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Page AR-15 » Build It Yourself
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 5/5/2004 9:23:57 PM EDT
I need a lower for my M4 build, anyone know where to get an Colt Lower?

Correct me if I'm wrong buy you can't buy a lower marked Colt M4 or M4?

Link Posted: 5/5/2004 11:01:13 PM EDT
Rguns sells some. I beleive they are marked "Colt Match Target HBAR". I have never seen any of the "Colt Match Target M4 Carbine" marked lowers for sale. Not saying they are not out there but I have never seen new ones for sale or been told where some may be. I have seen one pop up on the EE but I am sure it was parted out from a used Colt MT6400. I would love to have a Colt lower marked "M4 Carbine". If you run across any new ones pass the word.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 8:53:06 AM EDT
I'm looking for a colt too. Rguns.net doesn't seem to have any so I'm going to bump this back to page 1 and hope somebody else knows a place.

I wanted one of the LE ones but my FFL dragged his feet and they were all sold.

OH yea, I'm talking abut the M4 ones btw.

Soembody's got to have them
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 9:03:17 AM EDT
If you are a LEO, it shouldn't be hard for you.  Call Colt direct and talk with their LE department.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 9:33:40 AM EDT
Specialized Armament Warehouse

They have Match Target lowers in both Comp HBAR II($240) and M4 Carbine($275).  Their lowers also come with .250 push pins front and rear which you'll have a tough time finding from places like RGuns, Florida Gunworks, etc.  
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 12:12:52 PM EDT

Specialized Armament Warehouse

They have Match Target lowers in both Comp HBAR II($240) and M4 Carbine($275).  Their lowers also come with .250 push pins front and rear which you'll have a tough time finding from places like RGuns, Florida Gunworks, etc.  

I'm probably just losing my mind because I'm not seeing the M4Carbine lowers. Which section is it in?

Plus the .250s are the standard size right? I can never remember which ones are the diffenret size.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 12:17:28 PM EDT


Specialized Armament Warehouse

They have Match Target lowers in both Comp HBAR II($240) and M4 Carbine($275).  Their lowers also come with .250 push pins front and rear which you'll have a tough time finding from places like RGuns, Florida Gunworks, etc.  

I'm probably just losing my mind because I'm not seeing the M4Carbine lowers. Which section is it in?

Plus the .250s are the standard size right? I can never remember which ones are the diffenret size.

They're not listed on the site, but I have talked to Ken about them.  He has them both and, yes, .250 is mil-spec.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 12:17:50 PM EDT
275huh? I'll have to give them a call tomorrow.

Are the M4's all the lE stamped? All the FFL dealers I know are giving me hell about trying to get one of those.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 12:27:36 PM EDT
I'll need to talk to this Ken guy I take it? I guess it's either LE or pre-ban the way I'm understanding the way they did it.

But I could be wrong.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 12:29:11 PM EDT

I'll need to talk to this Ken guy I take it? I guess it's either LE or pre-ban the way I'm understanding the way they did it.

But I could be wrong.

Actually they're not LE or preban.  He has the Match Target M4 Carbine lowers used for the MT6400C that Colt is making now.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 12:34:57 PM EDT

Oh he shall get a phone call tomorrow.

Thanks for the info.
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 6:17:08 PM EDT
Wow, I read on the site that they could handle more emails than phone calls so I decided to send an email tonight instead of calling tomorrow and check when I got home. Anyway I checked for an email from somebody else after the Sopranos went off and Ken had already replied.... Late on a Sunday night.

That is service ladies and gents.  That right there IMO is a damn fine reason to give him business.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 1:10:55 PM EDT
Yea I just called and asked a few questions, 399.99 for the lower with colt inturnals but no stock. I'm stoked, Now I just have to talk to my FFL and place an order.

S.A.W. Was extreamly helpful, great people to talk to on the phone.

Once again thanks guys
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:02:56 PM EDT
Well that  first reply was easy, the follow up with purchase questions is two days and no response.. Looks like I'll have to give a call tomorrow afterall..
Page AR-15 » Build It Yourself
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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