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Link Posted: 8/5/2011 9:33:02 AM EDT
The right to free speech is not there to protect speech and opinions we like and agree with.  This goes both ways and is why I feel it best to demonstrate how Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman are wrong rather than calling her a dumb lesbian and him a hack and asking why they are still on the air.
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 9:33:59 AM EDT
my husband enlisted for vietnam and spent 18 months there. in all of that time on a swift boat he doesn't recall an officer ever being on one of his boats
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 9:35:51 AM EDT
Keep it up, the people can hear you John and the sound bites may prove handy someday.
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 9:41:37 AM EDT
“The media has got to begin to not give equal time or equal balance to an absolutely absurd notion . . . sppkkkk . . . pop . . . skikkk . . . sssssssssssssssssssss"

Link Posted: 8/5/2011 9:42:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 9:43:25 AM EDT
R.I.P. America. Hey, it was great while it lasted.
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 9:45:57 AM EDT
If it's really all that wacky, publicizing it can do no harm. That's the genius of the 1st Amendment.
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 9:50:48 AM EDT
Vilifying, condemning,, marginalizing, labeling and suppressing free speech of their political opponents. Who woulda seen that coming from the Left?

Yeah, that took me by surprise, too.

Fucking John Kerry

Link Posted: 8/5/2011 9:55:18 AM EDT
R.I.P. America. Hey, it was great while it lasted.

Link Posted: 8/5/2011 9:56:30 AM EDT
The Thought Police is taking its job very seriously.

They are there to protect us from dangerous ideas.
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 10:00:47 AM EDT
You can't tell me that these fucks aren't evil pieces of shit.  If they had it there way, we would be in the gulag or re-education camps in no time.  Fuck that treasonous piece of worm shit.


Link Posted: 8/5/2011 10:01:47 AM EDT
I love it when they know they are losing, they show their true colors, and beliefs.
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 10:03:10 AM EDT
You can't tell me that these fucks aren't evil pieces of shit.  If they had it there way, we would be in the gulag or re-education camps in no time.  Fuck that treasonous piece of worm shit.


Nooo, I and others would have plenty of targets of opportunity.........
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 10:13:11 AM EDT
"and I won 3 purple hearts!"

Has there ever been any documented proof on how he got those awards?

If When it's discovered that he self inflicted at least two of the three, or falsified documents to get them, he should have his discharge changed to dishonorable.

Fuck that asshole, and everyone like him.

Link Posted: 8/5/2011 10:15:32 AM EDT
He demonstrates over and over again that he is functionally mentally retarded.
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 10:30:17 AM EDT
Typical Marxist––can't win the debate on the issues, then control the debate totally.
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 10:52:58 AM EDT
I'd like to ask him to his face:

When was the last time you balanced your checkbook?
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 11:04:21 AM EDT
They are very afraid. This is good.
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 12:32:29 PM EDT
A good read from the WSJ on this phenomena.

"It is hard to remember a more dismal moment in American politics," Weisberg moans in a column originally written for the Financial Times. It starts out as a standard partisan attack on Republicans for failing to fall into line with liberal dogma––excuse us, "science":

President Obama is trying to push a jobs agenda. But for the federal government to spur growth or create jobs, it has to spend additional money. The antediluvian Republicans who control Congress do not think that demand can be expanded in this way. They believe that the 2009 stimulus bill, which has prevented an even worse economy over the past two years, is actually responsible for the current weakness. . . .
Some of the congressional Republicans who are preventing action to help the economy are simply intellectual primitives who reject modern economics on the same basis that they reject Darwin and climate science

To Weisberg, the failures of the Obama administration prove not only that Republicans are "intellectual primitives" but that you are stupid: Among the "sobering lessons" that "we" have "learned," he writes, is "that there's no point trying to explain complicated matters to the American people."

But Weisberg's attitude toward the American people, if not as openly hostile as it is today, was characterized by a deep suspicion. Obama was not doing as well in the polls as Weisberg thought he should have been, given the all-around awesomeness of the junior senator from Illinois. If Obama lost to John McCain, it could mean only one thing: America was irredeemably racist. (As we noted at the time, in reaching this conclusion Weisberg committed a rookie error of logic, which makes today's pompous pronouncements about "science" all the more hilarious.)

