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Posted: 5/31/2001 8:11:35 AM EDT
I've been chatting with RikWriter about this and pondering the matter.  A lot of folks are down on McUzi because he is a racist.. I think that is a fact even he will admit.  With Rick's permission, I've cut and pasted the following conversation... what do y'all think?    

Fandfauna: I know this is a sensitive subject, but I just read Rich314's post on why he doesn't like McUzi.  He said it's because he hates blacks and other people of color.  I responded by pointing out how many men on the board hate women and that it seems it is less politically correct to hate minorities.
WriterRik: I don't hate anyone
WriterRik: not even individuals.          
WriterRik: hating someone gives them power over you
Fandfauna: I hear ya.. I'm just saying that it seems less politically correct to say you hate (insert ethnicity) people than to say you hate women.
WriterRik: not to me
Fandfauna: And I do mean hate women... I've been called all sorts of things on the board.  Men will chalk it up to having had bad experiences with women and yet that's exactly the same reason cited by McUzi for his feelings...  
Fandfauna: I'm not saying you... I'm saying stand back and look at the logic of the two situations.
WriterRik: well, I consider the two things to be equally bad
Fandfauna: I agree.. but one is considered less socially reprehensible.
WriterRik: that might be a sociological backlash against the feminization of our country
Fandfauna: So could racism be considered a backlash against the affirmative action campaign in this country?  
WriterRik: the current form of racism is different than the old kind
WriterRik: the old racism was founded in a belief that whites were superior to blacks, the new racism is based on a resentment of the "victim" status of minorities
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 8:14:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 8:16:21 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 5/31/2001 8:17:47 AM EDT
Why boring?  
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 8:18:09 AM EDT
i said it before, i'll say it again - i HATE nazis.  if mcuzi wants to spew his venom, let him, i won't waste my time wondering why people are intollerant, or trying to convince them otherwise.


i disagree with things he may say, but i'll die for his right to say them!

Link Posted: 5/31/2001 8:23:07 AM EDT
I don't know what is going on here anymore.
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 8:26:55 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Miss Magnum:
Why boring?  
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The fact that this thread even exists is stroking McUZI's EGO! He Owns many of the members of this site.
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 8:34:14 AM EDT
Racists have no business speaking their minds. Next thing you know, people will want to own assault weapons, or be left alone, or exchange ideas and thoughts on the internet. If we would all just do the same things and feel the same way we could just love each other. I gotta go hug a tree, this hate is making me sad[>(]
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 8:38:01 AM EDT
I chalk it up to Marxist class struggle methodolgy.

Basically, the Marxists idea behind "class struggle" is to pit on "class" of people against another class of people.

Blacks against whites

Poor against rich

Females against males, etc.

This is done to create a "victim status" in one of the classes, whereby the "oppressed" class rushes to gov't to solve their problem, thereby empowering whoever is in control of the gov't, which typically is the MArxist who uses class struggle methodolgy. Sort of a viscious circle sort of thing.

The "black" issue has Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Luis Farrakan all out there stirring up ALL black people to think that ALL white people hate them. Essentially, these black "leaders" make better useage of Marxist class struggle methodology.

Womens groups have been less effective in using the class struggle methdology. I suppose it is enuf, in the Marxists mind, to allow this issue to fester in teh minds of women, like yourself, and to let it come to its own natural boiling point. Their hope is, that eventually, "you" women will come pleading to them to "fix" the situation.

Personally, I find rude behaviour to females equally as reprehensible as ryde  behavior to ethnicities. You may find it interesting to note that my beliefs are based on the same Biblical principles that make me want to keep women out of combat (a subject I am fairly certain you and I don't want to broach again. We'll agree to disagree.)
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 8:41:58 AM EDT
Fandfauna: So could racism be considered a backlash against the affirmative action campaign in this country?


I don't hate people just for there color, heritage sex...I hate them if there arses.

Actually I kinda like women.  [sex]

Link Posted: 5/31/2001 8:42:31 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Miss Magnum:
Why boring?  
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Just an observation -

But did you notice that the people who found this topic "boring" were also VERy much in favor of unrestricted posting of nudie pics??

This MIGHT be an indication of what they think of women in general, and why belittling women is OK, but belittling blacks is un-PC.

