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Posted: 4/5/2005 7:26:38 AM EDT
I admit, I'm a sun goddess.  I Love the feeling of the sun baking my skin.  As few as 2 years ago, I was using the tanning beds year round to keep that glow.  I stopped using them as I noticed a few lines on my face that appeared out of nowhere, where before there were none.  I miss having a tan, but I don't miss the expense and the negative effects from the tanning beds.  I do admit to tanning in the summer under the "natural sun", but do use a high sunscreen.

I tried the Mystic Tan once (the spray on tan-in-a-booth).  Didn't like it...just felt NASTY afterwards, and it wasn't even no matter how much prep I did.  I found I could do a much better job with the self tanners at home, and they were much less expensive.

Anyone find a tanning product you absolutely love?  or are any of you addicted to the beds/booths?  Obviously you folks down south can do the natural thing year round.  I'm jealous.

Anyway, I thought it was a good topic for a sunny day here in New England.

Happy Tuesday, Ladies!

Link Posted: 4/5/2005 7:43:09 AM EDT
When I was a kid, I'd tan easily - never burn.  But lately it seems like I burn too much.  

Ever have a sunburn that was so bad it made you want to puke?  Ouch!  That pretty much cured my addiction to tanning.  

Link Posted: 4/5/2005 7:47:24 AM EDT
I knew a girl in highschool that worked at a tanning salon...one of her perks was free tanning. By the time she was 18...she had the skin of a 50 yr old....
Link Posted: 4/5/2005 7:54:37 AM EDT

When I was a kid, I'd tan easily - never burn.  But lately it seems like I burn too much.  

Ever have a sunburn that was so bad it made you want to puke?  Ouch!  That pretty much cured my addiction to tanning.  

YES!  My boyfriend and I went to an all day Irish festival early in the summer last year.  We were drinking Magner's and laying on a blanket listening to music, and didn't realize how much sun we were getting.  We were both so sick that night..no puking, but definite nausea.  ugh.
Link Posted: 4/5/2005 8:24:06 AM EDT

I knew a girl in highschool that worked at a tanning salon...one of her perks was free tanning. By the time she was 18...she had the skin of a 50 yr old....

I've seen way too many, otherwise attractive women, like that. For some odd reason they still think it makes them look better.

While I admit leather looks pretty hot on a pretty woman. It definately loses it's apeal when you can't take it off.
Link Posted: 4/5/2005 12:37:43 PM EDT
Interesting question, I'm interested to hear the responses.

I've always loved laying in the sun, even though, as a redhead, I have to be really careful not to burn. But In December I was diagnosed with Stage Three Melanoma and had to have surgery to remove it (fortunately, it hadn't reached my Lymphatics, I was very lucky). Needless to say, I won't be going out in the sun any more ...

After a loooonnnng Buffalo winter, I'd love to have a bit of a glow ... I agree that I can do a better job with self tanning products at home than at one of those airbrushing places, which just make me go orange (hah, orange hair + orange skin is sooo not attractive!), but I hate the smell, so I'd be really interested to hear what's great and what's not so great.

Link Posted: 4/5/2005 12:46:59 PM EDT

Interesting question, I'm interested to hear the responses.

I've always loved laying in the sun, even though, as a redhead, I have to be really careful not to burn. But In December I was diagnosed with Stage Three Melanoma and had to have surgery to remove it (fortunately, it hadn't reached my Lymphatics, I was very lucky). Needless to say, I won't be going out in the sun any more ...

After a loooonnnng Buffalo winter, I'd love to have a bit of a glow ... I agree that I can do a better job with self tanning products at home than at one of those airbrushing places, which just make me go orange (hah, orange hair + orange skin is sooo not attractive!), but I hate the smell, so I'd be really interested to hear what's great and what's not so great.

Glad to hear you're recovered!  congratulations!

