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Link Posted: 8/1/2005 5:40:58 AM EDT
(Guess the Hubby has been on my computer again!  -- daydreamer)

I bought from a very cooperative dealer years back; he was very nice.
Link Posted: 8/1/2005 7:53:57 AM EDT


Yeah, I'm not surprised.

Some vendors are shocked that not all of us were dragged there by our boyfriends, or that we came just for the Beanie Babies.

please...fortheloveofGodandallthat'sholy.....please tell me there are no beanie babies at gun shows!
I mean..please....

It's amazing what you'll find there.  Can't say I've ever seen Beanie Babies at the Raleigh, NC but they have lots and lots of... umm... cheap trinket things... like little ceramic... stuff.  I don't even know what it is.  Stuff to take up room in your house I guess.  

I'm sorry the GF got treated that way.  That's awful.  Glad she didn't buy from him.  I always get treated well at the Gun show.  I usually have my AR with me though, slung over my shoulder because we like to "shop together".    I guess no one in their right mind would say something mean to me.  

Link Posted: 8/1/2005 8:01:52 AM EDT


So by having her rack the slide thats going to tell him that it's not a straw purchace??? Not really. As a seller you have the right to refuse service to ayone for any reason. He could have just said nope not gunna sell it to you and left it at that, he was being a dick plain and simple.

No, but it would be a quick way to figure out whether she was someone who actually knew about the weapon and intended to buy it for herself.  If she couldn't identify the slide or what "rack" means it would certainly be evidence for a straw purchase.

As a seller, he would also have the right to require you to take a 25 question multiple choice pop quiz before selling you a handgun.  If you don't want to take the quiz...shop elsewhere.

I wasn't there, so I was only offering another possible scenario.  For all I know he may just be a jerk.

Link Posted: 8/1/2005 8:16:35 AM EDT
My g/f got crap all the time working in the archery dept. Men didn't think she knew much about bows or hunting.  Hell she can repair and shoot em better than I can. Some people just don't realize women can have traditionally mens intrests.
Link Posted: 8/1/2005 8:52:30 AM EDT
Gunshow vendors treat everybody like crap.
Link Posted: 8/1/2005 8:57:48 AM EDT



Yeah, I'm not surprised.

Some vendors are shocked that not all of us were dragged there by our boyfriends, or that we came just for the Beanie Babies.

please...fortheloveofGodandallthat'sholy.....please tell me there are no beanie babies at gun shows!
I mean..please....

It's almost a staple.  They sell like crazy for some reason and I can't figure out who the hell is buying them.

The girlfriends that get dragged by their heels to the gunshow.

Link Posted: 8/1/2005 9:09:52 AM EDT




Yeah, I'm not surprised.

Some vendors are shocked that not all of us were dragged there by our boyfriends, or that we came just for the Beanie Babies.

please...fortheloveofGodandallthat'sholy.....please tell me there are no beanie babies at gun shows!
I mean..please....

It's almost a staple.  They sell like crazy for some reason and I can't figure out who the hell is buying them.

The girlfriends that get dragged by their heels to the gunshow.

The malcontents buy Beanie Babies???
WTH......is there no BEER at these shows? I mean...REALLY!

Link Posted: 8/1/2005 9:21:10 AM EDT
Despite her knowledge and experience, that sort of thing used to happen all the time to my wife at shows & shops - but it didn't take too long for the regulars to figure out that she usually knew more about what she was talking about than they did.

What was even better was back when I was a dealer and some male show attendees with the same women-don't-know-guns attitude would come to the table thinking she was just "window dressing" and try to impress her and/or their buddies with their knowledge about what was on our table.  She cost me a few sales, but it was worth it to see her completely embarrass some of these guys in front of their gun-show buddies.
Link Posted: 8/1/2005 9:35:14 AM EDT

Gunshow vendors treat everybody like crap.

+1  Most of them are shitheads.  Some more than others.
Link Posted: 8/1/2005 10:22:20 AM EDT


Gunshow vendors treat everybody like crap.

+1  Most of them are shitheads.  Some more than others.