Link Posted: 5/31/2001 8:49:53 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Miss Magnum:
Why boring?  
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Just an observation -

But did you notice that the people who found this topic "boring" were also VERy much in favor of unrestricted posting of nudie pics??

This MIGHT be an indication of what they think of women in general, and why belittling women is OK, but belittling blacks is un-PC.

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Couldn't have said it better myself!
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 8:54:48 AM EDT
I'm just saying that it seems less politically correct to say you hate (insert ethnicity) people than to say you hate women.
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If you want to understand why sexism is more acceptable than racism, you should consider the reasons why racism isn't acceptable and see how they apply to sexism.
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 9:04:31 AM EDT
The "black" issue has Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Luis Farrakan all out there stirring up ALL black people to think that ALL white people hate them. Essentially, these black "leaders" make better useage of Marxist class struggle methodology.

Womens groups have been less effective in using the class struggle methdology. I suppose it is enuf, in the Marxists mind, to allow this issue to fester in teh minds of women, like yourself, and to let it come to its own natural boiling point. Their hope is, that eventually, "you" women will come pleading to them to "fix" the situation.
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You've pretty much hit the nail on the head here.

I believe that one of the reasons that women's groups have had less success is that unlike the B vs W issue, where neither side really needs to other side for anything, men and women have needs that include each other. So while I may be extremely wary of a woman's agenda in her  relationship with me, I will still take the risks and have that relationship.

On the other hand, if I were accosted by 3 or 4 black men during one of my many trips into inner cities, and had the crap beat out of me (which has never happened, btw) I may become hateful toward black men in general and have no need to try to overcome that hate.
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 9:10:34 AM EDT
Actually, I think both the "McUzi" and "Porn Pics" issues are much ado about nothing.

In the first issue, I understand why CavVet, Rich314 and any other black members might not want to be treated too the word "nigger" every 5 mins. I really wonder if McUzi hates "them." I don't know if he is actually racist or just hates the multitudes of f*ckups who happen to be black. If he actually hates ALL black people for that reason alone, it will destroy his own credibility and he will only be endorsed by those who are in complete agreement.

As for "Porn"(or more correctly "nudes" because real porn rarely appears and lasts about six seconds when it does)wherever men go, they will post pinups. It is inevitible. I actually see pinups and nudes in the same light as religion on this board. I see nothing wrong with either and they both appear quite often. The posters should just be considerate of other members. If you post a "pinup" or a "sermon" just ID the content. This way those who want to see it can and those who don't can skip it. Also, this is a firearm board so neither should take precedence. If I see a bible verse I am not gonna die, same is true for nudes.

I have never seen the "pro life" stuff get too far out of hand even when I was gettin' flamed regularly for my views on post rape abortion. If I don't wan't to get an opinion I won't ask.

The "Porn" posts of the last few days have been largely the part of a troll or two and we should keep that in mind. The regular members who are inclined to post "pinups", myself included, are usually considerate of other members who may not want to see them and post with a indication of content.

Let's all try and pay attention to who posts what and not let a bunch of f*cking new guys screw up the "members party."

Oh yeah, and...
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 9:15:14 AM EDT
People(men and women) tend to generalize, I am guilty of it. I have had some bad experiences with 1 woman in lets say the last 4 mo, but I know I have said and thought things about women in general that are not right. I will say this, I sure don't hate women at all. Women frustrate me sometimes, in fact I like that. I like a woman that is something of a challenge. You don't buy a Ferrari because it gets 35 mpg and is 100% dependable in all areas..

BUT, I have an idea about the woman hater thing.. men are at a disadvantage today.. Men have a bread winner gene. So when women start moving in on that territory (which can be a relationship thing, the workplace, opening doors for themselves, etc), men don't know what roles to play and they lash out.

With the feminist movement I think some women get offended when we (men) try to show traditional signs of adoration, I think they mistake it as men trying to say "you are a weak sex object".  And a lot of men don't know how to handle this rejection.  It is frustrating.  And a man with a small mind will translate this to.. "I hate women, they should be barefoot in the kitchen with the babies". So I think what is driving the woman hater is different from the racist.

Now we should look at individual and go on a case by case basis... but humans are far from perfect.