I have the best luck with the spray formula. It's easier to spread than the cream, and dries very fast.  Neutrogena has a good one, Banana Boat also has one I like, and Bain de Soliel, is also one I've tried.  I think the drug store brands are just as good as the products from Lancome, etc.  I'm using a tinted gel for my face right now that I love...the tint makes it easy to see where I've put it, and it's nice to get the "immediate glow" as well.  It's by Neutrogena, too.  And it doesn't have that nasty smell to it, either.  It's pleasant.
Link Posted: 4/5/2005 1:26:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/5/2005 1:29:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/5/2005 2:10:01 PM EDT
I go to the tanning bed.   I dont necessarily LIKE it, but the tan, I LIKE!! So I'd love to hear what creams/sprays work well and look good!!
Link Posted: 4/5/2005 2:14:19 PM EDT

You've out-Leeloo'd Leeloo!

Is this a good thing, or a bad thing ...?

Daisywench, thanks, I was diagnosed when my baby was 2 days old and had the surgery when he was 2 weeks ... it was an interesting time ...

Thanks for the suggestions, the tinted gel sounds great, immediate glow is good!
Link Posted: 4/5/2005 2:19:34 PM EDT


Interesting question, I'm interested to hear the responses.

I've always loved laying in the sun, even though, as a redhead, I have to be really careful not to burn. But In December I was diagnosed with Stage Three Melanoma and had to have surgery to remove it (fortunately, it hadn't reached my Lymphatics, I was very lucky). Needless to say, I won't be going out in the sun any more ...

After a loooonnnng Buffalo winter, I'd love to have a bit of a glow ... I agree that I can do a better job with self tanning products at home than at one of those airbrushing places, which just make me go orange (hah, orange hair + orange skin is sooo not attractive!), but I hate the smell, so I'd be really interested to hear what's great and what's not so great.

You've out-Leeloo'd Leeloo!


Gigner, he's referring to the time I tried to highlight my hair and it came out orange, thus earing the nickname LeeLoo (the girl from the 5th Element with orange hair).

As for tanning, I'm extremely pale because I work all the time.  I am trying to get some color in my skin before my vacation to North Carolina in June, but I'm always careful.  I never go overboard.
Link Posted: 4/5/2005 2:56:03 PM EDT
when I lived in Salem where it rained a lot [130+ inches a year] I tanned in the winter in the tanning beds for winter depression.  I loved it.  I didn't really care for the tan in January look but I had it.  Now I tan in March and April when the weather is icky.  I'm very careful with plenty of moisturizer and I haven't noticed any age lines because of tanning [having teenagers is another story!]

I too am very fair skinned so I'm very careful not to burn in the sun or the beds.  I work outside year around so I wear sunscreen [in my make up] and moisturizer.  I also drink a lot of water.

Link Posted: 4/6/2005 4:18:04 AM EDT
I am white and proud of it.    LOL.  I used to try to be tan, either by the sun or sunless tanners, but lately I just don't worry about it.  Besides, a tan would ruin my 1860's "look" at reenactments.  LOL
Link Posted: 4/6/2005 7:48:49 AM EDT
i went tanning last summer and somehow managed to get Zeke- to go too.  he ended up liking it and went with me for about a month.   i just started back up last month, got a great deal.   i usually just go for a couple weeks on, a couple weeks off.  i dont want to be THAT dark.   just maintain a natural looking tan.  
Link Posted: 4/6/2005 7:55:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/6/2005 8:33:01 AM EDT
My wife and I were having this topic of discussion the other night.  She misses the tan (So CA girl now living in the Pacific NorthWET), but is worried about the damage to her skin.  I told her what I have always told her: People look better with a natural tan, but when I say natural, I mean a tan from doing things in the outdoors, not the laying there baking in the sun kind.   The baking in the sun or tanning bed kind of tanning makes you look like old saddle leather over time.  Old saddle leather can look good on a horse, but never on your face/neck/hands.
Link Posted: 4/6/2005 8:38:40 AM EDT

Tanning is TERRIBLE for you. My mom has reoccouring problems with skin cancer. It is very stressful for our family, she never intentionally tanned, but rather was out gardening a lot in the summer and back then no one knew it was that big a deal-we do know that now. My g/f never goes out in the sun in summer without sun block she looks many years younger than some of other women her age who tan and are starting to look baseball gloves. I'd rather have her white and know I'll still have her in 40 years.

