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Posted: 6/8/2011 10:43:25 AM EDT
I am looking for some of these.There was a site that had them and also sold ones that swiveled on a base.I cant remember the name of the site.I think it had county in the name but I cant come up with it in my searches.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks
Link Posted: 6/8/2011 10:49:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/8/2011 10:54:26 AM EDT
Thank you for the fast reply! I was trying comm with one m instead of two.
Link Posted: 6/8/2011 12:35:40 PM EDT
You're welcome.

County Comm and those LED lights are GTG. I just bought a few of those Contract ACU SO-LED's for our bug out bags.
Link Posted: 6/8/2011 12:49:30 PM EDT
Check out the Energizer one like this. http://www.amazon.com/Energizer-High-Keychain-Light-Modes/dp/B002NGAXNI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1307566058&sr=8-1

I've had it on my keychain for several months and since it's made of metal it actually holds up pretty well.  Cost was about $5 at Target.
Link Posted: 6/8/2011 2:56:52 PM EDT
The little keychain lights found at Countycomm (and other places online) are nice little lights.

I would like to point out that I have broken the little plastic retaining rings on several of these Countycomm lights just by them banging against the keys in my pockets. Metal retaining rings would be better..
Link Posted: 6/8/2011 10:27:48 PM EDT
Check out the ones at battery junction.  I happened to get one for free with an order and the thing is freakin awsome.  Cheap, rugged, and super bright!
Link Posted: 6/9/2011 1:28:27 AM EDT

I actually had one that I got free from them, but I ended up giving it to my Mom to put on her keys.

I really like how they have a built in hole in the bodies. It's far better (IMHO) than the frail plastic loop on these orange-bodied ones..
Link Posted: 6/9/2011 2:51:59 AM EDT
Check out the ones at battery junction.  I happened to get one for free with an order and the thing is freakin awsome.  Cheap, rugged, and super bright!

This!!!  Plus they are CHEAP!!  $.95 if I remember correctly and a replaceable battery.  Cannot be beat!
Link Posted: 6/9/2011 12:52:12 PM EDT
I really like these ones, very durable!

Streamlight Nano

Link Posted: 6/9/2011 3:15:17 PM EDT
I love my Fenix EO1 key chain light so much I bought a bunch of them and gave them to family members. They run on AAA batteries that can be found anywhere and you just turn the top to keep it on.

Link Posted: 6/11/2011 1:07:51 PM EDT
I really like these ones, very durable!

Streamlight Nano

That really is an incredible light!  I bought several and prefer the lithium cells it uses.
Link Posted: 6/14/2011 7:16:21 AM EDT
check out the Doug Ritter Photon Freedom Micro.


amzing light.  very bright.   you can control the brightness.  and the clip is very handy <much better than a key ring>
Link Posted: 6/21/2011 8:30:09 PM EDT
"Photon" is the name of the company that makes the good versions of that little light....
Link Posted: 6/22/2011 11:02:01 AM EDT
Just received the Photon Microlight II that I scooped up on Ebay. Best four bucks that I have ever spent on a light!

This one is going on the key lanyard inside my Spec-Ops Pocket Organizer.

I think need a few more to put in my other bags, packs, organizers, and car keys..  
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