First off don't try to game the system, it has too many variables.
Second, you have much bigger things to worry about duty station....really. In the end the Army will take a look at your top preferences and then....send you where they need you. Remember just b/c you're a DMG or even #1 out of your class does not mean you're going to go to your first pick. The Army simply can't just send all the top performing guys to Vicenza while the bottom 10% always go to FT Bliss. They will break every one down and from each group send one to each place so they get a more even dispersal. Now if you are at the top it does help your chances.
Instead start prepping physically and mentally for Ranger school and if your going to game anything try to manage your time line so you hit a unit thats about to deploy to Afghanistan (light or airborne unit) - after all that should be your goal, to deploy with your PLT. As an infantry PL you earn your money in the field and in combat You sure as hell don't want to go to Iraq, shit's slowing wayyyyy down, and you will just sit on your ass or train dirty, lazy IA.
Finally, if your going to worry about anything worry about being a good PL. There's not a whole lot you can do now with refining your leadership style, its something that will just come in time and practice. Do some professional reading (as much as I hate that phrase) such as Once an Eagle and Once a Warrior King just to name two.
Good luck.
This is some damn good advise IMO. For some perspective I'm an Infantry PL at Bragg.
I tried to game the system. I picked Bragg in Early 2009 knowing that a brigade would deploy some time in late 2010/early 2011. I got to the right Brigade, got an infantry platoon...and we're going to Iraq...so I lose. If I had picked Carson or Germany (2 heavyish units) I'd be slaying Talibs right now. That said, I'm not coming from the ROTC background so I don't know how you guys really roll.
As for Ranger School...Any unit i would voluntarily go to requires its PLs to be tabbed...I had a infantry type buddy that didn't tab at Hood...they gave him an Abrams platoon. That said, if you play well with others, are moderately fit, and aren't a bitch, Ranger isn't that terrible.
Yeah, worry about being a good PL. IBOLC is great at teaching you how to pass ranger school...not so great at teaching you how to be a PL (So I hear...I never went). Everyone teaches that you should go into your platoon and follow your PSG's lead. That's a great theory, but it all falls apart when your PSG sucks. My advise is not to be a douche bag, ask lots of questions, and don't be afraid to raise the BS flag.
Oh yeah, and live in Southern Pines.