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Posted: 10/4/2022 12:23:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/4/2022 11:01:32 PM EDT
This class was nothing short of spectacular!  Honestly at this point in my NV journey the best I've attended .  Definitely not my first rodeo in the dark and I'm saying this after attending numerous NV specific classes taught by the leading subject matter experts.  It's so much more than shooting the same old "next level" drills in the middle of some field.  Don't get me wrong, there is definitely a needed place for that in all our NV tool boxes.

What makes this class different or special is the fact that the material and problems are presented in a manner that allow you to make decisions versus being told what to do.  Your given the ability to use and leverage all the technology you have on board to achieve a winning result.  
You will realize the correct answers or necessary actions needed by how the scenarios and environments are presented.  Your short comings in gear and/or operational thoughts will be exposed and I guarantee you will be adjusting something even if it's a tweak.

As far as the host range in Alliance OH, there really is no place better for this type of training.  I know of no other venue that lets you train in and experience real world environments that's friendly to civilian instruction.  Yup Disneyworld of gun training.

When was the last time you where in the school or Mall under NODs?  I know of fourteen dudes that found out when there is no movie playing at the theater, it's DARK!

Add this one to your training bucket list after attending Nightfighter 101.  Definitely worth the price of admission!
Link Posted: 10/5/2022 2:07:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/9/2022 5:10:25 PM EDT
This was my second time training with TNVC, having completed NF 101 in Alliance, Ohio back in April.  The previous posts did a great job of hitting the high points in review of the class, so I wont belabor the point of how great the Points of Instruction are.  

My two big takeaways are regarding the photonic barrier and how colors can play tricks on you. The photonic barrier is a real thing.  Defeating it requires a little bit of thinking on your part – but once you figure it out, problem solving gets easier.  Colors can get tricky under white phos.  Red was basically impossible to discern.  Introducing a little bit of white light to solve problems and positively identify targets was a big light-bulb moment for me.  

I was the guilty party Bill mentioned – having a UTM bolt/forward assist failure right off the rip on Night 2.  The offending upper is a Hodge 12.5”.  The Hodge ran like a champ the night before, burning through approx. 360 rounds without a hiccup. But that was night one and this was night two. In simple terms, my bolt was catching on my forward assist and would not actually catch a round to chamber when I would pull the charging handle to the rear.

My takeaway from the UTM bolt incident is two-fold:
1. Take the “Load and make ready” seriously.  Actually feel for the round in the magazine.  Insert the magazine.  Push pull.  Drop the mag.  Feel for the round to have shifted from one side to the other – indicating that you have successfully chambered a round.  Had I taken that serious when I made ready, I would have noted something was not functioning properly.
2. Bring a backup gun.  Understand that stuff malfunctions sometimes.  Two is one and one is none.  

Overall, I cannot say enough good things about this course, the facility, or the instructors.  Bill, Mike, Chip, and Joe are excellent at what they do, and I am already looking forward to seeing them again in 2023.
Link Posted: 10/18/2022 12:19:02 PM EDT
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