Do as I say, not as I do, she has to chase me around with that goopy crap when we go hiking and stuff like that-I tell her I am good practice for motherhood.

Sorry to hear about your mom...seems like it's the people that don't intentionally tan that have the issues.  I agree that tanning beds are really bad for you.  They are addicting though, and the "glow" is addicting as well.

I find in the summer I can get some decent color just by doing outdoor activities, and then supplement with a bronzer.  Much healthier.
Link Posted: 4/6/2005 12:57:28 PM EDT
Coppertone Endless Summer Sunless Tanning (Dark) is the best I've ever tried, and I've tried them ALL  It's in a green pump bottle with dual-chambers of lotions that combine as you pump it.  30 minute for a tan that looks totally natural.  I spend A LOT of time boating and use baby sunblock because I can get them with high SPF, like 65.  I have yet to have one person that knows my tan comes out of a bottle and not from the sun.  
The only thing I don't like about it is the smell.  But I leave in on for the 30min then take a shower.

Neutrogena Instant Bronze Sunless Tanner and Bronzer In One (Deep) is pretty good too, and it smells better.  I use the Coppertone first for the 30 min, shower (because of the smell) and then use the Neutrogena over it for the instant bronzer, if I'm going out.

Hope this helps some.
Link Posted: 4/15/2005 1:54:00 AM EDT

Glad to hear you're recovered!  congratulations!

I have the best luck with the spray formula. It's easier to spread than the cream, and dries very fast.  Neutrogena has a good one, Banana Boat also has one I like, and Bain de Soliel, is also one I've tried.  I think the drug store brands are just as good as the products from Lancome, etc.  I'm using a tinted gel for my face right now that I love...the tint makes it easy to see where I've put it, and it's nice to get the "immediate glow" as well.  It's by Neutrogena, too.  And it doesn't have that nasty smell to it, either.  It's pleasant.

I used to lay out in the sun all the time but now I just don't do it. It can be pretty damaging to your skin and that's even with a high SPF. I suppose I've learned from what I experienced when I was a kid. I remember getting a sunburn that was so bad, I had bubbles on my shoulders. Not something that I want to go through again.

What is the name of the tanning gel that you're using? I've heard that it can be a little difficult to use because of how uneven it can spread. I like the idea of using the mist however, what's the name of it? I've always been curious but not quite sure what's good, what's not, etc. Right now I'm using something pretty simplistic in regards to a tanning solution. I can't remember who makes it but I've not had any problems with it. The only issue that I've had is I don't get the "natural glow" and I don't really know how much to go with it before it's way over the top and becomes "fake looking" if that makes sense.  
Link Posted: 4/15/2005 4:37:54 AM EDT
OK, just this morning I tried something new.  I really like it.  It's by Loreal, sold in drugstores.  It's in a small hairspray looking can. It's called the 360 degree spray, and it went on so nice and even, it was wonderful.  I don't think you even have to rub it in, although I did.   I did it at 7:15 this AM, and it's now 8:35, and I can already see a nice golden color developing.  I have a wedding tomorrow night, so I wanted to try it out a day before so I could go deeper if I wanted to tomorrow.
It's not greasy, very light formula, it smells, well, it actually doesn't smell, and it was really easy, and it's nice and even.


Link Posted: 4/15/2005 4:56:40 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/15/2005 5:15:58 AM EDT

I’m a guy, but have a few comments if you don’t mind me posting in here.  

My wife worships the sun.  She is part Cherokee Indian, so she rarely, if ever, burns.  She is convinced that because of her Indian blood she is not susceptible to the harmful affects of long-term UVA exposure.

A few years ago we bought her a tanning bed for the house.  She uses it year-round.  I’m not happy about it, but if she’s gonna use a bed anyway she might as well have one at home.

She’s 35 and I can already see changes in her skin.  I keep telling her she’ll end up looking like the old woman in Something About Mary, but she won’t listen.

Ladies, I admit we all look better if we’re not pasty white.  However, we CAN over do it, often times with long-term damage.  Take it easy on the tanning.

