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Posted: 3/15/2001 5:39:01 AM EDT
Heard on my local news last night that out of Daley's gun control package only three bills advanced with the rest getting killed in committee.  From what it sounds like the ones that made it had to do with dealer licensing etc... (no mention of semi-auto or hi-cap bans!)
Does anybody know which bills made it and which didn't?  I can't find anything about this!
Link Posted: 3/15/2001 11:53:59 AM EDT
I found this information at the Chicago Tribune site:

Link Posted: 3/15/2001 12:25:43 PM EDT
"Only three bills in Daley's plan were forwarded to the full House, including legislation to allow the state police to set up a database that would collect information on every gun sold in the state. The committee also advanced a measure that would make it a felony to create or own a forged Firearm Owner's Identification Card, as well as a proposal requiring criminal background checks on buyers at gun shows."

Maybe only three passed, but the ones that did are extremely rotten.  Police knowing who owns a gun?  So they can know where to go when/if the times comes?  And what the heck is the Firearm Owner's Identification Card?  And what's its purpose?  Maybe it's different in IL, but in IN ya had to get a background check anyway.  Geesh.

I suppose this is a good thing, but I really don't feel all that great about it!!!!!
Link Posted: 3/15/2001 12:51:42 PM EDT
Thanks for the link ITB.  I couldn't find anything this morning.  Yeah, the database and background checks stink.  But they're not law yet!  
A foid card is required for Illinois residents to buy firearms and ammo.  Once upon a time you didn't need it for ammo.
Before all the instant background check stuff the FOID card made more sense.  Now it's kind of redundant.
Link Posted: 3/15/2001 1:02:54 PM EDT

Police knowing who owns a gun?  So they can know where to go when/if the times comes?  

You know I do my best to refrain from commenting on all the negative law enforcement sentiment on this forum, but the fact of the matter is there are a hell of alot of us that contribute to this forum in a positive manner.

I have yet to see the other LEO's blanket trash civilians here.

ARlady what makes you think that all State and Local police are going participate in seizing guns when/if the time comes?

I can hear the badges skipping across the floor now.

Hunter out...
Link Posted: 3/15/2001 5:38:13 PM EDT
Whoa there, dude!  I really don't think she was implying anything about individual LEO's, or a blanket statement either.

I'm sure we can all agree that in today's world, information is the weapon of choice.  The withholding (sp?) of vital information is really one of the last rights and freedoms we have left.  

{Mental Picture:  WWII movie with a German dude asking "Papers, please?"}

So it's no wonder, after all the anti-gun rhetoric that the gun community is being exposed to, that any effort to keep track of gun sales will be resisted.  Do you actually think that the criminal element will turn in records and receipts of gun purchases?  


The only protection the public has against the government is the privacy that we have--which is disappearing at an alarming rate.

The local police department is not the JBT.  Nor is every individual ATF agent.  Nor FBI.  But as soon as some power hungry upper-echelon SHMUCK gets a bug up his/her derierre, individual freedoms get trampled hard and fast.  That's when information is at it's premium.  If "they" know you have, "they" can come get it.  Whoever "they" may be.  So, if "they" don't know you have it, "they" can't use it against you.

No, I'm not paranoid, I'm just a realist.  We're a dying breed.  :)

Link Posted: 3/15/2001 5:53:12 PM EDT
Thanks BD9398, but MindHunter was absolutely right.  I was being an absolute asshole making blanket statements about something I know jackshit about.  I think all police are going to come storming to MY front door FIRST to take all three of my guns because I'm paranoid and think all LEOs are rotten to the core.

[rant off]

Actually, BD, you were right.  I was merely referring to the lack of privacy we citizens are suffering from.  And it's getting worse every day.  I merely meant by that comment that those who CHOSE to follow orders and confiscate wouldn't have very far to look in trying to find out where to go to get them.  Our rights are being eroded.  That's all I was getting in a fuss about. Relax.  I actually support LEOs, for the most part.
Link Posted: 3/15/2001 11:39:55 PM EDT
I just want you to know that out of all the LEO's I work with and know, none of them would take part in confiscating all firearms from otherwise law abiding citizens. Police Officers in my state swear to uphold the constitution.

I believe 110% that keeping and bearing firearms is a right and a responsibility of all Americans. That right has been paid for in blood and I take that very seriously.

I apologize if I came off hard about this topic and maybe I overeacted but I get excited when I think someone believes that just because a citizen is a cop or a soldier that they are the enemy. Again "when/if it comes to that" I think that the people will be surprised at who is standing beside them.

Hunter out...
Link Posted: 3/16/2001 9:22:04 AM EDT
maybe i'll be surprised at who's standing next to me, but there's always going to be somebody who will fill the confiscation role.  Even if it's not your buddies.

NO flame intended, just statement of fact.
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