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Link Posted: 2/28/2010 10:08:48 AM EDT

That's, like, nice and junk.

Of course, you had started preparing and planning long before this post was made and knew all of that before you read that lengthy pack of lies, so what did you gain from reading it?

Nope. First prep came before Y2k. Actually a year or so before, when Emmet Brown counted lost pet ads and concluded the New Madrid fault was gonna let go.  What this liar did was walk me back thru the King riots, NOW with the benefit of years of prepping. It made me see an important, highly enlightening event in the light of a mindset I didn't develop until well after the original riots had long faded from my memory.

Civil unrest is much more likely than the other things you mentioned.  It's the kind of thing people think about without needing to read the story posted in this thread.  The things that happened in the story, in addition to being bullshit, are the kinds of things no one in his right mind would do.

Some of us aren't going to broadcast our preparations and planning.  You know what they say about assumptions.

Fair enough, but there's a tradeoff your making whether you realize it or not. I think thru things pretty well, but there's NOTHING that poliches my thinking like bouncing it off a similar, like-minded group of individuals. You put opsec, against looters, in an dusty back corner of the net, regarding standard milspec procedure, available in just about any FM, higher in priority than that final polish, okay, fine, but I solve that equation about 180- degrees opposed to you. Different strokes for different folks.

In theory, anyway.

In reality, you gave me exactly what I was looking for, after you said you wouldn't.

I just offered some suggestions.  Nothing in there should be taken as indicative of anything I might or might not be doing.  Don't try this at home, it's for informational purposes only, I take no responsibility for the consequences of using any advice I give on this forum, etc.

You should rethink some of that, though. While I agree with the "one problem at a time" approach, you will be held responsible for any rounds you touch off after the mess is over.  Plan your use of force contingencies ahead of time and plan them carefully.  If you need to shoot to warn, you need to shoot to kill, so don't use warning shots.  Maybe secure some CS grenades to disperse strangers without putting rounds into the air.

You got a better way to chase off looters taking a smoke break while they work up their nerve to try my home, I'm all ears. If you can cap them before they actually ever DO anything, I kind of look up to that. I can hull them without remorse and sleep like a baby afterward when they present an actual threat, but not before, whether I "know" they WILL or not. I don't have the arm to put CS in their decision making field without giving them my home addy. I CAN snap twigs and splatter dirt with impugnity, tho.

They make various types of launchers for grenades, you know.  If you think you are going to put multiple rounds in the general vicinity of them without them realizing exactly where those rounds are coming from, think again.  If you have a line of sight to them, they have one to you, and you are making noise and muzzle flash.  Also, you don't know where those rounds will go after you send them on their way.  You're still responsible for that, though.  You have to make a risk assessment: is the danger that they will return greater than the danger you'll be prosecuted for killing them.  One last thing: if you haven't killed a man before, save the speculation about what it will do to you until after you have.

Also, while I'm an advocate of active patrolling and probing as a first line of defense, you want to be careful about sneaking around an urban or suburban area with a rifle during a period of civil unrest.  Joe cop doesn't care who you are or what you're doing, and while he might not go into the inner city to keep the creatures from burning their habitat, he and his coworkers will swarm a man with a gun in a peaceful area outside or near the cordon.  They will be hyped up and ready to roll, and you will give them an excuse.

Two things. One, guys looking just like me, from more than twenty feet, anyway,  is what drug the coppers out of the station house, away from their donuts, into their AOR, dancing for joy. Two, inside twenty feet, like I said before, during a riot, a concrete jail chock full o gunz and pissed off cops beats wood frame construction, hands down.

Unless you have other people depending on you.  Then, if you're in jail, you are doing them no good.

Low profile is the way to go.  A fight you avoid is a fight you've won.

Agreed. Times one bazillion. But there comes a time when the probability of a favorable answer to the question, "Can I avoid this fight", drop so low, in comparison to the downside if you end up answering no, that you take the bull by the horns and open on the threat. I touched on this earlier in this post. It's a judgement call. Situation dependant. The myriad of possibilities can appear so daunting you don't know where to start, but often a little back and forth discussion narrows a great many of them into a very few sub-categories, allowing effective potential RoE to emerge.

