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Link Posted: 10/15/2007 9:10:00 PM EDT
I've always thought she was a cunt.  I change the channel when she comes on.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 9:11:08 PM EDT

forgive the bump.....but I think this is a very good cause.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 9:11:21 PM EDT
email sent
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 9:17:52 PM EDT
emailed FOX4
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 9:18:58 PM EDT
email sent.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 9:24:17 PM EDT
I am in for a donation.  Who in Dallas can recieve the cash???

We should be able to get enough for 2 shotguns and enough ammo for him.

I also sent email to the station and that CUNT R/A  I refuse to pronounce her name,
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 9:42:51 PM EDT
I am in too, Who can collect the money? Surely someone in Dallas is up to the task
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 9:45:40 PM EDT
My contribution:

In reference to the "Shop Owner Talks About 2nd Killing in Weeks" story, conducted by Aguilar, I am deeply saddened for the person she "interviewed". I feel sorry enough for a veteran at his age having to go through such traumatic events, especially in such a small time frame. And then we have Ms. Aguilar. She didn't see an old man who's been through way too much, no sir. She saw an opportunity to make herself look like the reporter heroine who exposed the bad guy, at the expense of an old Soldier's feelings, reputation, and public life. What transpired would be the abomination of a story in question. It might sure well have given her a high to play "let's pretend" Woodward-and-Bernstein style, but it made a lot of people in this country sick.

And it makes me sicker to even think of what it made a certain old man feel.

Link Posted: 10/15/2007 9:57:50 PM EDT
Sorry guys I could even watch the whole interview as I would have gotten too pissed

What a bitch. Sometimes I really wish I was back in the States as I need to do my civic duty sometimes
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 10:01:26 PM EDT
email sent, I really hope they make that bitch appoliogze to him on the air.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 10:09:21 PM EDT
What a cunt. It's like she was mad at him for defending himself and his property.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 10:13:09 PM EDT
Just watched

Email sent:

I am writing this email after watching Ms.  Aguilar's interview with Mr. Walton.  Her behavior was completely unprofessional.  Her questions such as, "Are you a trigger happy kind of guy?", may have intended to provoke a response.

It has.  Congrats on losing a long time viewer.

Link Posted: 10/15/2007 10:26:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 10:31:36 PM EDT
I have a feeling this lady will have a chat with her boss before noon tomorrow.

Thats at least 10-15 e-mails from this thread alone, and I am sure plenty of people that saw the interview live probably weren't happy either.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 10:33:34 PM EDT
Sent another email from my wife's AOL account.  She's asleep in the other room, but I think I accurately channeled her rage
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 10:35:10 PM EDT
Email sent and I feel very bad that man had to go through that. Totally uncalled for.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 10:43:52 PM EDT
Email sent.

And that bitch thinks she can call herself a journalist because he has a camera and microphone... she has a hell of a lot to learn.

They just announced that the story generated so much response that they will air a special Viewer's Voice tomorrow at 5.30.

Any chance someone could tape it and upload it or something? I'd like to know if they're going to spread more BS about this man or own up that they crossed the line.
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 10:56:10 PM EDT
Rebecca Aguilar
Last Edited: Monday, 15 May 2006, 6:47 PM CDT
Created: Tuesday, 02 May 2006, 5:31 PM CDT
Rebecca Aguilar, Reporter

I knew I wanted to help people when I was about 10 years old. My father was a union organizer for the United Auto Workers, so we constantly had company over to our house in Ohio. And the talk would always be about pay increases, pickets, strikes, improving health benefits -- everything the "common man" fights for in this world.

At the same time my mother worked in the fields picking tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce -- anything you can imagine in your salad. She liked working in the fields, because she could make friends there with the migrant workers from the south. She spoke only Spanish and found it a great place to work and create new relationships. And we (the kids) were always by her side working too.

My parents then took up another issue, working to improve the pay and living conditions of migrant workers. And once again I was tossed into an entire new battle.

My parents were a great inspiration, because they worked hard to have people listen. And whether they were growers or national soup companies, they all would stop, and listen.

It seemed that throughout my entire childhood my parents were always helping others have a better life. But my father's weekend job was at a radio station in a small town in Ohio. He had a two-hour radio program where he played Tex-Mex music. And he did it for free.

Several times I would go with him, and I found it fascinating how he could communicate with hundreds of people just by talking into the microphone.
And although his radio program was just supposed to be music, he would plug his rallies and issues on the radio. Again, always figuring out a way to reach people and help them.