But then the more I think I know, the more I find out that I don't know squat. But I keep my eyes and ears open.
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 9:21:02 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Miss Magnum:
Why boring?  
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The fact that this thread even exists is stroking McUZI's EGO! He Owns many of the members of this site.
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Couldn't have said it better!
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 9:27:13 AM EDT
I'll bet he's laughing his tail off!
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 9:34:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 9:35:42 AM EDT
One question, McUzi? it amazes me a racist likes an uzi.
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 9:41:10 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Matt VDW:
If you want to understand why sexism is more acceptable than racism, you should consider the reasons why racism isn't acceptable and see how they apply to sexism.
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Please elaborate.  

As for this post being entirely about stroking McUzi's ego.. it is not.  The subject matter is not specific to one person or this board but affects everyone.  

And, if you hadn't noticed, I have never whined about removing nude pics or people using foul language, etc.  Never even addressed the character who called me a c^nt.  I don't waste my energy on people who try to put me down... I use it to better myself and prove them wrong.  [:D]  
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 9:58:58 AM EDT
But he makes life soooo interesting !

Link Posted: 5/31/2001 10:03:47 AM EDT
You are the farthest thing from a "insert 'c' word here" to ever grace this board. And I'm not just sucking up to you just cuz your a damned fine looking piece of tail either. [:)]

You handle this board, and it's most notorious members as well or better than anyone.
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 10:44:31 AM EDT
Anyone here ever read "The Turner Diaries"? Down here in Alabama, they make you read it in school…[b]not really[/b] actually I picked up a used copy at a gun show and since I had heard about how this is what Tim McVieh read all the time and made him snap, I figured it was worth looking at.

It was surprisingly well written and I found myself half-way identifying with some of the characters (scary!)…But here is what I also realized…. There is a part in the book where they round up all the “Traitors” and hand them from the lamppost along all the city streets. I would have been hanging from a lamppost if I were in that book… I am a little too open minded to survive in the “White Utopia” of the Turner Diaries, in a world of real “White Supremist Nazi-types” I just wouldn’t be true enough and you want to know something else? McUzi would have been strung up too. I have talked with him on other boards and traded a few e-mails with him. He is not quite the Grand-Dragon hate-monger ya’ll think. He’s had some bad experiences with people of color and has chose to adopt a Napoleonic view (Guilty until proven innocent). That is his decision and I got to give the guy credit, he’s up front about it. We all have our prejudices and we all do things every day that we are going to be uncomfortable explaining to St. Peter on “The big day”. All of us here have got to try and go with the flow…If that don’t work, I say we all mail big bags of Dog-shit to McUzi’s house
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 11:30:39 AM EDT
Miss Magnum,

Let me offer an analogy:

If you'd asked, "Why does a .223 rifle kick less than a .308 rifle?", then the answer would require an explanation of the physics involved and the differences in bullet weight, velocity, and propellant gasses between the two rifles.  (This is hypothetical, of course, since you're smart enough to understand how recoil works. [;)] )

To understand why sexism is less offensive than racism, you'd have to understand why we find anything offensive -- the psychological and anthropological basis of our social norms -- and also why racism in particular is such a [i]bete noire[/i] (no pun intended [:D] )in polite society.  
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 11:32:00 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 5/31/2001 11:49:56 AM EDT
Well, if "McUZI" is allowed back, then I feel that "Eintsatztrooper" ([i]the resident Nazi[/i]) and "NiggaKilla" ([i]self explanatory[/i]) should be welcomed back with warm and open arms as well...

Enough said!
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 12:02:33 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Matt VDW:
To understand why sexism is less offensive than racism, you'd have to understand why we find anything offensive -- the psychological and anthropological basis of our social norms -- and also why racism in particular is such a [i]bete noire[/i] (no pun intended [:D] )in polite society.  
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This is exactly what I wanted to explore when I posted this topic... I [i]want[/i] to discuss why one is more or less offensive than the other. (regardless of McUzi's involvement in any of it!!)  

Sidebar: Anti, McDufus appears to really be trying... and let's not forget that you yourself have been a huge ass before on this board and have been given another chance.... Just my 2 cents...  
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 12:09:59 PM EDT
Anyone who can judge good from bad by the color of ones skin or by what is between a persons legs is a far more gifted person than I am.

When will the people in this forum stop acting like a bunch of bitches and get back to the things that we and our cause need most in todays uncertain political climate:  strength, cohesiveness, knowledge and the unstoppable power of a like-minded group of people standing up against a corrupt and morally bankrupt government and its society of blind stupid sheep?

I have seen a class of 7th graders argue less.

