Range bag, Bucket Boss gate mouth tool bag, size Large
sharpie markers, pens, staples, staple gun, ruptured case extractors in 5.56 and 7.62, ziploc bag of disposable ear plugs, Dillon electronic muffs, AR15 stripper clip tool, military mag pouches with loaded mags, quart size ziplocks for brass, military cleaning kit for M16 with pistol rod and brush too. .45 1911 mags, a brick of .22 shells, an M1 sling.
I also carry a large tackle box that is my cleaning kit that has a buttload of stuff. sinclair AR15 cleaning guide, M1 garand cleaning rod guide, M14/M1a guide, bolt roller greaser, solvents (shooters choice, sc leadout, hoppes #9), tetra and rig grease, m16 cleaning rod kit, m14 kit, m3a combo tool, screwdrivers, remington bolt disassembly tool, brushes for everything, hoppes rod, generic cleaning rod guides, patches, dewey jags, pipe cleaners. pliers, allen wrenches, 1911 bushing tool, M14 gas cyl wrench
If I don't bring the tackle box o stuff I always seem to want something in it. I usually bring it anyhow as I like to clean the guns right at the range to reduce fumes in the house.