Although I was raised in Ohio, I would spend a lot of time in Mexico where my grandparents and the rest of the family lived. So I became fluent in Spanish, never realizing it would be a great asset when I became an adult.
I got into television news because my father encouraged me to do so. He felt that through television I could reach people and help them reach others who are in need. That's what I love about my job.

I've been a television reporter for more than two decades.  And even though I have won several awards (including several Emmys and 2005 Texas A.P. Reporter of the year), nothing is more rewarding than someone who says I made their lives a little better cause I listened and told "their story".
So don't hestitate to call me (214-720-3261) or e-mail me at [email protected] if you think you have a story!

Link Posted: 10/15/2007 11:04:26 PM EDT
email sent, short and sweet.

"Rebecca Aguilar's biased, harassing interview of Able Walton brings shame to Fox 4 News and its advertisers.  I intend to send more detailed correspondence to Fox 4 News advertisers."
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 11:34:18 PM EDT
My e-mail to the Station.

I think Rebecca Aguilar treatment of Mr. Walton was horrible! Her questions were offensive and the tone she used with him should embarrass your stations.

I believe she should give Mr. Walton a personal apology followed by an on air apology or be fired.

Link Posted: 10/15/2007 11:35:05 PM EDT



I've been a television reporter for more than two decades.  And even though I have won several awards (including several Emmys and 2005 Texas A.P. Reporter of the year), nothing is more rewarding than someone who says I made their lives a little better cause I listened and told "their story".
So don't hestitate to call me (214-720-3261) or e-mail me at [email protected] if you think you have a story!

I'm sure Mr. Walton felt she made his life a little better by telling his "story"  
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 11:43:16 PM EDT


snipped for brevity...

Leftist bitch...........
Link Posted: 10/15/2007 11:51:34 PM EDT
Just watched the video. What a bitch.
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 12:01:36 AM EDT
There were at least two posts asking if anyone lived in Dallas and would be willing to collect donations to buy a new shotgun for Mr. Walton.

I am currently in Afghanistan but I'm going home to Dallas for two weeks in November. I have a good friend who is a gun shop owner in Richardson and I'm sure I could get a reasonably priced shotgun (I'm thinking a Winchester Defender?)

I'd be happy to take up the cause, although I'm not sure how comfortable people would be sending money to a relatively anonymous poster on this or any other board.

Nonetheless, let's give it a shot. I propose to collect donations and post them here. When I get to Dallas I'll buy the shotgun and deliver it to Mr. Walton on behalf of this forum. If there is extra money I'll use it to buy ammo. Thoughts or suggestions?


PS: One more thought. This could be cool. I'll buy a t-shirt on the online store and get pics of me presenting our gift to Mr. Walton to post here.
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 12:01:42 AM EDT

I honestly have to say I am appalled at the treatment of the West Dallas salvage yard worker by your reporter Rebecca Aguilar. This man made one of the most difficult decisions possible to protect his wellbeing and his business and was obviously shook up over the situation yet she felt the need to badger this man in an attempt to make him appear to be a "trigger happy" individual who looks for the opportunity to take the life of another.  All I really ask is that next time you remember who the victim is, and make the distinction between low life criminals and respectable businessmen who protect their livelihood.

-Michael *****

Link Posted: 10/16/2007 12:09:50 AM EDT
This was my Email to them,
Why do your reporters have nothing better to do than harass a citizen doing what he needed to do to protect himself?

I think it is sad you dont question the intruders families as HEARTLESSLY as you do an old man who did what the police were too inept to do.

To protect and serve is a joke and the supreme court just said so.

You are cruel and heartless people bothering him to promote your anti gun crap, if the justice system did what they were paid to do and quit making deals the poor old man could live out his last years in peace instead of dodging vultures like YOU !!!!!

Darrell Rogers
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 12:13:01 AM EDT
My .02 C
"Rebecca Agular shows us once again that she has no sympathy for the victim of a crime. Her insincere statement of trying to get this mans story out only makes her bias glaringly obvious. Well she better get used to the Idea that texans don't really care what she thinks about us defending ourselves and even more to the point, since she is so pro criminals and anti victim she should not EVER cry to the public if she is ever the victim of a crime. We will simply remind her of how she tried to paint those who stand up for themselves as badguys and point out that she pretty much announced to all the criminals that she was a willing victim. BTW I am sending Abe some highly powerful loads for his new Shotgun. ones that will guarentee he survives an attack and the criminal absolutely will not.
Finally, if she does not like Texans standing up for themselves she can take her show on the road and never come back....I for one would bid her good riddance."
I sent two versions. this was the second one. Bet it doesn't get quoted.
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 12:23:46 AM EDT
Bump and I'm in for a contribution if it gets organized...
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 12:24:28 AM EDT

