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Link Posted: 9/22/2006 7:46:03 AM EDT
Here is my  two cents for whatever it is worth:
I have three AAC products and like them all.  My pilot is my fav can, it is just plain fun.
I had a major issue with by Cyclone, it was not taken care of by AAC.  I had to send it to another manufacter to get it fixed.  Kevin send me a very nasty email about my feelings on this product, because I posted pictures.  When he found out about the problems I had, he aplogized and offered to replace the can for no charge.  AAC is ok in my book.  I do think, Kevin should ask questions first, and curse(he did) later.
Kevin has a temper, he is passionate about his products.  

Robert Silvers is another matter.  I was on silencertest for a while.  It was and is an AAC board.  Silvers acted like he was unbias, but could not help himself when other people had positive things to say about other cans.  Silvers hates SWR.  I posted that my SWR can had less blowback that my AAC can from my observations.  He went on a rant about how I did not have equipment to make those type of observations and I should leave.
I left and have never been back.

Silvers is a shill and a kiss ass.  All the time he was working on the board, he was negotiating with AAC.  

I would like to see AAC back on the board, but Cara only.  She seems to be the one person out of the group that can post answers and not get too mad.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 8:02:21 AM EDT


As for the Evo-9 being the best pistol can, it is.

Isn't "best" difficult to state as an objective term???

Especially when so many variables exist in the same category?

I have an Evo-9, but I'm not sure I would ever say it is the "best" for Joe S., John A. or Suzy Q....

THEY would need to make those decisions on their own.  If they come to the same conclusion, then you and they made the "best" decision for yourselves.


Very true - let me rephrase:

As for the Evo-9 being the best pistol can, testing and numerous personal experiences has shown that the Evo-9 has the highest level of sound suppression of all silencers in it's class and price range ($0-$900) - all the while being low in weight and extremely durable (as far as pistol silencers are concerned). YMMV.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 8:03:20 AM EDT
Orin-  I'm reading only about 10% of what you write.  I only commented on that one statement.  I dont' want to get into all of this crap.  I have VERY real reasons not to trust him.  I was taken advantage of when he was only running silencertests and not running his mouth.  He either lied or totally changed his opinion on something I asked him about.  His response to it all makes no sense in the context we were talking.  I'd be the owner of an M4-2K right now if my old C3 didn't botch the order before the price increase.

You are totally not getting the simple fact that noone from AAC was allowed to post aside from Freddy and Kevin.  AR15.com had every right to close her account.  Because it came to their attention during a simple name calling thread doesn't mean they have less of a right to ban her.

I find her very pleasing and nice to deal with.  I thought her posts on new products were fine, even if they were RS reprints but, it goes back to the fact that they burned two bridges with Silvers or Silvers burned two bridges for AAC.  

It's like anything else, you might be able to get away with something for a little while, but don't get mad when you get caught.  It doesn't mean anything that everyone knew who she was.  I knew who she was.  It wasn't until the name calling thread and drama that I even remembered it was only supposed to be Freddy and Kevin posting.  

They could have asked to have Cara post as an IP too.  I'm sure it would have been very welcomed.  

I don't even know what I'm supposed to apologize for.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 8:05:11 AM EDT



As for the Evo-9 being the best pistol can, it is.

Isn't "best" difficult to state as an objective term???

Especially when so many variables exist in the same category?

I have an Evo-9, but I'm not sure I would ever say it is the "best" for Joe S., John A. or Suzy Q....

THEY would need to make those decisions on their own.  If they come to the same conclusion, then you and they made the "best" decision for yourselves.


Very true - let me rephrase:

As for the Evo-9 being the best pistol can, testing and numerous personal experiences has shown that the Evo-9 has the highest level of sound suppression of all silencers in it's class and price range ($0-$900) - all the while being low in weight and extremely durable (as far as pistol silencers are concerned). YMMV.

My Matrix9 was less than half of that and reduces low to mid 30's dry and over 40 when wet.  

Link Posted: 9/22/2006 8:16:20 AM EDT

You are totally not getting the simple fact that noone from AAC was allowed to post aside from Freddy and Kevin.  AR15.com had every right to close her account.  Because it came to their attention during a simple name calling thread doesn't mean they have less of a right to ban her.

