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AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 11/25/2014 11:19:55 AM EDT
http://www.bushmaster.com/firearms/MOE_series.asp - model 90990

Anyone have experience with either of these two?
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 12:33:55 PM EDT
My first AR was a older Bushy that never failed me not one time, and this was after thousands and thousands of rounds. I have had several through the years and they all ran as they should. However I have no first hand knowledge of the newer rifles. I have read some negative, but nothing concrete. A Google search may provide more info.  With prices as low as they are there are Mil Spec rifles that can be had for a few bucks more, heck if you go with PSA you may even save a few.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 1:16:55 PM EDT
I suggest you look at the history of Bushmaster. The people that made bushmaster famous for quality and reliability  are no longer producing bushmaster rifles. Remingtion and the freedom group have taken control of bushmaster, marlin, dpms and others. The folks that made bushy famous are still producing rifles that I and many others believe are superior in quality to the new remington bushmasters.

Lifetime transferable warranty and excellent customer service

Windham Weaponry
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 1:24:24 PM EDT
And the next inevitable "Bushy any good?" thread is born. And this time even while another thread is still alive and well.

Carry on.
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 2:08:58 PM EDT
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And the next inevitable "Bushy any good?" thread is born. And this time even while another thread is still alive and well.

Carry on.
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He's asking about a New for 2014 specific model.  Isn't that what this forum if for?  

OP I don't have any info on those models.......
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 10:09:38 PM EDT
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He's asking about a New for 2014 specific model.  Isn't that what this forum if for?  

OP I don't have any info on those models.......
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And the next inevitable "Bushy any good?" thread is born. And this time even while another thread is still alive and well.

Carry on.

He's asking about a New for 2014 specific model.  Isn't that what this forum if for?  

OP I don't have any info on those models.......

Upon review, your absolutely right. My bad.
Link Posted: 11/27/2014 12:21:44 PM EDT
I don't have any experience with the full rifles but I did order a couple sets of the bushmaster uppers/BCGs and lowers during the Brownells sale. I can let you know what I think of the quality once I recieve them (if brownells ever ships).
Link Posted: 11/27/2014 1:11:14 PM EDT
I just took possession of a different Bushmaster. It is a optics ready carbine.  I have only 150 to 175 rounds through it and so fr everything works great.  No FTF, FTE and overall accuracy is what I expected for this carbine.  Just talking cash (not listing trade again) he had it for $500.00 out the door and it also had a $50.00 factory rebate.  I figure $450.00 for an assembled basic carbine is cheap in itself but it is to me very capable of doing what I need it to do.

Lead Foot
Link Posted: 11/28/2014 11:48:30 AM EDT
I owned a Bushmaster years ago and was quite happy with it.   Sold it to pay some expenses and although it was right decision it I wished that I didn't need to do it.   A few months ago I decided to replace it and started doing research.  I heard a lot of grumbling about recent  Bushmasters but specific first hand accounts of issues were very difficult to locate.   So I gave them a chance and purchased an XM15E series rifle.   I have regretted it ever since.  Purchased a rifle in early October and the rifle manufactured date was Aug 2014.  Rifle left the factory with obvious issues and someone noticed it before it ended up in my hands.   RMA process has been filled with little problems and inconsistent communication.  They have had the rifle since early October and I still don't have it back.   Disclaimer:  I tend not to be a patient person.  I firmly believe that Bushmaster is not the company that they used to be and it will take a massive amount of positive reports before I will try them again.   And for the record, my experiences with this has affected my perception of Remington as well.   I cannot help but see obvious overlaps between the two companies now.    

