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Page AR-15 » Build It Yourself
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 5/5/2003 8:42:56 AM EDT
Who has the best prices (shipping costs included) on Armalite uppers?  Seems like $500 is the going rate - even from the Armalite website.
This is the one I'm looking at:

This is the closest I can find to what I'm looking for.  I really wanted an A2-style brake, like J&T's Tac brake, but J&T don't offer mid-length handguards.  I'm assuming (since they don't say it) that J&T barrels are NOT chrome-lined.  Is that true?
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 8:09:43 PM EDT
J&T barrels are chro-moly and not chrome lined.  Jesse is working on getting some chrome lined barrels made up.  Check out the J&T section of the Industry forum for updates on the barrel situation.


Also, if you haven't already, check out [url]http://www.quanticoarms.com/[/url].  They have Armalite uppers, though the prices seem to start at $500 and go up.
Link Posted: 5/6/2003 12:09:06 AM EDT
Ummm... they have chrome-lined in 14.5".  They're working on getting chrome-line 20' barrels.

Link Posted: 5/6/2003 5:53:57 PM EDT
Currently J&T has chrome lined in the M-4 profile 16" both pre-ban and post-ban, it is a $50 upgrade and you can add the tac brake for $40 on a post-ban.
Page AR-15 » Build It Yourself
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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