Totally disgusting and a great big disappointment.

Link Posted: 5/31/2001 12:20:26 PM EDT
This thread was not intended to be a whine fest or a shrine to McUzi.

I am truly interested in exchanging opinions on the development of prejudices and why some are considered more offensive than others.  

Do y'all agree or disagree that it's a backlash against societal sentiment?  

Do you think that the women's movement, while working to empower women also emasculated men?  

Could that be a reason for some of the women-hating men or do you think it is entirely based on previous negative experiences with women in their personal lives?
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 12:22:50 PM EDT
MM, do you really think people on this board hate women? You know, a lot of what is posted here is based on men's past experiences with woman, not all of which resulted in a healthy relationship. By the same token, a lot of it is in jest. For instance, all the "woman are evil" posts. Spend 5 minutes in the lunchroom at work and you'll see it works both ways. I wish I had a nickle for all the times I heard the women griping about their boyfriends and husbands. I assume it's a form of venting, because when I see them at the Christmas party they seem happy as larks.

Specifically, what is bothering you?
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 12:24:56 PM EDT
I wish that we could ignore the assholes who try and get attention by making racist comments. I know its hard to keep your mouth shut when it gets started. I hate it myself. Folks should really try to not offend other members by making comments about sex and race.
The moderators do a great job most all the time and I fully agree that someone who constantly posts racist or sexist remarks has no place here.  My .02 worth
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 12:35:58 PM EDT
Nothing's bothering me other than my cold. ::sniff::

As far as men disliking or hating women.. I'm not talking about the run of the mill "women are evil" stuff.  I'm talking about the guys who have a SERIOUS problem with women.. and I have seen some here.  I don't get all in a huff about it, though.  

I was the first female FC on the USS Eisenhower and the first in the gun shop at SIMA, Norfolk.  I've experienced first-hand being discriminated against simply because of my gender... having people assume things about me because of stereotypes about female squids.  

I am just genuinely curious why people consider it okay to say to a woman, "Sorry, but I don't want you here because you're a woman" as opposed to saying to a minority "Sorry but I don't want you here because you are (whatever ethnicity)."  That, by the way, was verbatim how I was greeted by one of my FC1's on the Ike.  

I was actually formally reprimanded at work a few months ago because of what I said to a black male co-worker.  We used to engage in controversial topics regularly... we were usually on opposite sides.  In the middle of a discussion about relationships, he asked me if I dated black men.  I said that I had but I don't anymore.  [i]He asked why...[/i]  I repeatedly asked him if he really wanted to know.  He repeatedly said yes.  I told him it was because black men smelled different to me than white men.  

Bear in mind that it later came out that this man had said some horrible things around and to me.  I dealt with it by warning him and ignoring him when he started belittling women.  But that was not considered as big of a deal as what I said when answering a question he specifically had asked me.

Link Posted: 5/31/2001 12:42:52 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Miss Magnum:
Why boring?  
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The fact that this thread even exists is stroking McUZI's EGO! He Owns many of the members of this site.
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Couldn't have said it better!
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                                            [smoke]    [rolleyes]     [sex]                                            
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 12:56:09 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Miss Magnum:
I am just genuinely curious why people consider it okay to say to a woman, "Sorry, but I don't want you here because you're a woman" as opposed to saying to a minority "Sorry but I don't want you here because you are (whatever ethnicity)."  That, by the way, was verbatim how I was greeted by one of my FC1's on the Ike.  

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I shouldn't go here but....

I differentiate between a military person not wanting women in the military (for reasons you and I have already agreed to disagree on) and men being "sexist" toward you on this board.

There is ABSOLUTELY no reasdon for anyone to "discriminate" against you on this board.

There are logistical, disciplinary, morale, moral and strategic reasons not to have women in the military.

Again, we shouldn't discuss that any further, as we've already done it to death.

I simple mention it to differentiate between wrongful abuse and discrimination you receive here, and what in my opinion, is proper discrimination against women in general BEING in the military. (not condoning rude acts against specific women who are in the military)
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 1:05:56 PM EDT
I love women.  I love my wife.  She is also the basis for all of my humor!  She knows it!  She is smarter than me!  But, I am king of my home!  Ask anybody. Hee-hee, I love that Irish Redhead (Blond according to her) She adds spice to my otherwise blissful life!