Joe OP's source cobbled a fanciful, not to mentioin self aggrandizing,  tale out of the thin air of his ass, as noted by 56848736545478282163542 poosts to date. I get it. End the thread or move elsewhere.Tthere's really only one other place to go, and here we are.

The DI sez "low crawl 150 yds, pretending live rounds are zipping overhead, then put three rounds center mass of two targets." You can run the drill, and profit by it, or walk away cuz "it ain't real." What you gonna do?

Running around an urban neighborhood armed during a riot and getting into a confrontation with the police is not an unavoidable situation.  The DI also says walk around all day and pick up cigarette butts and pinecones.  There are useful exercises and useless chickenshit.  The story was the latter.

I got a lot out of the story, just like I get a lot out of stupid Hollywood movies. Pick up the fucking gun AND the mags...sop.

Without the story, I might never have connected the fear I felt watching the King riots on TV, years before I began prepping, with the in-yo-fucking-face-right-fucking-now immediacy the author managed to ...create. If I didn't read the story, I might have stopped to think what my response would be to a banger with a lighter in one hand, and an unlit molotov in the other. Now "shoot to kill" will forever reside in muscle memory, once I get the required 1200 iterations on the range.

I've physically injured two people by accident. I'm well aware of the fallout. I've gone after two others, in all seriousness, legally justified. One got away clean, one got away with a bruise on his ankle.  They got lucky. It happens. Nothing short of deadly force would have achieved the objectives, once that line was crossed the rest was cake, mere execution in the zone, objectives were met even tho the mission failed, and neither of those two will EVER forget me or that day.

I've jacked buckethead jaws on occasions uncountable.

I know what I need to know, no extrapolation, hard empirical evidence.

Link Posted: 2/28/2010 10:10:55 AM EDT
When the riots broke out in CA, I was living in Homestead FL.  My Mom was working in the mall.  Several Black women came into the store and tried to start shit.  They were yelling NO JUSTICE!!  And trying to steal clothing.  My Mom kicked the asses of 3 of them, throwing them out of the store and locking the security gate.  Big Angry German woman > 3 Big Angry Black Women.  She called my dad and told him she and 3 other workers (my mom was the store manager) were stuck in the mall.   We went to get them.  There were mini-roits all over Homestead and Overtown (the ghetto) had riots police all over the place.

We pulled up to the mall and it was a chaotic scene.  People running everywhere and small trash fires.  Windows kicked in.  Dad whipped around to the back of the mall and set up his car to shield the store entrance.  I got out with an Uzi and banged on the rear door.  We quickly urshered to women into the car.  It was a tight fit.  The second the door shut, my dad floored it and we beat feet.  Took over a half hour to get them all home and fort up ourselves.  We basically weren't stopping for red lights, just slowing.  The madness of LA was everywhere.

Weeks later the ladies all said one of the best sights they ever saw was  my dad's Buick, my Uzi and 2 men ready to use them both.  

Link Posted: 2/28/2010 10:14:30 AM EDT
This story reads like a White Supremacist's porn fantasy without the sex.

Like anyone who owned a Desert Eagle would move to Australia and their gun control.

It had plenty of mexican crotch grabbing.  Also, Little Trotsky's girlfriend was gangraped.

That is probably enough to count as sex in a white supremacist's porn fantasy.