I do get that, and I'll do you one better:  GB has the right to terminate any of us, at any time.  He owns the board.  He could be a totally vindictive guy and play favorites if he so chooses.  He could post that the two of us have anal sex with monkeys.  He could, instead of the yearly rifle giveaway, instead have a yearly drawing to see whose accounts get locked.  Thankfully, he just does the rifle giveaway.

GB showing AAC the door isn't my beef.  I think it reduces the quality of info in the suppressor forum, but it's not my beef.

My beef is with:

1) Steve raising the concern publically in Cara's thread, leading to the thread jacking (and let's be realistic -- ultimately leading to the banning.)

2) GB posting a "AAC is a bunch of liars" post.  Like I said, that was unprofessional.  Locking the thread didn't help either, but I guess we have another one now.

3) GB posting in another thread regarding NFA collections about how he wouldn't do business with AAC.  However, once it was pointed out that he was thread jacking, he apologized and retracted his posts (kudos to him for that.)

4) The locking of the thread once GB had said his piece.  Yes, we have another one now, but here's the problem with locking these types of threads: It allows those in power (the staff) to control the discussion as it suits them.  If they don't like what's being said, regardless of CoC violations, they can simply stop the conversation.  

You wonder why Kevin / Robert are actually quoting folks on here and replying over on the other forum?  Because they're in a position where ARFCOM staff has a stage and a large audience that they can voice their side of the story to.  Meanwhile, AAC does not.  They have a much smaller audience over on s-t.  How would you like it if somebody you had a disagreement with put duct tape over your mouth, drug you into court, and told the judge their side of the story while you just had to sit there and take it?

"Oh, judge, this is an informational post only."
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 8:45:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 9:02:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 9:15:25 AM EDT
Wow.  There you have it.  Everyone's wanted this type of stuff and now you have it- Background OUTSIDE information.

I know who Ian is and I'll verify that I've heard stories that back up what Goatboy is saying.  Ian's a good guy that knows a lot about a lot.  I've learned a lot from him in the time I've known him and have respect for the guy as an upstanding member of this community- even though he's gone from AR15.com.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 9:16:48 AM EDT



Funny you reference that thread since it's a clear indication of the type of AAC midirection we had to deal with on a regular basis.

Funny, I don't see any midirection in the statement made by rsilvers:
Consider the Warlock and AAC Pilot. I don't have experience with the AWC so I can't say, but the Pilot, Warlock, and Outback-II are the three nicest .22 cans I know of and my favorite is the Pilot due to an extra level of cosmetic quality.

From my personal experience with .22 silencers, his statement is spot on and I have to agree 100%.  From you experiences with silencers, what's misdirecting about it?

The guy asked for opinions on three different cans, none of which were AAC cans.  He indicated he knew about AAC cans (Silver's tried to backtrack by assuming he did not- seems he, like you, needs to bone up on his reading comp. skills).   Silvers recommended an AAC can.

If you do not understand how that was midirection to an AAC product, then I am obviously wasting my time.  

No Steve, it's just that noone will admit that is wrong or against any rules you or your site had established for IPs or A$$holes who work for IPs or Suppressor companies behind the scenes.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 9:20:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 10:08:46 AM EDT
Could you please explain your email to Kevin about offering advertising to other suppressor mfg.;s at a reduced rate?
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 10:19:09 AM EDT

Could you please explain your email to Kevin about offering advertising to other suppressor mfg.;s at a reduced rate?

I would like to know about that too.

I would also be curious as to what the percentage of posts were showing the (presumably NAT) IP from AAC put up against frequency of posts and total posts.  If there is a clear patter, well, there's a clear pattern.  If not, then it would suggest that there is an element of truth to rsilvers explanation.  Just curious.

No, I don't own any AAC products.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 10:23:48 AM EDT

Sorry, that was an IM.  The IM that has been mentioned as one reason he was banned.  He wasn't supposed to be giving unsolicited info like that through IMs.  

He was banned the day before I started a thread asking about buying a new pistol and can and what would be a good combo with nothing already set in stone.

He got his HyposoneAAC account just as I bought the 92fs and then the Matrix.  He thought he's start off his new account sending messages like that.

As I stated on one of the trashed threads, he commented positively on the SRT .338 can which I was considering buying (and will be, when my LLC paperwork gets finished).  He mentioned that he was very pleased with his .338 LM can, but said that SRT can was also a good product.

Thinking about it now, we also talked about +P+ 9x19 ammo improving functioning with non-boosted pistol cans, and he was not at all unpleasant there either.