Besides, everytime she pisses me off, I buy another gun! [spank]

Link Posted: 5/31/2001 1:08:33 PM EDT
I have served with females in the Army and most were good Soldiers. I have had more deadbeat males to deal with than females. A female Soldier in combat is something I hate to think about,but I have no doubt they can get the job done. my .02 worth
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 1:11:02 PM EDT
I differentiate between a military person not wanting women in the military (for reasons you and I have already agreed to disagree on) and men being "sexist" toward you on this board.

I simple mention it to differentiate between wrongful abuse and discrimination you receive here, and what in my opinion, is proper discrimination against women in general BEING in the military. (not condoning rude acts against specific women who are in the military)
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Again, I am not referring specifically to this board when I refer to prejudice... I wanted to explore it on a larger scale.

And, FWIW, it's not just in the military.  I have outside technicians who call into the test center where I work for tech assists.  [i]Just last week[/i] I had a guy ask for a technician after I answered the phone.  I asked him if I could help him.  He again asked for a technician.  We went roundy-round until I finally told him, "I [b]am[/b] a technician.  What do you want?!!?"  

It is inconceivable for some men that a woman could know what she is talking about in a technical field.  I have tried explaining a circuit or feature interaction to a customer/technician before and have had them stubbornly refuse to believe me.  I kid you not, I will put them on hold and ask a male co-worker to [i]say the exact same thing[/i] and that customer/technician will believe him.

Link Posted: 5/31/2001 1:17:04 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Miss Magnum:

And, FWIW, it's not just in the military.  I have outside technicians who call into the test center where I work for tech assists.  [i]Just last week[/i] I had a guy ask for a technician after I answered the phone.  I asked him if I could help him.  He again asked for a technician.  We went roundy-round until I finally told him, "I [b]am[/b] a technician.  What do you want?!!?"  

It is inconceivable for some men that a woman could know what she is talking about in a technical field.  
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We're talking about STEROTYPES here, right?? MOST women DON'T know jack about technical subjects.

Moment of confession here (one of those pivotal moments that changed my life forever)

I was wiring the surround sound in my house, and went to Radio Shack (big mistake) ANywho, there was a female counter person there,a nd I thought "Oh, great, blondie over here don't know nuthin' 'bout nuthin.' Guess I'm on my own for this wiring job."

As it turned out, she was VERY sharp, and knew FAR more than me on the subject. She was a GREAT help.

Yes, I let the stereotype take hold, momentarily. But I did give her a chance, and she came thru with flying colors. I learned something.

Link Posted: 5/31/2001 1:28:31 PM EDT
We're talking about STEROTYPES here, right?? MOST women DON'T know jack about technical subjects.
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You're proving my point.  You were prejudiced based on a stereotype.  And yet, people will laugh and think it's funny because it's gender related.  Those same people would get all up-in-arms if you made a negative comment about an entire race of people based on a stereotype.

Do you see this????  

Link Posted: 5/31/2001 1:40:20 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Miss Magnum:
You're proving my point.  You were prejudiced based on a stereotype.  And yet, people will laugh and think it's funny because it's gender related.  Those same people would get all up-in-arms if you made a negative comment about an entire race of people based on a stereotype.

Do you see this????  

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Prejudice against something people cannot change, like the color of their skin, is generally verboten.

I guess since you CAN get a sex change, discriminating against females is OK in some peoples minds.

Does that help explain the difference????


(Said TOTALLY in jest)
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 2:07:35 PM EDT
Jesus H. Christ.

What a retarded thread Sara.

The fact that you and Rik actully spend valueable waking hours discussing "me" over the bandwidth is nauseating.

As for all the other "discussion" on this topic,
who really fucking cares what I think. You all know that I hate Neggros. I have made a deal with the Adminship of this site to lay off the word "nigger", so there.

That word is gone from my "AR15.com" vernacular.

Some other stuff, though. AntiUSSA, you don't deserve to be a "moderator" anywhere. You don't "moderate", you sock whatever strikes you wrong. Kinda hypocritical for someone criticizing a member as being a  "resident-nazi", isn't it, Adolf?BTW-

Rich314 has said that he is a Mexican, and now a Negro. It seems to me that he is a racial sympathizer who "happend to be" whatever race is getting bashed at that particular time.
A sympathy/opression complex.

Anyway, someone please lock this thread.