Weisberg's latest amounts to a lament for democracy. Even if the American people aren't as racist as he suspected you were back in 2008, you aren't up to the challenge of being governed by the handsome, brilliant and cool Barack Obama.

We would offer an alternative hypothesis: The American people, while imperfect, are basically OK. You just made a mistake in choosing a president. Oh, there were any number of reasons why Obama seemed better than Hillary Clinton or John McCain, and who knows? Maybe either of them would have been even worse. But the point is, Obama was never all that, or even nearly what, he was cracked up to be.

It takes an authoritarian mindset to look at a failed leader and fault the people for failing to follow him. This is not just an ideological authoritarianism, although it does have that element, as evidenced by Weisberg's peremptory dismissal of opposing viewpoints. But he treats Obama not as what he actually is––a human being and a politician––but as a sort of religious figure––a potential savior in 2008, a martyr in 2011.

This is the Cult of Obama. Many of the then-candidate's supporters––especially highly educated ones who pride themselves on their superior rationality––saw Obama as a sort of idealized version of themselves. The classic of the genre was a June 2008 column by Mark Morford of the San Francisco Chronicle's website, who, citing unidentified "spiritually advanced people" (we are not making this up), described Obama as "a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being . . . who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment."

Obama refuses to accept personal responsibility, and Cult of Obama die-hards like Weisberg refuse to assign it to him. Too much of their own identity is bound up with their idealized vision of him, so they lash out at those who are not part of the cult. They lash out at you. But try not to take it personally. Anger is depression turned outward.

The Chicago Tribune notes with understatement that Obama "probably will be forced to run on something other than his economic record." That something is the fierce urgency of ferocity:

"It's not going to be 2008 'Yes, we can' anymore. I think it's going to be slash-and-burn," said Democratic pollster Paul Maslin. "We have an embattled incumbent who doesn't have much hope of improving his standing except by point of comparison with his Republican opponent. It's going to be a very different kind of election that's going to be brutal, to be honest."

"It is hard to remember a more dismal moment in American politics," Weisberg writes. If Maslin is right, things are going to get more dismal still. And we won't be surprised if a year from now Weisberg is defending the handsome, brilliant and cool incumbent's vicious campaign on the ground that it's just what stupid, racist Americans deserve.
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 12:34:38 PM EDT
The 1st Amendment only applies when you agree with him.......
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 12:36:44 PM EDT
Yes, because the people who are already spending 26% of GDP and want more taxes are the "seroius" people.  It's those people who want to cut spending to match revenue which are crazy.

Link Posted: 8/5/2011 12:41:54 PM EDT


They are very afraid. This is good.

If they were afraid then they wouldn't have passed the debt ceiling bill.

Link Posted: 8/5/2011 12:42:33 PM EDT
lol  but I thought democrats needed equal time in talk radio?  
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 1:04:46 PM EDT
Demonize and shift the focus off the real issues.

That's your Democrat party. Party of zero ideas.

It will get worse, stand tough you stupid, racist, woman hating, hostage taking, terrorist, zombie, canibal, monster, stupd, uneducated, violent, fundamentalist, gun nuts.
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 1:21:20 PM EDT
Kerry and Jane Fonda need to find some other Country to live in, not in the USA.  And they can go Fuck themselves too.

Fuckin Commie
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 1:22:57 PM EDT

"And I have to tell you, I say this to you politely. John, you can suck my balls. Also, your commie Heinz ketchup sucks." Philspel


Link Posted: 8/5/2011 1:36:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 3:52:12 PM EDT

Marginalize, demonize, dehumanize...then they'll feel comfortable attempting the next step.  

Boxcars to the labor camps?

No, straight to the ovens without even the courtesy of gassing you first.
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 4:01:28 PM EDT
Yes, because the people who are already spending 26% 100% of GDP and want more taxes are the "seroius" people.  It's those people who want to cut spending to match revenue which are crazy.

There, fixed it for you.

Link Posted: 8/5/2011 4:07:27 PM EDT
Because I believe in responsible government I am some how........the enemy?

