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Posted: 4/12/2024 2:28:19 PM EDT
Ok, this is how I understand this, appreciate the answers

1- Is it a requirement to send the letter?
2-Can I return it to it's original configuration(pistol)and sell without the letter or waiting for it if sent?
3-I do have to have the lower refinished after my name, city and state are covered before I sell though not required?
Link Posted: 4/12/2024 2:34:49 PM EDT
Originally Posted By mark5pt56:
Ok, this is how I understand this, appreciate the answers

1- Is it a requirement to send the letter?
2-Can I return it to it's original configuration(pistol)and sell without the letter or waiting for it if sent?
3-I do have to have the lower refinished after my name, city and state are covered before I sell though not required?
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1- No
2- Yes
3- Up to you.
Link Posted: 4/12/2024 2:41:11 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By D_Man:
1- No
2- Yes
3- Up to you.
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Link Posted: 4/12/2024 2:43:50 PM EDT
Okie, if I don't send the letter or do and the buyer goes to form 1 it, no issues?
Link Posted: 4/12/2024 2:47:48 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By mark5pt56:
Okie, if I don't send the letter or do and the buyer goes to form 1 it, no issues?
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The buyer will have issues if they try to Form 1 the receiver and its still on the registry as a Title 2 firearm.

Link Posted: 4/12/2024 2:58:16 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By tortilla-flats:
The buyer will have issues if they try to Form 1 the receiver and its still on the registry as a Title 2 firearm.

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This.  If you suspect the new owner plans to SBR it again with a new Form 1, then send the letter to have it removed from the registry first.
Link Posted: 4/12/2024 3:11:11 PM EDT
[Last Edit: mark5pt56] [#6]
Copy, getting ready to email the letter. I appreciate the info! Going in to the shop next week for a sale/consignment, if the letter isn't back, will just let the buyer know.

One last thing, I removed the stock, it's now a pistol, correct? and can sell as such regardless of the letter?

Link Posted: 4/12/2024 4:32:48 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By mark5pt56: Copy, getting ready to email the letter.
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It needs to be signed too, so one can't just type it in an email. Print the letter, sign it, scan it, and attach it to the email.
Link Posted: 4/14/2024 6:47:04 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By mark5pt56:
Copy, getting ready to email the letter. I appreciate the info! Going in to the shop next week for a sale/consignment, if the letter isn't back, will just let the buyer know.

One last thing, I removed the stock, it's now a pistol, correct? and can sell as such regardless of the letter?

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How did it start life ? Rifle ? Pistol or stipped receiver ?
Link Posted: 4/14/2024 6:48:37 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By whiskerz:

How did it start life ? Rifle ? Pistol or stipped receiver ?
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In the thread title and the OP he says it was a pistol.
Link Posted: 4/16/2024 2:54:21 AM EDT
Inked letter emailed, replied back, out of system and title one firearm as it started "pistol"

Thanks for the help!
Link Posted: 4/16/2024 11:26:56 AM EDT
Can one remove the NFA markings after it’s taken off the registry (name/address) or do those need to remain on the firearm?

Link Posted: 4/16/2024 11:41:59 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Damon_23:
Can one remove the NFA markings after it's taken off the registry (name/address) or do those need to remain on the firearm?

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They can be removed, just not the serial number obviously as removing that is specifically illegal.
Link Posted: 7/19/2024 9:23:18 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Teddydog] [#13]
I bought an Uzi Model B that was an SBR when being sold.  I contacted the seller and we agreed to have him revert it to Title 1 and sell it to me (for an Uzi, just selling it with the original 16.1" barrel).  He submitted a letter to ATF to remove it from the Register and once he got confirmation, I re-SBR'd it and was approved in a reasonable time (for the time).  Removing his SBR info from the bottom of the frame was a bit difficult because it had been engraved pretty deeply.  Now I can have the short barrel and QD wood stock or folder.

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