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Posted: 1/6/2003 9:15:26 AM EDT
is it safe to buy a preban
from say sweden???
or would you be crazy
to do this?

Link Posted: 1/6/2003 9:32:30 AM EDT
I could be wrong on this but, I believe as long as the assualt weapons ban is in effect/active, that importation of a weapon defined as an assualt weapon (ie...pre-ban) would be illegal.

Link Posted: 1/6/2003 6:01:06 PM EDT
is it safe to buy a preban
from say sweden???
or would you be crazy
to do this?
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You'd have to Form 6 it and it would be denied.
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 6:33:16 PM EDT
How about buying parts from overseas, I saw an Russian AK-74 stock set on Ebay, Only thing that prevented me from bidding on it was that it would be shipped from the Russian republic. Is it legal to have stuff like that mailed into the country without having to get any special permits?
Link Posted: 1/6/2003 7:50:41 PM EDT
I am a GI in Germany, and have written the ATF about this. The short answer is no. Regardless of the country of manufacture, the weapon still must meet import regs. A preban AR is an assault weapon. Assault weapon is non importable. I had a fellow GI offer to sell me a pre-ban M-4orgery on a Colt Gov't carbine lower for $800 (we can reimport assault weapons that we brought here). Could not bring it back though.

Also, to my knowledge, Sweden doesnt allow military style guns. But Finland and Norway do.:)
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