You're exactly right, Bookhound.  Just because you don't burn, doesn't mean you're skin doesn't age prematurely from the sun.  There's a woman in my office who is part Native American, and she just came back from Mexico.  She is so dark, but the lines already on her face are THAT MUCH more exagerrated, because now they're lighter lines in a dark face.
She's only in her late 40's, but looks alot older than that.
I'd rather stick with the self tanner, and look younger.

thanks for the input!
Link Posted: 4/15/2005 5:33:03 AM EDT
I don't have a choice. During the summers I work on a farm for the county .gov
I earn myself one hell of a tan.
unfortunatly for me, it is a farmer's tan.
I'll try to work with my shirt off to even things out, but it is against county policy.
Girl I hooked up with at the beginning of this year had the funniest look on her face when she got my shirt off.

"Wha...what's the matter with your tan? It looks like you went tanning with a shirt on!"

Yea, girls - don't go to tanning beds - its dangerous.
Lay out and get some sun, but don't get burned for the sake of looking good.
Link Posted: 4/15/2005 5:35:31 AM EDT

I don't have a choice. During the summers I work on a farm for the county .gov
I earn myself one hell of a tan.
unfortunatly for me, it is a farmer's tan.
I'll try to work with my shirt off to even things out, but it is against county policy.
Girl I hooked up with at the beginning of this year had the funniest look on her face when she got my shirt off.

"Wha...what's the matter with your tan? It looks like you went tanning with a shirt on!"

Yea, girls - don't go to tanning beds - its dangerous.
Lay out and get some sun, but don't get burned for the sake of looking good.

Yeah, I tried tanning without a shirt on outside once, too.  I was informed that was against every policy in the free world.

go figure.

Link Posted: 4/15/2005 6:34:58 AM EDT

OK, just this morning I tried something new.  I really like it.  It's by Loreal, sold in drugstores.  It's in a small hairspray looking can. It's called the 360 degree spray, and it went on so nice and even, it was wonderful.  I don't think you even have to rub it in, although I did.   I did it at 7:15 this AM, and it's now 8:35, and I can already see a nice golden color developing.  I have a wedding tomorrow night, so I wanted to try it out a day before so I could go deeper if I wanted to tomorrow.
It's not greasy, very light formula, it smells, well, it actually doesn't smell, and it was really easy, and it's nice and even.


Sounds great - thanks for the update! I'm going to buy some this weekend - I've been using a tinted moisturiser by Avon that has a self tanning action and it's great for the face, neck and chest to give a glow, but I need to do the rest of me too!

Be careful in the sun and with tanning beds everyone - I just found what looks like another potential Melanoma on my leg that I'm going to have to get removed ... here we go again *sigh*. This summer I'm covering up, it's just not worth the risk.
Link Posted: 4/15/2005 6:38:09 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/15/2005 6:58:59 AM EDT

I guess I'm blessed to be tan year round. Go me!

Can't wait to hit the beach when the weather gets nicer!

I love the beach! Sucks to be me!
Link Posted: 4/15/2005 7:21:19 AM EDT
Sorry to intrude (I am a male) but I have had squamous, basal, and a few pre-melanoma (educated guess) moles removed.  I am 34 and this started promptly at age 30.  Melanoma stalks my family and has for generations.  My father was diagnosed when he was 35.  He had a long a painful road, but he survived.   Every six months I go to the dermatologist to have new "spots" removed- I kid you not.

I have a family history, so I am sensitized to the issue.  I can see people from a mile away who are careless about their skin.  The sun ages women unneccessarily.  A woman who is "butt white" to use my wife's term is infinately more attractive than a woman whose skin is more properly termed a "hide".  

The thought of voluntarily going into a tanning booth has the same personal appeal as juggling with balls made out of uranium.  They really aren't that different in effect.  A sun burn is a radiation burn, after all.  Anyhoo, worrying about your mortality is a great way to screw up a lovely day at the beach.  

Also as a species men are more attracted to shapes than they are to colors.