Wow.  I feel lucky that I have always had a positive experience at gun shows.  There really isn't a lot of the unnecessary stuff at ours like the beanie babies.  I've had some really good conversations with the vendors and can't remember ANY of them treating me poorly.  They're usually ecstatic to see me.  LOL  They talk to me like I am a real person (imagine!) and neither try to impress me nor undermine me.  Maybe I am just lucky.  It's a good thing too, because I really do have a VERY sensitive personality, if I was ever treated poorly at a gun show it'd take me a long long time to EVER muster up the courage to go back, if I ever did.  It's sad that women are treated differently at some shows and by some people.  Such is life.  Some people are just jerks.  They must feel like mini-gods because they have their very own special table.  LOL

Link Posted: 8/1/2005 10:25:52 AM EDT

Wow.  I feel lucky that I have always had a positive experience at gun shows.  There really isn't a lot of the unnecessary stuff at ours like the beanie babies.  I've had some really good conversations with the vendors and can't remember ANY of them treating me poorly.  They're usually ecstatic to see me.  LOL  They talk to me like I am a real person (imagine!) and neither try to impress me nor undermine me.  Maybe I am just lucky.  It's a good thing too, because I really do have a VERY sensitive personality, if I was ever treated poorly at a gun show it'd take me a long long time to EVER muster up the courage to go back, if I ever did.  It's sad that women are treated differently at some shows and by some people.  Such is life.  Some people are just jerks.  They must feel like mini-gods because they have their very own special table.  LOL

Oh, there are some good dealers at the local show.  But lots of them are at the LEAST indifferent.  They could help you or not, and don't care either way.  Then there are the OBVIOUS shitheads.
Link Posted: 8/1/2005 10:53:28 AM EDT



Gunshow vendors treat everybody like crap.

+1  Most of them are shitheads.  Some more than others.

Wow.  I feel lucky that I have always had a positive experience at gun shows.  There really isn't a lot of the unnecessary stuff at ours like the beanie babies.  I've had some really good conversations with the vendors and can't remember ANY of them treating me poorly.  They're usually ecstatic to see me.  LOL  They talk to me like I am a real person (imagine!) and neither try to impress me nor undermine me.  Maybe I am just lucky.  It's a good thing too, because I really do have a VERY sensitive personality, if I was ever treated poorly at a gun show it'd take me a long long time to EVER muster up the courage to go back, if I ever did.  It's sad that women are treated differently at some shows and by some people.  Such is life.  Some people are just jerks.  They must feel like mini-gods because they have their very own special table.  LOL

Being pretty helps!
ETA: I am sure quien's GF is also pretty...so don't take that wrong...I am just teasing LaBelle
Link Posted: 8/1/2005 1:37:01 PM EDT
The feeling I get from most gunshow vendors, is they get away from home for the weekend, go party, screw around, go to titty bars, etc, if they sell enough stuff to cover their expenses then they are happy.
Link Posted: 8/1/2005 3:54:27 PM EDT
That really sucks. I don't know if (future)Mrs cowboy will post or not....but she pretty well gets a lot of "why are you here" looks and more then a few "yeah, i gotta 'gun' for you" looks at gun shows. Nobody has been that big of an ass yet, to say something durogatory, but it wouldnt surprise me if it happens.


She can out shoot me, much less them. And smarter to boot
Link Posted: 8/1/2005 8:02:52 PM EDT
Well, I've had experience on both sides of the table at gun shows...I've fortunately never had a bad experience buying, but met plenty of assholes while selling.  When you have 10 or 15 people at your table, asking stupid questions and showing off their 'knowledge' of your products, there's a lot that you have to keep an eye on.....shoplifters, strawmen, who's trying to load a gun, ect.  

The guy at Dark Sun might have been genuinely concerned about a straw purchase....he might have just been a penis leech....but.....I'm willing to bet that most of the people who have posted unfavorable stereotypes about the gunshow vendors have never been on the other side of the table.  99% of the folks I've worked with and bought from at shows are BUSINESS ORIENTED--they're not there just to display their wares and discuss the age old question "Which has better stopping power--9mm or .45?" with every person who walks up and wants to chat--or argue about prices, selection, God, politics, race issues, whatever...they're there to make money.

