, the setting itself. I highly doubt he is aware that the video game rights for the setting are now all owned by the manei domini cyborg known as "tiny soft phallus."

He misses the fact that the main collected summary datacore on sarna is a large base of action as well and the otherwise official but now restricted by chilling effect 'net forums you can find on the planetary network under bg.battletech's domain.  And obviously the legion amount of smaller sites going back to the dawn out there in the periperhy that are not so easy to find nowadays.

Do note that he forgets to mention that the new moderators brought in were not just out of those reddits, they were cgl's official moderators, PER the enemy's intel itself insert into the sarna news database. See below:
He was like, “Cool, can I have your moderators?” And I was like, sure, you can reach out to them. So he did, and they all migrated over.

If this outside intel assessment is true, it would mean that the moderators on the official net reddit are actually denizens of the blakist marxist/sigmarxist redits!

If you are willing to dig, you can confirm that many accounts were blocked for inane reasons.

Needless to say, this is going to be an interesting campaign. Thankfully, we have access to all the older wolfnet and comstar databases and content to fight with.
Link Posted: 4/19/2024 8:14:30 PM EDT
[Last Edit: FlashMan-7k] [#48]

I forgot to mention this in the briefing:

The ignorant fool you mentioned is one bryan young.

He doesn't seem to be in the slightest interested in why anyone wouldn't be on the blakist terrorist's side, which seems to be the standard for them.

"It can only be a grift and outrage, there can't be a legit reason, PURGE THEM!"

He authored on the unofficial but cgl pushed pride anothology and other content, his works can be found in sarna:

Link Posted: 4/19/2024 10:41:52 PM EDT

19 Apr 2024

Welcome All to 0.49.19!

This is another MASSIVE release.

Before delving into the specifics, as one of the veteran developers (aka an old guy) involved in the projects, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the current developers and contributors, both new and old. The pace has notably accelerated from the slowdown we experienced last year, and this is undoubtedly attributed to the dedication and passion they bring to the projects.

Back to the releases; we’ve again pushed a ton of code in the last two months. We realize the last few releases have had some issues in them and we know in 0.49.18 Aerospace was broken badly. It’s why we’ve tried to focus this release on fixes and some improvements. Our hope is in a couple of weeks it can become a new MILESTONE. But that’s not say there isn’t some really good stuff in here.

There is one major thing you’ll notice on opening MegaMek and MegaMekLab - they now default to the Dark Mode(Darcula). The majority of players polled are using it and it just makes sense to default it. Also themes like Nimbus, and Metal have been removed as they cause UI issues that aren’t easily fixed. We’ve started to implement this in MekHQ but given the mess the UI code is in it will take a few releases to get it done.

The big advantage is with standard themes and code between the programs we can start to look at improving things in MekHQ’s UI. This will be a long project but a needed one.

If you’re someone that likes to read the change logs you’ll notice there is lots of prep work for StoryArcs which we anticipate will be officially released in the next release (0.49.20). But here is a small bit of some of the new stuff.


   We now have Black Ice
   Units now understand Clan Pilots vs Inner Sphere Pilots. Details
   We got improved built-in unit shadows for units. Details
   Scenarios now have a dialog to load them. Details
   Some nag and turn timer updates. Details
   Introducing some YAML support for AS/SBF units. Details
   Add split pane to weapon panel above to hit text. Details
   Set up a simple rotating per-round save file system.


   The ability to embed fluff images in the unit files. Details
   Ability to embed sprites in the unit files. Details
   Print queue interface improvements. Details
   Print mul through print queue dialog. Details
   Implement the Industrial tripod cockpit.


   Adjusted retirement TN and payout values. Details
   Update planetary conditions chance logic. Details
   Added Nag for wounded personnel without doctor.
   Add lances to the force string when sending data to MegaMek. Details
   Added Nag dialog for pregnant combatants.
   Unmaintained unit Nag dialog suppressed for units set to salvage.
   Added ability to collapse/expand logs, missions, and kills in personnel unit screen. Details
   Reduced personnel table right-click menu clutter. Details
   Added scenario & mission tracking to kills, added ability to assign kills to scenario and/or mission. Details

MekHQ StratCon Alpha

   StratCon continues to be in alpha. But we got some small fixes and changes this release.
   StratCon Mapgen fix. Details
   Victory Point terminology changes. Details
   Base Attack (Defender) objective changes. Details
   StratCon Air & Arty Modifiers. Details
View Quote

More @ link.
Link Posted: 4/22/2024 9:26:02 AM EDT
Discussion ForumsJump to Quoted PostQuote History
Originally Posted By FlashMan-7k:

ETA: not that CGL besides rem is sane.  There's been problems with the BT publishers for a long while now - numerous reports of freelancers -artists and authors- not getting paid as they should, when they should, or how much they should, including and up to six figures worth of company funds being wrongfully used to do work on one of the employee's houses that wound up as a "oopsie, we're sorry, we accidentally mixed work and private funds!" ... I would also like to know why ben rome left, etc.
View Quote

The not paying people has been going on for a long time.  Somewhere I have a screenshot i took quite a few years ago of a thread from the forum at bg.battletech.com where Herb Beas mentioned that happening.  One of the mods there told him to stop before the discussion went very far.  And I thought the company funds being used on a house was from the FanPro days?  

Speaking of the bg.battletech.com forum...is it still going?  I haven't been in there in years.
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