My Bad, I didn't read that far into it. I lost interest after he introduced his his neighbor Mr. Trotsky...
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 10:46:47 AM EDT
This story reminds me of that novel that inspired Timothy McVeigh to blow up little children. You know, the Turner Diaries.
What a load of Crap.
Oh plus, has anyone looked up Mcveigh on Wiki??
I swear his life was almost the same as mine. Born in NY, Star Trek fan, Computer geek, D&D player, Served in the Military, didn't drink, suspicious of gubbmint. He claimed the army put a RFID chip in his ass. Really, his ass!
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 10:51:14 AM EDT
I was stationed at Nellis AFB when this crap went down. Not much went on in LV that I saw except for some angry folks marching down middle of the roads. I don't remember any building fires. My co-workers wife was driving home from work and got hit in the head with something, can't remember if it was a rock or bottle. Came flying in through the open drivers side window and smacked her in the side of the head.
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 10:56:55 AM EDT
"The hispanic guy who was smoking sneered and took a long draw on his cigarette. "Who tha fugg are yoo sposed to be, mon?" he said, his buddies all moved their hands to their crotches and began squeezing their testicles like it pumped blood to their brains. They all started that swaying and testicle squeezing dance they do."

Holy shit, I laughed out loud. Never heard of that.

Not done reading it, but a very good read so far...
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 11:03:45 AM EDT
Obviously the whole thing is made up.

There were no riots. No fires. No looting. No animosity between ethnic groups. No arsonists. No murders. No truck drivers getting their skulls bashed in.

What a load of steaming bullshit.

By the way, when's the next Radio Free Arfcom show? Will they talk about the wonders of Multicam and the Box O' Truth this week?
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 11:09:56 AM EDT
Just so y'all can visualize 60 ounces is about the size of a regular JUG of bleach. Try sneaking one of those into your pockets or throwing that heavy son of a bitch more than 30MPH (sans heavy glass even!)

I don't think this SHTFantasy is a good "lesson" at all as that gives validity to the moron that wrote it. It was all false. Use real stories and anecdotes but don't feed his spank story nor lend it a shred of credibility.
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 11:14:19 AM EDT
tag for later reading
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 11:16:53 AM EDT
Fun read, but an absolute metric shit ton of bullshit. I gotta get me one of them .203s!
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 11:22:11 AM EDT
When the riots broke out in CA, I was living in Homestead FL.  My Mom was working in the mall.  Several Black women came into the store and tried to start shit.  They were yelling NO JUSTICE!!  And trying to steal clothing.  My Mom kicked the asses of 3 of them, throwing them out of the store and locking the security gate.  Big Angry German woman > 3 Big Angry Black Women.  She called my dad and told him she and 3 other workers (my mom was the store manager) were stuck in the mall.   We went to get them.  There were mini-roits all over Homestead and Overtown (the ghetto) had riots police all over the place.

We pulled up to the mall and it was a chaotic scene.  People running everywhere and small trash fires.  Windows kicked in.  Dad whipped around to the back of the mall and set up his car to shield the store entrance.  I got out with an Uzi and banged on the rear door.  We quickly urshered to women into the car.  It was a tight fit.  The second the door shut, my dad floored it and we beat feet.  Took over a half hour to get them all home and fort up ourselves.  We basically weren't stopping for red lights, just slowing.  The madness of LA was everywhere.

Weeks later the ladies all said one of the best sights they ever saw was  my dad's Buick, my Uzi and 2 men ready to use them both.  

What type of UZI did you have, Full-auto, SBR, or carbine?
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 11:30:02 AM EDT
When the riots broke out in CA, I was living in Homestead FL.  My Mom was working in the mall.  Several Black women came into the store and tried to start shit.  They were yelling NO JUSTICE!!  And trying to steal clothing.  My Mom kicked the asses of 3 of them, throwing them out of the store and locking the security gate.  Big Angry German woman > 3 Big Angry Black Women.  She called my dad and told him she and 3 other workers (my mom was the store manager) were stuck in the mall.   We went to get them.  There were mini-roits all over Homestead and Overtown (the ghetto) had riots police all over the place.

We pulled up to the mall and it was a chaotic scene.  People running everywhere and small trash fires.  Windows kicked in.  Dad whipped around to the back of the mall and set up his car to shield the store entrance.  I got out with an Uzi and banged on the rear door.  We quickly urshered to women into the car.  It was a tight fit.  The second the door shut, my dad floored it and we beat feet.  Took over a half hour to get them all home and fort up ourselves.  We basically weren't stopping for red lights, just slowing.  The madness of LA was everywhere.