When you stop at a busy table,  please understand that we can't always take the time to shoot the breeze, especially when the vast majority of people who attend the shows have no intention of spending any money beyond the entrance/parking/beef jerky/beanie baby/nazi memorabilia.  Most only want to fingerdiddle every gun on the table or on the shelf.  They’re what we call ‘Time Wasters’, and often, they cost us a sale somewhere else because we were unable to get over to the paying customer....it gets old, and unless a vendor has the patience of Job, they tend to get irritable.  (Think about it...we have to smell those hygienically challenged people too...but we can’t leave the table to escape )

(now that I’ve given my reasons why some of us on the sales side have a reputation for being gruff.....it does sound like the guy was just being an officious little prick)

Link Posted: 8/1/2005 8:05:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/1/2005 9:39:56 PM EDT
I've delt with this same BS here at the gun shows and also the stores.

It pisses me off to no end, especially the guys who try and steer me towards the .22's when I am looking at .45's.

At one place in particular I did end up ripping into the guy, because I was at the rental table to "visit" the .50AE DE which I do occassionally since the husband says I can't have one yet because it's "not practical". I asked for the gun the boxes of ammo gave him my ID, pulled my money out, and then he tried to talk me into you guessed it - a .22 instead. So then said jackass proceeded to not rent me the gun and went on to "help" two other customers before getting back to me - he gave both of them the wrong ammo for the guns they were renting giving the 9mm guy .40 is one thing, at least they wouldn't feed, so I didn't say anything. Then, however he proceeded to give a guy renting a Glock 21 .45 GAP instead of .45 ACP because "the pistol is a Glock" was just dangerously stupid. So I corrected the idiot before the guy with the G21 actually tried to shoot that stuff. The guy then said, what the hell do you know "you're just a chick" and "the pistol is a Glock so it uses GAP ammo". At which point, I gave him a few choice words, found the store manager that 1, I'd be visiting the .50AE somewhere else (and buying it somewhere else too) and that idiot shouldn't be on the rentals counter if he couldn't give people the correct ammunition.

A lot of the guys in the shooting world are great, but boy, the ones that aren't really just.....
Link Posted: 8/2/2005 2:29:15 PM EDT


We've been back and she still wants to go back and "kick him in the shins."  She said she's never been treated like that before.  I've never seen her so pissed.  Any of you ladies get treated like this at gun shops/shows?

Was the dealers name something to the effect of 'Not-So-Bright' Sun? (w/orange and black banner?)

Yes!  Dark Sun, they suck!  
Link Posted: 8/2/2005 2:52:32 PM EDT

It's unfortunate, but it happens waaaay too much.  ElCamino, you make a good point, but TxLewis is right...as soon as she id'd the gun, the guy should've backed down.  If that had been me, I would've been pissed beyond words.  When I bought the Mr an HK P7 M8, the guys were very helpful and were not condescending in the least, much to my surprise.  Whenever I walk up to a table, though, I am prepared to be ignored.  Sad, but true.

I have seen your picture,

I would bet money you are never ignored by a man.
Link Posted: 8/5/2005 3:10:13 PM EDT

It's unfortunate, but it happens waaaay too much.  ElCamino, you make a good point, but TxLewis is right...as soon as she id'd the gun, the guy should've backed down.  If that had been me, I would've been pissed beyond words.  When I bought the Mr an HK P7 M8, the guys were very helpful and were not condescending in the least, much to my surprise.  Whenever I walk up to a table, though, I am prepared to be ignored.  Sad, but true.

P7 buyers get special treatment
Link Posted: 8/6/2005 1:46:27 PM EDT
Well if it is any consolation some of us guys get shit on by some dealers also.
If you look under 25 you must be an idiot and a waste of time.
If you look under 30 and over 25 you are to be treated with contempt because you obviously are not old enough to grow the serious dunlap all mature gun owners should have.
Wearing a ball cap (Navy style or NRA caps not included) or non nut hugging jeans? You should absolutely not be treated with any respect.
Link Posted: 8/7/2005 6:02:13 PM EDT
I am a vendor of the female gender and I have to say from a vendor stand point - the dealer was probably just being a prick!  There are a lot of first time buyers out at the shows and that doesn't give the vendors the right to treat you like an idiot.  The GF was right not to buy from him and I encourage all buyers at the shows to talk with your money.  Go to the vendor that will treat you fairly and give you the correct info, not just screw with you.  