I work with engineers every day that make him look like a French diplomat.  He wasn't that scary.  And he did have a lot of useful information.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 10:29:06 AM EDT
Maybe I missed something here.  Everyone who want's to can post here- save those who are banned.  If you want info f/ Silvers or AAC- get an account at st.com  if you want to read here- so be it.  Staff/Owner made a decision.  it's their call.  Hell he could shut down the board today and what- you'll complain.  get over it.  They made a decision, they lost some members and advertising $$.  that's there call.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 10:38:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 10:44:41 AM EDT



Could you please explain your email to Kevin about offering advertising to other suppressor mfg.;s at a reduced rate?

I would like to know about that too.

I would also be curious as to what the percentage of posts were showing the (presumably NAT) IP from AAC put up against frequency of posts and total posts.  If there is a clear patter, well, there's a clear pattern.  If not, then it would suggest that there is an element of truth to rsilvers explanation.  Just curious.

No, I don't own any AAC products.

If you click on the "Advertising Information" link on the extreme lower left of every page you will see the advertising for the site for 2006 has this toward the bottom:

:: SOLD OUT FOR 2006 ::

If most of the fiscal year has been paid by one company (AAC) then another company can get a deal for the balance of the year.  Simple.

Also, GB owns the place so he is free to negotiate any deal he wants with advertisers.  I read his e-mail to KevinAAC as merely a "we won't miss you and can quickly/easily replace you with someone else, especially given the reduced cost to whatever company fills the available slot."  

I do know for a fact the site had several more companies wanting the places at the top of every screen than we had space available.  Again, if GB wants to make a special deal for another company (suppressor company?) it is his perogative to do so.  That's just business.  

Personally, I would not have mentioned it to KevinAAC as I view it as simply none of his concern or business at that point.  YMMV

I see.  That makes sense.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 10:51:09 AM EDT

I would also be curious as to what the percentage of posts were showing the (presumably NAT) IP from AAC put up against frequency of posts and total posts.  If there is a clear patter, well, there's a clear pattern.

My offer still stands to analyze those logs with software, GB.  Just email them to me and I'll whip something up in shell or perl.  I think it would be interesting to know what percentage of rsilver's posts came from AAC.  That could tell us the "probability" that S_P was actually rsilvers.

Link Posted: 9/22/2006 11:06:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 11:32:25 AM EDT

I can tell you without talking to him there is no way he is going to waste time doing that.  Messing with such things burns valuable time and in this case would serve absolutely NO useful purpose.  If the "probability" is 1% or 99% the end result is still the same.  

I totally understand if he doesn't want to waste his time doing it.  But I think it would be interesting to know, given the situation.  I assume it takes quite a bit of time to dig up those logs.  Or maybe it's an easy SQL query.  It also takes quite a bit of time to dig up the various threads / quotes that a lot of folks, including GB, have done regarding this.  

I think you keep "offering" this just so you can run back to their site (as "Stupid Redneck") and post about it.

So you don't think it's information I'd want to post here?  It would be my goal to post it here, where the debate is really taking place, for those who are interested in knowing how likely it was that S_P was actually RSilvers.  That is, after all, the insinuation made by some.

I did get a kick out of yesterday's posts you made--post here, then run over there and say, "I bet my last post over there will get me banned."  

Sad, isn't it?  That I would truly believe that, I mean.  And I am a little surprised that I haven't been, to be honest with you.

There is no reason for you and I to get into any kind of spat, but when you posted on the last page my post "would be more believable" or somesuch I can't help but to question your motives, given your series of posts on both sites.  

What do you think my motives could possibly be?

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but I wasn't implying you were lying.  What I meant was that the official ARFCOM side of this has a few holes in it.  There are also some holes in AAC's story.  Did you see me question Kevin as to why he would start a new thread over there when he asked rsilvers to remove the threads from over there?  That didn't add up to me either.  You see, I just dislike BS.  And this entire situation has worn out the battery in my BS detector.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 11:42:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 11:43:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 11:46:02 AM EDT
SP had like 10 total posts, this last point is retarded.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 11:46:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 11:50:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 11:53:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 11:54:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 11:58:26 AM EDT
With regards to CAR-15, I apologize. I should not have contacted him through your site. I do not feel that I used “bully tactics,” I simply asked an anonymous individual to confirm his name and mailing address. I am sending him a legal notice, a Cease and Desist Letter. Verifying addresses saves legal expenses. I have seen, on several occasions, that your staff has been slow to react to these attacks. So, I tended to be more proactive than you would like. Again, I apologize. I initially used the “Report” button with a Joseph comment, and was warned by your staff not to use the feature to complain about a comment within a post. I took this to mean that I should handle these situations outside of AR15.com. Again, I apologize for the misunderstanding