My .02 C
"Rebecca Agular shows us once again that she has no sympathy for the victim of a crime. Her insincere statement of trying to get this mans story out only makes her bias glaringly obvious. Well she better get used to the Idea that texans don't really care what she thinks about us defending ourselves and even more to the point, since she is so pro criminals and anti victim she should not EVER cry to the public if she is ever the victim of a crime. We will simply remind her of how she tried to paint those who stand up for themselves as badguys and point out that she pretty much announced to all the criminals that she was a willing victim. BTW I am sending Abe some highly powerful loads for his new Shotgun. ones that will guarentee he survives an attack and the criminal absolutely will not.
Finally, if she does not like Texans standing up for themselves she can take her show on the road and never come back....I for one would bid her good riddance."
I sent two versions. this was the second one. Bet it doesn't get quoted.

I would have skipped the line"the criminal absolutely will not"... remember our goal should be to promote self defense, and speaking in terms of stopping a threat/ defending himself etc comes off a lot better to non gun people than declaring that you want to make sure he is dead.  remember language is important especially when speaking to antis since you know they want to turn it around against you by making you sound like a "trigger happy" gun nut, don't help them out.

ps spelled guarantee, again not to be a grammar nazi but that shit is important when trying to avoid the stereotype of a dumb redneck gun owner.

they may just decide to quote letters on the air over this one and if they are anti rkba they will look for the letter that helps their side of the argument and that will be a crazy gun toting, trigger happy, ignorant, redneck, etc.... just think of the stereotypes the liberals throw out

Link Posted: 10/16/2007 12:38:29 AM EDT
Message Sent!

I just viewed the "Shop Owner Talks About 2nd Killing in Weeks" story.  I found it extremely distasteful for a reporter to target a senior citizen who has been repeatedly victimized by criminals.  She showed no restraint against this elderly man who had just experienced an extremely traumatic experience.   Ms. Aguilar’s contempt for the shopkeeper was apparent as she smugly asked the teary-eyed gentleman if he was trigger happy as she blocked him from leaving.  Ms. Aguilar seems to have forgotten that he is a victim in this situation, even though it ended in the violent deaths of the perpetrators.

Why wasn’t Ms. Aguilar more objective in her story and present anymore information about the two burglars who were killed?  Do they have a criminal history or prior convictions?  What has happened to journalistic integrity?  What has happened to common decency and respect for victim’s rights?
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 12:55:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 1:57:04 AM EDT


My .02 C
"Rebecca Agular shows us once again that she has no sympathy for the victim of a crime. Her insincere statement of trying to get this mans story out only makes her bias glaringly obvious. Well she better get used to the Idea that texans don't really care what she thinks about us defending ourselves and even more to the point, since she is so pro criminals and anti victim she should not EVER cry to the public if she is ever the victim of a crime. We will simply remind her of how she tried to paint those who stand up for themselves as badguys and point out that she pretty much announced to all the criminals that she was a willing victim. BTW I am sending Abe some special loads for his new Shotgun. ones that will guarentee he survives.
Finally, if she does not like Texans standing up for themselves she can take her show on the road and never come back....I for one would bid her good riddance."
I sent two versions. this was the second one. Bet it doesn't get quoted.

I would have skipped the line"the criminal absolutely will not"... remember our goal should be to promote self defense, and speaking in terms of stopping a threat/ defending himself etc comes off a lot better to non gun people than declaring that you want to make sure he is dead.  remember language is important especially when speaking to antis since you know they want to turn it around against you by making you sound like a "trigger happy" gun nut, don't help them out.

ps spelled guarantee, again not to be a grammar nazi but that shit is important when trying to avoid the stereotype of a dumb redneck gun owner.

they may just decide to quote letters on the air over this one and if they are anti rkba they will look for the letter that helps their side of the argument and that will be a crazy gun toting, trigger happy, ignorant, redneck, etc.... just think of the stereotypes the liberals throw out


good points. I still have the second post up in a window now, I wanted to mull it over for max effect. I will alter and send minus the libtard ammo. Good save.
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 2:38:10 AM EDT
Management (and the advertisers) need to be contacted
A story like this doesn't go on without a manager/editors approval

This stations supervisors need some attention too ;)
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 2:49:27 AM EDT

Despicable. That is the one word I would describe Rebbecca something-or-rather (sorry, I couldn't catch her last name). Her 'interview' of the poor man who was forced to defend himself read more like an interrogation. If she wanted to play cop, she should have gone into Criminal Justice instead of pursue her Liberal Arts degree.

