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Posted: 7/23/2013 9:42:27 AM EDT
I daily carry a sig 229.  I have multiple bbls for it.  I don't plan on ever carrying it with the threaded 9mm bbl I have for it, only using that one when I want to run a can on it at the range.

Is this an aw? Should it be registered as one?  

What about the tacsol upper I have for my mkII?  I still have the original upper, but the tacsol is threaded.  It is a 1984 manufactured pistol.

Is this an aw? Should it be registered as one?

Link Posted: 7/23/2013 9:52:38 AM EDT
I daily carry a sig 229.  I have multiple bbls for it.  I don't plan on ever carrying it with the threaded 9mm bbl I have for it, only using that one when I want to run a can on it at the range.

Is this an aw? Should it be registered as one?  

What about the tacsol upper I have for my mkII?  I still have the original upper, but the tacsol is threaded.  It is a 1984 manufactured pistol.

Is this an aw? Should it be registered as one?

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The law is just so screwed up that there really isn't any right way to do it.  The only rule that can be relied upon is that "if it has a threaded barrel, it needs to be registered by January 1st".  I take that as being the same thing as "after January 1st, you cannot put a threaded barrel on it".

I'm in the same boat as you- I have a P226 with a threaded barrel for a YHM can.  What I did was that I registered the pistol as an AW and put "threaded barrel" in the UNIQUE FEATURES section.  That way I can legally use the threaded barrel and swap back to the standard barrel (which isn't illegal) when/if I go to the range.  I don't use it as a carry pistol though, so in your case you're either going to have to never put the threaded barrel in it (becuase you can't use AWs as carry pistols), or register it and get another gun as a carry pistol.

I know exactly why you use a SIG from 1986- those old West German guns are far and away better quality than the modern US made guns.  It's probably due to the fact that when it was made Germany was staring down the barrel of the combined forces of the Warsaw Pact so they needed to make sure the stuff they made would work.  You might want to consider getting a second one from that period and use that one as your carry piece.  No, you can't put the threaded barrel in the new one; the law ALSO says you can't use assault weapon parts on a gun you obtained after the law was signed into passage.

Wecome to gun control, Connecticut style.

Link Posted: 7/23/2013 10:14:22 AM EDT
I daily carry a sig 229.  I have multiple bbls for it.  I don't plan on ever carrying it with the threaded 9mm bbl I have for it, only using that one when I want to run a can on it at the range.

Is this an aw? Should it be registered as one?  
The pistol should be registered as an assault weapon. There is some debate about whether you could carry it with a traditional barrel.
What about the tacsol upper I have for my mkII?  I still have the original upper, but the tacsol is threaded.  It is a 1984 manufactured pistol.
The Tac Sol Ruger upper is the firearm, just like the Ruger factory upper is. The lower/ grip frame is an unrestricted part on the Ruger MK series pistols. Register it using the information for the Tac Sol upper on the registration.  
Is this an aw? Should it be registered as one?

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Link Posted: 7/23/2013 11:43:15 AM EDT
I have a P226 with slides/barrels for both .40 and 9mm, the latter of which has a threaded barrel for my silencer.

When I register it, do I put down "multiple calibers - threaded barrel" which would allow me to legally swap out both uppers?

Link Posted: 7/23/2013 1:09:35 PM EDT
Where does he say that the Sig was made in 1986?
Link Posted: 7/23/2013 2:21:00 PM EDT
Let me clarify, the sig is a late 90s build...

What I need clarification on, is if I register the sig as an aw, can I ever carry it as a ccw?  I wonder if I could etch the threaded 9mm bbl with a number and register that?  It's not a firearm, but I AM trying to comply without losing my favorite carry piece.
Link Posted: 7/23/2013 2:41:11 PM EDT
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Let me clarify, the sig is a late 90s build...

What I need clarification on, is if I register the sig as an aw, can I ever carry it as a ccw?  I wonder if I could etch the threaded 9mm bbl with a number and register that?  It's not a firearm, but I AM trying to comply without losing my favorite carry piece.
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No - you cannot carry the pistol once it has been registered as an AW even without the threaded barrel.  While I predict that a cop would not give you a hard time if you were caught carryin it with a non-threaded barrel, it is still a technical violation of the law.  This law is just that much of an ass.
Link Posted: 7/23/2013 3:31:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/23/2013 3:38:58 PM EDT
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Just imagine if you were carrying and used it in a self defense situation where you shot someone. Now imagine the newspaper headlines if they die. "victim killed by assault weapon while in a verbal disagreement that turned physical.

An assault weapon is an assault weapon.
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Let me clarify, the sig is a late 90s build...

