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Posted: 5/2/2001 8:36:59 AM EDT
My company:  Earthlink


Lawsuits allege Reed E. Slatkin bilked friends out of $35 million. SEC is also conducting an investigation.

Investors are accusing Reed E. Slatkin, a co-founder of the giant Internet service provider EarthLink Inc., of operating a Ponzi scheme that may have resulted in the loss of least $35 million of their funds.
Link Posted: 5/2/2001 8:41:50 AM EDT
Don't you know if someone succeeds and does well, it had to be crooked somehow.  Look at the Clinton DOJ going after Bill Gates.

Also, investors think they should never lose money.  If they do, it must be someone else's fault because they never make a bad investment decision.  It is easy to point fingers at someone who is doing well.
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