Stay lovely,
Link Posted: 4/15/2005 7:46:56 AM EDT
I have always considered myself a worshipper of the sun, and I've always tanned very easily.  As I've gotten older, I've noticed that I tan well, but I burn much more easily.  I went down to Galveston for a long weekend with friends a couple of years ago, and burned so badly on my face and chest that the skin on my chest and around my mouth and eyes crystallized.  My face was one giant blister.  You could touch it with your finger and the indentation would stay for a few minutes.  It wasn't pretty, to say the least.  I've not felt pain like that since.

You would have thought that may have taught me a lesson, but no.  I hit the tanning beds religiously, laid out with baby oil, and never used sunscreen.  I went to the dermatologist a couple years ago for a spot on my face, thinking it was cancer.  Luckily it wasn't.  What was not-so-nicely explained to me was that blondes with blue eyes and fair skin may tan well, but the effects of the sun thin the skin.  Apparently fair skin is already thinner than other complexions, so we're already starting behind the line, so to speak.  All the sun and tanning booths I've soaked up in my life have thinned the skin on my face even more, resulting in a couple of spots where you can see the blood vessels.  I cover it with makeup and you can't see it, but it's what I see when I look in the mirror every day.  I see more of it coming up, even though I haven't stepped out in the sun since that day at the doc's office.  She very bluntly told me I'd be lucky if I didn't end up with some sort of skin cancer.  Talk about the fear of God...

I have since decided (much to Mr. Sp1's chagrin) that the sun is my enemy.  I haven't been on our boat in 1 1/2 years, and the thought of laying out by a pool and baking in the sun gives me the willies.  I have tried Mystic Tan many times and I have no complaints, except for the price.  I also use 'bottle tans'...Right now I'm using Neutrogena and I haven't had any problems with it.  Depending on how much you use them, it can get expensive.  I see it as free, personally.  There's no amount of money in the world worth my life.
Link Posted: 4/16/2005 6:54:14 AM EDT
if you ever watch the "baywatch" show, those nice tans they are FAKE !!!
they do use self tanners on that show. and when using a self tanner start with the lighter color (usually medium) and then apply more coats to get darker, dont start with the super dark, usually 2 coats is about right before you start looking orangish.

if you have access to a air compressor, you can get a cheap airbrush or small auto paint sprayer and buy the tanning formula by the GALLON, and have a significant other spray you down at home, or have tanning parties with your friends and chip in for the formula.
Link Posted: 4/16/2005 7:32:24 AM EDT
Excessive tanning fucks up your skin by turning it into leather.

It become VERY unatractive REALLY quick.

But it's your body and your young so I doubt you will listen.

Link Posted: 4/16/2005 8:14:16 PM EDT
I stopped tanning after I was about 11 years old. When an older woman freaked me out about sun cancer, WITH VERY GRAPHIC DETAILS. That have stuck with me for 12 years or so and counting. I love my porcelain skin, it matches my sea colored eyes and dark brown hair.

The only thing that I miss about getting in the sun every day under the summer sun is how my eyes would change to an emerald green. I was a cute little girl in the summer time. Now I only get that color when I'm drunk. Oh, how times have changed...
Link Posted: 4/17/2005 9:19:14 AM EDT
I work outdoors.  During the heat of the day I wear long pants and long sleeves shirts.  I hate it but I'm very fair skinned and burn too easy.  IN the morning and evening I wear sunscreen and get some what of a tan.  My daughter is very olived skin and she swims all summer.  I've got her trained to wear sunscreen and reapply often.  she's very good at it.  She gets so dark she looks more afro-american than caucasian.  

Link Posted: 4/20/2005 2:01:42 PM EDT
I'm a physician assistant working with a dermatologist in Dallas.  Every day, I perform shave and excisional biopsies on people coming in with "...a pimple on my cheek that appeared one year ago, and now bleeds every time I touch it."

Or, "I noticed this black mole on my shoulder a few months ago, and it's getting bigger."

Unfortunately, they often turn out to be either localized skin cancers (basal or squamous cell carcinoma) or, worse, potentially deadly malignant melanomas.  All of these are largely caused by ultraviolet radiation exposure, whether from sunlight or from tanning booths.