Weeks later the ladies all said one of the best sights they ever saw was  my dad's Buick, my Uzi and 2 men ready to use them both.  

What type of UZI did you have, Full-auto, SBR, or carbine?

Carbine with long barrel.  I wanted to SBR it, but my dad wouldn't let me.   He sold it not long after.   :(
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 11:31:08 AM EDT



Skeptical.. Fair fiction though.. sorta.

He references "I Am Legend"(2007) But claims the account of events were scribed in 2004.

Successfully concieving, implementing, then springing the "caltrop trap" ..and then witnessing it happen? Umm-Humm.

If you have a Rem 870 in the middle of a riot you don't remember it 3 days in. Deagle ..pfft.

Oh, and lastly there is only one Hispanic Male named "Benny" that resides in Southern California... He carries a Sig.

I Am Legend was written in the 50s.

The rest of the story just reeks of BS.

I suppose it is "possible" for this dude to have read the 50's novel... But, I bet cha' dollars to doughnuts He was just lying about timelines for some reason...like damn near everything else in the story.

If you are truly a stickler for detail there really is a .203 caliber firearm.

A variation of a 5mm rimfire.. ...but it doesn't matter because the WoW pre-pubecent author was probably trying to hammer out that elusive ".223" series of keystrokes ...but his inexperience just left that little detail dangling.

Link Posted: 2/28/2010 11:42:24 AM EDT
I remember the riots. I grew up in the Wilshire Crenshaw area of Los Angeles...

it was pretty scary......and pretty sad....

I had a Beretta 92fs and a Hungarian AK underfolder and I was 19 years old.....

The whole god damn world made fun of me for buying it...from my mom saying what a waste of money to my dad saying.....a shotgun would have been better...

Did they still make fun of you during and after the riots?
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 11:43:30 AM EDT
.203? That's a pellet gun, ain't it?  

This dude's as full of shit as a Thanksgiving turkey.

Let fly the BS flag!

I like how he keeps insisting he's not embellishing.

I agree, its why I was laughing.

Desert Eagle?

A lot of shit just seems like he was trying to take the piss out of Americans.
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 12:02:17 PM EDT

he's clearly not writing this as he remembers it––there is way too much evidence of outlining, episodic structure, and thematic unity, along with some serious anachronisms.  i would suggest that this is a very talented kid who gets his gun information from video games (.203 and DE...whatever), which he incorporated into a very compelling first-person fictional account.  it's indicative of a lot of mental what-iffing combined with good raw writing ability.

it's really a shame, because even though the story is obviously fiction or embellished to the point where there is no difference, the narrative is great and the through-lines are very trenchant.  with some rework for the ending, this would make a very good short story contest entry as a cautionary tale.

Link Posted: 2/28/2010 12:08:47 PM EDT
Took me 2 sessions to read it.  I think he's quite the storyteller.

Probably about 30% of that tale is true.
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 12:11:23 PM EDT
Also realized as I was finishing the article and seeing some of the replies on the originating site that he's in Australia - not a lot of other folks with first hand experience.

If you can filter out the embellishments it's not a bad reminder that we're not that far from Hobbes' "nasty, brutish and short' existence - it seems many folks are kept in check by the threat of law, rather than the force of their own ethics.

That is the takeaway from the story. Tall tales or not, the people with regular contact with all aspects of society (usually Police & EMS, Fire to a slightly lesser but equally important extent) understand what is out there. And it ain't pretty and you never see (or smell) it on TV.

The other thing to contemplate is the current generation was sired by that era - and have grown up without much (if any) discipline. No folks from the old days around (or strong enough) to rein em in or counsel them on what is appropriate behavior in society.

So true.
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 12:27:05 PM EDT

'nuff said...

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 12:32:04 PM EDT
Living in Texas, I didn't pay a lot of attention to the L.A. riots as that sort of thing always happens somewhere else.

Less than a year later, my perception changed as Dallas got a taste of what I found out can happen anytime, anywhere.

Link Posted: 2/28/2010 12:35:49 PM EDT
Is this guy supposed to be Australian or American?