Since my screen name was used, I will chime in here.  While I don't have any problem with AAC or Kevin (in fact, I purchased a Pilot recently).  I can tell you that at one point, I had asked a couple of questions about how RSilvers was allowed back on and Kevin got pretty pissed off and IM's me with my personal information in it.  When I asked him how he got it, he wouldn't say.  I was pretty pissed off over it and I let him know that.  I never received a letter to "cease and desist".  Nor whould I have given a shit if I would have got one.

The bottom line here is that this situation is over, get it? OVER!  For Christ's sake, move on.  I can't believe all of the bitching and whining going on here and at ST.com.  Unbelievable!
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 12:07:14 PM EDT
ORinTX or STupid Redneck, whatever your name is, I think I'll just call you Stupid Redneck from now on.

It's like back in college.  Time's up, class is over.  Everyone's learned all they need to learn this class period.  But, you just have to be that idiot guy constantly rehashing the same question over and over, keeping everyone in their seat so as to not disrespect the professor by getting up while he's trying to answer your BS valid questions.

Go ahead- ask me to apologize for that too.  

Everyone knows it was CARA sitting at the computer making those posts.  

Noone likes the fact that it was Robert's "articles" getting posted after he's been banned.

Noone liked how it was unfair that one company got to let one of their wild monkeys loose to bash other companies and then when the monkey was put down, they brought a clone of the same monkey with another name and then when that monkey was put down, they were limited to two animals in the circus.  Instead of keeping it to two, they brought a third in.  

WTF do you think needed to be done?  

Give your OPINION on what should have been done and how it should have been handled.  Then, ZIP IT.  Anyone that cares to read it again will go back and read it again.  Don't post it again, please.  

Stupid Redneck...

Link Posted: 9/22/2006 12:10:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 12:12:29 PM EDT
first sentence or first paragraph about class?

Link Posted: 9/22/2006 12:18:26 PM EDT
I am confused.  Please let me know if this is what happened.

RSilvers was banned.  I understand why.  Dont agree with it but understand.

AAC has an advertising agreement which states only 2 (TWO) people can post on behalf of the company.  These people are Kevin and Freddy as decided by AAC.

Cara posts on behalf of AAC.  Neither Freddy or Kevin was removed from the "official company advertising account reperesentative" status and thus AAC has 3 corporate accounts instead of the agreed upon 2.  

So was Cara's account pulled for this violation or was AAC completely banned?

I can understand limiting the number of people to 2 as that was agreed upon.  I can not understand a banning of AAC from the board completely. Thats a huge mistake IMO if that is what happened.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 12:22:53 PM EDT

Noone liked how it was unfair that one company got to let one of their wild monkeys loose to bash other companies and then when the monkey was put down, they brought a clone of the same monkey with another name and then when that monkey was put down, they were limited to two animals in the circus.  Instead of keeping it to two, they brought a third in.

But I kind of liked the monkey show.  It kind of made the circus worth it, and I was specifically interested in the supressor forum when I sent my check in.

You have to admit a lot of useful information was left once the dust settled.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 12:27:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 12:34:08 PM EDT

I am confused.  Please let me know if this is what happened.

RSilvers was banned.  I understand why.  Dont agree with it but understand.

Do you understand why HyposoneAAC was banned and how do you feel about that?  Or, in other words, do you understand that is really bad to burn two bridges?

AAC has an advertising agreement which states only 2 (TWO) people can post on behalf of the company.  These people are Kevin and Freddy as decided by AAC.


Cara posts on behalf of AAC.  Neither Freddy or Kevin was removed from the "official company advertising account reperesentative" status and thus AAC has 3 corporate accounts instead of the agreed upon 2.  

yes.  cara's made three and it was enough reason to at least cause a stir if not a banning...

So was Cara's account pulled for this violation or was AAC completely banned?

it seems that as quickly as cara's account was locked for COC violation, shit started flying every which way- one reason some think AAC was ready to back out anyway. Cara's was locked for COC and AAC was in turn in trouble for breaking the little agreement about 2 reps.