If you *must* have the tanned look, please use the excellent self-tanning lotions (Coppertone, Neutrogena, etc.) or the Mystic Tan spray-on stuff.

As BookHound mentioned, the lady in "Something About Mary" is the perfect example of what *not* to do to keep looking younger, healthier, and skin cancer-free.

I personally use Cetaphil Daily Moisturizer with SPF 15 sunscreen as my aftershave every day, even in mid-winter.  For the ladies, if you wear makeup, make sure it has a minimum of SPF 15, usually in the moisturizer, foundation, or pressed powder.

Broad-brimmed hats and long-sleeved shirts are also excellent ways to protect yourself from skin cancer and premature skin aging.

Here are my three rules for keeping your skin looking young:

1) Protect youself from the sun - stop sunbathing and tanning booth use.  Use sunscreen and protective clothing as practicable.

2) Don't smoke - the chemicals in tobacco cause the body to break down collagen (the skin's support structure) causing premature sagging and wrinkling.

3) Drink lots of water - at least 48 ounces a day (six eight-ounce glasses).  I go to Wally-World and buy the cases of 20-oz bottled water, and drink at least three bottles daily.

You can take this with a grain of salt - no problem, it's a free country.

In that case, you can also help me put my daughter through college in a few years (job security, y'know?)
Link Posted: 4/22/2005 7:27:56 AM EDT

Unfortunately, they often turn out to be either localized skin cancers (basal or squamous cell carcinoma) or, worse, potentially deadly malignant melanomas.

After I had the melanoma removed in January and being told that the lymph node biopsy was negative, I found out yesterday that they had sent the sample to the John Wayne Cancer Institute for further testing and that there were cancer cells found in the lymph node.

It's no joke, be really careful with tanning, it's just not worth what I'm now facing. The thing is, I always was careful in the sun, having red hair and fair skin, although I have had a few sunburns even then. My doctor told me that it could also easily have been caused by damage I may have recieved as a child, so slather your kids with sunblock too. There is no such thing as being too careful.

It's just not worth the risk.

Take really good care of yourselves.
Link Posted: 5/12/2005 5:29:34 AM EDT
I found a product I absolutely love, and I've been getting compliments about my "tan" constantly from even people I don't know.  I was at the gym last night, and a woman there asked me where I went to get my beautiful tan.  HEH.

It's called "Jergens Natural Glow".  It's in a large tube, it's actually a moisturizer.  The color doesn't develop enough for you to notice it with the first application, it's a gradual building tan.  But I put it on all over after the shower, and it's dry by the time I finish my hair and makeup.  I moisturize daily anyway, so this seemed like a no brainer to me, and I tried it.  I love it.  My skin is so soft and smooth, and the color is so natural and even, it's perfect.  Very easy to apply, no streaks at all.  I highly recommend it, and the best part is that it was 5.99 at the drugstore.
I'm hoooked!
Link Posted: 5/12/2005 5:35:13 AM EDT
I seen this advertised on tv, wondered about it. I may have to try it, since I look like a damn ghost all the time except my "biker tan", which means my face and arms are tan only
Link Posted: 5/12/2005 5:35:46 AM EDT

Coppertone Endless Summer Sunless Tanning (Dark) is the best I've ever tried, and I've tried them ALL  It's in a green pump bottle with dual-chambers of lotions that combine as you pump it.  30 minute for a tan that looks totally natural.  I spend A LOT of time boating and use baby sunblock because I can get them with high SPF, like 65.  I have yet to have one person that knows my tan comes out of a bottle and not from the sun.  
The only thing I don't like about it is the smell.  But I leave in on for the 30min then take a shower.

Neutrogena Instant Bronze Sunless Tanner and Bronzer In One (Deep) is pretty good too, and it smells better.  I use the Coppertone first for the 30 min, shower (because of the smell) and then use the Neutrogena over it for the instant bronzer, if I'm going out.

Hope this helps some.