Sounds like bullshit.

Caught those too.  According to him, he was "raised on a farm" in good ol' Virginny!  His cuckolding wife, from Austrailia.
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 12:44:49 PM EDT

Interesting read.  I remember seeing video of the Korean grocers on the roof with AK's.

Link Posted: 2/28/2010 1:05:20 PM EDT
Just a thought, no idea if the story has any fact in it or not.

But the thing that struck me from the tale was that intimidation worked wonders to keep problems from escalating to mob violence. No idea if that would actually be the case though.

Got me thinking that a sign on the yard "keep out or get shot" and a fake body ( or 2 ) inside the perimeter fencing, under a sheet with suitable red liquid seeping through might be enough to keep any evil thinking types away from your house until law and order was restored.

Like a head on a spike but legal.

Link Posted: 2/28/2010 1:13:28 PM EDT
tag for reading tonight
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 1:26:16 PM EDT
I don't have kids, but does baby food even come in a 60 oz. jar? That seems like quite a bit for a convenience store to sell or any store to sell. Thats like mayonnaise jar size!.

It was entertaining but the whole story stank.
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 1:26:21 PM EDT

Till I have time to read, or take a speed reading course.

I was around then, hope to recall something about it.


Did not read whole thread.
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 1:27:45 PM EDT

I'm in for the movie. Maybe ARFCOM can produce it. Milkrun: Story of the LA Riots.

Link Posted: 2/28/2010 1:37:34 PM EDT
Obviously the whole thing is made up.

There were no riots. No fires. No looting. No animosity between ethnic groups. No arsonists. No murders. No truck drivers getting their skulls bashed in.

What a load of steaming bullshit.

That's the other side of the coin.

That someone wants to pen some fiction and insert themselves into something that they likely never personally experienced does not invalidate the fact that some disturbing things did indeed happen in LA.

Link Posted: 2/28/2010 1:38:21 PM EDT
Desert Eagle? (Why does it always have to be a "Deagle"? ".203"? Sounds like a few fabrications.
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 1:53:38 PM EDT



Tag for later reading. I was in LA for the 92 riots. I walked around a corner into a riotgun pointed into my face by a policeman in full riot gear. And I wasn't even that close to the worst of it.

And that's why it was so bad. The cops weren't doing their job and weren't confronting the problem.

From what I recall, there was a lot of animosity towards Daryl Gates and the LAPD in general at that time. Lots of reports of corruption. Rodney King was not the only incident, just the one that set off the powder keg.

Link Posted: 2/28/2010 1:58:58 PM EDT
Loads of embellishing and inaccuracies.  I lived in L.A. during the riots.

1) He mentions his residence was at the corner of Sunset Blvd and Martin.  If someone can find a street called Martin that intersects Sunset, please let me know because I can't find it anywhere in the area he describes.

2) 30 day waiting period at the gun store...  my experience from this time period tells me there was a 15 day waiting period on all firearms purchases in state of California (summer 1993...  15 day wait to get a .22 bolt action )

3) He talks about a big box Walmart store within walking distance of his residence on Sunset...   I never even saw a Wal-Mart in the L.A. area before the mid 90s, and certainly not in the Hollywood/Beverly Hills area he is talking about.

I could go on, but you get the picture.  I call BS, but his message is not without its merits.


I would think the Korean American experience during the riots would be the most pertinent to this thread.

Link Posted: 2/28/2010 2:01:02 PM EDT


<snip to quote section relevant to my response>

All the LE agencies had to pitch in and do Fire Department escorts day two and later.  There were a few gun fights out there that went unreported.  Some agencies had their SWAT teams doing the escorts.  The word was that if there weren't any apparent hits, they'd just pick up their brass and go to the next call with FD.  The FD guys weren't going to object, because they wouldn't do a rescue without protection.

I recall the FD trying to go in and put out the initial fires, and coming under gunfire. They pulled out and refused to go in without escorts, which is why the fires were so out of control.

