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Posted: 10/9/2006 4:17:17 PM EDT
Does anyone know anything about a range in Hernando? I heard that there is a range there but I haven't been able to find out anything about it? Any help would be appreciated.
Link Posted: 10/26/2006 7:22:58 PM EDT
No one?
Link Posted: 10/27/2006 12:04:53 PM EDT
Look back a couple of pages. There was some info on it.
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 6:49:07 PM EDT
I would be interested in this info too. I checked back over the three pages that are active and found nothing. Any help??
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 12:31:12 PM EDT
Hernando - Gail Bahr Range, Dairy Barn Rd, Hernando, MS 38671.
Phone: 662-429-6033
Facilities include: Pistol Silhouette, Archery
Range Access: Private

i think i read somewhere its only 25yards.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 12:42:53 PM EDT
I heard from a guy  yesterday about one in coldwater off smart/smith road but the one in hernando is small I went there last year couldnt find anybody and no one picked up when I called..
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:11:26 PM EDT
I search some more and found the following info. It was posted by jeep450 and LJ6798

Desoto Rifle & Pistol Club
226 Green T Blvd W
Hernando, MS 38632

(662) 429-6033

Pistol and Rifle Silohuette are not set up
200 yard rifle range
Smallbore 1st Sat of month
Sporting Rifle 3rd Sat of month
High Power 4th Sat of month

$75 Membership, $96 per year

Closed Nov 1 - March 1 for Hunting Season
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:13:03 PM EDT

I heard from a guy  yesterday about one in coldwater off smart/smith road but the one in hernando is small I went there last year couldnt find anybody and no one picked up when I called..

I would like some more info on the range in Coldwater.
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