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Posted: 2/27/2001 12:08:50 PM EDT
Hey guys. I’ve been an AK guy for awhile now. Finally decided to get my first AR and I am picking up a Colt 6700 (20”, 1 in 9) on thursday.
First, I’ve heard that there is a “break-in” period for new AR’s. Is this true and if it is what steps can I take to ensure that I don’t do any long term harm to the rifle. What does this break-in period constitute? Is there a certain ammo I should use initially? Is there anything else I should or shouldn’t do?
Second,what kind of accuacy should I expect just “out of the box”?
Link Posted: 2/27/2001 12:16:01 PM EDT
I pick up my Colt MT6731 on Sat. and would like to know as well.  Come on....help a couple AK guys out :D

coal cracker, I just picked up 4 battle packs of the South African .223  Been reading here a while picking up what info I can and the concensous seems to be that the SA PMP commercial or military is pretty good stuff and cheap enough.  Some of the surplus 5.56 is real expensive.  Not sure why.
Link Posted: 2/27/2001 12:47:12 PM EDT
Wecome to the world of AR's ( A-ccurate R-ifles)

the MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do for a new AR is PROPERLY LUBE it. Form the factory they come almost bone dry. I recommend CLP Breakfree. See your gun dealer. SOAK IT with lube. Wipe off the excess.

Ammo isn't really a big deal. PMC, PMP, UMC, milsurp are all good. Stay away from Winchester "white box" stuff. They've had a few problems. Probably the most accurate AND relatively inexpensive ammo is SS109 green tip milsurp 62 gr .  Good stuff.

Unless you are gonna be using this as a match rifle, I wouldn't worry too much about "break in."

If you are going to be using as a match rifle, break in is as follows:

1. Shoot one round. Clean bore. repeat five times.

2. Shoot two rounds. Clean bore. Repeat fove times.

3. Shoot five rounds. Clean bore. repeat five times.

You are broke in. break in will probably gain you about 1/2" at 100 yds.

Out of teh box, you should expect 2" groups at 100 yds, or better.

Link Posted: 2/27/2001 12:52:00 PM EDT

I suggest factory ammo for your AR ONLY (no-reloads). American made ammo is the best ammo made, and that's not just my opinion. With that 1-9 twist  you can shoot 55-68 grain without any problems. I always use Federal's American Eagle 55grFMJ and I can't rave enough about the stuff! www.ammoman.com is my favorite source- pick up 500 rounds today! First: READ YOUR OWNER'S MANUAL. Now read it again. There's really nothing to break in, just take your new AR, lightly apply CLP (I prefer Break-Free) to all the moving parts in the upper- the bolt, the carrier, charging handle and a squirt inside the two little holes on the right of your bolt and you're good to go. An AR's lower is truly Zero maintenance, don't worry about it. Before I shoot any rifle I run a bore-snake down it- excess oil in the barrel can be a bad thing (higher pressures go Boom). You MUST use USGI mags- you already knew that, didn't you? I suggest you get more than one for your session- if you get any jams with one try the others. For "break-in" just shoot normally. The moving parts will polish up and smooth out because it is a new gun. If it jams a few times the first 200 rounds or so this may not indicate a problem, again, parts are just smoothing out. It may NOT jam at all. If problems persist after you've shot 200-500 rounds come back here, describe the prob and ask more questions. You will need a special chamber brush made specifically for the AR- it will make cleaning a breeze. Also, buy a box of Q-Tips ans a few clean rags.

Link Posted: 2/27/2001 12:52:18 PM EDT
Break-in period, is what you make it, some are gonna tell you to treat it like a bolt gun others will say 'Break Free" they changed their formula.
I break mine in sorta half and half. I shoot ten rounds, clean bore, again for 50 rounds. Chrome and naked should be treated the same but chrome is more forgiving.
You should be able to get under 2 moa with decent ammo, thats an average.
Use ONLY USGI mags, no junk. 20 or 30 rders.
How much are they running out there?
Give the evil black rifle your best shot, I hope it will surprise you, mine did.  
Link Posted: 2/27/2001 12:56:46 PM EDT
Hey, I'm a newbe to the AR scene myself. I picked up my first AR in mid February. Since it was new I wanted to break it in right.
Having broken in several new barrels on my M1A in preparing for NM competition and seeing the benefits, I knew I needed to break in the AR.

I would advise you to go to the Armilite web site, www.armilite.com and look thru their technical notes. You should find the break-in procedure there.

Basically, you start by cleaning your barrel and bolt. Then lube the bolt. After that you shoot 11 rounds single fire, cleaning after each round, for rounds 12-30 shoot 3 shot groups, cleaning after each group, then for 31-50 5 shot groups cleaning after each 5, then for 51-100 10 round groups cleaning after each 10.

Your rifle will clean easier and will be more accurate, or so "they" say.
Link Posted: 2/27/2001 12:59:24 PM EDT
Personally, I would stay away from steel cased ammo.  Some here will say dont worry, but I do.  Check out ammo section for suggestions.  Welcome
Link Posted: 2/27/2001 1:23:40 PM EDT
AKM (Ass Kicking Machine)

Link Posted: 2/27/2001 1:51:16 PM EDT

For a chrome lined bore, just shoot about 200 rounds AND DON'T CLEAN IT UNTIL AFTER 200 ROUNDS.  Cleaning it will just prolong the break-in period.
Link Posted: 2/27/2001 4:02:19 PM EDT
Hey coal cracker, where about in PA are you? I'm in Schuylkill Co., figure you must be closeby in the coal region.
Link Posted: 2/27/2001 5:36:44 PM EDT
Thanks for all the help guuys. I'll put it to good use. Glad I asked.
I'm orignally from Lavelle (outside Ashland). Living in St. Clair right now. Go shooting up the "Burma" regularly.
Where you at?
Link Posted: 2/28/2001 12:40:05 AM EDT
Coal Cracker,  I'm just south of Tamaqua. My mom is from Ashland, me and my sister always played at that park in the upper part of Ashland, (higher ups?) by the "Pioneer Tunnel"  Shot many BB's up there in the woods when I was a kid, guess that's why I feed the birds now.  Not sure where you shoot at, maybe we can team up and burn some powder when the weather breaks
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