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Link Posted: 8/20/2017 10:25:24 PM EDT
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Well, no more fapping to Jessica Jones now.

thanks a lot, jerky!
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It was decent, much like all the marvel Netflix series.

Ritter was super cute.


They had some good shots, but I felt like there was an overuse of Gimbal, and a lot of what felt like purposeful shaky footage. Maybe it was the crappy bitrate of Netflix, but for as many "dark" shots as they had I was disappointed in the Weapon 8K S35. Would be interested to see it in "full" 4K.
She looks too much like Michael Jackson for my taste.

Well, no more fapping to Jessica Jones now.

thanks a lot, jerky!
Link Posted: 8/21/2017 11:46:22 AM EDT
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Daredavil defends looters stealing TVs.

"They're just kids"

Almost made me turn off the TV.

Still might.
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Not interested.   I'm sick of the superhero genre anyway
Link Posted: 8/21/2017 5:30:14 PM EDT
Can Iron Fist do anything besides get his ass kicked and cry about his mommy?

He can't seem to win a straight up fight...
The city he was suppose to defend gets destroyed....
Anytime someone mentions his mother he starts to cry....
For the best martial artist in the world he sure gets beat up a lot...
After he gets his ass kicked, he THEN decides to use his iron fist to try and win...

I am lost at how bad the writing is on this show..
Link Posted: 8/21/2017 5:37:57 PM EDT
I tried to watch it but it was boring as hell
Link Posted: 8/21/2017 5:43:06 PM EDT
Iron Fist is a pantywaste, Luke Cage is a BLM smug prick, Jessica Jones looks like she's had a terrible nose job and has every drinking trope known to man, Daredevil is almost watchable (in this series) but I don't really care if they win.

The detective still has really nice tits, I wish we'd get to see those then the series may have some redeeming quality.
Link Posted: 8/21/2017 6:52:59 PM EDT
The detective still has really nice tits, I wish we'd get to see those then the series may have some redeeming quality.
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The defenders sucked though.  It was like watching the same iron fist series with guest characters.
Link Posted: 8/21/2017 7:52:11 PM EDT
On number four and love good sword fight scenes

Also enjoy JJ being a bitch and her tight jeans help too
Link Posted: 8/21/2017 9:12:03 PM EDT
The politics make me want to projectile vomit. Jessica caused 100's to die because she refused to kill. Dare Devil will kill, wtf with the lotters
Link Posted: 8/21/2017 9:26:21 PM EDT
No appearance of The Punisher in this series.

Final episode / final fight scene dragged on for way too long, IMHO.

I give it a 6/10 rating as far as Marvel "TV" shows are concerned.  Never watched Luke Cage or The Iron Fist; and couldn't make it thru the first season of J.Jones.  I really liked DD though...
Link Posted: 8/21/2017 10:09:51 PM EDT
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No appearance of The Punisher in this series.
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Not unless you count the trailer at the end of the last episode.

Link Posted: 8/22/2017 11:13:47 AM EDT
Stopped watching at the end of episode 3.

Fucking SJW white privilege bullshit.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 4:54:39 PM EDT
Saw it all.

Iron Fist, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage  are lame.

Netflix needs Better writers to save them.

Dare Devil should remain a  stand alone.
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 10:13:46 PM EDT
I'm on Episode 3 (I think) and Luke Cage is lecturing Iron Fist about his "privilege."  

I hope it gets better than that.
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