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Posted: 10/29/2006 3:18:26 PM EDT
Going to move forward on trying to get one, would anyone here be interested in going through this with me?  I have one friend who is on the fence about it so I thought I would ask my fellow Oregon Arfcom'ers.  I live in Eugene so if anyone around here is interested let me know.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 3:24:49 PM EDT
No, but I recommend OFA.  Sorry I already have mine.. for the last 10yrs
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 3:27:47 PM EDT
I did the class at the barons den with my wife.  It's a cake walk. It is very very easy.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 3:47:01 PM EDT

I did the class at the barons den with my wife.  It's a cake walk. It is very very easy.

Nice, that is where I plan to do it, I have not researched the process too much.  They are great over there, any reason it would be difficult to get?  Do you have to have special circumstances to get approved or anything?  Thanks for the info!
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 4:40:04 PM EDT
Oregon is a "shall issue" state.  That means as long as you pass the background check, take the required training, pay your fees to the sheriff's office and OSP, the sheriff must issue you a permit.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 4:41:53 PM EDT
No, it's a simple process. Take the class and get signed off. Then head down to your County Sheriff's office, and the Concealed Weapons Permit office (It maybe located somewhere else for you county).  They will have you fill out an application, then take multiple fingerprints, then take a picture. Then pay your $65 fee. In 45-60 days you will have your permit in hand(Assuming you pass the background check -ska-
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 7:22:50 PM EDT
I would recommend getting some actual defensive type training after you get you permit if you plan to carry.  We're lucky to have some good trainers within driving distance in the Valley here.  I haven't taken classes at the Baron's Den, but here they're great.  I've also trained with Jim Jacobe in Salem, great guy.  But do most of my training at OFA www.oregonfirearmsacademy.com

Link Posted: 10/29/2006 7:51:30 PM EDT
Great stuff, thanks for all the information.  Very helpful
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 8:20:04 AM EDT
Lane county is very laid back I've learned.  Between my CHL and 4 class III sign offs i've never seen/met/talked to the sheriff.  Go down, get printed, drop off the paperwork and wait a couple weeks.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 8:49:06 AM EDT

Lane county is very laid back I've learned.  Between my CHL and 4 class III sign offs i've never seen/met/talked to the sheriff.  Go down, get printed, drop off the paperwork and wait a couple weeks.

You mean you wait!?

Here, you get printed, meet the sheriff's appointee, xerox and mail all within a few blocks/same day.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 10:06:09 AM EDT


Lane county is very laid back I've learned.  Between my CHL and 4 class III sign offs i've never seen/met/talked to the sheriff.  Go down, get printed, drop off the paperwork and wait a couple weeks.

You mean you wait!?

Here, you get printed, meet the sheriff's appointee, xerox and mail all within a few blocks/same day.

Sheriff? Prints? What are things you speak of?
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 4:26:33 PM EDT
They don't print off the CHL right then!!!
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 12:36:36 PM EDT
You need 2 people to sign the app ass "caracter witness", they can't live at your address, or be related to you, that kinda sucked for me, because I don't know any people who are really gun people and I kinda wanted to be discreet about it, I ended up having a waitress and a cook at 2 restaurants I frequent sign it. I didn't want my fruit cake co-workers seeing it.

Anyways, after the class, after the 2 signatures, you take it to the lane county court house, if you stand and look at the big main entrance, you walk down the left side of the building and there's a door to the CHL office, go in (no weapons allowed) and give them the app., fill out more paperwork, pay them, have photo taken, go home and wait about 8 weeks. When the license comes, you need to sign the back with a permanent marker. Done.

When I did it, it was smooth, when my mother did it she got a bitch in the office that gave her trouble over some small discrepancys on the app.

Good luck.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 11:53:22 AM EDT
Thanks for the information, I am taking the class Sunday.  Hope you're staying busy, B
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