It's a good time to teach him consequences...Unfortunately, they may suspend him at the school. If he's anything like I was as a kid, that will be a frick'n reward. Im suspicious w/ apologies (did a 5 yr tour as in social work hell), because chances are, if he is sorry, he's sorry he got caught. Corporal punishment worked well as a behavior modification technique w/ me as a kid.....but it doesn't work well with all young'uns. If he understands that adults are incharge, and he is not on equal grounds with adults, I'd have him fess up and I'd whip his ass with a switch he picked out(tell him prior that if doesnt pick out a sufficiant size switch he' ll get more lashes if you have to pick it), take all his toys for 2 weeks and no tv for a month and labor around the house 8 hrs on saturday for 2 weeks.
This would never wash.....but having the teacher spit in his drink and make him drink it and hold it down is the most fitting.
People will probably flame me for saying that, but a 9 yr old knows that what he did was wrong....unless his IQ is 60(which I doubt)
sorry to hear he comes from such a screwed history. He is very fortunate to have good folk in his life now...some never do.
I've dealt with kids that were not held accountable for thier actions during their youth and they grow up to have miserable adulthoods...because, at age 18, unless you are a Kennedy, a famous actor or a superstar athlete, the system will dole out consequences..
Oh, and any chance you get, give praise and reward positive behaivor...I am in no way suggesting you don't already do that.
Good luck.
end rant.
ps; I gave up social work because 99% of the idiots I worked with didnt understand that a childs poor rearing/past or current home life is not an EXCUSE for their negative behavior, just an explanation. And, I only personally witnessed an approximate 10% success rate when dealing with "high risk" youth, whisch I believe is largely due to bleeding heart positions of child rearing.
okay....end rant, for real.