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Posted: 12/31/2006 7:19:18 AM EDT
Does anyone taste differences on brands of coffee.  I do not know if it is me or not but I do not.  I get whatever is cheaper at that time and to me it tastes the same unless you add some espresso beans to it then it has a difference in taste.

Favoured coffee I do taste the flavour from Hazelnut or French Vanilla.  I am talking about standard coffee.

Am I just odd or not as in tune with the coffee as others.  I drink 6 cups a day and only add equal to it.  
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:30:50 AM EDT
I have a "subscription" ( if that's the proper word for it) to Gevalia coffee.

I can tell a distinct difference between their French Roast and say Maxwell House French Roast.  The Gevalia is quite a bit smoother to me.

The 8 O'Clock brand coffee, no matter which roast, seems bitter to me.

I refuse to drink instant coffee.  I bring my own coffee and pot when I vist my father.  All he drinks is Taster's Choice instant.

However, I've been called a "coffee snob" by more than one person so YMMV.  
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:31:59 AM EDT
I'm not a coffee connoisseur but I can absolutely taste the difference between a cheap Robusta coffee vs a good Arabica coffee.

I can not stand the cheap stuff.  I won't even drink the free stuff they offer us at work.
I also can not stand to drink any of that flavored stuff - no way!

I prefer a plain old fresh ground cup of regular black coffee.
I have my own coffee maker in my office and brew my own fresh ground.

I do like different bean styles, mainly either Columbian, Sumatra, or French/Italian Roast.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:40:10 AM EDT
I can taste the difference between Folgers and Hills Bros.  Folgers sucks.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:42:04 AM EDT
I hate starbucks. Their coffee tastes like shit and is overpriced. Took one sip and dumped it in the street. I prefer Dunkin Donuts, Tim Hortons, and Burger king coffee. Like it black with nothing in it, the way God intended.

The coffee at work is a LIQUID CONCENTRATE. It is HORRIBLE.

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:44:22 AM EDT
If you really want to taste the difference in coffee, use a french press. You'll never go back to drip coffee makers after that.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:44:44 AM EDT
My girlfriend says she can tell the diference..I dont drink enough coffee to know...I drink Chai....no Im not metro.....or gay.....

she says its the same as comparing coke and pepsi...if you are a "coffee drinker"
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:47:10 AM EDT
Don't like all that fancy stuff but Maxwell House regular is the best.  Just straight coffee no sugar or cream.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:48:14 AM EDT
Not to be a coffee snob, but I know a lot about coffee.  When it comes down to it, the best coffee is whatever you like the best.

It could be a cheap Brazilian bean that Maxwell & Folgers uses or Starbucks.  It's whatever you enjoy.  Starbucks uses quite a bit of robustas with their central and south American beans.  Robustas are sorta like chicory.  A cheap extender.

My favorite is Kona Extra Fancy or Fancy.  Followed by Columbian Supremo or Excelso.

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 7:51:17 AM EDT
Try this link:


the Roasted Kenya AA is awesome....with shipping it is still cheaper than some others i have tried ...and better...

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 8:10:44 AM EDT
My wife and I usually opt for opt for Folgers or Maxwell house for our daily caffeine fix. Mainly as a convience and a time saver, not because its all that great or anything. But when we want a really good cup of coffee, I break out the old metal percolator and make it in that. She sometimes drinks the flavored stuff, but I won't touch it. I take mine black. Another thing i've noticed is that some of the restaurants that use those Bunn industrial-size coffee makers have some very good coffee. I like those old heavy ceramic mugs they serve it in also.
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