I understand that my post count is low , my join date is recent, and that  will affect the perception reliability of the information that I provide.  I can provide specific information if there is value in doing so.   I would probably start a new thread to avoid the possibility of derailing this one.
Link Posted: 11/28/2014 1:05:55 PM EDT
Got my first Bushie back in '89, added another in 1990, and got my last in 2005.  Two of the three had to go back to Wyndam right away quick.  After being sorted out they've been all you could ask for.   Can't say I'd recommend them for everyone, but under the right circumstances, .....go for it.  
Link Posted: 11/28/2014 6:53:44 PM EDT
Windham is the old Bushmaster employees.  Some say Windham makes a better AR others like the Bushmaster name and logo.  For me their both six to one and a half a dozen of the other.
Link Posted: 11/28/2014 8:49:06 PM EDT
http://www.bushmaster.com/firearms/MOE_series.asp - model 90990

Anyone have experience with either of these two?
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      don't do it, bushmaster is one of the bottom of the barrel ar's.

    go with a BCM, colt or DD
Link Posted: 11/28/2014 9:04:53 PM EDT
I have had a shit ton of various Bushys through the years and they were all great.
Today I still have a 20" 1/7 A4 clone Bushy and a "new" production M4 1/7 14.5" Bushy.
They hold their own very well with their Colt 6921 SOCOM and 6940 stable mates.
Link Posted: 11/28/2014 10:19:51 PM EDT
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      don't do it, bushmaster is one of the bottom of the barrel ar's.

    go with a BCM, colt or DD
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http://www.bushmaster.com/firearms/MOE_series.asp - model 90990

Anyone have experience with either of these two?

      don't do it, bushmaster is one of the bottom of the barrel ar's.

    go with a BCM, colt or DD

tell us about your experiences with bushys....do tell
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 4:57:24 AM EDT
I have a newer Bushmaster that i bought back in July. So far, i have put about 1200 rounds through it, and havent had a single issue or failure of any kind. Everything on the rifle is torqued and staked properly. The finish is not quite as nice as the older Bushmasters, but im not looking for a beauty queen, so that is ok with me. Like anything that is mass produced, you will have the occasional lemon to get out. Even the coveted Colts have had their share of them. But, more than likely, if you buy a new Bushmaster, you will probably be just fine.
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 7:17:53 AM EDT
I just recently bought a Bushmaster M4A3 Patrolman's Carbine (earlier this month).  It seems well made.  4150 Steel chromed barrel, BCG is chromed plated inside and gas key is staked well.
Upper and lower fit well together. I've only put 180 rounds thru it but there were no malfunctions.  Shot both .223 and 5.56 with no problem.  It was accurate right out of the box.  
Nothing wrong with my Bushmaster, I just wouldn't pay MSRP for one tho.  Mine had an MSRP of about $1200, but I got it for half that online and I have seen them for as little
as $549 after mail in rebate.

I'm not saying they are the best brand out there, but they are not the trash that many people (who have never even owned one) say they are.  
If you are looking for a good entry level AR, Bushmaster will fill the bill.  Just don't pay $1200 for one.
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 7:41:09 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 5:07:07 PM EDT
I got a recent A2 patrol rifle from Bushmaster.
Just put 150 flawless rounds through it.

Cannot testify to the accuracy. The rifle may be fine, but my 58-year old eyes with large glasses correction is not doing so well with iron sights.
It was windy, today, and the best I could so was a 3 inch group of 10 shots at 50 yards. Usinf the iron sight in the carrying handle.

Way too windy and gusty (25mph +/-) to attempt 100 yards.

Link Posted: 11/29/2014 5:18:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 5:31:02 PM EDT
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      don't do it, bushmaster is one of the bottom of the barrel ar's.

    go with a BCM, colt or DD
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http://www.bushmaster.com/firearms/MOE_series.asp - model 90990

Anyone have experience with either of these two?

      don't do it, bushmaster is one of the bottom of the barrel ar's.

    go with a BCM, colt or DD

Good advice on these companies. But I remember back in the day on this site when the question came up on "which brand to buy?" The answer was always ABC. Armalite, Bushmaster, Colt.
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 8:44:51 PM EDT
As some of you know, mass murderers seem to have an affinity for Bushmasters.  This has caused the news media to come to the odd conclusion that Bushmasters are the most powerful AR15 assault rifles.
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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