What I need clarification on, is if I register the sig as an aw, can I ever carry it as a ccw?  I wonder if I could etch the threaded 9mm bbl with a number and register that?  It's not a firearm, but I AM trying to comply without losing my favorite carry piece.

No - you cannot carry the pistol once it has been registered as an AW even without the threaded barrel.  While I predict that a cop would not give you a hard time if you were caught carryin it with a non-threaded barrel, it is still a technical violation of the law.  This law is just that much of an ass.

Just imagine if you were carrying and used it in a self defense situation where you shot someone. Now imagine the newspaper headlines if they die. "victim killed by assault weapon while in a verbal disagreement that turned physical.

An assault weapon is an assault weapon.

Like an AR is a machine gun and a bb gun is a gun according to the media.

I, as a reasonable person, look to the relative experts (relative to CT) on this issue.... BATFE.  They say an NFA registered SBR is not an SBR when not configured as such and the parts for conversion are not in your immediate control.  Therefore a pistol, registered as an AW, is not an AW when not configured as such and the required feature to qualify it as an AW (threaded barrel) is not in your immediate control.
Link Posted: 7/23/2013 4:00:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/24/2013 7:22:05 AM EDT
It's all about how much time and money you have in dealing with the courts on carrying an AW concealed and/or having to use it.

I would think it's cheaper and easier to cough up the money and buy a "non AW" carry gun and keep the deadly registered as AW threaded barrel gun for range use.

Serialing the threaded barrel and registering just that sounds like a good idea but would the state accept it ??  The law does mention AW conversion parts.
Link Posted: 7/24/2013 7:25:10 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Hail Mary:
Serialing the threaded barrel and registering just that sounds like a good idea but would the state accept it ??  The law does mention AW conversion parts.
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No.  The law defines a pistol with a threaded barrel as an AW - not the threaded barrel alone.
Link Posted: 7/24/2013 8:00:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/24/2013 11:42:30 AM EDT
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I have a P226 with slides/barrels for both .40 and 9mm, the latter of which has a threaded barrel for my silencer.

When I register it, do I put down "multiple calibers - threaded barrel" which would allow me to legally swap out both uppers?

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That is about as good an entry as any.  The pistol is going to be tracked by the serial number, not the caliber.

If you're ever questioned by the police, tell them it isn't your fault that the assault weapon registry form was so retarded.
Link Posted: 7/24/2013 12:11:44 PM EDT
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Here is what the law states.

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Originally Posted By Hail Mary:
Serialing the threaded barrel and registering just that sounds like a good idea but would the state accept it ??  The law does mention AW conversion parts.

No.  The law defines a pistol with a threaded barrel as an AW - not the threaded barrel alone.

Here is what the law states.

(1) "Assault weapon" means:
(F) A part or combination of parts designed or intended to convert a firearm into an assault weapon, as defined in any provision of subparagraphs (B) to (E), inclusive, of this subdivision, or any combination of parts from which an assault weapon, as defined in any provision of subparagraphs (B) to (E), inclusive, of this subdivision, may be assembled if those parts are in the possession or under the control of the same person;

I get that but what are you going to do with the barrel itself that is of any use?  Once you put it into that pistol, it becomes an AW.  AW's need to be registered.  Once you register it, you cannot carry it.
Link Posted: 7/24/2013 1:07:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/24/2013 1:36:08 PM EDT
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But the law also states that the threaded barrel would be an AW on its own. What happens if you register a threaded barrel as an AW and then use it in a pistol that is also a registered AW?  Does that make it a double-AW?  What happens if you use it in a pistol that is not registered? The barrel is the AW and it is registered, right?  Did you now make a new AW?

Play along with me here,

1) Register the threaded barrel as an AW.
2) Add other features to the threaded barrel (such as a gun) when you want to use a silencer or flash hider on it.  After all, the barrel is a registered AW
3) Remove threaded barrel (the registered AW) and replace it with a non-threaded barrel when you want to carry the pistol.

Additional note:
The law prohibits carrying an AW "concealed from public view" so technically open carry would be a means of compliance, provided one is not in a place where possession of said AW is prohibited.
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But the law also states that the threaded barrel would be an AW on its own. What happens if you register a threaded barrel as an AW and then use it in a pistol that is also a registered AW?  Does that make it a double-AW?  What happens if you use it in a pistol that is not registered? The barrel is the AW and it is registered, right?  Did you now make a new AW?

