Hi everybody, Ive been watching the news recently and listening to all of the findings on the VT shooting. when I first heard about it on monday, I thought, " Oh my God, another Columbine." well, turns out that the shooter was alone. But still, It is a very tragic thing that occured. Now to get to what I was going to say. What the bloody hell happend. this could have been stopped. 32 people DID NOT have to die. I looked up on Virginia's gun laws and guess what? no guns on campus. (even though recently legislature has been pushing the issue to allow guns on campus). I have noticed (and Im sure I'm not the only one) that school shootings only happen in states that lean more towards the liberal side when it comes to gun control. Take for instance a kid in a southern Mississippi high school a few years ago showed up in class packing a handgun. He managed to pop off a few rounds but didn't cause any fatal injuries thanks to a TEACHER that went to his car and grabbed his CCW and put an end to that masquerade. things like that just dont happen in states with a conservative view on gun control, mainly states in the southern region of this great US of A. Now, I have one more rant if you dont mind. What the hell were the cops doing?? In the news feeds, I saw them hiding behind trees and walls and running around with their 20 in. AR's and pretty much nothing to stop this psychopath. There where 2, count em, 2 SEPERATE shootings 2 hours apart. ??????????. what were the troopers and the local county mounties and the campus police doing then?!?!? The gunman even had time to make a video and write a 1400 word letter to ABC, AND HAD TIME TO MAIL IT! I think we all should've learned that quick responce is the best way to take control of ANY emergency situation, ecspecially since Columbine. This also is going to be a big issue in the '08 elections concerning gun bans. I can almost guarantee that 10 rd mags will be brought back. go on google and look up House Resolution #1022 otherwise known as the gun ban bill. Im not going to go details but it lists EVERYTHING. And since this is all coming to you through an employee of the local gun shop, this scares me twice as much. Well I hope you enjoyed listening to me letting off some steem and I hope you agree with my views. My deepest sympathy and all my prayers go out to the victims and families of both the VT Shooting And Columbine. God Bless America.