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Posted: 4/11/2017 9:56:08 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Marksman1941]
Hi folks,

New to the forum. I've been shooting USPSA forever, but lately got into 3 gun and learned something vital; my belt falls off when I run. It's a 2 piece safariland belt, velcro inner/outer, but there's so much junk hanging off it the thing has no velcro contact anymore. The belt itself is relatively flexible too, so without velcro contact on the belly side it just separates from my beltline.

I know a person can change to ELS, but I'm wondering if there is a belt system that will work with the attachment points I have (safariland 771, Tek-Lok, and PLM). Do stiffer belts just rely on the back velcro to keep it attached to your body, and the front half just flops?

Here's what the inside of my belt looks like with a full load on it. Not much velcro left showing... Any thoughts? Thanks for the input.

Link Posted: 4/12/2017 1:12:30 AM EDT
You have a few options.

Switching to ELS will expose more of the Velcro.

Glue some Velcro (hook side) to the backside of your tekloks and other attachments to increase contact with your inner belt.

Switching to a different/stiffer belt may help some but, you will still have the lack of contact between the inner and outer belt problem unless you attach Velcro to the tekloks etc.
Link Posted: 4/12/2017 11:29:20 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By PatriotMRD:
You have a few options.

Switching to ELS will expose more of the Velcro.

Glue some Velcro (hook side) to the backside of your tekloks and other attachments to increase contact with your inner belt.

Switching to a different/stiffer belt may help some but, you will still have the lack of contact between the inner and outer belt problem unless you attach Velcro to the tekloks etc.
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You know I had not at all considered adding velcro patches to the back of my carriers. That is certainly the simplest solution. I'll still probably upgrade to a stiff belt (my 1911 mags flop a ton even when the belts are ziptied on) but the velcro patches would fix the rest of the problems I'm seeing. Thank you for the advice.

In terms of belt upgrades, it seems like a lot of folks run the CR Speed belts like this one https://cpwsa.com/collections/belts/products/cr-speed-ultra-competition-belt. I've found reviews for every belt under the sun, but as a noob to this gear i'm curious if there are any main things I need to watch for when looking for an upgrade. Obviously I need to make sure all my carriers fit on the belt, but beyond that?
Link Posted: 8/6/2017 5:24:25 AM EDT
Simple solution? Use belt keepers. A million cops use these to bind their inner belt to their outer belt. That, plus the stick-on velcro suggested earlier, should make everything rock solid.
Link Posted: 8/6/2017 5:44:22 AM EDT
belt keepers.

9 bucks on amazon
Link Posted: 8/11/2017 12:40:44 AM EDT
Carbon Arms belt ratchet kit Best $20 I've ever spent.
Link Posted: 8/22/2017 7:33:35 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By optimator:
Carbon Arms belt ratchet kit Best $20 I've ever spent.
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Might have to look at that.

OP: Get an ELS and attach everything but your holster with ELS plates that bolt on You will have more velcro than anything than attaches over the belt and should not go anywhere.
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