I was working by the airport (Centinela and the 405) and lived in Downey at the time, so I'd usually take Florence. I happened to be on vacation and didn't have to go to work during the riots (although I probably would have refused), but driving down Florence after the fact was depressing. It looked like a bomb had gone off.

Link Posted: 2/28/2010 2:23:20 PM EDT

Link Posted: 2/28/2010 2:48:56 PM EDT

I'm in for the movie. Maybe ARFCOM can produce it. Milkrun: Story of the LA Riots.


Link Posted: 2/28/2010 2:55:50 PM EDT
I quit reading when I got to him taking his Desert eagle out of the cabinet.


Anyone that drops Pia Zadora's name in the first paragraph gets the same attention I would give Andy Dick at a film festival.

LOL D listers never get any respect. Just poor seat fillers.

Link Posted: 2/28/2010 2:58:46 PM EDT
History repeats itself

Yup, every day stupid made up shit gets posted on the internet.

Link Posted: 2/28/2010 3:02:00 PM EDT
I call BS as well. Mobile phones were still somewhat rare in 1992.  

and big and the batteries lasted all of 5 minutes

Link Posted: 2/28/2010 3:06:41 PM EDT
I loved this:

I could hear the roaring of the engines idling in reverse, slowly backing up.


Semi trucks are geared very low in reverse. If you are backing up at even 5 mph the motor is wrapped up pretty good. If the engine fan is on like it could be in the socal heat, the engine would be roaring pretty loud.

I understand your point, (spent A LOT of time with semi'sā€“ā€“-not driving them, but supervising unloads, which often required assisting drivers in backing in to locations), but that sentence is just so. . . awkward and odd. . .I mean if he said, "I could hear the roar of the engines as they backed up. . ." that would have made more sense. . but if an engine is "idling in reverse". . . . that's just an odd way to put things. . . if the truck is backing up, the engine is, by definition , not idling. . . small thing, but it bothered me, and adds to my BS meter. . .

The guy is obviously full of shit , BUT SOP for backing up a rig does not invole the throttle ..... Certianly not wound out.....
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 3:14:53 PM EDT

The National Guard finally arrived, way too late to make any difference. Curfew was maintained for weeks, martial law and tanks on street corners. The real purpose of the military presence was to force whites and blacks to go back to pretending to like each other, that multiculturalism actually worked and that there was not a race war of apocalyptic proportions brewing everywhere and anywhere in the near future. It was all about maintaining appearances.

Bull fucking shit...


The real reason for the military being sent there was 1 billion in property damage, law and order and if I recall 56 people being killed.

As far as race, well the L.A. times devoted as much if not more news coverage of the riot and post riot recovery to Korean-black community relations than to whites and blacks. Go to the US Census bureau website, look at the ethnic makeup of Los Angeles. Then do a little reading on the riots, examine a L.A. city map then you'll get an idea of why.

Nowadays it's hispanic and black ethnic rivalries in L.A. (alot of Koreans Americans moved to Tacoma, WA. because of the riots btw) "Whites" only makes up 29% of LA county and 25% of LA city. (see Census.gov)
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 3:20:28 PM EDT
I hate you so won't quote you

The National Guard finally arrived, way too late to make any difference. Curfew was maintained for weeks, martial law and tanks on street corners. The real purpose of the military presence was to force whites and blacks to go back to pretending to like each other, that multiculturalism actually worked and that there was not a race war of apocalyptic proportions brewing everywhere and anywhere in the near future. It was all about maintaining appearances.

Bull fucking shit...



Link Posted: 2/28/2010 3:39:04 PM EDT
I was in High School in Los Angeles County, there was no rioting in or around the area of LA County where I lived. Between the all the various city PD and the lack of proximity to where the actually rioting was taking place there were no problems.

It was an interesting time, many liberals who were opposed  to private firearms ownership were panicking. Radio Host and Lawyer Bill Handel talked about loaning his parents one of his Glock handguns on his radio show in the days after the riot, and was immediately taken to task by a LAPD officer who called into his show. Not because he had a gun, but because he gave his panicking father with ZERO firearms experience or TRAINING a gun. He criticized Handel for not getting his father to the range for training BEFORE he need a gun.

