I know this has been mentioned a few other times. But the ATF really can get under my skin. During their current proposed study on shotguns these features are what they want or will ban from shotguns.
(1) Folding, telescoping, or collapsible stocks;
(2) bayonet lugs;
(3) flash suppressors;
(4) magazines over 5 rounds, or a drum magazine;
(5) grenade-launcher mounts;
(6) integrated rail systems (other than on top of the receiver or barrel);
(7) light enhancing devices;
(8) excessive weight (greater than 10 pounds for 12 gauge or smaller);
(9) excessive bulk (greater than 3 inches in width and/or greater than 4 inches in depth);
(10) forward pistol grips or other protruding parts designed or used for gripping the
shotgun with the shooter’s extended hand
ATF definition of "sprorting purposes" the working group recognized hunting and other more generally recognized or formalized competitive events
similar to the traditional shooting sports of trap, skeet, and clays.
I haven't seen anything mentioned its our right for self defense. Just because the ATF does some study they try to legitmize all their future actions.