+1, but they all have that smell.  I can smell it a mile away.  I get used to it, but wonder if everyone else can smell it too.  Anyone know of any that don't have that odor and still work?
Link Posted: 5/12/2005 5:37:31 AM EDT


Coppertone Endless Summer Sunless Tanning (Dark) is the best I've ever tried, and I've tried them ALL  It's in a green pump bottle with dual-chambers of lotions that combine as you pump it.  30 minute for a tan that looks totally natural.  I spend A LOT of time boating and use baby sunblock because I can get them with high SPF, like 65.  I have yet to have one person that knows my tan comes out of a bottle and not from the sun.  
The only thing I don't like about it is the smell.  But I leave in on for the 30min then take a shower.

Neutrogena Instant Bronze Sunless Tanner and Bronzer In One (Deep) is pretty good too, and it smells better.  I use the Coppertone first for the 30 min, shower (because of the smell) and then use the Neutrogena over it for the instant bronzer, if I'm going out.

Hope this helps some.

+1, but they all have that smell.  I can smell it a mile away.  I get used to it, but wonder if everyone else can smell it too.  Anyone know of any that don't have that odor and still work?

The jergens has a really pleasant smell.  Honest!  I hate that self tanner smell, and that's why I would only apply it at night so I didn't have to smell it all day long.  Try it!
Link Posted: 5/12/2005 5:58:28 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2005 6:21:08 AM EDT

I don't fake bake.  I don't use self-tanners.  I do get sun if I'm working in the garden.  I rarely burn.  I use moisturizer and drink a ton of water.

I have friends who are OBSESSIVE about staying tan year round and it just looks like they are trying to hard....

I don't obsess about it, but in the spring and summer when you're wearing sleeveless clothes, and want to wear capris, you definitely look better with a bit of color.  I don't have the nice alabaster skin that some people have, and with my eye and hair color, I look better with some color.  However, we have maybe 10 weeks of decent weather here in New England, and you won't get decent color until well into late spring, so some of us do have to fake it.

I'm sure the weather in Kentucky allows for more exposure to real sun than our New England crappy weather.

Link Posted: 5/12/2005 6:53:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2005 7:19:03 AM EDT
I'm definitely going to try the Jergens, daisy.  Thanks for recommending it...

I work one day a week at the sewing gallery near my house, and last night while I was there this woman came in.  She was about 6' tall and rail thin.  She had bleached her hair so light it was almost white, and she was so dark it was unnatural.  I saw her from the back and thought 'Geez, she keeps tanning like that she's going to look like she's 80 when she's 30'.  

Then she turned around.

I swear to the good Lord above, this woman HAD to be in her 50's or 60's, and her skin was like leather.  Leather, I tell you.  If she had looked my way she would've seen the look of shock on my face.  She looked really terrible.  I should've taken her picture and carried it around with me to remind myself why I shouldn't bake in the sun.  
Link Posted: 5/12/2005 7:21:16 AM EDT
Tagged for when I get back home this summer.
Link Posted: 5/12/2005 7:35:56 AM EDT

I seen this advertised on tv, wondered about it. I may have to try it, since I look like a damn ghost all the time except my "biker tan", which means my face and arms are tan only

You look GREAT white MrsToe

Link Posted: 5/12/2005 10:03:57 AM EDT


I seen this advertised on tv, wondered about it. I may have to try it, since I look like a damn ghost all the time except my "biker tan", which means my face and arms are tan only

You look GREAT white MrsToe


aww shucks sarge.
Link Posted: 5/12/2005 10:29:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2005 10:33:11 AM EDT
Here's a old scuba diver trick. Before being baked take two asprin for some reason you will not burn as bad. Helps on the boat might help you guys.
Link Posted: 5/12/2005 10:33:30 AM EDT



I seen this advertised on tv, wondered about it. I may have to try it, since I look like a damn ghost all the time except my "biker tan", which means my face and arms are tan only

You look GREAT white MrsToe


That's not MrsGloftoe!

hush I was gonna take the compliment, even though it wasn't for me.
Link Posted: 5/12/2005 10:36:11 AM EDT
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