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Posted: 4/29/2003 7:12:15 PM EDT
S&W 340PD, only 12 ounces. Not my pic as my camera sucks. I need a LOT of practice. Accuracy of first 25 rounds were not impressive. I shot on my luch break and didn't have enough time. I'm going to get serious tomorrow. But this baby is invisible in an IWB, and so light you don't know it's there.

Link Posted: 5/1/2003 8:42:46 PM EDT

Link Posted: 5/2/2003 6:26:22 AM EDT
Bless you my son!
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 7:01:11 PM EDT
I've trained over 900 people for CCW permits and I have yet to see anyone who can control one of these ultra light revolvers while using serious ammunition.
If you can't hit your intended target - repeatedly - what good it is the thing?
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 7:16:01 PM EDT
Ouch...my Airweight 642 HURTS with .38spl 158gr +P's...
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 7:48:41 AM EDT
If only he had gone to Arizona State University instead of Nogales Junction Community College, he would've known better...  

Link Posted: 5/10/2003 8:11:24 AM EDT

I've trained over 900 people for CCW permits and I have yet to see anyone who can control one of these ultra light revolvers while using serious ammunition.
If you can't hit your intended target - repeatedly - what good it is the thing?

I have been carrying this same revolver for the last couple months.  While I'll agree with you that it is a hard weapon for most to control for a larger guy like me its not too bad.  As part of my practice with it, I routinely use my full power Federal Hydrashock loads in it.  Then I supplement that with some standard power .38's in it for the extra trigger time.  I am confident with my ability to hit a silhouette target out to 15 yards center mass.  This weapon is meant as a light weight belly gun and is certainly not meant for lots of range time with full power loads.  However it is possible to handle it reliably.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 1:53:13 PM EDT
As an update, I downloaded to 38+P loads, and now I can nail plates all day at 25 yards. Was simply a matter of practice and dropping to the lighter load. 38+P in a JHP is plenty leathal at close range. In cooler weather I prefer .45, but in the Summer I like to be able to carry wearing shorts and a t-shirt without printing. If Matt Del Fatti ever gets my IWB made, I'll probably switch to my P7M8. But this revolver is a great option and again, with a little practice I am now comfortable trusting this little wheel gun. With this gun, a high grip is the key. And as for the other argument, what point is carrying CCW if you print? Many times I carry, I just do not want to print. I cant tell you how many times I've been to the store and seen bulging fanny packs or the grips of so called compacts sticking out of guys shirts. CCW means concealed.
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 11:02:07 AM EDT
I don't doubt that you can hit a silhouette at 15 yards, but can you do it quickly, and can you hit it a second time quickly. Try drawing from concealment and getting two hits in the upper center chest, all in under 2 seconds.  I haven't met anyone yet who can do that with magnum ammo in these super lights.
Since the vast majority of people who own these things shoot 38s, it kind of makes you wonder why S&W ever decided to chamber them in 357Mag.
My guess is it is the same reason we ended up with Bill Clinton as President - symbolism over substance. Having "357 Magnum" scribed on the side of the barrel just looks more powerful, even if you don't shoot it that way.
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 12:07:52 PM EDT
I am saving my pennies where I can for this exact gun for belt CCW here in hot, damp East Texas this summer.
Nice choice!
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 12:28:36 PM EDT


Since the vast majority of people who own these things shoot 38s, it kind of makes you wonder why S&W ever decided to chamber them in 357Mag.
My guess is it is the same reason we ended up with Bill Clinton as President - symbolism over substance. Having "357 Magnum" scribed on the side of the barrel just looks more powerful, even if you don't shoot it that way.

Here I agree with you. Had I known I would have just bought the .38 I figured being 6ft 3 and 250, I would have no problem. But I had a pretty sore hand after a box of .357 I'm very happy with .38+P though, and have no problem getting on target, 2 to center mass in a couple seconds.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:30:04 AM EDT
ID JUST USE IT EXCLUSIVLY WITH .38 SPECIAL LOADS PERIOD!!!!!id like to have one but their a bit pricey.i hadthe model 442 airweight at 15 oz. i wouldnt get anything lighter even shooting regular .38 spec.
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