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Posted: 4/21/2007 5:03:39 PM EDT
Well I went to the Austin gunshow. The show was bigger than usual. Rifles were over priced but handguns were very reasonable in price.

But one observation was the amount of people signing up for CHL. Usually each instructor(ave. about 6 per show) has plenty of opennings. Today there was 10 to 12 instructors(most sell fire arms) and each had 7 to 10 people in line signing up for the course. One instructer I know holds a course 2 time a month, she is filled till october. That is 20 people per course.

Oh I got 200rounds of 223 for 40bucks. Going back sunday for more.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 5:33:53 PM EDT
I didn't think they would allow a gun show in that Commie shithole. Austin is the Berkley of Texas.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 6:12:53 PM EDT
It may be the Berkley of Texas but there are a lot, a lot, of gunowners around Austin, even a lot of Libs. The show ain't great but it's there every month and sometimes a deal can be found. I've usually found the handgun prices from a couple of the dealers to be as low as anywhere on the internet. Glad to hear Central Texas folks are signing up for CCW. The more there are the better for our cause and an even safer state to live in.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 6:15:15 PM EDT
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