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Posted: 8/14/2007 4:28:10 PM EDT
I was standing in line behind a lady in a convenience store today. She was buying lottery tickets. seemingly oblivious to the line of other people growing like a tail behind her. I suppose she figured it was still her turn at the cash register no matter how long it took her to fulfill her needs at that moment. So while every other person in line is glancing at each other like this is going to turn out to be some inane hidden camera show at any second.  She looks up and says a pack of cool lights and a pack of cards.
Over five minutes has now gone by with this one person at the front of the line, with not even the slightest acknowledgement of anyone behind her(6 of us).  The cashier is quietly complying with all of her request and begins to ring her up.  I think THANK GOD!!!! she has had enough.
Her total came to $37.50 when she produces a cigarette pack/wallet.  You know the kind with the lighter sleeve on the side.  She, in single crumpled up ones starts counting out 5 dollars and then pulls a crumpled 10 out, tosses it on the counter and looks at the lady and I KID YOU NOT!!!!!.   Asks if she can scratch off the tickets now to cover the rest.

Just to re-state this she wants to scratch off the tickets she has yet to pay for IN HOPES that she makes enough to pay for her purchase.

The cashier stares at her like she has just asked to go to the moon in a '79 Oldsmobile,  Stutters while saying "n-no ma'am, I, I, cant let you do that".    Seemingly frustrated, this woman pays for her smokes and cards and slowly....... hindenburges out the store.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS LADY. Is she retarded, does she have some twisted sense entitlement that makes her think this behavior is OK?

She pushed me to the boiling point, But I took it like thepolite little half-man that I am.  I did not say anything,  And the first thing i did when i got home was hop on here and whine like a little bitch to you guys.

Semper Fi
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 4:29:56 PM EDT
She does this because nobody says anything.

Suck it up.  You should have said to the cashier, "Excuse me, but could you take care of everyone else who's waiting patiently while she makes up her mind what she's going to do?"
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 4:31:06 PM EDT
The lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math. VERY bad at math.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 4:33:14 PM EDT
The percentage of self-absorbed assholes climbs every minute.

Concepts like "consideration", "manners" and "civility" got shitcanned years ago.

Why do you think I moved to a rural Montana town of ~900 from SoCal?  I got fed up dealing with inconsiderate morons every time I stepped outside my front door.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 4:33:24 PM EDT

She does this because nobody says anything.

Suck it up.  You should have said to the cashier, "Excuse me, but could you take care of everyone else who's waiting patiently while she makes up her mind what she's going to do?"


People don't call each other on rudeness and stupidity nowadays.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 4:33:44 PM EDT

Her total came to $37.50 when she produces a cigarette pack/wallet.  You know the kind with the lighter sleeve on the side.  She, in single crumpled up ones starts counting out 5 dollars and then pulls a crumpled 10 out, tosses it on the counter and looks at the lady and I KID YOU NOT!!!!!.   Asks if she can scratch off the tickets now to cover the rest.

I think people are getting dumber every year
she will eventually find a clerk that tells her yes
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 4:36:27 PM EDT

It's coming!!

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 4:36:39 PM EDT
All you can do is just sit back and smile...  You've already won.  

Just think about her bringing those lotto tickets back to her run down trailer that reeks of fecal matter and stale smoke.  Imagine what level of education she must have to think buying lotto tickets will pay off, and be secure in the thought that her complete lack of social skills has left her with no friends.

She's like that because she's failed at life.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 4:39:13 PM EDT
At the grocery store last week...

Park my ass in the 'check yourself out' line, which means 4 counters of 15 items or less. I swear every mother fucker there had a cart with 30+ items.

I turn to the woman behind me, who also only had 2-3 items in her hands and said, 'I thought this was the 15 items or less line'.

People are stupid. Get used to it.

Link Posted: 8/14/2007 4:46:22 PM EDT

At the grocery store last week...

Park my ass in the 'check yourself out' line, which means 4 counters of 15 items or less. I swear every mother fucker there had a cart with 30+ items.

I turn to the woman behind me, who also only had 2-3 items in her hands and said, 'I thought this was the 15 items or less line'.

People are stupid. Get used to it.

I can beat that.

A while back during a rare trip the the Wal-Mart in Kalispell I got stuck behind a woman in self-checkout that rang up an entire basket of shit, taking like 10 seconds per item.  When it was all done she WHIPPED OUT HER CHECKBOOK TO PAY FOR IT.  Remember, this was self-checkout.    The very fact that self-checkout has an option for "check" is retarded beyond belief.

I had a grand-total of 3 things and it took me less than 60 seconds after she got her fat ass out of the way.  
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 4:47:38 PM EDT

At the grocery store last week...

Park my ass in the 'check yourself out' line, which means 4 counters of 15 items or less. I swear every mother fucker there had a cart with 30+ items.

I turn to the woman behind me, who also only had 2-3 items in her hands and said, 'I thought this was the 15 items or less line'.

People are stupid. Get used to it.

I use the self checkout for quick purchases and it lets me scan my coupons multiple times and pocket them
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 4:48:15 PM EDT


It's coming!!

I've seen that movie, It scared the shit out of me
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 4:49:39 PM EDT
Lottery tickets are like a stupid tax.

I believe your chances in California are 1 in 24 million to win a regular lottery. The bigger pots have even less of a chance.

1 in 24,000,000. That's six zeros. You don't stand a chance in hell.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 4:51:35 PM EDT


At the grocery store last week...

Park my ass in the 'check yourself out' line, which means 4 counters of 15 items or less. I swear every mother fucker there had a cart with 30+ items.

I turn to the woman behind me, who also only had 2-3 items in her hands and said, 'I thought this was the 15 items or less line'.

People are stupid. Get used to it.

I use the self checkout for quick purchases and it lets me scan my coupons multiple times and pocket them

You can always count on Taxman to post about his cheapskate ways or how much he hates Pontiac

j/k man

I use the self checkout too just because it's a hassle dealing with underpaid cashiers who hate their jobs. They need to improve the checkout machines though - they take WAY too long IMHO and the scanners aren't that good.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 4:57:51 PM EDT



At the grocery store last week...

Park my ass in the 'check yourself out' line, which means 4 counters of 15 items or less. I swear every mother fucker there had a cart with 30+ items.

I turn to the woman behind me, who also only had 2-3 items in her hands and said, 'I thought this was the 15 items or less line'.

People are stupid. Get used to it.

I use the self checkout for quick purchases and it lets me scan my coupons multiple times and pocket them

You can always count on Taxman to post about his cheapskate ways or how much he hates Pontiac

j/k man

No kidding: Taxman is a Player!

Oh, and I have had people ask if they can fax me a check for the deposit they owe our company.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 5:13:03 PM EDT
Gee, despite the odds, *SOMEBODY* always seems to win the various lotteries each week. The odds of winning are especially bad if you don't buy a ticket at all.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 5:56:13 PM EDT

Lottery tickets are like a stupid tax.

I believe your chances in California are 1 in 24 million to win a regular lottery. The bigger pots have even less of a chance.

1 in 24,000,000. That's six zeros. You don't stand a chance in hell.

I hit a free ticket on a scratch-off once in a while.  Yes, I'm bad at math. It's taken me 3 times to pass college algebra now in college.  And that's beginning algebra.
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