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Link Posted: 9/27/2019 11:35:12 AM EDT
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Well if you can't trust a burglar who can you trust?
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Funny how quickly he changed his opinions. A year and a half ago all he wanted to do was just stop the manufacturing of sem-auto weapons and promised "we would never come for your guns". What a trustworthy guy.
Well if you can't trust a burglar who can you trust?
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 11:36:58 AM EDT
Is he going to surrender us to Britain then?
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 11:39:29 AM EDT
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Guess he doesn't realize that we're past the point of traditional army vs army wars. Our system is extremely fragile. A couple guys with long-range rifles and pipe bombs, or even just one guy, are probably enough to shut the entire thing down.
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...we can't arm ourselves efficiently enough to fight against a Tyrannical Government and we are going to need more than an AR-15.
Guess he doesn't realize that we're past the point of traditional army vs army wars. Our system is extremely fragile. A couple guys with long-range rifles and pipe bombs, or even just one guy, are probably enough to shut the entire thing down.
Demonstrated in the past when one disgruntled former officer rattled the entire LAPD. Not to condone his actions but it does make a point. One technique taught by dive instructors when dealing with an overly curious shark is to approach it directly. They become uneasy and will often leave the area if they perceive you as a possible threat. The hunter isn't used to being hunted and doesn't know how to react.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 11:39:35 AM EDT
Then what is the 2nd amendment for Beto?

Did the founding fathers want us to have muskets for range time and hunting?

So important, they made it #2 behind free speech.

“Hey guys, we just wrote down the right for everyone to say whatever the fuck we want without reprisal from the .gov.”

“Jeb over here thinks we should let everyone have a gun so he can go to the range and kill turkeys.”
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 11:41:28 AM EDT
Need a meme showing the people at Kent State as compared to those people out west who protested grazing rights while armed or whatever it was a few years ago with the Bundys.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 11:41:30 AM EDT
It's like he doesn't understand that tank drivers and fighter plane pilots aren't always in their tanks or fighter planes. Or maybe he doesn't understand that "law makers" aren't always in their law making places.

Oh Well.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 11:43:03 AM EDT
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Colin for President, 2024
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Fuck yeah!
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 11:43:39 AM EDT
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It's like he doesn't understand that tank drivers and fighter plane pilots aren't always in their tanks or fighter planes. Or maybe he doesn't understand that "law makers" aren't always in their law making places.

Oh Well.
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Link Posted: 9/27/2019 11:45:28 AM EDT
Not so fast.  Don't dismiss this  yet.  Read the first part and assume it's correct. If we can't protect ourselves with an AR/AK, that is not an argument for prohibiting them.  It's an argument to abolish NFA and Hughes!  Open it up to ALL.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 11:46:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 11:48:14 AM EDT
I really believe they let him speak on to normalize the discussion...... move the bar so that normal freedom seems freakishly dangerous...
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 11:50:43 AM EDT
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The Declaration of Independence has no legal standing whatsoever. It is simply decorative window trimming.
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It’s evidence of intent.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 11:55:14 AM EDT
Meanwhile these d bags talk of revolution and resistance and overthrowing of regimes...
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 11:56:42 AM EDT
Someone forgot to tell James Hodgkinson, I guess.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 11:57:18 AM EDT
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At least they aren’t threatening nuclear strikes anymore.
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See, they’re just shifting the Overton Window.  “We won’t nuke you, we’ll just shoot you.”
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 12:00:50 PM EDT
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Not so fast.  Don't dismiss this  yet.  Read the first part and assume it's correct. If we can't protect ourselves with an AR/AK, that is not an argument for prohibiting them.  It's an argument to abolish NFA and Hughes!  Open it up to ALL.
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That's how I read it too. When this guy talks the left cringes.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 12:03:55 PM EDT
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Beto is from texas

why the hell hasn't a grassroots effort to recall him, not already be in motion

come on Texas....you have a chance to show everyone how to handle this situation
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Because in Texas they do everything bigger and better than California. I am honestly surprised SF values run the country instead of Austin.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 12:41:52 PM EDT
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The Declaration of Independence has no legal standing whatsoever. It is simply decorative window trimming.
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The DOI is the foundational document for our country, including the legal foundation.  It is the philosophical under-girding that holds up our entire legal structure.
The constitution cannot stand on its own.  It is simply a means of carrying out what the DOI demands.  Without the DOI, the Constitution lacks the context needed to understand to what end the constitution is written.

