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User Panel

Account Registration

AR15.COM Bolt Face Logo

Status: New Account

You need to complete the basic form below to register. You may not use free mail providers for your registration, except GMAIL. (Yes, Gmail is accepted!) You can change your email address to any free service once you are registered.

Please take care in selecting an appropriate username. Once the account has been created, your username WILL NOT be changed. It is highly recommended that you do not use your real name.

IMPORTANT: By signing up for an account you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy, User Agreement, Usage Policy, and agree to adhere to our Code of Conduct.

Registration Form

8-20 Characters
Must include 1 letter and 1 number
* Email Address
* Confirm Email Address
State / Province
Thread Style
Sign up for Newsletter. (Firearm articles, product news, special deals, and free giveaways for subscribers!)
Forum Rules
I have read, and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct and the User Agreement.

Enter Image Code
Image Verification

Free Email Services

You MAY USE GMAIL for registrations, but other free mail services are not permitted due to the increased number of spammers and attacks. Any company, or paid internet provider email account will be acceptable, but services like AOL, Hotmail, and Yahoo will not. Once you are registered, you can elect to change your email address to any free service you wish to use.

VPN, Proxies, TOR

Registrations through proxy servers, VPNs, or TOR servers is not permitted. You can use the site through any proxy all day long, but if you register this way, your account will most likely be rejected.

Dealers / Companies

If you are a dealer or company representative signing up for an account, please keep in mind that the system will flag the account for an admin to review. Our policy is that we do not allow companies to advertise or sell without first setting up a Dealer or Industry Partner account, so your registration may be denied with instructions on how to proceed.

We typically review each company to ensure they are established or, at the least, have not had past issues and order problems. Our goal is to protect this community and ensure members have access to quality companies who care about their customer service. As such, we may decline to allow your company to sign up for an account. We understand this is not a simple process, but it exists because of people who have taken advantage of the community in the past. We will do what we can to protect our members and hope you understand.

Companies who fail to heed this, and are caught selling or advertising without a Dealer or Industry Partner account, will have their accounts suspended.

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