The aftermath of the riots with the various trials of looters and thugs was also very interesting.
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 3:49:58 PM EDT
That story is a fable.

The riots, however, weren't.  I was in my twenties, and watched them happen on TV.  It was definitely sobering to see all that carnage... and the Reginald Denny beating video sticks in my mind to this day.  Especially his attacker doing the end-zone dance/pose after bashing his head in with a masonry block.

It definitely made you think.
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 5:51:35 PM EDT
I was in High School in Los Angeles County, there was no rioting in or around the area of LA County where I lived. Between the all the various city PD and the lack of proximity to where the actually rioting was taking place there were no problems.

It was an interesting time, many liberals who were opposed  to private firearms ownership were panicking. Radio Host and Lawyer Bill Handel talked about loaning his parents one of his Glock handguns on his radio show in the days after the riot, and was immediately taken to task by a LAPD officer who called into his show. Not because he had a gun, but because he gave his panicking father with ZERO firearms experience or TRAINING a gun. He criticized Handel for not getting his father to the range for training BEFORE he need a gun.

The aftermath of the riots with the various trials of looters and thugs was also very interesting.

I agree with the officer's criticism.  If and until I saw the old guy hit a target from no less than 7 yards, and he could demonstrate basic gun handling skills like reloading, I would rather he stay locked inside his house.
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 6:51:01 PM EDT
I was in High School in Los Angeles County, there was no rioting in or around the area of LA County where I lived. Between the all the various city PD and the lack of proximity to where the actually rioting was taking place there were no problems.

It was an interesting time, many liberals who were opposed  to private firearms ownership were panicking. Radio Host and Lawyer Bill Handel talked about loaning his parents one of his Glock handguns on his radio show in the days after the riot, and was immediately taken to task by a LAPD officer who called into his show. Not because he had a gun, but because he gave his panicking father with ZERO firearms experience or TRAINING a gun. He criticized Handel for not getting his father to the range for training BEFORE he need a gun.

The aftermath of the riots with the various trials of looters and thugs was also very interesting.

I am pleased to hear that Bill Handel is a gun owner.  I used to listen to his radio show when it was syndicated locally here and I used to think that in addition to being a good lawyer, he was also extremely funny.

Link Posted: 2/28/2010 7:33:56 PM EDT
This is taking me awhile to get through.
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 8:25:38 PM EDT
Korean Tan Vest guy FTMFW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 9:15:30 PM EDT
Good read, thanks for posting it.
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 9:23:44 PM EDT
Cliff Notes!!!!

I'm not reading all thqt shit

Just grab a paragraph. It's pretty good stuff!
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 10:35:00 PM EDT



Jeffers jacking off to that steaming pile of dogshit? And defending that it has any redeeming value at all other than as something to make fun of?

Y'all bust yer asses making him out to be a liar.

He probably is.


I watched them cave Denny's head in on live TV, I watched them drag a couple out of a green car and they started beating them, and then the TV cut away, I watched the Orientals waging a greatly outnumbered firefight, dumping mags with no cops or anybody else showing up to stop it, and this guy has the tone of what went down dead on. That shit was cracking for three days, and then they all went to sleep it off and that was about when I FIRST saw any authority of ANY kind moving into where the shit was happening.

You bust your ass concentrating on whether he has his details straight or not, I'll be focusing on where his tactical and strategic errors were, and maybe we'll have a good laugh about it on the other side, and maybe your head will meet a fire extinguisher at 45 mph, and you'll bleed out in the middle of a big intersection while a chopper records it for your widow and kids to watch.

You got your priorities, and I got mine.

Big surprise.
Link Posted: 2/28/2010 10:41:28 PM EDT


Obviously the whole thing is made up.

There were no riots. No fires. No looting. No animosity between ethnic groups. No arsonists. No murders. No truck drivers getting their skulls bashed in.

That's like saying the towers didn't actually fall because we think troofers are full of shit.

This guy took a real event and made up a bunch of shit to add on to it.  

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