Working on my DVD/CD's today, mostly collecting the latter from their spill over, just boxing them, thinking what I can do to put them in some kind of usable order, use.
I suppose it's me, just the way I am. Both from having a natural interest for data and then working in the computer industry, so it's like being in the candy store at all the data that is available.
But, there are at least three risks. First of all, despite the availability of data and rapid downloads, somewhere, there is always a bottleneck. In my case, it's sorting it so it is accessible and useful. Secondly, great down load speeds, cheap media feeds the more, more, more addiction. And then, storage systems for the disks tends to change rapidly. The drawer cabinets that were available a year or two ago are no longer (or expensive at someone's overstock). I make do with what is now, what is affordable, but it is a mix match of a collection.
I am not the only one buying spindles of the things, so there have to be other people out there. Are there others like that here? What do you do? it just a constant stream of people, from early data addicts to eventually losing our marbles and being warehoused, stored, in some asylum somewhere?
("But think about it. What if you could write an equation based on flips of a coin to predict things in the universe. Do you know what you would have?"––The Doctor
"YES! You would have an equation as big as the universe and you would need a computer just as big to handle it!"––Romana II, (w,stte), Dr. Who "Warrior's Gate")