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Posted: 1/5/2003 3:26:50 PM EDT
Am I a nut for thinking a FAL chambered in .358Win would be Cool!  ???

(or a M1A or a AR10)

Link Posted: 1/5/2003 5:22:04 PM EDT
Don`t think there`s any real advantage over a 308.......
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 9:16:13 AM EDT
Maybe we are both nuts:  I'm a big fan of medium bores like the .35 Whelan, .350 Rem Mag., and the 9.3 x 62.  Balisticly the .358 Win. is their little brother.

The advantage over the .308 is:  I have yet to see a .308 that throws a 250 grain bullet at 2400-2500 fps.  Show me a .308 that does that and I'll agree there is no advantage.

Link Posted: 1/6/2003 10:01:55 AM EDT
I would buy a .358win bolt gun just to have everythign based off the 308 case
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 4:34:56 PM EDT

The advantage over the .308 is:  I have yet to see a .308 that throws a 250 grain bullet at 2400-2500 fps.  Show me a .308 that does that and I'll agree there is no advantage.

That's what I was thinking.  A bigger hole with a heavier bullet & more ft-lbs of energy.
Inside 200yrds it would be a nice cartridge.
After reading about cartridges like the .458SOCOM I was trying to think of a .308win variant for the FAL or M1A.
A 16-18" carbine for CQB would be lethal & no compromise on magazine capacity. I thought it would be easier to reload for too.
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