It is our highest legal document because it appeals directly to the source of all our rights.  It establishes the premise upon which all our laws must stand.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 12:42:55 PM EDT
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Robert Francis is clown shoes but he is more than a bellweather. He has been designated as their lightning rod.
Go out and preach the most insane leftist anti 2A garbage for as long as he can stay in the race..... or as long as the DNC continues to fund him to do so. Push the line ever farther left “Take all the guns, shoot those who don’t comply....blah blah blah. Eventually UBCs and a national firearms registry don’t seem all that insane.

The actual nominee will have political cover to push UBCs and registration and not sound like a raving lunatic.

He is a false flag to push the agenda farther left, nothing more.
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He had millions left after his senate race, and didn't act very socialist with it.
Pretty sure when he runs out of money he is done. Kasich in a butthead suit.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 1:58:11 PM EDT
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The DOI is the foundational document for our country, including the legal foundation.  It is the philosophical under-girding that holds up our entire legal structure.
The constitution cannot stand on its own.  It is simply a means of carrying out what the DOI demands.  Without the DOI, the Constitution lacks the context needed to understand to what end the constitution is written.

It is our highest legal document because it appeals directly to the source of all our rights.  It establishes the premise upon which all our laws must stand.
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Well said!
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 2:01:28 PM EDT
You're wrong Beto.

Reagan - Peace Through Strength

We Must Fight - President Reagan (Long Version)
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 2:10:35 PM EDT
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Because in Texas they do everything bigger and better than California. I am honestly surprised SF values run the country instead of Austin.
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Beto is from texas

why the hell hasn't a grassroots effort to recall him, not already be in motion

come on Texas....you have a chance to show everyone how to handle this situation
Because in Texas they do everything bigger and better than California. I am honestly surprised SF values run the country instead of Austin.
Robert holds no public office at the moment.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 2:12:00 PM EDT
Your interpetation of things really doesn't matter when The People have had enough of your shit and you end up with 2 rounds to the face, does it?
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 2:12:19 PM EDT
That's not how this works...
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 2:47:54 PM EDT
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He is cannon fodder for the left - he's not going anywhere, but he is normalizing ideas the leftists were previously unwilling to discuss in public into the mainstream of Dem political discussion.
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This.  He isn't running for President.  He knows he is not going to be President - ever.  He is being paid keep talking about this kind of crap, trying to normalize it and their "real" candidate's positions.

"See, Kamala Harris isn't so bad.  She is just talking about restricting guns, not going door to door killing people or nuking them."
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 2:49:03 PM EDT
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Beto is from texas

why the hell hasn't a grassroots effort to recall him, not already be in motion

come on Texas....you have a chance to show everyone how to handle this situation
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Recall him from what?  Sitting on his ass unemployed?
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 2:53:13 PM EDT
I don't give a fuck what that dirt-eating shitbag with his silly-ass made-up pandering nickname thinks.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 2:58:09 PM EDT
Colion Noir gives Beto a verbal slap down:


Beto responded to a question by Evan MacDonald with, "One of the best arguments I've heard for the second amendment is that the second amendment is intended to ensure that the American public if they need to, can provide a check on a Tyrannical government"

THEN stated, "we can't arm ourselves efficiently enough to fight against a Tyrannical Government and we are going to need more than an AR-15."

He then concluded with, "If it is a right to be able to rise up or stand up against your government, I don't accept that, that's not my reading of the constitution."
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He should donate his brain to science so that can study his grotesque Left wing brain disorder and perhaps even find a cure.
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Not his reading of the Constitution? Can I infer that he is claiming to have read it? Because I am certain if so, that he is lying.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 3:02:05 PM EDT
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Does Beta still stand up on tables when he talks?
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Does he stand when he pees?
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 3:08:32 PM EDT
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This - Beto is reading the wrong document...

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That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
This - Beto is reading the wrong document...

The only documents that Beta has ever read are those sweet, sweet paychecks for spouting out this bullshit that he is paid to say.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 3:24:34 PM EDT
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Not his reading of the Constitution? Can I infer that he is claiming to have read it? Because I am certain if so, that he is lying.
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Colion Noir gives Beto a verbal slap down:


Beto responded to a question by Evan MacDonald with, "One of the best arguments I've heard for the second amendment is that the second amendment is intended to ensure that the American public if they need to, can provide a check on a Tyrannical government"

THEN stated, "we can't arm ourselves efficiently enough to fight against a Tyrannical Government and we are going to need more than an AR-15."

