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Posted: 1/27/2009 2:18:14 PM EDT
Sitting in an American History  survey course, a student gave a power point presentation and while speaking of  FDR's New Deal, they had a picture of Teddy Roosevelt?

Would it be better to contain your laughter or just simply choke the life out of the student for not even listening for that last few weeks?
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 2:19:32 PM EDT
Bully for them.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 2:20:26 PM EDT
I'm voting for laughter and ridicule.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 2:21:36 PM EDT
Sitting in an American History  survey course, a student gave a power point presentation and while speaking of  FDR's New Deal, they had a picture of Teddy Roosevelt?

Would it be better to contain your laughter or just simply choke the life of the student for not even listening for that last few weeks?

Sounds like Joe "gaffemaster" Biden was tutoring.......
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 2:21:46 PM EDT
No way would I put up with half the shit these kids come up with these days. At least your student is just ignorant not violent or disrespectful. Correct him and send him on his way.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 2:21:47 PM EDT
Choke? No.

Laugh? Maybe.

Say "I'll see you after class you dolt"? Yes.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 2:23:47 PM EDT
Choking is not allowed however public humiliation is a good idea.

0 for effort.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 2:42:49 PM EDT
Put the incident on Youtube.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 2:47:10 PM EDT
Didn't Teddy push FDR up San Juan Hill in his wheelchair?
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 2:50:11 PM EDT
Didn't Teddy push FDR up San Juan Hill in his wheelchair?

No, he pushed him down.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 2:51:05 PM EDT
Didn't Teddy push FDR up San Juan Hill in his wheelchair?

During the Korean War. You are correct.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 2:52:09 PM EDT
Sitting in an American History  survey course, a student gave a power point presentation and while speaking of  FDR's New Deal, they had a picture of Teddy Roosevelt?

Would it be better to contain your laughter or just simply choke the life of the student for not even listening for that last few weeks?

You'd pretty much have to correct them on the spot, lest that be the one moment that the rest of the Democrats were paying attention in class.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 2:52:38 PM EDT
They get an F.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 2:52:52 PM EDT
I'm voting for laughter and ridicule.

Link Posted: 1/27/2009 2:54:04 PM EDT
Heres another vote for public Humiliation!
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 2:56:33 PM EDT
The impression I get is that students nowadays need much more ridicule than they're getting.  So I'm going to vote for a big dose of vitamin R.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 2:57:00 PM EDT
Teddy actually had something called the "fair deal" that was similar.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 3:12:21 PM EDT
Sitting in an American History  survey course, a student gave a power point presentation and while speaking of  FDR's New Deal, they had a picture of Teddy Roosevelt?

Would it be better to contain your laughter

Why would I do that?  I'd laugh long and loud.  The word "dumbass" would be heard at least twice.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 3:12:43 PM EDT
I didn't read the OP, but I guess it depends.  Is she hot?  Is she asking you to do it?  If it turns her on, hell yes.

Link Posted: 1/27/2009 3:13:31 PM EDT
Depends if she could swallow, If she could, then no.

We are talking college right?
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 3:15:12 PM EDT
Yell "You're doing it wrong" as discreetly as possible.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 3:57:49 PM EDT
I'm voting for laughter and ridicule.

Don't forget to add the "Nelson" finger pointing too!    
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 4:02:28 PM EDT
Chuck Barris had the answer: GONG!
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 4:06:27 PM EDT
as my Spanish teacher in high school said, "el eff-ay"
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 4:34:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 5:04:20 PM EDT
"Walk Softly up to them with a big stick"....and beat their damn brains in with it!!!
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 5:08:10 PM EDT
Cut them a break, it was the 1st match they got when theygoogled Rosavelt
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 5:10:12 PM EDT
Smile politely and fail them.
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