By the way we are in business for business not to "get away for the weekend, drink beer and go to titty bars"hock.gif
Link Posted: 8/7/2005 6:42:32 PM EDT
I have an ex-girl freind, now best buddy that grew up shooting.  She'll out shoot most guys I know and is a regular "Three Gun" shooter.

We go to a Gun Show one time and she brings along a sweet old Winchester 94 that she is looking to sell.  

We're walking around the show and some guy pushes past her in the isle and flags me down.

"How much you asking for the Winchester?" he asks

"Your going to have to ask her" I tell him

He looks back at her, then looks back at me.  "Your selling it right, how much is it?"

"No sir, it's her rifle, SHE's looking at selling it, your going to have to ask her"

"No really, how much do you want for the Winchester?" he asks again

"Mister, it's HER rifle.  I didn't ask her what she wanted for it, your going to have to talk to her"

He looks at me, looks at her . . . looks back at me with a stunned look on his face . . . and we just walk off.  At that point she wouldn't have sold it to him at any price.
Link Posted: 8/7/2005 10:09:32 PM EDT


Deal or no deal, there's no way that SOB would get a dime from me!  I would go buy one from ANYONE else, then go back to his table to rack the slide on my new gun for him.

I hate condescending motherfuckersweenie heads.

Sowwy.  Better?

Weenie heads?  Thats the best you can come up with?

I'm telling the teacher on you for using dirty words.  

She should have used the Vador death grip on him.
Link Posted: 8/9/2005 5:01:21 PM EDT
ANd if he sold her the gun and she found out when she got home that she could not rack the slide everyone would be all over him for taking advantage of her lack of understanding of guns.
I get condescended to whenever I end up having to buy something that is traditionally a female purchase but I don't want to get violent over it, no reason to. But you want to assault someone because they said something that offended you? Sounds like a DU thread right there.
Link Posted: 8/10/2005 5:52:30 PM EDT
She is  very capable of racking the slide and told the dealer that she had experience.  Car dealers don't ask about your driving record before you buy a car do they?
Link Posted: 8/10/2005 7:36:18 PM EDT

Ya know...I find it's not just walking around with boobies that's a hindrance in the shopping world:
If I go to a rather upscale shopping center in Cranston in my leather and boots, they are all ready to hit the security watch cams. But, if I return another day in my business finest, saleswomen trip all over me...think that scene in "Pretty Woman" with Julia Roberts....yup....it's all in the appearance...

I think we should all dress like Daisy Duke and try to buy pick ups next....

What, what, what?!?

Link Posted: 8/10/2005 7:38:47 PM EDT



Yeah, I'm not surprised.

Some vendors are shocked that not all of us were dragged there by our boyfriends, or that we came just for the Beanie Babies.

please...fortheloveofGodandallthat'sholy.....please tell me there are no beanie babies at gun shows!
I mean..please....

It's almost a staple.  They sell like crazy for some reason and I can't figure out who the hell is buying them.


The Brady Bunch says that gun shows are like tupperware partys for criminals/terrorists, and I tend to believe them, but I think "tupperware" is just code for "beanie babies".  The real question should be: "Just what are these terrorists planning to *do* with all those beanie babies?"
Link Posted: 8/10/2005 7:39:31 PM EDT

squeeze cocker?

I almost didn't get that.............
Link Posted: 8/10/2005 7:42:33 PM EDT
Please post pic verifying that girlfriend is "hot."
Link Posted: 8/10/2005 7:44:17 PM EDT

It's unfortunate, but it happens waaaay too much.  ElCamino, you make a good point, but TxLewis is right...as soon as she id'd the gun, the guy should've backed down.  If that had been me, I would've been pissed beyond words.  When I bought the Mr an HK P7 M8, the guys were very helpful and were not condescending in the least, much to my surprise.  Whenever I walk up to a table, though, I am prepared to be ignored.  Sad, but true.

Do you have a sister?
Link Posted: 8/10/2005 7:47:04 PM EDT



Yeah, I'm not surprised.

Some vendors are shocked that not all of us were dragged there by our boyfriends, or that we came just for the Beanie Babies.

please...fortheloveofGodandallthat'sholy.....please tell me there are no beanie babies at gun shows!
I mean..please....

