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Posted: 12/7/2016 7:49:07 PM EDT
I've been hearing booms all day.  Since around 0500 this morning to just a few minutes ago.  Sometimes one, sometimes 2 or 3 after another and then another one, or more, or quiet for several minutes, then they start again.

I thought blasting at a quarry at first but they could have dug a hole to China by now if that's what it was.

When I was reloading in the garage some of them would jar the windows.

The dogs have been acting funny over it all day.  Pacing around the pen, stopping to sit down and look around instead of lying in the warm sun and taking a nap.

Curious, I am.  Anyone know what is going on?  Anyone else in the area hearing them?  I'm about 20 miles south of Richmond, west of Chester,  south of the courthouse.
Link Posted: 12/7/2016 11:17:21 PM EDT
Still going on.  Some of them makes the pictures on the wall rattle just a little bit.  Been going on at least 17 hours now.

The first one, this morning, I thought was a transformer blowing up somewhere and kept expecting the lights to go out.  Nothing happened except more booms a few seconds later.
Link Posted: 12/8/2016 4:39:29 AM EDT
Russian artillery?
Link Posted: 12/8/2016 8:14:03 AM EDT
The sound of freedom from ft picket?
Link Posted: 12/8/2016 9:45:18 AM EDT
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The sound of freedom from ft picket?
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Could be.  I've lived here for over 31 years, same house, never noticed anything like it before.  My nephew lives about 12 miles away (farther south and east) and they say it is rattling the stuff hanging on their walls.

Just curious.
Link Posted: 12/8/2016 5:51:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/8/2016 6:10:31 PM EDT
My son was there to qualify with the M2 a couple weeks ago.
Link Posted: 12/8/2016 11:56:23 PM EDT
I thought I was going crazy.

288 and hull here

kept hearing a low thunder sound
Link Posted: 12/18/2016 10:06:51 PM EDT
I was out cruising timber in Dinwiddie about 10 miles from Pickett and they were having a grand old time that day.  I always hope the ROs make sure the open end of the barrels are pointed the right way
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 5:09:46 PM EDT
They often move impact areas around on larger bases.

You may not hear them for years until the cloud cover (and thermals they represent) are in just the right position between the impact area and you location.

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