If that ain't straight out of the Socialist handbook.
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 4:14:14 PM EDT
FU jk
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 4:20:25 PM EDT
Why couldn't he have choked on Teddy's cock  when he had the chance!!

Fuck him and fuck obama!!
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 4:22:01 PM EDT
I wish he would take a long walk off a short pier.
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 4:36:45 PM EDT
The irony kills me. The reasons he states that "Tea Party" ideas should not be given consideration- is entirely true about things he believes in- i.e. 95% of "Politicly Correct" ideas. While most average people can relate to the Tea Party, Political Correctness is almost always rooted in an Elitist viewpoint. Yet PC is blindly carried like a flag by the MSM.

Link Posted: 8/5/2011 4:40:59 PM EDT
Apparently he hasn't listened to good old Nancy Pelosi  she's full of wacky ideas.
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 4:48:47 PM EDT
fuck that mother fuck and will all the massholes vote this shit bag out of office
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 4:54:42 PM EDT
R.I.P. America. Hey, it was great while it lasted.


Link Posted: 8/5/2011 4:54:45 PM EDT
Fuck John Kerry
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 5:01:22 PM EDT
Leadership must have decided that the tea party is a real threat.

Instructions and talking points have been issued accordingly.    
Link Posted: 8/5/2011 5:36:28 PM EDT
You know, the Libs have been saying so many outrageously idiotic things lately that the Repubs, if they were smart, could create MANY magnificent commercials that show juts how insane the Democratic party has gotten.

Like fish in a barrel.....


I agree.  During WWII, the US produced a series of film titled "Why We Fight" that used film footage of Hitler, Tojo, etc.  to illustrate why the USA had to go to war.  It is clear that the Left has made many statements that should be used against them in the 2012 campaign, the only question is who is going to do that.  According to Kerry, those sorts of statements should go down Orwell's Memory Hole.

Note that the man explicitly calling for the political opposition to be censored is the former Democratic Party Presidential candidate from only seven years ago, not some fringe lunatic wacko.  This Leftist anti-Constitutional lunacy is becoming mainstream, for them...


Link Posted: 8/5/2011 6:02:17 PM EDT


You know, the Libs have been saying so many outrageously idiotic things lately that the Repubs, if they were smart, could create MANY magnificent commercials that show juts how insane the Democratic party has gotten.

Like fish in a barrel.....


Except for a great percentage of people actually believe what they say.

Link Posted: 8/7/2011 5:58:19 AM EDT

Seriously though, fuck you John Kerry.

Link Posted: 8/7/2011 6:02:09 AM EDT
Socialism cannot exist outside a vacuum.  It can have no competition.
Link Posted: 8/7/2011 6:02:37 AM EDT
Marginalize, demonize, dehumanize...then they'll feel comfortable attempting the next step.  

But don't forget that they have to empty those pesky gun cabinets first.

...and THERE'S the bitch of it, huh?

Link Posted: 8/7/2011 6:06:20 AM EDT
John Kerry is a mean pimps wet dream.  Fuck him in the ass.
Link Posted: 8/7/2011 6:08:29 AM EDT
I swear, if it wasn't for the 2A, I'm beginning to believe these commies would have already placed us under marshall law.
Link Posted: 8/7/2011 6:33:53 AM EDT
I swear, if it wasn't for the 2A, I'm beginning to believe these commies would have already placed us under marshall law.

Agreed.  The Founders knew whereof they spoke.
Link Posted: 8/7/2011 6:40:22 AM EDT
fuck that mother fuck and will all the massholes vote this shit bag out of office

You should change your avatar.  The one you are using is already taken and it is considered poor taste to copy a current members avatar.  

Oh and +1

Link Posted: 8/7/2011 7:54:01 AM EDT
fuck that mother fuck and will all the massholes vote this shit bag out of office

You should change your avatar.  The one you are using is already taken and it is considered poor taste to copy a current members avatar.  

Oh and +1

where did this crap come from?  Is it spewed by those same folks who used to say "stay in your lane"?
Link Posted: 8/7/2011 7:58:58 AM EDT
I swear, if it wasn't for the 2A, I'm beginning to believe these commies would have already placed us under marshall law.

Agreed.  The Founders knew whereof they spoke.

Foresight, the Founders had it.......
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