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Posted: 12/18/2016 7:33:15 PM EDT
So I've been lurking here since about 2005. Found out about this place from one of the brothers that founded Griffin Armament. We were in Sammara together. (Austin, if you see this I was in 1st platoon) In 2011 I apparently registered here before crawling back out of the basement and completely forgetting about it. Went through my old email today and found a message from ar15.com with a temporary password and I thought, screw it, GD is cheap entertainment so here I am. So this is how the world works. Real chili has beans. 1911's are cool but Glock 19's are made for winning. Trump is going to Make America Great Again but he is wrong on one point. No, we won't ever get tired of winning.

Oh and rules. Here is the latest lady.

Link Posted: 12/18/2016 7:34:57 PM EDT
New old guy knows the rules
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 7:37:32 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 7:38:41 PM EDT
Is she in the basement too?

Aloha, Mark
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 7:40:02 PM EDT
So I've been lurking here since about 2005. Found out about this place from one of the brothers that founded Griffin Armament. We were in Sammara together. (Austin, if you see this I was in 1st platoon) In 2011 I apparently registered here before crawling back out of the basement and completely forgetting about it. Went through my old email today and found a message from ar15.com with a temporary password and I thought, screw it, GD is cheap entertainment so here I am. So this is how the world works. Real chili has beans. 1911's are cool but Glock 19's are made for winning. Trump is going to Make America Great Again but he is wrong on one point. No, we won't ever get tired of winning.

Oh and rules. Here is the latest lady.
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Link Posted: 12/18/2016 7:42:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 7:43:18 PM EDT
She's a bad influence. We go through a lot of whiskey together. But hey, it's Wisconsin.
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 7:52:46 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 12/18/2016 7:56:49 PM EDT
So, in other words, your real account got banned and you have to use your back up account you've had since 2011?
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 8:03:28 PM EDT
Welcome back!
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 8:16:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 8:20:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 8:23:38 PM EDT

Welcome to ARFcom. Your stay will be painful.
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 8:24:50 PM EDT
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So, in other words, your real account got banned and you have to use your back up account you've had since 2011?
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Sounds like someone with experience talking.
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 8:26:40 PM EDT
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Welcome to ARFcom. Your stay will be painful.
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Meh, I've seen the worst you guys do to each other. I like to think my skin is pretty thick.
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 8:32:46 PM EDT

You must keep you basement heat high.   It was a bit chilly here today, and your lady is wearing shorts.  This not a complaint.

Welcome new old timer.
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 8:36:11 PM EDT
I lurked here probably about a year or two before I ever became a member.

Told myself to stay away from here, it would cost me money.

Then I joined and thought I got this, no worries.

Then I became a paying member.

This place and my wak mindedness so far has cost me thousands.

Actually, I think it's been worth every penny.

Link Posted: 12/18/2016 8:42:36 PM EDT
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You must keep you basement heat high.   It was a bit chilly here today, and your lady is wearing shorts.  This not a complaint.

Welcome new old timer.
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Thanks. That pic was from a couple months ago at a bar though. We do get out of the basement on occasion.
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 8:52:25 PM EDT
Great intro OP and welcome from the Peach State.
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 9:09:15 PM EDT
Welcome old new guy.
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 10:00:40 PM EDT
Celebrate that you are not a 13'er!!!!
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 10:33:45 PM EDT
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Celebrate that you are not a 13'er!!!!
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Ha, that's why I hadn't joined in the last several years. That "teener" stigma. (I know I'm still going to get the old, join date/ post count treatment but that's part of the game.)
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 10:35:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 11:36:32 PM EDT
Did I make it?
Link Posted: 12/19/2016 12:02:33 AM EDT
So I've been lurking here since about 2005. Found out about this place from one of the brothers that founded Griffin Armament. We were in Sammara together. (Austin, if you see this I was in 1st platoon) In 2011 I apparently registered here before crawling back out of the basement and completely forgetting about it. Went through my old email today and found a message from ar15.com with a temporary password and I thought, screw it, GD is cheap entertainment so here I am. So this is how the world works. Real chili has beans. 1911's are cool but Glock 19's are made for winning. Trump is going to Make America Great Again but he is wrong on one point. No, we won't ever get tired of winning.

Oh and rules. Here is the latest lady.
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btw, when you are done with your latest lady can you send her my way.

Link Posted: 12/19/2016 12:26:40 AM EDT
In on one?


Oompa loompa doompety da
If you're not greedy, you will go far
You will live in happiness too
Like the Oompa Loompa Doompety do
Doompety do
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