It's amazing what you'll find there.  Can't say I've ever seen Beanie Babies at the Raleigh, NC but they have lots and lots of... umm... cheap trinket things... like little ceramic... stuff.  I don't even know what it is.  Stuff to take up room in your house I guess.  

I'm sorry the GF got treated that way.  That's awful.  Glad she didn't buy from him.  I always get treated well at the Gun show.  I usually have my AR with me though, slung over my shoulder because we like to "shop together".    I guess no one in their right mind would say something mean to me.  

You're like the dog/cat owner who brings their dog/cat along when looking for the next one at the store or breeder.  You want to make sure they all get along well and have good chemistry.  That is very considerate of you, and I applaud you for it.  
Link Posted: 8/10/2005 7:48:50 PM EDT





Yeah, I'm not surprised.

Some vendors are shocked that not all of us were dragged there by our boyfriends, or that we came just for the Beanie Babies.

please...fortheloveofGodandallthat'sholy.....please tell me there are no beanie babies at gun shows!
I mean..please....

It's almost a staple.  They sell like crazy for some reason and I can't figure out who the hell is buying them.

The girlfriends that get dragged by their heels to the gunshow.

The malcontents buy Beanie Babies???
WTH......is there no BEER at these shows? I mean...REALLY!

Small wonder why your husband must be a happy man..........

Link Posted: 8/10/2005 7:49:56 PM EDT

Despite her knowledge and experience, that sort of thing used to happen all the time to my wife at shows & shops - but it didn't take too long for the regulars to figure out that she usually knew more about what she was talking about than they did.

What was even better was back when I was a dealer and some male show attendees with the same women-don't-know-guns attitude would come to the table thinking she was just "window dressing" and try to impress her and/or their buddies with their knowledge about what was on our table.  She cost me a few sales, but it was worth it to see her completely embarrass some of these guys in front of their gun-show buddies.

Some sales just ain't worth it.  Good on her.
Link Posted: 8/10/2005 7:53:25 PM EDT

Well, I've had experience on both sides of the table at gun shows...I've fortunately never had a bad experience buying, but met plenty of assholes while selling.  When you have 10 or 15 people at your table, asking stupid questions and showing off their 'knowledge' of your products, there's a lot that you have to keep an eye on.....shoplifters, strawmen, who's trying to load a gun, ect.  

The guy at Dark Sun might have been genuinely concerned about a straw purchase....he might have just been a penis leech....but.....I'm willing to bet that most of the people who have posted unfavorable stereotypes about the gunshow vendors have never been on the other side of the table.  99% of the folks I've worked with and bought from at shows are BUSINESS ORIENTED--they're not there just to display their wares and discuss the age old question "Which has better stopping power--9mm or .45?" with every person who walks up and wants to chat--or argue about prices, selection, God, politics, race issues, whatever...they're there to make money.

When you stop at a busy table,  please understand that we can't always take the time to shoot the breeze, especially when the vast majority of people who attend the shows have no intention of spending any money beyond the entrance/parking/beef jerky/beanie baby/nazi memorabilia.  Most only want to fingerdiddle every gun on the table or on the shelf.  They’re what we call ‘Time Wasters’, and often, they cost us a sale somewhere else because we were unable to get over to the paying customer....it gets old, and unless a vendor has the patience of Job, they tend to get irritable.  (Think about it...we have to smell those hygienically challenged people too...but we can’t leave the table to escape )

(now that I’ve given my reasons why some of us on the sales side have a reputation for being gruff.....it does sound like the guy was just being an officious little prick)

You say that like it's even a question....................

Link Posted: 8/10/2005 11:20:58 PM EDT

The real question should be: "Just what are these terrorists planning to *do* with all those beanie babies?"

Cuddle them and name them, and put them under their pillows at night so they can have Beanie Baby dreams.

I mean...durka durka.
Link Posted: 8/11/2005 3:40:04 AM EDT


The real question should be: "Just what are these terrorists planning to *do* with all those beanie babies?"

Cuddle them and name them, and put them under their pillows at night so they can have Beanie Baby dreams.

I mean...durka durka.

I've hear Codeine will help with that cough ya got there..........
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