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Posted: 3/5/2001 4:44:57 PM EDT
See it here:


If you see any suspicious activity, report it immediately!

- Robbie
Link Posted: 3/5/2001 11:32:06 PM EDT
(Here I go with my OWN mall ninja story)

THIS MORNIG, I heard a noise...I caught 2 of my AR 15's attempting to get my FN to get my car keys (shorty's, they couldnt reach them) they were gonna go on a horrid crime spree, BUT..my Glock woke me up and we putt the drop on em andsaved the day........


Link Posted: 3/6/2001 2:13:06 AM EDT
I once caught my Colt AR (not the Bushy, he knows better) trying to get "familiar" with my M1A, which is fine with me as interracial unions are cool in the PRK, but just as I was about to pull them apart, my HK Mark 23 beat me to it, bitch slapped them both, and stated there will be no such unions in this household! I thought I had Mr. HK trained in the ways of CA, but he's still not convinced those kinds of relationships can work. I guess he still retains vestiges of his Teutonic heritage.
Link Posted: 3/6/2001 2:54:37 AM EDT
Guns cause crime like Baby Diapers cause Poop to happen.
Link Posted: 3/6/2001 3:19:51 AM EDT
Crime causes guns!
Link Posted: 3/6/2001 8:39:39 AM EDT
Of course guns cause crime. Didn't you see what happened yesterday in Santa Ana, CA? Some gun got up that morning and decided it was going to kill someone. The gun would have started shooting earlier, but it had some stupid kid hanging on to the back of it slowing it down. It's weird, but there's always some idiot hanging on to the back of guns that kill  innocent people. Go figure....
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