Link Posted: 5/31/2001 2:09:54 PM EDT
Why do Radio Shack employees always ask for your name, address, and telephone number even if you're buying a $.25 resistor and paying cash? I'll never understand that place.

Three years ago HR hired me a female software engineer from Taiwan. During the interview, she seemed pretty smart, but not overly so. She was cute as hell and I admit that played a role in my recommending her for the job. What can I say? I'm a man and I like hotties. In any case, the woman turned out to be a star performer. My best engineer by far. In the end we got into a bidding war with another company and lost. My company refused to offer her more than $70k to stay, which I said was insane considering how good she is. In the end she got $90k and 10,000 stock options.

Anyway, in my field at least, you have to assume anyone with a BSCS or MSCS is not an idiot, regardless of race of gender. And I'm sure that's true for accountants, lawyers, doctors, nurses, etc.

On the other hand, when I see 105 lb. female firemen I have to ask myself what the hell are they thinking? How can she possibly carry a man down the ladder or out of a burning building? Should people's lives be at risk simply to fulfill the equal rights agenda?
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 2:23:13 PM EDT
Racism and sexism are somewhat related.  Sexism is more accepted because it is common in both sexes...an ongoing battle based on biological differences.  Racism is a humanity issue based soley on the color of skin or place of origin or beliefs.  I think the latter is more deploreable because we all have the same basic overlapping genetic makeup skin color etc. is not a basic difference.

Confusing observations.  I am just trying to think out the obvious reality.  The battle between the sexes is so basic it is hard to be objective in the assessment of culpability.  

Unfortunately women are as guilty of it as men and definetly use it to a strategic advantage and thus it is an easier "ism" to accept.

yeah I know [sleep] [sleep] [sleep]
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 2:32:55 PM EDT
Just for the record I love women one in particular. I do not hate women.

I just believe that women need to be in their place and a male dominated sport/hobby is not that place.

I don't goto your knitting and embroidery room so dammit stay out of my Male Bonding room.
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 2:45:16 PM EDT
Let the moderators watch the site and if you don`t like what`s on, turn the chanell!!!..everybody`s entitled to thier opinion, and if you want to get into a pissin` contest FINE! otherwise...move on....except for the shit eatin` guy, that one DID make me sick!!!!!!(before i got a chance to turn the channel!!!)................[grenade]
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 3:06:59 PM EDT
for discrimination to take place, one person has to feel superiority over another.  in the early days of black vs. white in america, this was the root of racism.

i think we're wising up as humans and realizing that there just isn't any credibility in that argument anymore.  the racial differences are downplayed a lot, with more focus on what we have in common (globalization).

however, i think that there are still plenty of people who feel superior to the other gender.  therefore, the basis for discrimination is there, and will continue to be there.  as for its prevalence or acceptance in society, i guess it means that a large chunk of society must see it that way too.
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 3:38:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 3:43:01 PM EDT
What a retarded thread Sara.

The fact that you and Rik actully spend valueable waking hours discussing "me" over the bandwidth is nauseating.
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My, my, Landon... how difficult it must be for you to see where you are going [i]with your head that far up your ass![/i]

Rick and I were discussing different types of prejudices.. not YOU in particular.  (Again, I refer you to the definition of [b]narcissism[/b])  Yes, it was a comment about you that got the ball rolling, but, if you actually read the entire thread, I tried several times to steer the topic off of you and onto what I was actually interested in hearing views on.

Now back to ME... [:D]

ARLady... I agree that discrimination and prejudice has to do with a feeling of superiority over another group.  I think we are all guilty of it to varying degrees.  

I was just curious about other's opinions.    
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 4:17:54 PM EDT
This forum is for love of guns not hate.  Why can't we just keep the peace?
Link Posted: 5/31/2001 4:32:11 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Miss Magnum:

My, my, Landon... how difficult it must be for you to see where you are going [i]with your head that far up your ass![/i]

Rick and I were discussing different types of prejudices.. not YOU in particular.

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ANYONE HOME???????????

Some of the first words in your little social brainstorm were

A lot of folks are down on McUZI because he is a racist..I think that is a fact that even he will admit
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Lemme see.

The entire cut'n'pasted conversation was preceeded with a reminder that McUZI is a racist, and people don't like that.

But, yeah. I'm just an idiot for thinking that thread had anything to do with me.

Oh My Gawwwd Becky!
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