I can understand limiting the number of people to 2 as that was agreed upon.  I can not understand a banning of AAC from the board completely. Thats a huge mistake IMO if that is what happened.

I think AAC's complete banning, like I say above, was because of how they reacted to Cara's banning.  The small problem with Cara set off the larger problem.  AAC was already in the hot seat from their two other failed accounts here and with Cara using her 5th or 6th post to insult a staff member, it was doomed as well.

Link Posted: 9/22/2006 12:39:49 PM EDT

JosephR, I think ORinTX is not trying to start shit or stir a pot.  I have found him to be someone simply looking for the truth.  Given the amount of lies being repeated over and over, I find it refreshing.

So . . . go easy please.

I don't care if he's searching for world peace or the cure for cancer- he keeps bringing up and rehashing stupid stuff we've already been through.  

For instance the business about using his software to figure out who was posting from a computer.  WTF?  It's not the person behind the account that's MOST important, it's the 3rd account even existing.  How the hell can you even tell who was posting?  Run some language pattern software?  

**I personally, once again, think there should have been three all together- Cara being the third.**
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 12:42:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 1:00:59 PM EDT

The moderators here have gone to far and attempted to back up their actions with bad analysis (ie: IP address's).

There are plenty of people on this site posting strong opinions, yet I've never seen a reaction like has been the case with the bunch at AAC.  You don't have to like AAC but nothing in the "thread" rose to the level of warranting a ban.  I view the banning of AAC as a disservice to the people that visit this board.

Get over the rift and learn to live with people you don't like.

Link Posted: 9/22/2006 1:15:11 PM EDT

My Matrix9 was less than half of that and reduces low to mid 30's dry and over 40 when wet.  

Well, you really shouldn't compare the Matrix M9 to the Evo-9 since, unless I'm mistaken, you need to buy an aditional adapter to make it work with any other weapon.

On the subject of SRT cans, I also looked at them before I bought my Evo-9 but I found the folllowing:

- No dealers around me carry them.
- Barely could find any info online about them.
- None of my friends or aquatainces have heard of them or dealt with them.

And by the way, were your DB reduction numbers obtained from your own personal testing, or are you just going by the manufacturer's claim?

But in the end, all that matters is if you are happy - so if you are, then so be it.

The guy asked for opinions on three different cans, none of which were AAC cans. He indicated he knew about AAC cans (Silver's tried to backtrack by assuming he did not- seems he, like you, needs to bone up on his reading comp. skills) but was only asking about the other three. It wasn't a thread asking for the "best" or any and all cans, JUST THOSE THREE (emphasis added for your benefit). Silvers recommended an AAC can.

If you do not understand how that was midirection to an AAC product, then I am obviously wasting my time.

No need for bone up on anything brother - but I don't agree with you and I bet others don't as well.  Just because someone names two cans that aren't on a list, that doesn't mean misdirection was in play.  Seriously, how many threads on here asking "If I had to choose from this list:" end up having people suggest items that aren't on the list.  Stop taking yourself so seriously...

No Steve, it's just that noone will admit that is wrong or against any rules you or your site had established for IPs or A$$holes who work for IPs or Suppressor companies behind the scenes.

LOL... Yet you keep asking those same a$$holes for advice, eh?  Since you posted part of you IM to rsilvers, why don't you post all the others that led up to that?

ORinTX or STupid Redneck, whatever your name is, I think I'll just call you Stupid Redneck from now on.

It's like back in college. Time's up, class is over. Everyone's learned all they need to learn this class period. But, you just have to be that idiot guy constantly rehashing the same question over and over, keeping everyone in their seat so as to not disrespect the professor by getting up while he's trying to answer your BS valid questions.

Go ahead- ask me to apologize for that too.

Everyone knows it was CARA sitting at the computer making those posts.

Noone likes the fact that it was Robert's "articles" getting posted after he's been banned.

Noone liked how it was unfair that one company got to let one of their wild monkeys loose to bash other companies and then when the monkey was put down, they brought a clone of the same monkey with another name and then when that monkey was put down, they were limited to two animals in the circus. Instead of keeping it to two, they brought a third in.

WTF do you think needed to be done?

Give your OPINION on what should have been done and how it should have been handled. Then, ZIP IT. Anyone that cares to read it again will go back and read it again. Don't post it again, please.

Stupid Redneck...

Typical of your posts and exactly why I stay away from any thread that you are involved with.