Play along with me here,

1) Register the threaded barrel as an AW.
2) Add other features to the threaded barrel (such as a gun) when you want to use a silencer or flash hider on it.  After all, the barrel is a registered AW
3) Remove threaded barrel (the registered AW) and replace it with a non-threaded barrel when you want to carry the pistol.

Additional note:
The law prohibits carrying an AW "concealed from public view" so technically open carry would be a means of compliance, provided one is not in a place where possession of said AW is prohibited.

A couple of problems with your suggestion.
First - your emphasis of the law missed an important clause: "A part or combination of parts designed or intended to convert a firearm into an assault weapon, as defined in any provision of subparagraphs (B) to (E), inclusive, of this subdivision, or any combination of parts from which an assault weapon, as defined in any provision of subparagraphs (B) to (E), inclusive, of this subdivision, may be assembled if those parts are in the possession or under the control of the same person"

So if you have both a pistol and a threaded barrel for it in your possession then you are in possession of an AW and must register.  Of course this is absurd because let's say you own 2 Glock 19s but only 1 threaded barrel.  The law technically makes both of them AWs and both need to be registered even though only onw can hold the threaded barrel at any one time.  That answers 2 of your questions above: What happens if you use it in a pistol that is not registered?  Did you now make a new AW?  You can answer those in reverse order.  You have made a new AW but it became one the minute the law was signed and you had both parts in your possession.  If it is not registered, then you are in violation of the law.

Second, you cannot carry a pistol with a threaded barrel (i.e. and AW) open or concealed because general carry is not included in the list of 6 places an AW may be possessed:

(1) At that person's residence, place of business or other property owned by that person, or on property owned by another person with the owner's express permission;
(2) While on the premises of a target range of a public or private club or organization organized for the purpose of practicing shooting at targets;
(3) While on a target range which holds a regulatory or business license for the purpose of practicing shooting at that target range;
(4) While on the premises of a licensed shooting club;
(5) While attending any exhibition, display or educational project which is about firearms and which is sponsored by, conducted under the auspices of, or approved by a law enforcement agency or a nationally or state recognized entity that fosters proficiency in, or promotes education about, firearms; or
(6) While transporting the assault weapon between any of the places set forth in this subsection, or to any licensed gun dealer, as defined in subsection (d) of section 53-202f, as amended by this act, for servicing or repair pursuant to subsection (c) of section 53-202f, as amended by this act, provided the assault weapon is transported as required by section 53-202f, as amended by this act.
Link Posted: 7/24/2013 2:02:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/24/2013 2:04:59 PM EDT
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Second, you cannot carry a pistol with a threaded barrel (i.e. and AW) open or concealed because general carry is not included in the list of 6 places an AW may be possessed:
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Second, you cannot carry a pistol with a threaded barrel (i.e. and AW) open or concealed because general carry is not included in the list of 6 places an AW may be possessed:

Not quite true. You can "transport" the AW to any of the six places where an AW may be possessed...
(a) While transporting an assault weapon between any of the places set forth in subdivisions (1) to (6), inclusive, of subsection (f) of section 53-202d, as amended by public act 13-3, as amended by this act, no person shall carry a loaded assault weapon concealed from public view or knowingly have, in any motor vehicle owned, operated or occupied by such person (1) a loaded assault weapon, or (2) an unloaded assault weapon unless such weapon is kept in the trunk of such vehicle or in a case or other container which is inaccessible to the operator of such vehicle or any passenger in such vehicle. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to a member, inspector, officer or constable that possesses an assault weapon pursuant to subdivision (2) of subsection (b) of section 53-202c, as amended by public act 13-3, as amended by this act. Any person who violates the provisions of this subsection shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Link Posted: 7/25/2013 3:53:02 AM EDT
Pretty damned cumbersome, though.  While on the way to the range (or other allowed destination) with your evil "assault weapon", you must keep it uncovered (if loaded) on the way to your vehicle, then unload it before climbing in, the reload it once at your destination and out of the vehicle, where it once again can't be concealed.

This makes "carry" (as we usually define it) impractical for AWs.  Not quite impossible, but not really useful.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 5:23:55 AM EDT
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Pretty damned cumbersome, though.  While on the way to the range (or other allowed destination) with your evil "assault weapon", you must keep it uncovered (if loaded) on the way to your vehicle, then unload it before climbing in, the reload it once at your destination and out of the vehicle, where it once again can't be concealed.

This makes "carry" (as we usually define it) impractical for AWs.  Not quite impossible, but not really useful.
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Impractical maybe, but the way the law is worded, AW's can be carried in public to some extent. And such a method of open carry and being unloaded in car, is what people in Maine have to do if they don't have a valid Maine conceal carry permit.
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