He then concluded with, "If it is a right to be able to rise up or stand up against your government, I don't accept that, that's not my reading of the constitution."
He should donate his brain to science so that can study his grotesque Left wing brain disorder and perhaps even find a cure.

Not his reading of the Constitution? Can I infer that he is claiming to have read it? Because I am certain if so, that he is lying.
The right to stand up to the government is protected in the constitution and BOR but it is spelled out in the Declaration of Independence. So if one has never read the DoI one might not realize ones basic rights and there reason. As far as Beto goes I doubt that he has read either from his actions, on the other hand the lust for power does strange things to people.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 3:31:28 PM EDT
Guess they can’t impeach Trump then, or “Resist”
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 3:33:19 PM EDT
Isnt there a federal law against even planning on throwing over a tyrannical government?
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 3:48:45 PM EDT
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Isnt there a federal law against even planning on throwing over a tyrannical government?What law would
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What law would make it a crime to overthrow a tyrannical government,I would be curious to see that statute.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 3:50:54 PM EDT
Sounds like he is admitting that we have a tyrannical government.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 3:51:24 PM EDT
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It's like he doesn't understand that tank drivers and fighter plane pilots aren't always in their tanks or fighter planes. Or maybe he doesn't understand that "law makers" aren't always in their law making places.

Oh Well.
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A snake will still bite you if you keep stepping on its body/tail.

Smash the head and it tends to stop.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 3:52:48 PM EDT
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Yeah, the old "your AR15 won't be enough so you might as well give it up" argument is fucking exactly why the 2nd Amendment was written.

I can imagine the British saying something similar "We have the greatest military the world has ever seen, do you really think you can accomplish anything with a pathetic handful of farmers and rusty muskets?  Ha!"
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Besides that, how long have we been fighting the goat fuckers in Afghanistan? Fighting insurgents is hard, even if you have technological, tactical and strategic superiority.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 3:55:54 PM EDT
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Take away all the fancy music and inspirational clips of our military and you still have a speech that moves emotional mountains.

He might not have been the best president when it comes to guns but he believed in a strong and independent America with no one coming close.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 4:01:46 PM EDT
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The Declaration of Independence has no legal standing whatsoever. It is simply decorative window trimming.
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That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
The Declaration of Independence has no legal standing whatsoever. It is simply decorative window trimming.
The Declaration of Independence had no legal standing when the founding fathers signed it. Yet here we are.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 4:05:03 PM EDT
As long as we have guns, having the 'right' is moot.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 4:14:53 PM EDT
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Because in Texas they do everything bigger and better than California. I am honestly surprised SF values run the country instead of Austin.
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How do you recall someone who doesn’t currently hold office?

Link Posted: 9/27/2019 4:17:48 PM EDT
They want us to Accelerate
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 4:20:31 PM EDT

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with one another; and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them,..."
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 4:23:04 PM EDT
Colion Noir gives Beto a verbal slap down:


Beto responded to a question by Evan MacDonald with, “One of the best arguments I’ve heard for the second amendment is that the second amendment is intended to ensure that the American public if they need to, can provide a check on a Tyrannical government”

THEN stated, "we can't arm ourselves efficiently enough to fight against a Tyrannical Government and we are going to need more than an AR-15."

He then concluded with, "If it is a right to be able to rise up or stand up against your government, I don't accept that, that's not my reading of the constitution."
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He should donate his brain to science so that can study his grotesque Left wing brain disorder and perhaps even find a cure.
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Ask Beta if Trump is a dictator.  He will say Yes!   Then ask him if we should "resist" him.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 4:28:19 PM EDT
It's like he knows he doesn't have a chance any more- just keeping his name out there for the next senate run.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 4:29:58 PM EDT
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Stopped reading here. Say no more, fam.
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If the time ever came... there would be a lot of stuff in play... that's for sure. Things well past the ar15...
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 4:31:53 PM EDT
Liberals: You can't fight jets and tanks with semi-automatic rifles, its hopeless, what's the point? Just give them up.

Also Liberals: Jets and tanks are useless against AK-47s and cellphone bombs, what's the point? We should just give up.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 4:42:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 4:46:02 PM EDT
One more example of a failed educational system.
Link Posted: 9/27/2019 4:54:12 PM EDT
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There's gonna come a time where we have to utilize all the fancy gear we've been stockpiling for decades
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More than likely, one would get arrested for stupid online threats and complete inaction. Then all his shit gets confiscated.
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