In closing... When all is said and done, everyone will have their own opinion on how things went down or how things should’ve gone.  Here are two posts from another board that I think summarizes rsilvers:

You can choose to like Silvers, hate him, take him at face value, or mistrust him. What he has achieved with his website has furthered the understanding of suppressors, and has caused all manufacturers to step up their game, now that they are being directly compared to one another. It has brought a cottage, word-of-mouth industry into the limelight, and has in many ways legitimized it, and furthered the advancement of design by (almost) all manufacturers.
I choose to like him (don't know him personally, only met briefly), and take him at face value.


When Robert started his independent testing, he didn't know Kevin or anyone from AAC. He had no relationship with the company. Kevin was (as far as I know) the only silencer manufacturer who encouraged the independent testing Robert was performing. While some other companies tried to discredit test results, AAC provided off the shelf products for Robert to test. Other companies wouldn't give Robert the time of day.

Like him or not, Robert helped educate a LOT of people. His tests forced many manufacturers to make product improvements and raise the bar. This has been good for all of us.

You'll agree or you won’t.  At the end of the day, vote with your dollars as to who you want to do business with.  Here's how I've voted over the past 5 months:

  - AAC 762-SD
  - AAC M4-2000
  - AAC Evolution 9
  - AAC Evo-9 CQC
  - AAC Pilot

And I have no regrets. Now it's time for me to have a drink on the beach.  Take care gentlemen.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 1:18:51 PM EDT


JosephR, I think ORinTX is not trying to start shit or stir a pot.  I have found him to be someone simply looking for the truth.  Given the amount of lies being repeated over and over, I find it refreshing.

So . . . go easy please.

I don't care if he's searching for world peace or the cure for cancer- he keeps bringing up and rehashing stupid stuff we've already been through.  

For instance the business about using his software to figure out who was posting from a computer.  WTF?  It's not the person behind the account that's MOST important, it's the 3rd account even existing.  How the hell can you even tell who was posting?  Run some language pattern software?  

**I personally, once again, think there should have been three all together- Cara being the third.**

You don't understand.  What he offered to do was correlate the posts of Silver to the use of the AAC IP address.  If, say, a minority of Silver's posts originated from the AAC network, then Silver's defense that he posted from there when he was there would make sense.  If not, then clearly it doesn't.  If, say, there were three posts from Silver and 10 second later one from "Supressor Professor" it would suggest collusion.  That sort of thing.  If you are involved with stats and large systems, for instance, you have to do this all the time with perl, rexx, tcsh, whatever.

I would be happy to do this as well if asked.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 1:18:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 1:36:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 1:42:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 1:44:09 PM EDT


JosephR, I think ORinTX is not trying to start shit or stir a pot.  I have found him to be someone simply looking for the truth.  Given the amount of lies being repeated over and over, I find it refreshing.

So . . . go easy please.

I don't care if he's searching for world peace or the cure for cancer- he keeps bringing up and rehashing stupid stuff we've already been through.  

For instance the business about using his software to figure out who was posting from a computer.  WTF?  It's not the person behind the account that's MOST important, it's the 3rd account even existing.  How the hell can you even tell who was posting?  Run some language pattern software?  

**I personally, once again, think there should have been three all together- Cara being the third.**

Like I said, you're WAAAAY to emotional about this, JosephR.  And you have consistently been resorting to personal attacks.

You've stated your opinion more than once.  In fact, you seem to reply to pretty much every post you disagree with.  I reserve the right to be repetitive too.  And I'll do it without stooping to your schoolyard level, either.  I know you disagree with me, and I'm ok with that.  I'm not getting emotional about this.  Please try to behave like an adult.  Even the mods are telling you to kick it down a couple of notches, and they agree with you.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 1:48:06 PM EDT


Since my screen name was used, I will chime in here.  While I don't have any problem with AAC or Kevin (in fact, I purchased a Pilot recently).  I can tell you that at one point, I had asked a couple of questions about how RSilvers was allowed back on and Kevin got pretty pissed off and IM's me with my personal information in it.  When I asked him how he got it, he wouldn't say.  I was pretty pissed off over it and I let him know that.  I never received a letter to "cease and desist".  Nor whould I have given a shit if I would have got one.

The bottom line here is that this situation is over, get it? OVER!  For Christ's sake, move on.  I can't believe all of the bitching and whining going on here and at ST.com.  Unbelievable!

Sorry you got drug into this, I was considering blocking out your username, but figured I should post the full msg.