This 70 *SEVENTY* year old man is an army vet who was treated by your 'reporter' like the common thugs and criminals who broke into his place of business.

"Are you trigger happy?" What kind of question is that? Let's send a few intruders to Rebbecca's house to rob, rape, or assault her, and see how she handles the situation. Then let's question her actions and maker her feel like the criminal.

As the 'report' said, the police do not expect to press charges. Even if they do, that job goes to a grand jury and the justice system - not 'Commando Reporter Rebbecca'.

I would take stock at FOX and decide if this is the caliber of employee you wish to employee. Of course it goes beyond just Rebbecca, as at least one editor allowed this to air. Shameful.
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 3:02:58 AM EDT

I'll be sending e-mails, and calling the station, and the bitch when I get home.

Link Posted: 10/16/2007 3:38:35 AM EDT

They just announced that the story generated so much response that they will air a special Viewer's Voice tomorrow at 5.30.

Keep us up updated.

Link Posted: 10/16/2007 3:57:14 AM EDT
email sent
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 4:02:06 AM EDT
bump keep this going guys....post on all other forums
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 4:04:49 AM EDT
email sent..what a POS
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 4:09:44 AM EDT
Sent an e-mail in the original thread.
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 4:12:28 AM EDT
I sent my message to the "Tell it to Tim" section. I am truly sick of these people.
I remember watching my apt. complex burn to the ground. Most of us lost everything in the fire. I had a media "Talking head", much like Aguilar, stick a microphone in my face. The look on my face convinced her to move on.
We are letting Fox know how we feel about their handling of Mr. Walton. Let's contact Mr. Walton and show him our support. I'll try to find the address of his salvage yard.
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 4:15:03 AM EDT
You lost a viewer, and gained a vocal critic. I can not believe the ambush interview, of a law abiding man, in the parking lot of a gun store where he is getting a weapon of DEFENCE!

SHAME ON YOU> I hope your reporters never need a "TRIGGER HAPPY" COP to bail one of them out of another bad decision.

  The actions of Walton were justified. I challenge you to go down there to where he lives and spend the night!   Yeah.... I did not think so.... you sheep. The wolves in that neighborhood would strip your news van, beat your reporters, and the cops would be there to take a report, and  offer a trip to the hospital. (After 45 minutes of waiting for them to get there of course.)

That old man should have warned your door jamin reporter to back away, and then if she did not, he should have pepper maced her.
Your SLIMEY, muck raking, low down, cowardly interview was garbage.

Good bye.

Gary Russell
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 4:18:06 AM EDT

Ms Aguilar,

I had the displeasure of viewing your piece 'Shop Owner Talks About 2nd Killing in Weeks" recently.  It is the most slanted piece of yellow journalism I have witnessed in recent years.  You allowed your personal bias to thoroughly taint your story, which is absolutely unprofessional and inexcusable in a member of the news media.  However, intentionally slanted reporting is not the worst of your offenses.  
The fact that you used an old man obviously suffering from some form of PTSD to push your agenda is simply reprehensible.  This man exercised a basic human right to defend his life and property.  You cornered him in a parking lot, harassed him to the point of tears, and manipulated the interview to paint him as a "trigger happy" killer.
The only acceptable response from you is a public, on-air apology.

This story is gaining momentum on multiple internet message forums.  If you think that means nothing, I point you to the example of Jim Zumbo.  I, like many others, await your reply.  Thank you.
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 4:20:59 AM EDT
To Whom it may concern,

After viewing a news clip sent to me from a friend in the Dallas area, I am completely disgusted by what I saw from your reporter Rebecca Aguilar.  She was incredibly invasive, rude and insulting.  Funny, you would think that what skills she has would be put to better use by investigating the local police as to why so many criminals have saw fit to violate Mr. Walton.

Such insensitivity and bias should not go unpunished.  Hopefully your station will do the correct thing and end Ms. Aguilar's employment.  
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 4:26:05 AM EDT
Tag for later... Email will be sent.
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 4:28:52 AM EDT
Email sent. I'm in for a 20 if the donations thing gets rolling. Could whoever does it start a new post?
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 4:31:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 4:39:13 AM EDT

Email sent. I'm in for a 20 if the donations thing gets rolling. Could whoever does it start a new post?

i'll toss in a 20-spot as well
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 4:41:45 AM EDT
email sent. Also sending one from my office in a minute
Link Posted: 10/16/2007 4:48:08 AM EDT
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