I've emailed Kevin an offer to stop this by both sides agreeing to put it behind them. This offer does not include the unlocking of their accounts. Kevin's last email (before my offer) was not very nice, but I will leave that out of this discussion for now.

GB, I have no problem whatsoever about you using my username in the message.  I just wanted everyone to know the context of the IM's I received from Kevin.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 1:51:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 1:54:19 PM EDT


You see, I just dislike BS.  And this entire situation has worn out the battery in my BS detector.

I understand.  

First, let me say I did not intend to be the least bit combative in my post just above, so I hope I didn't come across that way.  I genuinely like you from your past history here, so please let me make that very clear.  

Here's the thing--

It's difficult to discuss this for someone like me (and the rest of the staff) as we know ALL the details of the situation, having watched--or even been involved--for a number of months.  The site has a very strict rule about revealing "staff stuff" publicly, for obvious reasons.  We CANNOT carry items from the Staff Forum and post them publicly.  Our challenge then is to reveal enough to get the facts out, but to also keep our bacon out of the fire with GoatBoy over the "staff stuff" rule.  He knows we're trying to help, but the last thing we need to do is to post something which would make things worse, or even get HIM sued.  It's a very tough line to walk.  

You may have noticed over the years we are absolutely fanatical in protecting our credibility and integrity.  This is personally important to us, but it is also vital in order to serve in our staff capacities here.  If we say "the sky is blue" we cannot function if you feel the need to run outside and check.  The bottom line is, our credibility is all we have.  We guard it very jealously and go to great lengths to avoid putting cracks in it.  

This gives me a good place to say this:  Had this identical situation occurred involving ANY other advertiser (well, save L-W, for obvious reasons) it wouldn't have caused a ripple, let alone a storm.  We have MUCH past history with AAC, so that, coupled with their response to it, has caused this to happen.  The mere fact of bringing them on as advertisers was done with great trepidation--and was opposed by most of the staff--due to the past problems with rsilvers.  We're not enjoying it, but this is a big "we told you so" for the staff, as we saw this as inevitable.  

I understand, TBK1, and thanks for the well thought out reply.  I know exactly the situation you are in for I have been in similar situations in the course of my career.

I trust that you guys are not doing the site wrong, but I hate to see the suppressor forum take another hit.  I hope the suppressor forum becomes revitalized at some point.  Perhaps GB's incentive will bring in other manufacturers with good tech info.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 2:00:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 2:05:41 PM EDT




JosephR, I think ORinTX is not trying to start shit or stir a pot.  I have found him to be someone simply looking for the truth.  Given the amount of lies being repeated over and over, I find it refreshing.

So . . . go easy please.

I don't care if he's searching for world peace or the cure for cancer- he keeps bringing up and rehashing stupid stuff we've already been through.  

For instance the business about using his software to figure out who was posting from a computer.  WTF?  It's not the person behind the account that's MOST important, it's the 3rd account even existing.  How the hell can you even tell who was posting?  Run some language pattern software?  

**I personally, once again, think there should have been three all together- Cara being the third.**

You don't understand.  What he offered to do was correlate the posts of Silver to the use of the AAC IP address.  If, say, a minority of Silver's posts originated from the AAC network, then Silvers defense that he posted from there when he was there would make sense.  If not, then clearly it doesn't.

That is nowhere near right. The point isn't they are the same person is that they had a relationship before they admitted to it. The fact that IPs match several times over the past year, almost 12 months prior to him being officially employed, is the item on the table. With 4 posts S_P could have been anyone and can't be proven to be Silvers or not be Silvers, there's just not enough info.

I think that we are talking at cross purposes.  I am talking about tracking IP use back quite a ways, not specifically with regard to "Supressor Professor" and I am talking about ORinTX's offer.  I may be misunderstanding him, and given how lively this whole debate has been I may be misunderstanding you, but I know what I would do to prove that Silvers was AAC and not an occasional visitor.  I have to do this sort of thing from time to time with security audits.

I brought this up becuase Silvers' status as a neutral observer was brought us as a key point in how AAC came to be standing on thin ice.

I feel like I need to fire up Rational Rose to deal with all of the accusations and counteraccusations.  It's not, obviously, my call, but I was enjoying the forum more when the information was flying thick and fast.  If there was monkey poo mixed in, it didn't bother me.  Or maybe I have really, really thick skin.
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 2:15:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/22/2006 2:17:41 PM EDT
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